ITT: Subtle but brilliant uses of symbolism in film
ITT: Subtle but brilliant uses of symbolism in film
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Will we ever see a good Superman film? Who's the director we need to make this a reality?
are they arresting that guy for wearing blackface?
No, he tried to rape a white woman
It's impossible to do Superman for moden audiences
It's like Walt is being separated from his family by a growing darkness!
unironically good
damn, I didn't catch that, that's subtle!
Literally stolen from World of Warcraft. Not the first time they've stolen shots from it either.
Did he just shit out a dragon?
This shot should be taught in schools
People don't know what they want until they see it.
He truly was a Plastic Dashboard Jesus™
Pretty much every episode of Legion.
yes user I'm sure they stole it from world of warcraft.
NOW i get it! 2deep4me
that's actually a bit creative
she cute
about as subtle as a sledgehammer but a nice shot either way
are those ghosts?
I need to learn an instrument so I can make a band called "Subtle Sledgehammer".
That actually makes scents.
explain it to me
what's the symbolism
The computer screen looks like prison bars
oh cool
it's already been made, you just need to stop being a leftist sissy or a mudslim and realize kino is already there.
The resolution dimensions of the picture are obvious references to bible passages. It's blatantly obvious that they're a reference to christ.
We already got the best Superman movie 41 years ago.
A real one, I never would have noticed this, it might not have even been intentional.
what is the symbolism here
Even the name of the film, The Passion of the Christ, could be a subtle reference to Jesus H. Christ, that Bible guy. Wow
>called the passion
>is more about violence than lovemaking
why they do this?
Looks like an Islamic cresent moon is tipping a Christian cross bringing the white bloke down with it. Symbolising Islamic ideology conquering Christianity in the west.
Breaking Bad drove me nuts over this. Every time they ate dinner, every fucking light in the house was off so it was pitch black indoors except for their single overhead lamp.
>Walt, dinner is ready! Turn off every light in the house and come eat!
It's just so ridiculous. Nobody does this. But hey, have to do it on TV because, you know, how is the audience supposed to know it's night time unless the shot is dark?
snyder had to make it easy for the masses
Do you go around leaving all the lights on?
what does that have to do with sharks
In the rooms adjacent to the room I occupy, yes. I don't move in darkness from one unlit room or hallway to another, lighting one at a time as I go. Lights go out at bed time, not dinner time. Do you live like a cave troll?
This. Fuck do I hate having to be bumbling around in the dark just to move from room to room.
you should be able to navigate you own house without seeing
Holy shit..
Unironically good, not too pretentious.
My house is very old and has an excessive amount of doors which are a pain in the ass to open because of these awkward, old, heavy doorknobs.
So if someone else turns the lights off when in a different room and I have to come back, say holding some stuff in both hands, it's an actual set back because I have to juggle the things I'm carrying to turn the lights on and manage to open the multiple heavy doors in my way.
It would have been nicer if that shot was from the point of view of Jon Snow who had a moment of realization that she was a fucking insane mass murderer
We’ve had two great Superman movies in the last six years. I’d love to see Cavill try his hand at a Red Son adaptation next
It must be hell being you.
You're being contrarian. Walt's house features an open floor plan for his kitchen, dining area, and living room. In a house like that (like mine), if you're eating dinner in the dining area, you're not going to turn off the lights in the kitchen and living room, because it's all one big room and it's nice to be able to see. The show creators think we're too stupid to understand that it's night time unless every single dinner is lit like an interrogation room.
It's not. It was hell watching their dinner scenes, though. I can't think of one other show that did this. It's patronizing.
If it's one open room then you're right. But if the rooms are separated by doors/hallways then it doesn't make sense to leave the lights on there.
Nobody is talking about that.
cringed so hard when I saw this scene
>Nobody is talking about that.
>I don't move in darkness from one unlit room or hallway to another
Well yeah. Centralized rooms, like living rooms, kitchens, and hallways, stay lit until bed time. You turn off the basement light or a bedroom light if you're not in there. If you can't see the difference, you're autistic.
So you leave the lights on in rooms despite not being there, even if they're separated by hallways? You sound like a child scared of the dark. Do you wet your bed too?
Snyder rehashed the same symbolism that Singer did for Superman Returns. Singer did it better and he a jew.
It may look like hamfisted religion symbolism but the subtlety is that Guidorah's monster design is based on Satan from Dante's Inferno.
>Last Jedi
>Dark Side of the force is a hairy vagina
>The root of evil in the universe is female
You can complain when you start paying for your own electricity kiddo, until then turn the lights off!
Ywn see man of steel 2
this is so fucking dumb I audibly kek'd
Man of Steel already plays like a sequel to a missing part 1. It's like starting with Superman 2.
Gonna be a yikes from me dawg
During the movie the painting at the bottom (The Great Red Dragon by William Blake) is briefly seen on a table when the characters mention that the giant monsters inspired art in many cultures.
I have two kids. And no mental handicaps!
This is one for the Library of Congress
the paining is pretty shitty honestly
I like William Blake.
Actually a good catch. Only problem is the 9th circle of Hell in Inferno is super cold.
William Blake?
>people thinking this thread was serious
The thread was serious. Snyder cuts deeper than you think.
Why is that a problem?
It's common to turn most lights off for dinner.
Do you not eat dinner with people?
don't know if it's intentional or not but it was prety funny
Some people really do this. My aunt for example, her house is always in pitch darkness, only the TV is on and maybe one small light. Her excuse is she wants to save money.
Then there's this rich family in the neighborhood, massive house, luxury cars, also in pitch darkness all the time, you can only see the TV switched on.
hitchcock had some great Yea Forums-approved shots
Speaking of Hitchcock. His use of white/black brah/underwear in Psycho is utterly brilliant and a great proof of him being a "based" racist.
I've never watched this movie, this literally cannot be real.
what's the symbolism?
I love how time always vindicates me
I told my brother that hack Snyder was harping on Jesus for this flick and he would laugh and call me stupid
Here we are now fucker
God when is summer over
nah they didn't, just like they didn't the entire lich king cinematic when the undead got the dragon lmao
that's a big room
The subtitles in OP's pic are 100% accurate.
Absolutely user :-) that they did!
Superman has been a savior analogy from day one. By making him Moses in origin, but not following the rest of Moses' story, the creators put him on that road.
I would literally walk out of the theater after that. This is unreal.
or entire themes
Only Walter Jr. is bright, that whore is corrupted but still with the family
Thats because its only been tried by a retard
kek ok /pol/faggot
>.I’d love to see Cavill try his hand at a Red Son adaptation next
This would be amazing
Bird = Beard
also check this
Well? What did he turn himself into?