>Rick and Summer beat up a homophobe to the music of DMX
What was Dan Harmon thinking?
Rick and Summer beat up a homophobe to the music of DMX
I got no love for homo thugs
the irony
They also beat up a nazi who was just standing there
the problem isn't that they hate fags, it's that they picketed the funerals of servicemen with this shit
you're projecting
How you gonna explain fucking a man???
they didnt beat up a homophobe they beat up a christian following his beliefs. but decidely not a muslim. hmmm makes you think.
If there is any reason to accept christ now, it is the idea of sharing hell with rick and morty fans.
your rage at the picketing has been highjacked for the fag thing though. you have been used by political groups.
they deserve it though
for what. you have to explain when you voice bizzare progressive ideas here.
you're projecting what you find objectionable about Westboro Baptist Church onto the show creators. They obviously want to beat up everybody that hates gays, that much is obvious considering that in an earlier scene they had Rick and Summer beat up a guy minding his own business because he looked like a skinhead.
i'm not that guy but the beatings were totally out of character for the characters, and in character for one of the two writers, who forces his intolerant politics and bizzare fetishes into the show.
In character, rick being smart wouldnt give a shit either way and certainly wouldnt beat these people up when awarded muscles.
>"bunch nadzis XDDDD"
>/pol/ uncovers all the pedo remarks Dan Harmon did
>he retreats like the sissy-ass pussy he is and deletes all his social media, whines about wanting to kill himself and cancels Reddit & Reddity
it's not cancelled, is it? either way yes Dan Harmon is a creep. straight up. that's why he inserts creep stuff like that into the show.
Empty out, reload and throw mo' slugs
The Westboro Baptists are assholes but that montage was still super cringey. All the people getting the shit kicked out of them are already regarded as social pariahs and outsiders so it just plays out like the establishment hammering out dissent.
notice how the sign says god hates you for one short frame. what did he mean by this
thats what you get for dying for Israel
Well of the abrahamic extremes, Muslims will kill you, Jews have holocaustal absolution, and Christians just yell so naturally they're the low hanging fruit.
There's more than two writers dummy
>reuses the same animation for every ass kicking
just sloppy
funnily enough that's also the reason they should not be targeting christians with this hate. comes off as cowardly
sure thing, devil
That people love to be pandered to.