The results came back today. You owe me seventy billion dollars

>The results came back today. You owe me seventy billion dollars.

Attached: bar tab.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Remember when you got exposed?

>The results came back today. You owe me up around nine point six billion dollars.

yeah i remember


Are sneedposters shitskins?

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>The results came back today. You owe me seven to eight billion dollars.

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>The results came back today. You owe me two hundred and thirty one billion dollars.


>The results came back today. You owe me $1,105.

I'm gonna say it














>samefag still here


>poster number didn’t go up

Attached: howdo.jpg (700x552, 40K)

Not possible

Easily possible with high enough interest.

I'm the the guy who said I'm gonna say it three posts up. try to not rage and dumb screenshots of the son of mask starring jamie kennedy please

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *everything goes slowmotion*

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Fuck you faggot

Somebody give me the quick rundown on the current sn**d situation. There's only one left?

There was never more than 7 or 8 to begin with.

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>high enough interest

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75% of it all is one guy. He's propping it up and replying to himself constantly.

sneed cannot exist without simpsons, the mask cannot exist without sneed. it is the circle of life.

>The results came back today. You owe me seventy billion sneeds

simpsons bullshit needs to be deleted on sight.

the mask came out years before sneed. and its actually funny.

maybe he could find another way to repay his debt?

Attached: Moe.png (826x487, 409K)

The chief autist got hideously exposed samefagging in multiple threads earlier.

If I had seventy billion dollars I would buy one of the baltic states

Please elaborate.

formerly debt free

He was spamming a Mask thread and got banned, which deleted all his posts and exposed which were his. It was nearly half the posts of the thread, and he was simultantously spamming his bad sneed "oc", replying to himself saying "based", false flagging as "angry Mask posters" and holding conversations with himself



Attached: hq.png (279x375, 189K)

based paranoid schizophrenic

And people never believe me when I tell them the vast majority of "sneed" posting is done by one guy, propping it up.

>only thing keeping sneed posting alive is one person
>he's massively autistic
I just want comfy simpsons threads again where people talk their favorite bits.

no it's just one guy with legitimate autism that just discovered sneed a week ago. his posting style is very noticeable.

No, this isn't even the first time he has been exposed like that. It's the same guy who's been at it for two years.

They do happen, mainly when someone actually wants one. Unlike the extreme autism of the sneed fag, who spends 24/7 obsessing over his propped up meme, the average person on Yea Forums that likes the Simpsons doesn't want to talk about the Simspsons 24/7. A thread here and a thread there, like every other film and show.

where those numbers come from?

I always knew there was a manufactured feel to that whole meme, like it was someone trying to do an impression of what they think a Yea Forums meme is like rather than any genuine spread.

>I just want comfy simpsons threads again where people talk their favorite bits.
still go on as normal on Yea Forums, the only thing I would browse from there

A shit spammed meme propped up by an autist samefag.

Here's the thread
All the trashcan posts are his. It's cringeworthy, and really exposes how fake that meme is once you know he's doing that shit in every thread.

It's a meme. They are all references to Sneed.

231 = Episode 231 (The Episode of Sneed)
1105 = Episode 05 of Season 11 (The Episode of Sneed)
9.6 = Sneed Sr's dialogue
7-8 max = Sneed Sr's dialogue

What's supposed to be funny about that?

holy fuck hes based

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

Dead meme

Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: 1515184042349.jpg (1010x767, 161K)

No, you got exposed, autist.

Holy shit, wait a second. So all of the Maskposting was actually orchestrated by the Sneedposter, who is somehow still one person?


No, the joke is that Sn**d fits so well with seed & feed, while the formerly named "Chuck's Feed & Sneed" does not. This explanation follows the Simpsons writing staff's usual style of sign jokes.


>replying to himself with "based"
what a sadsack

Same, no one ever believes me when I tell them he's a triggered college marxist feminist, either. But it's true

The entire reason Phase 1 posting began was to force the "I don't get it" response to this obvious dirty gag. At that time, sn**d wasn't the focus, merely constantly reposting the scene and asking "Someone explain this?" or "What did they mean by this?", etc. After that first wave, there was a lull that lasted a couple years, then suddenly a forced memer appeared trying to push the sn**d shit over and over.

It needs to be 7-8 billion max.

Bros....I think sneed posting is finally over. There are more people agreeing with Moe than people pissing him off...time to pack it up.

>He was spamming a Mask thread and got banned, which deleted all his posts and exposed which were his. It was nearly half the posts of the thread, and he was simultantously spamming his bad sneed "oc", replying to himself saying "based", false flagging as "angry Mask posters" and holding conversations with himself

Attached: 1561237857197.jpg (647x778, 83K)

>Phase 1
What am I doing with my life?


>then suddenly a forced memer appeared trying to push the sn**d shit over and over.
Why, though?

Out of an autisically fueled burning hatred of the SImpsons being dicussed on Yea Forums instead of /co

Why not?

I've explained this a few times, but he's a marxist. He despises everything that other people enjoy, relate to, and connect through, so he wanted to destroy it. Unlike Baneposting or other organic memes, sn**d wasn't meant to be funny or communal or in any way desired by the board, but instead to reduce all discussion and threads to a pure grey goo of mindless roboticism. It's a massive burst of autistic butthurt. "If I can't connect to this beloved piece of pop culture, no one should."

100% believable and I always had a hunch myself. Have a similar situation on my own homeboard. I think this is honestly a good case for making ID's sitewide at this point. Too many dedicated mentally ill fuckers abusing the system.

thread of cope

Attached: sneed4ever.png (500x375, 160K)

That's quite a compelling post, but Sn**d has undeniably produced OC and a memetic energy of it's own. Perhaps that wasn't the original spammer's intent.

makes sense

i knew it,i always knew something was off

>false flagging as "angry Mask posters"
How old are these people?!!

pepperidge farmers remember


>but Sn**d has undeniably produced OC
Actually, it's quite an interesting tell that there WAS no sn**d OC at all, for much of the meme's early forcing. It was only when the autist was called on this fact, repeatedly, and pointed out that it was nothing but pure uninspired spam, that he finally cobbled together a few shitty photoshops and eventually commissioned (or convinced a few useful idiots who couldn't see the forest for the trees) to make a few actual OC images. But it's always been slim pickings and indicative of how inorganic the entire situation was.

why don't you just go to reddit?

I got banned (formerly free to post) for 3 days and so as the sneader, the cause lacked the guidance it sneeded

>undeniably produced OC
poorly done ripoffs of every other passing meme isn't OC.

kek what a fucking dipshit


Attached: 1554841083429.gif (480x360, 352K)

case in point, he's spammed the terrible ripoff of that "Party Rockers dabbing" meme literally over 2000 times, you can see it's done like 4-5 times every day. When's the last time you saw the Party Rockers meme on Yea Forums? It's what that poster said , it's all very manufactured and empty.
I'm sure some tool will claim this is "OBSESSED" or something like it's not a single button press to see all that.

Actually extremely based and if you disagree you are a moeposter aka permavirgin never been touched

Here's your "OC and memetic energy"
The deleted posts are all one person.

If you got banned again, I wonder how many samefags we'll see this time.

0 stupid schizo poster, cope harder
you are balding

>sneed is finally dead
took you long enough, maskposters

If he gets banned I'll replaced him to Sneed on your grave ;)


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>sneed is finally dead
We'll see in the coming simpsons threads.

Looks like a quality thread with a shitload of OC to me.

Sure, cos you'll make all of them to "derail". Like you do every day, autist.

you can stop

Quite a redpilled quest, if I do say so myself.

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Stop what?
Are you crying?

Why would you want to discuss The Simpsons on Yea Forums? Their favorite episode is probably the Lady Gaga one.


>knowing the autist was utterly humiliated and ran off earlier and is now engaged in limp damage control

Attached: 1058430.jpg (640x480, 33K)

>Like you do every day, autist.
Now that's desperate for assuming I was that sneedposter. I'm just calling out your flaws that the one sneedposter in that thread is posting all of the sneeds in this board, when in fact there's more of them.

Actually I discussed or at least had a comfy simpsons thread 2 or 3 times before, it's easy. Ignore the spammers and reply to on-topic threads but everyone here is a child so they have to get offended one way or another.

Yea Forums Simpsons fags say the same shit that every Simpsons fag says but with fetish posts about Lisa added.

Lisa threads in Yea Forums will be pruned, don't bother. Post Lisa here.

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How can you prove that the sneedposter is literally one person? Same for the Mask.


By being 37 years old, 580lbs and living with mommy


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lisa its your birthday
happy birthday lisa

sneed its your birthday
happy birthday sneed

>The results came back today. You owe me seventy billion feed and seed

But where's the proof
Seems just like another sneed/mask thread

lissa stop playing a loud saxophone

Attached: hommer.jpg (480x360, 25K)

The deleted posts are all one person dummy.

lissa stop playing a loud SNEED

Sneed stop playing a loud saxophone

>lisa's present is bart taking her virginity

Attached: 1563556307595.jpg (576x432, 104K)


Sneed stop playing a loud Sneed

Yep it's official. Sn//d is dead. You're welcome, Simpsons fans.

Formerly alive

>Yep it's official. Sn//d is dead. You're welcome, Simpsons fans.

Attached: 1539306816142.gif (480x360, 2.02M)

It was just Chuck's. It wasn't Chucks _____ and _____.

There's nothing you can do to save it. Just take this loss and move on to a new meme. Or maybe don't spam a meme down our throats again. How's that for a thought?

Formerly alive

Formely alive

So now it's Chuck's again, formerly Sneed's?

Yep it's official. Chuck is dead. You're welcome, Sneed fans.

>The feed came back today. You sneed me seventy billion seed.

Formely alive

>this insane maskoid cope

Good, but if i see a single sneedpost in a comfy thread you will have to give me a full refund

How did he keep he running his business with so much loss?

>id count stays the same
you couldn't even fool once

Attached: hahahahaha.png (877x658, 1.04M)

The answer is sneed

Because SNEED

How did he keep he sneeding his feeding with so much loss?

True sneedposter are spamming simpsons threads, not wasting time in other threads

>How did he keep he running his business with so much loss?
He runs an illegal operation clinic.

Attached: 1563021448995.jpg (500x375, 32K)

He runs an feed and seed clinic.

He runs an sneed clinic.

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Attached: eyesoffyou.png (484x440, 474K)

sneed is the new baneposting
