Fucked up

>fucked up
>time to go!

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I told my friend I was rooting for Homelander and he said that I was wrong and should get help, is he right?

You aren't wrong for sympathizing with the best character/actor in the show.

He killed millions

To literally gain nothing from it

In all honesty, he probably saved more lives by stopping the terrorists.

Homelander is a faggot,but at least he's a funny guy.

>Homelander is a faggot

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to kill muslims

But he literally created villains

Well, nobody's perfect.

I've gotta work it

His scenes made me so jealous, wish I could shoot super hot laser beams out of my eyes.

Too bad he is written better than everybody else. Why even try to take him down?

Why did he save Butcher?

Because Butcher might be the only person that doesn't either worship him as a God or is cared shitless of him.

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He's basically a God. I imagine most people in his position would just find themselves bored or everyday entertainment, they'd start just doing diobolical shit for no reason other than just to shake things up. He probably just wants to see him suffer.

Yeah I agree. I think that he actually has respect for Butcher, or something like that. The only man that had the balls to stand up to him.

Subversion of the Superman refusing to kill troupe

Homelander outwardly is taking the high road and showing Billy the error of his ways when it fact he is humiliating him by letting Billy live as a cuckold rather than die with dignity

>needlessly ruin everything
>leave without taking any responsibility

Men in a nutshell.

Based. Homelander is a genius.

Because he turned Butcher into a cuck and a baby murderer. Dying was too easy for him.

I see a man of culture

Is there some de-aging cgi going on here why does his face look so inhuman

Butcher murdered a baby for no reason. What a cuck.

And women all over the world want to fuck him

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In the long run, yeah. Conventional warfare is completely ineffective in that desert shit hole. Super heroes would honestly get the job done in a day with the right intel

Taking responsibility for one's own actions is gay as hell. Homelander did nothing wrong.

>Taking responsibility for one's own actions is gay as hell
No Wonder Whites are a bunch of cucks and Niggers are considered Alpha

>taking responsibility for their kids for decades

In what world?

To give him an excuse to kill Muslims

Homelander was never given a chance to be a person, it isn't surprising he acts the way he does.

He never had a mommy growing up, that's why he has mommy issues

>still haven't unlocked reading comprehension skill
Grind some more brainlet


Combined with the fact that everyone worships him. His entire life revolves around being a celebrity. He has no understanding of what it means to be a hero as for him, being seen in a good light is what the job is all about

It gave Vought an excuse to join the military. He doesn't care about killing muslims, and I doubt he cares about being in the military anymore either now that is mommy gf is dead

I agree, he was built to be a product. Because of that he has no empathy for anyone around him. They just trained a sociopath with the powers of a God comparative to normal humans who tows the company line.

butcher is basically the only person who's ever a threat to him. he wanted to ruin him and also, they were both curious what really happened so kind of the only connection he has with someone

is he ourguy?

To rub it in his face that he had a son with his ex wife, who he didnt actually have to rape for her to fuck him.

Butcher's mistake was trusting a THOT

Do you guys think Butcher will turn himself into a sup? I think his strong will and bottomless vengeance will rebirth him into a "villain" that could rival Homelander. How does one even defeat someone that OP? Even if the remaining five of The Seven teamed up against him, he'd still stomp easily and laugh it off.

In the end they will find something he isn't immune to, probably something pretty mundane.

If billy doesnt try to murder his ex wife homelander son and homelander I'm fucking done watching this shit serie, murdering everyone is the only redemption that can redeem a man from being a cuck theres no other way

total mental and spiritual domination, he cucked him to oblivion

"the boys"

indeed. boys will be boys

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>Homelander is a faggot
Sorry sweetie but he's Homelander for Christ sake, he CANT be gay

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God dammit that whole fucking scene was pure fucking kino

>I told my friend I was rooting for Homelander and he said that I was wrong and should get help, is he right?

No, I too identify with Homelander and believe he did the right thing!!!FACT!!!

>total mental and spiritual domination, he cucked him to oblivion

100% THIS!!!FACT!!!

I think he's fascinated by him

Is Homelander the only good character Ennis has ever written?

>I think his strong will and bottomless vengeance will rebirth him into a "villain" that could rival Homelander.
This isn't anime. He'll just inject himself with compound V like he does in the comics.

Nah homelander and butcher where both super fucking good but the show made butcher a cuck and took away one of the biggest and kino parts of the comics the whole black noir twist and the scenes where he's slowly loosing it because he doesn't remember doing the things in the pictures, that shit was fucking kino

He won't the shitty director or whoever did that shitty Reddit ama said the boys won't get ANY compound V in the show

the boys taking compound v was an excuse for more violent (and thus entertaining) comic. haven't seen the show yet, but i like the angle of no compound v. also hope butcher ain't as much as a bitch as ive been reading

hes a kiwi


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It made the show too fucking boring because the boys literally only kill 1 supe in the show

Lmao its 200,000 at best

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I'm glad I'm not the only person who noticed. His skin looks like it's been through botox or some shit, it's uncanny valley.

>Injustice league

The comic was pretty good. It's a shame they went with what they did for the tv show.

Alas no Mother's Milk origin, WW2 and Mallory's Battle of the Bulge flash back, G-Men and it's conclusion. I doubt we'll get Herogasm or even Little Nina. Never mind they didn't do the Seven ballsing up the Hijacked airplane scene in Sept 11th.

No Falkland's for Butcher, wee Hughie isn't even Scottish. No Jack-Off from Jupiter and changing the Deep's ridiculous diving helmet outfit to what we got.

I think casually putting 9/11 into a superhero show would be a line that Amazon wouldn't dare cross

I know, but with all the changes (which come with adaptations) I really think they missed the mark entirely, a long with removing the heart and soul of the comic.

I mean homelander is the villain basically so use your brain

Black Noir kills Homelander in the comic rather easily


I normally don't give a shit about tv/movie actresses in general and despise any kind of waifu shittery...
Anyways starlight looks like a literal angel


What a great actor
I think someone like him should have played Veidt in the Watchmen instead of the babyfaced lanklet

Nah, I read a good chunk of the comic.

The comic has an interesting premise, but it gets way too self masturbatory with the edgy darkness. Its good in doses, but the comic was WAY too much and felt like a kid comic.

I'm a bit disappointed that The Boys don't use V.

the comic was edgy trash that the show improved upon a thousand times

Not that easily

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why do people call butcher a cuckold? the bitch cheated on him and he thought she was raped and murdered for the past 8 years, thats not what being a cuckold is.

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not enough gore and child rape for you?

That fucking guy. Fantastic.

look up the literal definition and not the fetish term

Seth Rogan is involved so it's guaranteed that will not will

Refreshing desu. There's nothing better than seeing such an indestructible character do whatever he wants with no consequences.

It's why Superman gets so boring when it's the opposite. Anyone in Homelanders position would act the same way. You're a literal God.

Homelander will be killed by Black Noir, who is his secret clone created to kill him if he ever stepped out of line, and also the one who really raped Butcher's wife. The fight will weaken Black Noir to the point where Butcher can defeat him. [/spoiler]

>#theboystv watermark
Fuck off shills, no one's watching your shitty capeshow

Damn. Absolutely rekt. Do we get to see the actual fight??

>Homelander will be killed by Black Noir, who is his secret clone created to kill him if he ever stepped out of line
You know that twist doesn't make any sense now, right?

That part could still be put in, it's only the fact that Homelander seems to remember banging Butcher's wife that's different. Could have been lying to piss off Butcher, or he's banged so many women that he's convinced he did and just doesn't remember.

>not enough gore and child rape for you?

There's never enough of that unless you're a faggot!!!FACT!!!

hm i hope no-one was waiting for s2 to drop to find out what happens :)

stop being a clown

Why is everyone one here convinced that butchers wife slept with Homelander on her own accord? Just because he said so doesn't mean it's true

he lasted 2 pumps inside of that old hag, no way he was the one who fucked butcher's wife

How often do you suck your wife's bull dick

Another capeshit thread...
>inb4 B-but this one is different, j-just watch it incel

Why would Homelander rape her and let her live

Yep, it is another capeshit thread. Thanks for the bump, citizen. You are the real hero!

Please gas these Yea Forums faggots basically spoiling season 2 fucking cunts

holy shit, good point. is butcher a cuckold in the comics too?

Why not?

the same reason he let Butcher live

for teh lulz

Yes, and I'm not surprised incels here liked him

I finished season one last night. I feel bad for my man Billy. He got cucked pretty fucking hard.

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Not surprising that your mortal friend would be jealous of you for being such a total Alpha. Keep on being the man America wants you to be.

He's holding you back, you should probably rape his wife and impregnate her with your vastly superior seed.

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You can thank Seth Rogan for that

You think Homelander ever got jealous of her baby for getting her attention?

Cause I find the idea of Superman jealous of a fucking baby being hilarious.

Were you not watching? He literally glares at the baby in like episode 2. That's the joke, man.

It's more of a jealousy of having a mom because he was like tube grown in a lab

Binge watched it in one day, lot to absorb.


It was also funny seeing his rage when they put that blanket he grew up with in the fake house.

post more webums

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Except he’s supllied the terrorist with compoud v and breed jihadi super villains

How can one man be THIS cucked?

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any webms of the scene OP described?

The chad Butcher vs the virgin Homelander

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How can one man be so based

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Your friend is unironically an npc

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he's actually a proud member of the bi/pan comunity, deal with it LGBT-phobic scum

When did he kill a baby?

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When he blew himself up the baby was in the room.

>the Boys comics is for kids
the kind of browse /d/ at 6yo yeah..

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Comic was childishly edgy and the dupes were overly cruel and stupidly over the top evil, the TV show greatly fleshed them out and dialed back but still maintained OTT moments

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Anyone else feel bad for The Deep? That gill rape scene was uncomfortable as fuck to watch, even if he had it coming. also those dolphin and lobster scenes. Guy had a weird character arc. Are you suposed to root for him or not?

The red eyes in the dark look so fucking menacing, I love it

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It’s implied throughout the season he’s mystified by all things parental.

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Oh I thought it was still HL who raped her, it was never explicitly stated either way

It'd be weird if Black Noir was a completely different character in the show

>Has his opinions molded by an echo chamber.
>calls others npcs.
Lucas level pottery

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The Arab massacre scene was absolute Kino.

It would be even weirder if the Black Noir twist still happens. It's fucking stupid.

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Homelander obviously had consensual sex with her, otherwise:
>Why would Homelander just rape a chick and leave her free to start claiming rape
>Why would Homelander be surprised Becca is missing if he raped her, wouldn't he assume Vaudte silenced her?
>Why would Stillwell and the others even mentino the pregnancy when they could have said 'you raped her, sh as going to talk, we took care of it'?
Becca is a whore and Butcher is a cuck.

Not that he did stuff and made HL think he did them, just the fact that he's an insurance policy in case he goes wrong

>one arab super hero
>super power is surviving suicide bombings
my sides honestly how is such kino possible in 2019

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>solution to keep Homelander in check is by making a stronger Homelander
That shit is fucking idiotic.

webm user thank you, im thoroughly enjoying it all.

how did they get away with it, im suprised amazon didnt stop that

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Amazon cut a part where he basically dropped his pants in the middle of a city a jerked off muttering "im the fucking homelander i can do whatever i want."

and im super mad

The comic is fucking idiotic. Interesting premise with terrible writing, like 99% of 'good' comics. The comic is juvenile, and not like some pretentious fag would call a film juvenile, but actually per definition juvenile.

She died, this is a shapeshifter

taking out this part completely ruins butchers motivation and turns him into a pissed off incel. Homelander is going to use this so the boys stop going after supes and hughie and the team will uncover the truth about butchers wife.

same guy how?

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unironically what did translucent do wrong

Garth Ennis always writes edgy garbage. The Boys is trash, and anybody who thinks the show is worse, is a moron.

She paid the toll in full.

He's a good actor

The fuckers over at Amazon are smart. This is the Fox News strategy.

They're letting Netflix blow their money on pozzed original content, then Amazon focus groups what viewers liked and disliked about those original shows. Then they go and absorb the audience that Netflix is currently alienating. Obviously Netflix is going for the totally "woke" audience by pandering to women and liberals, so Amazon is going in the opposite direction by pandering to men and conservatives. You're going to see more of this kind of thing from them and in my opinion, it makes for more compelling television. This is much better than any capeshit Netflix and Marvel have shat out.

Amazon is quickly becoming based, redpilled, and dare I say it, /ourstreamingservice/.

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Besides trying to kill Hughie and then trying to convince the kid he thought was a loser to let him go in exchange for a pardon he was definitely not going to give him? Why nothing at all.

Eh, the show isn't exactly conservative.

> #MeToo pandering bullshit.
> Starlight preaching pre-marital sex.

Discount Michael Fassbender, but acting skills are almost as good as his.

it basically exposes metoo as 99% bullshit that nobody believes the moment the cameras are off

what a load of shit

Be aware that this might change soon, they have Star Trek Picard in 2020 and rumors are they'll grab season 3 of Star Trek Discovery aswell.

>trying to insert your political views onto a show because you liked it

Conservatives have premarital sex. Everybody does (except user]. And The Deep is treated sympathetically.

You are. It puts into perspective how most #metoo incidents are overblown and truly evil people like Homelander and A Train go unpunished.

The system accounts for people who want to break from the system

Amazon gave us Transparent before any other networks had trans garbage on

ffs its just the first season with eight Episodes. Are you such a Zoomer that you expect everything being done in the first 30 minutes ?!

What role did Seth Rogan play other than producing it?

Nope. In the show we right now have just the Seven and a few supes like Shockwave who are basically of no importance now. The Comic had a fuckton of lower Supes so killing them right and left is something different than killing the main supes in the show.

Deep coercing Starlight into giving him a blowjob was pretty #metoo, though.

Not yet. You can't really do anything conservative openly in 2019 but having the suicide bomber superhero or treating the sexual assault frat boy character with sympathy would be way too spicy for Netflix or their viewers. They'll shift further right if it's where the money is.

Oh yeah? Well then how do I know you're a somewhat conservative 18-35 year old white male currently dissatisfied with Netflix's Marvel shows, posting in a thread about a superhero program that Amazon specifically produced with your viewership in mind? You watched every single episode of this show and you enjoyed it, didn't you?

They're already in your head, user. Just lie back and let the kino wash over you.

No mention of politics in my post, just talking about marketing demographics. You literally cannot prove me wrong.

This is why there are no liberals in marketing, you dumb fuckers would go full MLK and try to sell menthol cigarettes in upper-class white neighborhoods and tennis racquets in the ghetto.

Gene Rodenberry was a notorious commie who designed his universe around a machine that magically makes infinite resources. Star Trek will never be anything but leftist.

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This. The comic is like everything with Ennis. It gets stale after the initial shock effect and he tries to get over it with new shock effects.
The fact that the show supes arent all retardly evil is one of the major improvements.

They took away the black noir twist? Wtf that was central to the plot.

since adults get unique powers from blue stuff, what powers do the boys get?
butcher - ultimate cuck eyesight and hearing
negro - invisibility, so he can avoid his family even better
jew - really convincing, can commit you to kill yourself and your race
whiny white guy - really obnoxious sound

You mean frenchie?

If it was really Homelander. A guy who jizzed after like 15 seconds when an old hag sat on him claims that he fucked a young good looking women straight for three hours ? Big doubt.

>that “art”
No wonder american comics are dead.

Black Noir could/can only achieve this because they created him as a suicide weapon, so that both would be taken out.

my guess is that it's noir who's fucking with butcher and killed her mama
then again it could just be, that noir is the baby dad
comics are dead because the plots are retarded and what fringe following they had, died when they went woke

I know that on this website this post will seem as satire, but it's not

The onyl thing tha tannoys me about the show is the warnings at the beginning; the only episode that features a "Rape" warning was the first, because of Starlight's initiation.

There was no rape warning when the Senator was tricked into fucking a superhero/man without his consent.
There was no rape warning when the landlord was struggling to breath during sex and eventually died (we can assume he didn't want to die, and yet his partner didn't stop).
There was no rape warning when the Deep was literally, ironically and by definition raped via gillfisting.

i thought he was just clone, that was tiny bit stronger

Stillwell's different, she was his longtimem mommyfu. Not the same as some rando office hussy.

>died when they went woke
More like already died in the 90's when they thought making "rare special cover" version would make them millions.

>In 2015, Transparent was the first show produced by Amazon Studios to win a major award and the first show produced by a streaming media service to win the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy

Don't you wonder why we both know about that show and neither one of us actually watched it? Newsflash; Controversy creates free advertising, not to mention LGBT shit is complete award bait. Don't believe me? RT gave season 3 a 100% rating.

That little low budget show about an old tranny netted far more in free press than it was worth to produce.

Although Ennis really has shit ideas, in this case its just to shown how retarded Vought is while creating such wonders.
And Noir was only stronger because the yprogrammed him to killing Homelander without caring for his own Life.
Which in the end made him so insane because his target was everyday right next to him.

What is the obsession with cucking on this board and why do so many people immediately default to that? If someone was out to get me because he thought I raped and murdered his wife and up untill some time ago I thought she was killed by someone else but I discovered differently Id like to show them that.

>i thought he was just clone, that was tiny bit stronger

Yeah but that would not guarentee to defeat Homelander so that implanted that he would do it Kamikaze style.

>in this case its just to shown how retarded Vought is while creating such wonders.
It's not believable writing. Absolutely no one thought this was a retarded idea? That's stupid.

Again that is Ennis for you. But i give him the Credit that real world Companies are often acting so tremendously stupid that you ask yourself if the guys on top are all living brain donors.

I actually did go back and check the warnings again after I saw the gill scene, they should've put rape warning for that if they were putting rape warning for the first episode.

He is. He is a power bottom

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>You literally cannot prove me wrong.
What's there to prove? You just projected a fantasy onto a mega corporation.
>haha they made a good show amazon is so BASED and REDPILLED

people who are deep into their fetishes are like that

>There was no rape warning when the Senator was tricked into fucking a superhero/man without his consent.
>There was no rape warning when the landlord was struggling to breath during sex and eventually died (we can assume he didn't want to die, and yet his partner didn't stop).
>There was no rape warning when the Deep was literally, ironically and by definition raped via gillfisting.

I got a really painful hand job in college once from a girlfriend with a death grip and when I asked her to stop she just flat out told me no and continued to squeeze my cock for about 30 minutes while I begged her to please stop and tried to get her off me. It hurt so bad I considered hitting her to get her to quit it. My dick was sore for like two days and we eventually broke up because I had trouble making eye contact with her afterwards. She was really pretty but it hurt. A lot. And I told her that I didn't like it and I told her she was hurting me. I had to pause during the gillfisting scene and pace around my living room for awhile.

Should I have physically fought back? Should I have told somebody?

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He was a pervert.

Yeah, wouldn't it be better to simply design a fail-safe in the form of a DNA poison or some sort of chemical mix that can penetrate his skin? Why go through all the effort of designing such an unreliable fail-safe. If Noir goes rogue then what?

>implying Netflix isn't just a PG-rated BLACKED.com

Even your average comic in the 90’s was still selling 100.000 copies easy. The biggest names in comic like batman or spiderman barely break 50.000 today.

>Gene Rodenberry was a notorious commie who designed his universe around a machine that magically makes infinite resources. Star Trek will never be anything but leftist.

Which allowed the show to focus on the aliens rather than the humans.

>/fit/: the character

You’re a faggot.
Your gf wanted you to dominate her and you ran away like a bitch.

Because they didn't have the competition at that time in from of manga.
Now manga is outselling both dc and marvel turds.

>Let's create a Superman!
>What if he goes bad?
>Then let's create an even stronger Superman!
>Wouldn't that just make the situation worse?
>Corporations bad! Don't think too much about this.

In the comics, Homelander gets gaslighted by Black Noir. Every evil thing "Homelander" does, is actually just Black Noir wearing his costume.

What was that?

because he found out the truth about his wife and just fuckin had to rub it in

Thank you for reminding me about the plot I already read. The twist is still fucking stupid.

Dont get me wrong, i am on your side with that. But again Ennis is cant thing further than " How edgy can i do the next scene ? Eating Baby ? Nah that was five pages ago...Oh wait a Baby eating another Baby! yeah thats it ! "

And the companies...i give you an example from the one were my brother works. german mechanical engineering company delivering into the whole world, really big money. CEO had the great fucking idea to get Rapefugees from the government. Would get him 15 minutes of fame on the leftist media and of course state money because Merkelland pays you if you employ Abdul and Mehmed. Everybody else said that its a retarded idea and will cost more than it earns because these shitskins will not work or even worse, work like shit while every other employee will be pissed. End of the story: CEO personally made the order that certain shitskins can operate a million dollar machine with like a five minute introduction, showing that to the media. Shitskins fucked the machine and cargo, which also stopped the work for several days with millions of Euros being blown away and costumers waiting for their goods being pissed.

which will only end up killing shitskins in sandistan, win-win

They accidentally created something they couldn't kill so they came up with a very bad plan.

>that fucking BIG EAGLE
Homelander is too based for this world

>Should I have physically fought back?
>Should I have told somebody?
You just did.

So their solution was to create an even stronger version of him? Why justify shitty writing. Garth Ennis is an idiot, and I hope the Black Noir twist doesn't happen in the show.

If the twist is coming they haven't properly set it up yet.

In some way i doubt that when thinking about Black Noir fighting the Female. He was bleeding when she cut him with the Knife.
While Homelander dont even cares about Bullets.

you were raped user

you are a rape survivor

take a moment to reflect on the social capital you're missing out on by not telling anyone

Did you even read what I wrote?

She straddled my legs and wrenched my cock like she was trying to open a jar of pickles. I literally could not run away.

I meant somebody besides the anonymous losers I discuss superhero shows with on the intenet

You should have ellbowed her.

Male rape survivors are considered pathetic.

What show and what is it about ?

amazing how you plebs have found even more capeshit to post constantly about.

implying they won't change a bunch of shit like in the first season

What a waste of dubs. This ain't capeshit champ. This takes aim at capeshit and makes a mockery of it.

Why did Black Noir just leave after beating The Female? No cops were coming and he was looking for Frenchie. He just left for no reason.

I assumed it was because he was pretty badly wounded and needed medical attention. The Female fucked him up pretty hard.

Black Noir was after Frenchie, but Frenchie cut a corner and went back, that was an ultimate move throwing Black Noir out of Frienchie's back.

Are you stupid or smth?

the "rape" baby pops out of his wife alien style killing her and he ends up bludgeoning it to death

but is she raped in the comics? thats the real question, is he a cuck there also or does she willingly fuck chadlander?

He didn't "throw Frenchie off his back," because Black Noir ran away and didn't even TRY to find Frenchie.

his mutt gf

Why there was so many scenes with the Deep? Is he important in comics? He was an absolute cringe to me

Would be big if it weren't already apparent that Homelander did have consentual sex with Becca. In the comic the Homelander is a twat but not as evil as he turns out to be later after going crazy for all the things he apparently did when in truth it was black noir. Here he has been an evil psycho killer with a god complex from the start. I am sure they will still do something with black noir but it won't be the same twist as in the comics.

Nigga the plot twist would make zero sense. In the comic he raped her and she died from the fetus. There was no son-is-still-alive-but-hiding plotline. He did bang her for real and his son did inherit the laser eyes which Black Noir did not have in the comic either. He was just stronger than Homelander and ripped him in half.

Well, it's not about disgusting trannies for once.

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in the comic butcher says he read in her journal afterwards that she had been raped. still ambiguous desu

It is never shown. He only re-tells it in a flashback that she told him she was raped and one night the baby suddenly bursts out of her spilling her guts all over the place and Butcher has to bludgeon it to death with a lamp while suffering wounds from the laser eyes.

He quite clearly NO HOMO-es there, so it's okay.

Are they doing exactly what happened in the comic ie his clone is responsible for most of Homelander's bad deeds? Also how does that work? Does Homelander just assume he forgot he did something messed up?

That would actually be one hell of a twist. Black Noir uses the fact he looks like Homelander to pressure women into sex etc, with Rachel and Stilwell, and now is fucking with Butcher to make him try to kill Homelander and cause Homelander to snap, allowing Black Noir to step in. Stilwell dying means Homelander looses his account handler, and goes more than a bit crazy.

what's it from?

Hes practically a background character in the comics, I mean hes one of the seven so hes always there, but his role is usually very small, the comic vs show characters are almost completely different

I'd rather see more Noir

>the comic vs show characters are almost completely different
how so? what's better, what's worse?

Showrunner said in a QA that they figured out how to do Herogasm in Season 3

The show makes everybody better. The comics are two-dimensional bullshit.

didn't they iron out some of the flaws homelander had? In the comics he was raised for a decade with a nuke strapped to his back in case he stepped out of line. I guess Black Noir was an updated version with more physical strength since he beat homelander to death but less overpowered in some other areas like him being unable to fly or shoot lasers out of his eyes. Also he was maybe not as immune to bullets and stuff since Butcher easily cracked his Skull open with a crowbar.

>the Seven ballsing up the Hijacked airplane scene in Sept 11th.
how are they supposed to do that when it taikes place in 2019, comicel?

what's mother's milk origin?

Probably some subtle editing tweaks to make him a little too "perfect" looking. Handsome actor though, I'd let him rape me.

How can you read ugly, flat, full of samefaces shit that is manga and then spit on soulful art from the boys?

In the comic he has like a total of seven lines. He lingers in the background and when he speaks it's mostly to complain about financial stuff during meetings and talk about money. Like that brief scene in the show where Translucent complained about them losing a billion to pirating. That's basically all of his lines in the comic. Apart from that he literally does nothing. He is neither doing evil shit nor anything important and he vanishes quite quickly into only being a background character with no lines. In the show he clearly has a ton more entertainment value and he is more of a hybrid of A-Train and Jack from Jupiter (who was replaced with Translucent in the show but is basically the same guy except for the invisibility powers).

Did Ennis do this after his Punisher runs? It's like he really got into Frank's head and just wanted someone to put supes in their place, put assholes in their place. Pretty fun desu. My kind of power fantasy.

He was already impressed that Butcher showed no fear whilst holding Homelander's mommyfu hostage. Then Butcher showed he wasnt afraid of death when he detonated the bomb. If your enemy is willing to die just to mildly inconvenience you, how can you defeat him in a way that satisfies your ego? Homelander knew he could humiliate Butcher by saving him and showing him his wife and his wife's son.

It'll be Homelander's son who will defeat him in the TV adaption for sure, going off final ep. S1.

Because comics don't have interesting shit like this.

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i mean what's the big deal? do you reeally feel traumatized about it?

A-Train baby.

His mom worked in an ex-vought company that still had some remnants of Compound-V in the air and all of the staff there suffered long-term health problems. His mom gave birth to a retard that one day suddenly swelled up like pizza dough and crushed his skull under the pressure and Mother's Milk who inherited Super Strength but would shrivel up and die after a few days withouth getting his dose of compound V trough his moms breast milk, hence his nickname. In the comic his mom also swelled up to a monster due to her illness like his brother and MM keeps her in a basement and visits her every now and then to get some bottles of milk in order to stay alive.

Also in the comic all of the Boys except MM and the Female take Compound V to be able to beat up and keep up with the supes. Kinda sad they didn't put this into the show but whatever.

why wouldn't they he acts like one

Flashbacks triggered when Stillwell or some other character wants to blackmail Homelander or one of the other Supes. The politician who's plane Homelander lasers could have used knowledge of their hand in the tragedy instead of his unexplained knowledge of the existence of compound v.

i think its lighting

After everything we see of Deep after this, it is this scene that feels out of character.

lmao the comic is edgy as fuck. Is it done by the same people who did crossed? the art looks similar.


Yes, and Crossed is also childish trash.

>what's the big deal?

Well it fucking hurt, for one. Go sit on an unlubed dildo for a good 20 minutes maybe and tell me how that feels.

>do you reeally feel traumatized about it?

Apparently. I watched Not Aquaman get gill fucked by some drunk bitch and I immediately remembered one specific incident in my life where something similar happened to me.

I don't trust women as much as I used to, and I certainly don't let women give me hand jobs anymore, even my current girlfriend whom I trust implicitly not to physically harm me. I mean, imagine not being able to enjoy a good ol' fashioned hand job anymore and ending up actually fearing a woman's hand on your cock because you're afraid she might go nuts and try to tear it off. Or are you a woman? I'm getting the feeling you're a woman.

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Thats a goddamned stupid backstory.

They also can't have their protagonists be druggies.

it's genius though, he's only threatening completely out of context, he's a loser

the fact that they make a pathetic louis ck type sympathetic at all is good writing

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>so in the comic all of the Boys except MM and the Female take Compound V to be able to beat up and keep up with the supes.

I bet they're saving this for season 2. I can almost guarantee they'll do this.

what a bitch you are, how pathetic. man up. men can't be raped by women because there's no penetration, retard. you probably liked it

An ex of mine fell off the wagon and went through a phase of very bad drinking and she had terrible impulse control. This was around the time my cat had died and my job was kicking my ass and I just wanted to relax and watch a movie.

We were making out and she started getting rough but not in a fun way. She ended up naked and I'd said no and tried to kinda let it slow down. When I got up to go to the toilet she basically tripped me by grabbing my legs.
I hit my head on the fireplace surround and she started trying to drag my trousers off. I don't recall if I got a concussion but I ended up grabbing her by the arms and saying no again.
she got really angry with me and tried to keep going. I managed to get out from under when she tried to pin me. I told her no again and just explained I wasn't in the right head space and I was bleeding.

Cleaned up the cut on my head and went home. She cheated on me a week later.

Don't date ex jehovahs witness girls.

I felt awful for getting her off me, more awful than the fact that she didn't listen to me. You're kinda conditioned not to use force dude so you did nothing wrong.

Is Queen Maeve more evil than Homelander?

nah he's pathetic and nervous here too, it's not like only cold-blooded psychopaths can rape.

He wanted to cuck Butcher, there's no getting around it.

that's cold kek

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Nah, it kinda fits in with him being pretty dumb, self centered, and oblivious. What doesn't fit is that she fell for it. She's show to be way smarter than that, despite her naivete. She's hot and reveals she isn't a virgin and is comfortable with her own sexuality so I can guarantee at least one guy tried the same trick on her in highschool.

We're gonna need more Chadlanders to destroy the tranny menace.

no jk my mum raped with a spoon too

it is but every one sees the guy as a joke so it's his way of trying to make one person not see him as a joke and he doesnt really know of any other way

Oh no, no the show is bad on its own.

then you should have enough seeing how you're a tripfag

>should I have physically fought back?
No, that would have gone even worse for you, I'm sure.
>should I have told someone?
It wouldn't have done any good. But you told us all just now, and with the exception of a few assholes we feel for you. Its a tough situation to be in. The gillfisting scene was rough for me too, not because I've had any similar experiences but because they played it like a joke or like it was his just comeuppance when it was really just awful and uncomfortable and way worse in every way than what he did with Starlight. It didn't even lead to a scene where he truly acknowledges that what he did was wrong, so you can bet there's more awful shit coming for him next season.

Isn't Black Noir the one who raped her?

>has no trip

You new here, mate?

not true at all, nothing about the show is about tropes.

you're a total faggot

>homelander is the villain
>not black noir

Of course. Only Ritalin kids expect to have everything in the first season

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

Is this satire?

I wish you were here so I could squeeze the living fuck out of your dick until your eyes started watering


>I felt awful for getting her off me, more awful than the fact that she didn't listen to me. You're kinda conditioned not to use force dude so you did nothing wrong.

Okay so it's not just me.

I really hate to say this but I feel better knowing this kind of thing happens to other guys. Thanks for sharing that with me, man.

you know odds are someone ITT is fapping furiously to our posts, right?

>I wish you were here so I could squeeze the living fuck out of your dick until your eyes started watering
that's rape because i'm not attracted to you, retard


He was ok so the baby is likely ok too.

The baby was not saved. Butcher killed it. For no reason.


Those are minimal factors, manga and shit management.

Humanity read more physical media before the advent of the internets and then social networkin disparaged that intelectual capacity.

This killed the comic industry but also newspaper, magazine and in lesser fashion the book industry.

If people had difficulty reading books in the old days now its almost impossible. Also journalism got blown to hell since social networking gets all of their ad revenue.

Humanity is doomed.
Whitey capitalist voracity killed the future.
Do not try and have children.

What is your proof that the baby was saved? Butcher let the detonator go off after Stillwell was killed. Homelander saved Butcher. There is zero proof that the baby was also saved.

>the baby is likely ok too.

Homelander fucking HATED that baby

Homelander clearly fucking hated the kid and deliberately brought him downstairs to be in the blast radius which is why Stilwell was panicking. Why would he save him?

How much of a literal subhuman unenlightened brainlet 21st century GOYIM do you have to be to seriously watch this garbage and not see it is just leftist demoralization antihero propaganda?


Homelander saved Butcher.
Nah, he was just outside the blast radius. He wasn't trying to sudoku, he was just trying to buy time.


>clearly taking shots at Disney/Marvel
>leftist propaganda