Is Revenge of the Sith the best Star Wars movie?

Is Revenge of the Sith the best Star Wars movie?

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Unironically yes

I only watch it for the fight scenes

its up there with the OT but if the dialog and effects were better, it'd be in the top 3 easily.

Him hitting the bong was the hardest i've laughed in a while

Why are there so many mentally ill people in this community? Is there some sort of factory pumping chemicals into the water?


Why the fuck is he so fat and disgusting

Here's your new Star Destroyer bro.

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>insulting based Fatty
>implying you have better looks

>he and Robert both like the same movie bc of the same scene
>separated by ideological differences concerning the use of full force
>"you'll always be a brother"
True kino right here

Only in this version.

That Robert interview was some of the most kino unfiltered autism I've ever seen.

Prader-Willi syndrome

What's this video called?

Full Force.

Full Force

ty im gonna watch

is robert ///our guy///?

is water wet?

They're right, both for different reasons.

Robert literally did nothing wrong. It’s not his fault he was given that much power

Fatty is father
Robert is the son
Mike is the holy spirit

shut the fuck up robert

The entire documentary draws parallels to RotS, the ending being the strongest.

>the side bit of Fatty making a cooking video is actually a parallel to obi-wan going after grevious

"You were my brother, Anakin"
"Hey Robert, you'll always be a brother"

>Robert being interviewed by Ian is Palpatine talking to Anakin

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They have been keeping all the foreskins and letting them ferment in the water supply causing autismo ions to cluster into vaguely human forms. These forms slowly replace the communities population of adult males and proceed to fuck the woman impregnating them with pure seeds of autism. The forms then dissipate upon climax allowing for the completion of the ouroboros cycle.

Yang gang 2020

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I've genuinely never met anyone on the same level of autism as Robert

I was deeply concerned about Ian's interviewer ethics until I read this thread.

iDubbbz started making kino in the vein of Shane Dawson but it has more character and flavor. It's a top recommend.

Luke, did I ever tell you about Robert?
He was the most autistic guy in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior.

Attached: kenobi.jpg (611x815, 258K)

Why are you recommending me and linking me a documentary I was just talking about? Are you autistic, user?

wana spar? real blades only

To further the point and make the material more accessible to other anons lurking the thread. It's called contributing, retard.

Mike was the true hero. A protector of the innocent fatty, he's carrying the fire.

Why did you reply to my posts

a vicious warrior

I wanted to hate Robert but him throwing a nutty bar to Mike really turned me around on him.

to give a meta example of what better posting looks like so that other anons can hopefully emulate it and improve the quality of the board. we should all be setting an example so that less off-topic posts are made.


Attached: Full Force.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

damn kino, saved

Go to bed Robert


Attached: dude weed.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

without a fucking doubt

way better with sound but still funny

It’s the only Star Wars movie worth watching. When I was 16 I decided that I should watch all the famous movies that I had never seen before. This was maybe a year or 2 before TFA came out. The SW movies were the first thing on my list, I had never seen them all in full, except for revenge of the sith. My dad took me to see that one in theaters when I was a kid. So I watched them all, 1-6. I was pretty disappointed. What a ridiculous series I thought, how could these be so popular? It’s all silly fantasy battle scenes with boring political talk thrown in. Revenge of the Sith was the only one that wasn’t shit, and that was the only one I had seen before. I could have skipped all that bullshit.

Revenge of the Sith is the only one I ever saw in theatre and it has all of the best fight scenes

oh boy I love T

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Menacing lmfao
Dude’s a fucking UNIT

Mike is just doing his own thing

the way his fat is concentrated shows his difference from a sedentary blob. this man is an active fatty

Not. Even. Close.

Return of the Jedi the best and those with high IQ know it.

>that CIA stance

I felt kinda proud of him seeing that he doesn't just sit on the couch and smoke weed all day. He moves around like a young lad should. His mom said he lost 100+ pounds in a year, wasn’t even on a weight loss plan or anything.

*starts campfire*


>you will never have a designated cat shit room

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>His mom said he lost 100+ pounds in a year, wasn’t even on a weight loss plan or anything.
Going from 500 to 400 pounds isn't insanely hard. When you're THAT FAT your body needs a ton of calories to continue maintaining that weight.

...and here's where I keep my PS3 games

The shot where he is just sitting on the side of the road half-immersed in the brush got me laughing. Same with the shot where he is hauling a bigass tree branch for a fire and ignoring everyone else.

Tell me: what does he see in the flames? Is he maybe Azor Ahai?



he is from the CONGRESS, he MAKES THE LAWS!

What a bull!

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This. The timing was fucking perfect. I'm just, you know, assimilating all the weirdness, trying to figure out whether they're acting or not. Then the shot changes to fatty cassually taking the fattest hit...

airsoft fatty and checked

My favorite apple ad.