Wtf why didn't Yea Forums tell me this was KINO...

wtf why didn't Yea Forums tell me this was KINO? just watched and it's probably the comfiest movie of the last 5 years or so. the cgi girl was really cute too.

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what? shut the fuck up.

Ben mendelsohn fucking carried his parts in the movie, and even then, he wasn't even given much. This was the ONLY scene that got a chuckle from me

Attached: fuck off.webm (1280x536, 2.78M)

>becomes rich and gamous plus scores a gf
>shuts it down for others to do the same, stating "real life is important"

ah the american dream of fucking over everyone else as soon as you get yours

Well it's definitely not the best but atleast it's better than the embarrassing book

Really amazing how this shit wasn't a success. Probably too late for the bazinga party.

this is the worst cringe I have ever seen, and I've seen foam adventure

how is the book embarrassing?

Here's his poetry. The pacing of the book is awful, and it reads like a guy who read a wikipedia article on 'the 80's' and went from there. Every single reference is surface level, and he was THIS close to having a statement on being obsessed with nostalgia culture. But no, he goes with LEL THE PAST WAS BETTER X D and won't stop jerking himself off about knowing what PACMAN was, 'MEMBER PACMAN FELLOW NERD GAMERS god its too OBSCURE for normies to know about!

>shuts it down for others to do the same

From what I understood Oasis isn's just a videogame, people work there, go to school there, conduct business there, etc. Basically, those kids decided that the entire world must stop for two days a week because of fee-fees.

Gods Tye Sheridan is relentlessly hot. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

>and of course, Kevin Smith

your rage will be used by the feminists who hate this book. congratulations. you are a tool of sjws.

This is an incel crying out, holy fuck. Way to say some women aren't real people
damn nigga. Yikes. How fucking thirsty are you

Excuse me? I hated this book because it was poorly written and makes no sense, what the fuck dude? It's a bad book all around and everyone should hate it, I don't hate it because of its retarded plot twist about the chick actually being just fine. I hate it because it's supposed to be this big nerd masterpiece but it turns out the guy couldn't even reference anything but han solo from star wars.

>people are unironically defending this

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its perfect writing for a character of his age into that sort of stuff. from your pic at least. very realistic. you forget that most normies arent jaded bitter 4channers who look down on everything. the character is young. he will be a moronic normie.

How is this not considered Wattpad-tier shallow nostalgia fan fiction? Was it self-published?

Unironically makes me want to read this now

>this guy

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it's a fun kind of bad, i'll admit

>not posting the masturbation manifesto

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Jesus fucking Christ, why did Spielberg adapt this?

it was supercomfy. its just plebs cant handle the fantasy. they sperg out.

>knocking a few protons off of hydrogen

Odds are Newton never masturbated.

>How is this not considered Wattpad-tier shallow nostalgia fan fiction?
It is.
>Was it self-published?

>why did Spielberg adapt this?

Because he realized that 80% of the movie would be CGI and thus wouldn't need to work as much as with a normal movie.

It was mediocre. They had a fucking reference to buckaroo banzai (nobody ever liked that movie) other than all the pop culture references it was a middle of the road mediocre movie with predictable ending. I heard the book is horrible.

>omg I know that reference XD
it was an ok watch in theater. The CGI was pretty decent

I only watched it for the Godzilla reference and theme

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