Attached: EA7BxN5U8AA9d4q.jpg (259x194, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> blacks in my nolan

Doesn't really show much except for the black guy protagonist.

The TENET is styled the way I thought it would be though (backwards ET, palindrome). So we're probably getting time travel.

>that faggot squealing throughout the trailer

Attached: 192a14fdc85b715dffe4bc02578381aa--tumblr-stuff-tumblr-posts.jpg (236x236, 9K)

upload a mirror faggot

What did you expect? Nolan plebs are the biggest numales


>the time has come
>for a new type of protagonist
>it's a nigger
Nothing new about jugaboos ruining movies

Attached: 1564187200174.jpg (1199x613, 109K)

so what's this movie about again?

>nigger with muslim beard cut
Hard pass for me.

Attached: 1487527982382.jpg (481x401, 36K)

>getting roles from nepotism
Great can’t wait

So it’s some sort of “mind bender” dream heist type movie?

how the fuck does a trailer get taken down for copyright infringement
'hey stop trying to promote our product!'
eh whatever. not everything should be consumed through the internet.

Nolan is a good director.

>Oops! This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by the content owner.

reminder no zimmer

Attached: sa-hans-zimmer-portrait_product_lkp_3413.2-1200x520[1].jpg (1200x520, 61K)

>black guy protagonist.
guess ill be skipping this

Attached: photo.png (522x512, 455K)

Come on Tenet, let's party

Attached: schwarzenigger.jpg (177x285, 5K)

>it's gonna be an Inception sequel with MEMENTO elements
I wish Satoshi Kon was still alive.

Attached: 1545612320602.gif (202x360, 1.86M)

Based Zimmer doing Dune instead

Warner bros on top of their game


Attached: 5DD8F628-FF2E-4411-9D98-319B2B02440F.jpg (1024x457, 32K)

Mirror anyone?


if i took that off, would you still commit a crime

Good, I'm still not watching a movie with a black star.


Dune is the better project desu

It would be extremely racist

fo u

it's probably being focus group tested still


imagine how kino this would be if they just got denzel instead


Link doesn't work... you're not gonna tell me some production company beat Anonomys are you?

come on did none one DL it before watching it
thats the first fucking thing you do

>Posted 16 minutes ago and already nuked

No one is posting screencaps!?

Lol nig protagonist count me out

No it's playing in theaters right now

It's the sequel to Inception.

why the fuck are they taking it down when it's attached to hobbs and shaw


oh fuck Nolan isn’t fucking around anymore.
Any mirrors?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-01-18-57-36.png (1920x1200, 792K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-01-18-56-44.png (1920x1200, 1.07M)

>spy movie
>starring a black man

"Yo you finna boutta be throwin away dem documents son? Aight das waz up. I jes gotta stay late to reconfiga ma thermolater on my cumpewta"

it's just this scene again isn't it

Attached: cops-charge[1].jpg (980x409, 58K)

so is this a spiritual successor to Inception?

it would be a decade since that movie came out

Attached: Tenet poster.jpg (900x1333, 143K)

Need a link faggots, let's go

It's boring.

okay so this is just the blockbuster/modern version of memento with spy elements

>expressionless black man stares at things: the trailer


>le greys and blues
>loud noise
>boring protagonist
Nolan is never gonna evolve as a filmmaker.

>so is this a spiritual successor to Inception?
i fucking hope so. a lot of ppl shit on inception but inception actually had the same effect the matrix had: they showed something that hadnt been seen before

screencaps of what? it shows nothing

So those are the armed projections trained to defend against intruders, like the armed guards in the snow fortress.

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Attached: BRRRRRRRRRMMMM.jpg (1038x831, 272K)

>but inception actually had the same effect the matrix had
It really didn’t. Countless films tried to rip off The Matrix’s effects and style. Inception wasn’t nearly as impactful.

It's probably a sequel in the same universe. The teaser says new mission and new protagonist but that implies we've seen something of this already. Tenet is the sequel to Inception. Even has the same font in the title. It's so obvious.

That nigga from ballers!

>it’s time for a new protagonist

For the first time ever, Nolan’s protagonist won’t be motivated by a dead wife. BRAVO

>11th film
So close.

>black protag

Nah man, I've had enough of this stuff. Pass.

>getting nuked back and forth
>trailer shows jack shit

hard pass for me

It clearly states that is a sequel, probably to Inception. It's a big info.

Definitely has something to do with time manipulation, the gun smoke in the first shot is moving in reverse.

>still distracting with loud noises because your films have no substance

Pls stop it Chris.

it's already deleted you kike, why didn't you fucking back it up

Morgan Freeman?

it's probably about the dream machine technology in inception falling into the wrong hands or abused in some way

Is there a new link somewhere?

is debicki going to have a sex scene with washington?

What’s with these little orbs in the cheesy title and why does it look straight from the 90s

Attached: 574EEDF8-8CD2-4AE6-9D29-B1FB27C8C12D.png (1334x750, 408K)

taking notes from lynch

Attached: Laura Orb.webm (1244x708, 1.88M)

red liquid from inception's pasiv device

Attached: 20_22_54_137_P6[1].jpg (1920x1080, 760K)



>not “you’re a black guy.”
You had one job

Attached: 68E53F1E-2684-42BE-A087-11BFA5D77F47.jpg (480x360, 16K)

hmm could there be a clue with the title Tenet?

as in things being mirrored?

It's not an Inception sequel, OPs image is a shop.

The film is about police/spies moving forward and backward in time at will, so the opening shot is in reverse, the title is spinning the counter-clockwise, and made up of the word "ten" going in both directions.

Are you a retard? The first movie was already about about the dream machine technology in inception falling into the wrong hands and abused. Leo and his band were criminals doing a hit against the heir for financial reasons.

sauce we say sauce

WB is moving fast to take down the trailers

So is this movie a sequel to Inception?


We couldn't find your video.

It has something to do with the Sator Square (pic related)... look it up

Attached: D08AEE1E-DEC8-432A-9D4D-59EC9FA5AAC9.jpg (605x599, 130K)

>the title is spinning the counter-clockwise, and made up of the word "ten" going in both directions.

Attached: 1564711207106.jpg (675x1000, 150K)

Is that Jewish? Please tell me that's not Jewish

how is this different from lOOper

back up:

its greek

So you're 100% sure there's not Jew connections right?

>It's nothing

Gonna be /fa/

Attached: tenet set.jpg (634x832, 92K)

If I pull that mask off will he die?

Attached: (547x247, 143K)

Why is he so fucking obsessed with going backwards? Why do plebs eat this fucking shit up? What a fucking hack.

Fucking hate plebs

>It is unknown what exactly the purpose of the Sator Square was, it spread like a meme within ancient times, and is possibly the oldest meme in human history. But of course "The year is invalid" so I have to spread LIES AND SLANDER so I can make this article exist.


There's a mask breathing sound effect throughout the trailer so that's probably an important plot device.

It's Latin, you retard.


Attached: AC0291E4-CD8A-4E80-83F2-75B977DA9CA7.jpg (4242x1956, 1.24M)


They're in this thread literally nuking everything

Hey faggots, let me watch your fucking trailer for your gay movie.

Use the second one here


We go backwards to move fowards

Zimmer is a washed-up hack fraud

>pattinson not given one second

The time travel is specific to certain locations

My sole interest in this was I thought it would be a really intense and factual look at George Tenet's mismanagement of the IX/XI and Iraq Invasion era CIA.

Friendly reminder that Nolan doesn't command the same respect that actual big name directors do despite his box-office succes. Look at the cast of Rian Johnson, Tarantino, Scorsese, Villeneuve's recent and upcoming projects and compare them to Nolan's to how shit it is.

I'm gonna need a link goys

He's very hit or miss depending on how much he gives a shit about the project. I'm pretty sure he gets his proteges to write the score if he thinks the movie is garbage and just slaps his name on it.

A-list actors have become white elephants.

whatever zimmer would have composed would have been ten times better than the black panther faggot

Don't worry Pattison is getting Batman tier kino scenes in the movie. He will crashing into the Russian theatre siege type situation.

Nolan's had star studded casts up the ass for two decades. There isn't an actor in Hollywood who wouldn't do a movie with him. He's just consciously picking lesser known names now.

>reddit spacing

god you guys are so fucking predictable. it's obviously a staged "leak." From the hushed voices at the beginning, "WARNER BROS! THIS IS IT!!" to the perfect framing, impeccable sound quality. it's all so fucking obvious. you're all being played like a damn fiddle.

Attached: du.jpg (1000x1383, 422K)

>Rian Johnson, Tarantino, Scorsese, Villeneuve
All great examples of meme casting. Tarantino made it work but I wouldn't call the casting inspired.

Yeah, I think Zimmer's absence is going to be a huge problem. His scores are a big part of why Nolan's movies work.

Attached: 1542368635134.jpg (1050x1500, 193K)

Zimmer has been stagnating Nolan films since Inception. Time for a change.

Another insipid movie that has no rewatchability because Nolan is too concerned with impressing 15 year olds with a “mind fuck” plot resulting in cardboard characters, functional dialogue and dreary visuals. You know I’m right.

Go watch rick and morty then nihilist cynical zoomer


The only reason Zimmer isn't doing this one is because he's doing Dune.

Nolan is working with a new editor and new composer. Will be interesting to see how his film looks.

People thought his films wouldn't look as good when he dropped wally Pfister but that was soon proven wrong.

Just nostalgia'd hard mate, holy shit

shills always have the WORST comebacks. i'm surprised you guys don't get more training on how to be more authentic.

Why does he wear the mask?


Watch Nolan movie pleb

the thing shows literally nothing unlike the latest street fighter reveal that is so underwhelming it seems capcom did it on purpose

thanks desu

oh great
yet another bullshit elliptic Nolan turd
I really needed this

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>>>counting Following

Honesty has returned to reclaim the throne.

Attached: 98590A7D-B7B1-42B4-90F3-06858502AB30.jpg (750x784, 202K)

Oh yeah. What the hell even happened to that guy anyway?

>The final piece of the puzzle actually comes from some video footage from the set - which features one car racing forwards (which presumably contains our heroes) with every other car in the shot driving backwards (except for a couple of cars that presumably contain the camera crew).

Our prediction is that this is from the second half of the film, with the movie running forwards for the first half, before reversing for the second half (with our leads maintaining the ability to move forward).


Shooting commercials after his debut film was a mega flop.

How the fuck is there a trailer for a movie that's just begun filming?

Attached: 1496979243595.png (741x609, 27K)

Faggots will scoff and snicker but I'll rest easy knowing Yea Forums is going to be good again for at least a few weeks next year.

Attached: 1419750374823.jpg (969x1045, 141K)

His films always do that. Remember how the interstellar teaser was just mostly old n
Nasa footage?

Tarantino and Scorsese both picked Margot Robbie, I wonder why.

> Nolan

Dropped so hard it bounces.

Oh. Well that sucks. Winning an oscar just meant nothing. That's real sad. He can't even work with Nolan anymore because of one flop.

The only thing this trailer contains are close up shots of John David Washington.

>Nolan is working with a new editor and new composer. Will be interesting to see how his film looks.

no it won't be interesting, it will look exactly like one would expect. Nolan has defined and polished his cinematography years ago, he's no visual pioneer and his action chops are almost as inept as Tim Burton himself. Already Dunkirk was shot without Pfister and still looked exactly as if he was on set. Interesting my ass, it's a completely mastered formula by now.

And the music was from another movie.

Tell me Yea Forums is it true almost all movies go through reshoots?

Attached: 1564578312421.png (960x954, 900K)

Only shitty movies

>Already Dunkirk was shot without Pfister and still looked exactly as if he was on set

That started with interstellar. At the end of the day I don't have a problem if he stays the same as his films tend to look good. If it's different it's just a bonus.

And here we are talking about editing not cinematography.

He picks them for budgetary reasons. He doesn't need A listers to sell his movies and he already realizes this. Having the name Christopher Nolan is enough and the money he saves on that is put towards special effects and more practical stuff.

Yep. Teasers for films that had just filming tend to do that.

Mos first teaser trailer had music from gladiator and that Queen Elizabeth movie.

People actually think Nolan isn't a terrific director. Lmao

Da joo

All of this begs the question. Why doesn't he just become the cinematographer on the movie. We are starting to see this trend emerge more. Soderbergh started it. Paul Thomas Anderson did his own cinematography in Phantom Thread and then Alfonso Cuaron won the Oscar for Best Cinematography for Roma. He doesn't use second unit teams and he likes to be active in every part of the production. Seems like that's in his wheelhouse in the near future. Wouldn't be surprised.

David Lynch did the cinematography of Inland Empire and Zack Snyder is doing the cinematography of his next movie.

>And here we are talking about editing not cinematography.

I was talking about his aesthetic in general, his cinematographic grammar if you will. Nolan's editing approach is, again, very well established and unsurprising. His editing style is fundamental to sustain his obsession with elliptic scripts. It imposes difficult parallel edits that are traditional (caricatural even) by now in all his film's last act.
He's a very predictable director unfortunately, which is why I find ridicule that anybody could claim that it would be interesting to see how new crews affect his style. They won't.

Why is Nolan working so fast to take down a tiny teaser? Is the movie gonna be that big?

Attached: 1558588452827.jpg (600x766, 137K)

Just what we need. More pseudo-mysticism from the incels' fav kiddy-level intellectual 'auteur'.

>S A T O R
>A R E P O
>T E N E T
>O P E R A
>R O T A S

Based and unironically cyberpilled.

Attached: 1547319273805.jpg (1078x1048, 81K)

Really? I didn't know that. If Snyder is doing that, it makes perfect sense. Nolan will probably do the same thing in the future.

You could be right. Why to speak over the video if your voice can be easily recognizable.

>John David Washington

If anyone has the trailer and is willing to uppload it, do it here:

They take several workdays to remove a vid and dont have auto premoderation

Attached: 1539482915039.jpg (782x767, 100K)

>New protagonist
>New mission
Possibly hinting that this is a pseudo sequel to one of his past movies. Nolan using mysticism with a sator square. Calling it now. Tenet is a Prestige and Inception crossover.

Nolan has fallen


Attached: retard.jpg (300x168, 9K)


Can't relate to the protagonist

He isn’t. His broad plot concepts are good. His camera work is boring as fuck.

Nolan ran out ideas so he's now doing crossovers. At least Tarantino's movies are vaguely connected in that the characters smoke the same brand of fictional cigarettes and a few characters have the same surname in his movies.

No... the only Jewish connection is the fact that you’re a faggot

>Washington, who's currently promoting the July 20 release of Equalizer 2, revealed that his son has refrained from asking him for help and gave praise to his wife, Pauletta Washington, for being a prominent figure in their children's lives.

“He’s really good at what he does, and the fact that he’s been fighting to make his own mark, he didn’t want any help from me, I didn’t help him get onto Ballers or anything like that," he said.


Why ? Not like he was averse to giving black guys important roles.(TDK trilogy and interstellar).

At least he gives them to guys who don't go Kangz in interviews like Freeman and Washington.

John David Washington barely looks like his father at all.

Name a more bland can't skipping this.

looks like james harden

Digital is slowly rendering DP obsolete. Their chemical voodoo is gone, any moron can do digital colour grading these days. In the end and as always, it will be about money, and if it's cheaper to not have a DP on the roll and there's no impact on the final film, then it will keep happening.

Attached: 1550108241055.jpg (960x528, 49K)

Nolan has a specific aesthetic but don't make the mistake that cinematographers don't make a difference.

Interstellar had better lighting and color pallette than any other previous Nolan film especially the interiors of the spaceship and the tesseract. I mean if you want appreciate it, just look at how shitty spaceship interiors feel like many other big budget films from star trek and star wars to gravity.

it's shocking how little you know about filmmaking

You guys are idiotic if you think Nolan will do away with his DP and like said Nolan knows that he isn't as good as an actual cinematographer and they do make an impact on even Nolan's films which have an established aesthetic.

I would even say Nolan is one of the few directors who appreciates technicians more as he rather spend more money on them than an A-list cast!

Nolan films are always effay

Attached: 34242388.png (600x600, 718K)

What if he reverses race into Robert Pattinson? Wouldn't that be crazy?

wait until you meet an actual Holywood producer

Attached: 2W6ASd4.jpg (1080x960, 619K)

Well that was fucking lame. A teaser that just showed the logo would have been less of a anti-climax.


Attached: no..gif (244x160, 1.11M)

He isn't. See Dark Knight Rises

Am I supposed to know what this shit is?

>Be Nolan
>Don't give anything away in your trailers
I both hate and love this. Teaser trailers, once upon a time, used to be like this, just a few shots, no talking, no plot points. This was in between the 80's 'Explain the entire plot' and the 10's 'The trailer has some melodic cover song playing over it'. But now? Teaser trailers are 2min+ long, have major plot points, talking and so on. They're no longer a 'teaser', they ARE the trailer. Nolan doesn't give anything away even in his 'trailers'.

it has a 250 million budget

just name droping the whole trailer
0 expectations, if they think that i will pay just because some faggot name is in trailer they are wrong

Zimmer is a great composer for people too dumb to pick up on a fucking pattern.


Attached: tenet2.jpg (2240x1296, 401K)

Well it can't be any worse than Dark Knight Rises


He suffers from George Lucas syndrome. Great with concepts, autistic with dialogues

Nolan will finally get that oscar

he's sacrificing debicki to get blacked for that precious golden oscar

Attached: 1564676672433.jpg (634x906, 104K)

Kino incoming

She's really good at sucking dick?

For you

he's doing the Henry Cavill

Except Nolan can actually do things right
His biggest flaws are his dialogues and his editing, which is really just an extension of only doing a couple takes at most. If he actually spent a bit more time I'm positive that his films wouldn't be nearly as choppy


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Creed II was great though

how about a sauce on that

it's because people here report it for laffs.

Shit trailer. I only wanted to see Pattinson, he is the sole reason why i will watch the film.

Ludwig does a convincing Zimmer impression.

>Inception wasn’t nearly as impactful.
The soundtrack alone was very influential, can't watch any trailer now without those annoying bwahs. The CGI was incredible too, more revolutionary than the Matrix (a lot of both movies effects were practical, but the Matrix had average CGI and way less of it)

Black male protagonist? Wasn't expecting this. Considering not watching

Not really. Too much clutter. Say what you will about Zimmer but him and Nolan have always done great OST's and are half the reason Nolan's movies work, Ludwig still hasn't proved himself yet and BP's OST was absolute fucking garbage

It's an idiot opinion to think tdkr was bad

BP's score was the best part of the movie

You mean teaser. Too early to tell anything from it. Nice atmosphere I guess.

>What if we just... put a bunch of random instruments together and shit
It's musical vomit. There is no rhythm to it. It's wholly unsatisfying to listen to.

>the Matrix had average CGI and way less of it
Do you even know what CGI is?

>new composer just doing BWAAAH like Zimmer
>same color palette, grayish + blue + black
>time fuckery (notice the weird cuts)
>no Pattinson
>black protagonist

>It's time for a new protagonist
>It's time for a new mission.

Legit Inception 2. Even the logo is the same.

>It's time for a new protagonist
I really wonder what they mean by this.

>Legit Inception 2
We already know its about Time Travel you fucking moron

Inception wasn't about time travel you fucking moron

It's seem so bizarre for that to be one of the main marketing points for the teaser.

>durr it stars a nigger so I'm not watching hurr
the filter is already working. thanks nolan

>new "kind of" mission

Prediction:instead of going inside their dreams, they go inside people's brains as in a "tenet" inside their mind

Time traveling is possible because of dreaming

I'm saying that it's not an Inception sequel like you so boldly said it might be. Reading Comprehension.

Eh looks bad like the rest of Nolan's filmography.

Bullet time was only partially cgi


Greeks invented being Jewish.

That's not greek.


Inception barely has any CGI outside of Limbo.

Matrix has CG in almost every action sequence. Bullet-time backgrounds are CGI and half the human elements are too because they interpolated the footage.

Attached: EAhJue7WkAA117a.jpg (720x444, 21K)

This is Nolan's least sci-fi movie after Dunkirk and Following.

isn't that the inception font? is it a sequel?

How do you know? There are rumours about time travel or an Inception sequel.

Fixed version.

Attached: villenueve jesus.png (278x300, 167K)

Why a black? Come on give us someone new!

>all the links are dead


Attached: 1482350873647.gif (220x160, 1.9M)

You missed nothing, the teaser is worse than the Dunkirk one and shows nothing. Just wait for official release.

nolan is a bona fide hack

>that pic
>at the end of the movie, Pattinson's name is revealed
>turns out, movie takes place right before he goes to Asia to become Batman
bravo Nolan

>Flops at the box office
Yeah I am thinking this is cringe.

>Time for a new protagonist

Alright, it has to deal with Time Travel, obviously. But why the "New Protagonist"?

I feel like we're getting duped. This is a sequel/reboot/prequel to something and its only going to be revealed at the end of the film. I can fucking feel it.

Attached: 1488955383755.gif (288x288, 1.88M)

I found a working link and this was my reaction to the short short shot trailer.

Attached: it's fucking nothing 1497289705984.jpg (956x1280, 211K)

>the time has come for a new type of protagonist
>it's a jig
hard pass

imagine being THIS american

Fuck Nolan, next year is supposed to Villeneuve's year. Why the fuck does Nolan want to eat into his technical Oscars like this?

thanks senpai. well, at least it's not a tranny.

Attached: fecal trannies.png (578x231, 71K)

preach, god.

Attached: *her*.png (607x334, 68K)

Inception sequel confirmed. Also it's strange that he was the only protagonist in the trailer when at the end Pattinson has the same billing as him. I thought they both are the main protagonists.

Dunkirk made me respect Nolan, honestly think he's based as fuck. He's one of the only big directors that makes original movies and doesn't make CGI shit.

What's Arepo?

Attached: here come dat gary j.jpg (460x259, 23K)

okay Yea Forums. what's the twist?

The "time for a new protagonist" line makes me think of video games or something

Nolan's films are always technically shoddy.

Dune is going to flop regardless of what Nolan does.

Its gonna be connected to DC. Nolan coming to make capekino once more.

Even If I didn't dislike black people that teaser was awful. Nolan is just sleepwalking through his recent movies, the passion is gone.

fuck niggers in my movies

dunno nothing about this but i hope it has cultural impact so all the pleb retarded faggot pieces of shit can realise they're fucking up saying "the tenants of"

Who would win?

Attached: Movie_032b15_6348833.jpg (1200x886, 455K)

Yet the fucker gets noms both in the guilds and Oscars.

inception was a rip off of paprika, which was also a better film


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Cool blog is cool. Funny too.

If only they had the power to launch copyright strikes on negative reviews then they'd finally be able to beat the Mouse.

Welp I just saw it and that was disappointing as hell, fucking nothing happened.

No one cares weebnigger, live action or bust

They want you to go watch that stupid movie just for the trailer
>time for a new protagonist
I don't mind a black actor if it makes sense and not just some pandering. Has sNolan been accused of being racist? But that fucking actor better be a good actor, not a John Boyega type.

he is a good actor its the guy from black klansman

im not racist but im not going to self-insert into a nigger for 2 hours
I doubt we'll top BR2049 for a while

wtf they unironically and very seriously put this in the trailer itself? how hilariously gauche and on the nose. but undoubtedly the angle is one of wokeness. sad to see Nolan stoop to this virtue signaling muh diversity shit, but I was never very impressed with him anyway. he’s like the flat Sprite kubrick.

I thought robert pattinson is the mc?

Attached: 1414172740069.png (550x535, 219K)

Nolan is overall technically excellent. He has a few issues with extras(and that's mostly restricted to the TDK trilogy). That's why his films almost always get recognition from the various technical awards guilds(the oscars are a joke so don't consider them).

BR2049 was soulless. The shorts including the anime were better than the actual film.

>but undoubtedly the angle is one of wokeness. sad to see Nolan stoop to this virtue signaling muh diversity shit, but I was never very impressed with him anyway

When has anything been clear from a Nolan teaser? Why assume it's about politics at all?
Both he and David get equal billing.

Yeah it really sounded like, time for a nigger protagonist, see how progressive we are. or maybe the film is about videogame players?

>im not racist
then you’re retarded
here’s your dad benefiting by your selfrighteous centrism

>Why assume it's about politics at all?
Yeah why assume anything is political in this hyperpolitical climate, especially when it’s Hollywood? That would be so out of left field, right?
But obviously I don’t know for sure. Funnily enough it’d be even worse if it weren’t, since in that case it’d be completely pointless. Like yeah no shit there’s a new protagonist, it’s a new fucking movie lmao

I think he is more of an antagonist but they get the same billing.

fucking hell, it's just a trailer why are they so hawkish

>Yeah why assume anything is political in this hyperpolitical climate, especially when it’s Hollywood? That would be so out of left field, right?

Because Nolan never really goes one side into politics, certainly not progressivism. It could very well be about how both the protagonists are used(pattinson and Washington)

Attention. I represent a copyright firm. Stop sharing this content or we will be forced to issue a subpoena to the hostmaster of this website.

Why a new protagonist since it's a new movie. Could this actually be a sequel to Inception? Notice that the title haze a maze pattern just like inception

>release a trailer in theaters
>don't release it online
>copyright strike the shit out of theater rips

This is unironically brilliant marketing.

He was the guy running with a gas mask. That lasted about one second.

The only time I've ever heard the word tenet being used was in 'The Big Lebowski'.

I reckon it's like that for most.

so nolan has been blackwashed too?

this will be a hard pass from me. first nolan film since insomnia I shan't be venturing to the theatre for.

I imagine now this garbage has a nigger lead that nu-Yea Forums will love it despite shitting on Nolan for the last 10 years

I bet it will be online soon. The trailer shows nothing so it's no big deal.
This. I will only watch this for Pattinson. The have the same billing so i don't understand why he wasn't in the trailer.

This is Rob right fucking there.


Only if you're a waifufag.

Dunkirk was a snoozefest. I'd place it in the same bracket as Tron 2.0. I don't get why this guy is rated. He uses CGI scarcely and tells different stories? So doing something different automatically makes you good? It doesn't. It just means the rest of the movies are depressingly bad.

I really liked Dunkirk. Loved watching that weird structure unfold.

>there's a nigger
>a nigger uses a suit
>a nigger punches something
>a nigger uses a breathing mask
That's a lot of information, senpai

Would I even give half a fuck about this if it were not for Nolan's name?

Attached: 1550704114536.jpg (310x313, 60K)

>Dunkirk was a snoozefest
It didn't really have a plot but it wasn't boring

Nolan had important black characters in both the TDK trilogy and interstellar.

>group of DEMOCRATS
Funny, for me it looked like a bunch of niggers.

Didn't know we became europe with all the race dodging shit.

I don't really like Zimmer's work but the truth is everyone does this, they all have multiple assistants and in actual ghostwriting (where part of the premium is for your name never being mentioned) is a big thing. The role of soundtrack composer is not supposed to be singular anyway, its actually a section-head job.

If anything Zimmer should be commended for not trying to hide it and also, a lot of Zimmer acolytes have actually graduated to getting co-credits with him and moving on into independent careers. He's one of the least exploitative.

For the most part writing a score is not some massive free-form artistic undertaking either. The reason many scores sound unoriginal is not because of the use of temp tracks. Directors have a habit of getting overly attached to the temp and then ask the composer to "write something like this". Its craft but it isn't art. Nolan specifically has been an exception to this according to Zimmer previously.




It's obviously the coin he tosses in the scene in between the shots. Dimwit.