Why do we see so few anti-natalist films?

Why do we see so few anti-natalist films?

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im unironically an anti-natalist and will debate any person or any point to defend and promote my views

have sex

So you think all humans should die out? lol

>doom an innocent creature to live life in a flesh prison where it can and will experience fear,terror and many hardships just so you can have sex for an hour and feel good

unironically you are going to hell,the only innocents in this world are the unborn and the virgins
enjoy satan raping you in your asshole for eternity subhuman NIGGER

of course,why should you think humans should exist?

the pleasure a human can feel far outweighs the pain

because they're based and redpilled

I bet your opposed to the death penalty and want to send more food to Africa, even though that's just going to make them have more babies.

why do you think they shouldnt exist?

Wow, childree retards. Kill them in the streets

because the world is run by breeders

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you only say this because you got "lucky" enough to be born in a body and mind that can endure the suffering you faced.Can you predict the future?
how do you know if your children will have a good life?
war,disease,poverty even getting old how can you subject an innocent being to these horrors without its consent
you literally summon another being into this plane of reality and force it to suffer
how does the unborn benefit in anyway
I am opposed to the death penalty and want to nuke africa into oblivion.
why should they?,humans are a failed species,full of greed and war and terror

This person was beaten as a child.
Holy shit lmao

Child free people are doing just fine killing themselves off. It's the logical extension of atheism and nihilism. Just let themselves masturbate their lives away into the grave.

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yeah bro just HAVE SEX and have children without their consent and then your child gets bone cancer or gets hit by a car and spends every moment before he passes in great agony in a hospital bed but haha then just tell him its all part of gods plan to absolve yourself of the blame from having a part in giving it birth hahaha

name ONE pleasure just ONE that makes all the suffering you have to endure in life worth it
just one

>life is haaaaard i dont want to try to live

>If I don't like it no one can.
>kys then
>It's not THAT bad lol

You have every right to resent your existence and how you feel is not up for debate. But believing that everyone has to feel that way and it's the only objective and correct stance is retarded once you're past the years of teenage arrogance.

why are ofays like this?

if this is your opinion on life, why are you still alive?

Every anti-natalist I've ever met has been a socially-awkward beta. No one who has their shit together in life cares about this. They're losers. Perpetual crabs-in-a-bucket just looking to bring others down.

Ironic how much they bitch about how life is pain but their very presence causes people more suffering than pleasure. You'd think they'd either be like Buddhists and try to increase compassion and pleasure, or just kill themselves to reduce everyone else's suffering from having to hear them whinge.

Fuck off back to Yea Forums, both of you's

the ultimate COPE philosophy

imagine 'identifying as an anti-natalist...

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if you were to survey homeless people, victims of genocide, people starving, thirdworlders etc. how many do you think would say they wish they were never born?

Have children (UNLESS YOU'RE A NIGGER)

The amusement in witnessing the ramblings of scarred retards like you is pretty dope desu.

t.was born in a state where he was able to endure the hardships or life or hasnt yet met hardships he cant endure
now your children.do you know what hardships they will face ? NO YOU DONT
do you know how much they can endure ? NO YOU DONT
how can you predict the future
so if you dont know
when you have children you are literally gambling with a life that was FORCED to be born
unironically you will go to hell if you have sex

I must guide and convince others to not have children as long as I can endure the suffering in my life then I rope and hope their is no reincarnation

>baby born white
>Time of pleasure: lifetime
>Baby born black
>(not shocking)
>Time of pain: lifetime
Beyond based.

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they are either ignorant or immoral,if they admit in a survey that life sucks they cant justify having sex and having children
so they are either ignorant or immoral and selfish

>have children without their consent
are all anti-natalists this low IQ?

Even if pedophilia was not a thing, just one day me thinking ''what if some people in the streets were attracted to kids'' would turn me into a schizo.I believe most people are scarred for life and I believe even if my son was a white 2 meters tall muscular chad it would still not be worth it to bring him into this world.

explain to me what gives you the right to bring another life into this world

now your children.do you know what hardships they wont face ? NO YOU DONT
do you know how much they can't endure ? NO YOU DONT
how can you predict the future
so if you dont know
when you have children you are literally gambling with a life that was FORCED to not be born
unironically you will go to hell if you dont have kids

you realize how retarded your arguement is right? If existence sucks so much why are suicide rates only 4%? Why haven't YOU killed yourself? By being alive and not killing themselves, your children DO choose to live, life IS a choice, and most people choose to continue to exist

Say it with me: White Privilege

>bro do you have consent for that offspring?

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Based mental illness

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>>Time of pleasure: lifetime
if only you knew how bad things really are (in 2019)

>Every X I've ever met has been
Yep, all two of them. As always a stupid way to start off an anecdote.

It's an intrinsic right, not like the baby can stop you.

exactly,imagine bringing a being into this world and some evil subhuman NIGGER abducts him and tortures him while raping before killing him
imagine the feelings of the kid while that is going on
how can you justify we go on as a species knowing this
how can you justify you being personally responsible for a child

how is life a choice?
was I given a choice?
no i was forced to born
suicide rates are 4% because humanity is a failed species
it is a selfish species
and an ignorant species
most people do not realise or care about how much life sucks so they have sex and have children due to their ego
they must pass on their genetics and their family name
they must have someone to care for them in their old age
all SELFISH reasons to have children
how does this benefit the unborn in any way
the unborn feels nothing so he can never feel suffering
so now you bring it here
stick it in a flesh prison that decays and dies
for what purpose

this isn't an anti natalist,this is a low iq roastie who sterilized herself for woke internet points

so the next child you birth I can just rape and mutilate right because it can't stop me


he isn't wrong

apart from academics, virtually every anti-natalist is just a whiny brat trying to 'convince' others that they are wrong and he is right.

What if i kill you? Will you even attempt to defend yourself or are you gonna die like a dog?

Assuming I, as the baby's protector, can't stop you, yes. That's how life is.

how does giving birth benefit the child in anyway?

yes you can lol

the authorities will probably punish you

getting it out of its roastie moms fish snatch

so if you realise life is like this,might is right,evil people who seek to rape and murder why would you bring another being into this life?
is it not cruel?
is it not your ego?
oh this stuff happens but it wont happen to my child cause hes MY child.

>im unironically an anti-natalist

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Why don't you kill yourself if life is so bad? Why don't other people? Even disabled people. Ask anyone why they haven't killed themselves. Grow up retard.

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no bigger faggots than these retards
it's like pleb pragmatics

honestly have sex

My personal fantasy is traveling the world and leaving all kinds of women pregnant.I want chad kids, mutt kids, lanklet slav kids, manlet latino kids, all sorts.They won't know about me of course but I want to see how will they turn out once they're 18.

my wife left me

Life is a choice because you choose to continue to live, if people dont realize life sucks then it doesnt suck for them dumbass, lif only sucks for you cause youre an edgy atheist, the unborn cant be happy either


life is bad but I have been lucky enough to the born with enough resources in a time of relative peace to where I can endure it at the moment
now since I can endure it it is my duty to convince others not to have children and save the unborn from hardships and terror

good argument really convinced me that my views are wrong haha because you qouted part of my post haha and then you posted an image with a onions wojak and the reddit icon haha really showed me bro haha

You three (pic related included) are dumbasses. Go work outdoors and your depression will be contained

>Why don't you kill yourself if life is so bad? Why don't other people?
because I tell myself I bear witness. but the real answer is that it’s obviously my programming. And I lack the constitution for suicide.

>good argument really convinced me that my views are wrong haha because you qouted part of my post haha and then you posted an image with a onions wojak and the reddit icon haha really showed me bro haha

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>I want to see how will they turn out once they're 18

The males turn to a life of violent crime while the females follow the footsteps of their mothers in selling their underage pussy to white sexpats. Pretty much defines the Philippines.

you type like a mentally ill basement dweller. im not even part of the argument but im just stating this fact. you should definitely go outside or get a job

>pro-natalist cucks can only reply with memes and redditjacks

not an argument
most people are too low iq and just breed and breed like african niggers who have no food that have 10 children each
just imagine being a child and only knowing hunger before stepping outside your wooden hut and throwing yourself on the grass plains as you get roasted in the sun dying of hunger and thirst

just lol imagine wanting a species like this to continue
its a joke

If you have a hereditary disease or just shit genes in general, you shouldn't make kids.Think of your own child you fucking nigger.

If you want certainties in life, you are weak. A perfect life for you would be trapped in a pretty box provided with basic food and entertainment.
You don't understand that to suffer is to be human, and to share the burden of suffering is the foundation of civilization, and the main reason we socialize. It is not something to run away from.

so you admit you should seek to lesten the suffering of the unborn
but how do you know 5 years after you have children a world war wont break out?
or some super disease ?
or your child gets cancer?

have sex

you only say to suffer is to be human because you haven't encountered suffering that cant be overcome

imagine marrying a qt and pumping her full of babies and raising them to be healthy and happy
good shit happens too dumbass
and calling people dumb doesnt make their life suck, I'd rather be a low iq happy dumbass than an euphoric edgelord like you

You say it is programming but many people overcome theirs and kill themselves regardless. You could easily today. Easily. You won't why? Constitution? In other terms you would rather live? Regardless of programming you admit you would rather live than die?

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>t. Incel that never leaves his basement out of fear of the unknown
Kill yourself, you actually can't function.

That's life user. You don't know shit. You could have sex tomorrow, any absurd turn of events is possible.

>hurr niggers
ofc no one wants niggers to continue

but species that gave you the internet and computer you're exploiting right now for your pleasure should probably survive

he didnt say to suffer and overcome is to be human, he said to suffer is to be human

good shit and bad shit can happen yes
but if you dont know what will happen
why would you risk it
and have your children encounter great terror and suffering
is it not your ego and your selfishness?
it wont happen to MY child
i can protect MY child
its your ego talking

>these people will never have children and die out
I feel bad for their parents but feel good for their potential children.

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That user is quoting True Detective Season One aka kino of the highest order but you literal smooth brained philistines can barely wipe shit off your assholes let alone put together a coherent thought.


go have sex and when your child is dying of blood cancer tell him you took a chance bro im sure he will really grateful he had fun when he rode that bike sure was worth dying in a painful way haha

Nah dude, quoting and using it are different things.

I don't watch jewish media thank you.

>humans are a failed species
>have conquered and reshaped the world to benefit them

Humans are literally the most successful species to have ever existed because they have negated most of the factors that limit or destroy any other species.

>Y-you can't cross the street! W-what if you get hit by a car?
Imagine being this paralyzed by fear

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Is that why you never leave your house, to maximize your chances of survival?

>You don't understand that to suffer is to be human, and to share the burden of suffering is the foundation of civilization, and the main reason we socialize. It is not something to run away from.
It's easy for you to talk tough and act like a badass when you're a sheltered healthy white zoomer from the first world and the most "suffering" you've known is when Chad and Aiden cyberbullied you in middle school. Somehow I doubt you'd be singing the same tune about how "muh suffering gives life meaning" to African children who die of malnourishment, or to human trafficking victims treated like sex slaves, or to persecuted minorities undergoing genocide, or to some poor bastard who was born like pic related. But what am I saying? Selfish, egoist breeders like you don't really care about other peoples' suffering. You only care about yourself and making sure you don't feel guilty for being a sociopathic little shit, and so you argue in bad faith to justify your disgusting breeder views.

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So because some peoples lives are bad we must all stop having children?

Yea Forums - Incels/Random

Risks are inherent in any action you take, Ill risk it because I consider life a gift, risks and all

how do you know what kind of life your child will have?
it is ego and narcissism and ignorance that compels anyone to have children

It's niggers fault that they are subhumans not mine. I do support sterilising and even killing them. You are just an insane coward

life is a gift?
how many children do you have
why arent you out fucking every whore you can find so you can share this gift?

incredibly based

actually people living in the third world report higher feeling of meaning than those in the first

>Son your mother is a whore, I fucked her because I dont cherish the gifts I give
Why dont people gift garbage to their loved ones

If you hate suffering, why not go out and stop it? You won't because you're too afraid. You think people are weak because you are weak. For all the starving and diseased children, there are many more than before who get to enjoy good lives because those before them chose to fight for a good life for their children rather than accept the delusion that the world is too big and too chaotic to change.

So because some children will have a bad life no one can confirm we should never have kids?

>my sister is pregnant
>baby shaken by uncle
>baby crushed by uncle
No wonder she got pissed at him, she thought he was planning on killing her kid.

I will literally breed your sister and spawn several children, and you’ll die with nothing to your name. How does that feel?

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>Why yes I'm an anti-natalist why do you ask?

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All of LGBTQBBQ+ filmmaking

>if existence sucks so much why are suicide rates only 4%?
Because non-existence is not the same thing as death, brainlet. When you die you already have, regretfully, built up a consciousness, and thus have a fear of death. You must overcome this fear in order to an hero, and thus undergo even more unnecessary suffering. In addition, you are bound by your responsibilities and ties to others once you are alive, and thus the act of suicide will just cause even more suffering. Most nations don't offer assisted suicide, and a majority of those don't allow you to own firearms. Without these methods, suicide is not 100% guaranteed to bring you instant and painless death. Indeed, you may be left horrifically crippled and maimed instead, left to suffer even more for years or even decades. Finally, once you are alive, there is always the possibility that death will send you to some hellish afterlife where you will suffer for all eternity. We simply don't know enough about the universe to prove that deities/afterlife exists or doesn't exist, that's why I'm an agnostic. If there's a small chance that religion is real, kys may end up in an eternity, not just years, of suffering, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid in the first place. NONE of these concerns apply if you were never born in the first place, as while death offers an end to suffering with many drawbacks and considerations, non-existence offers the vastly superior option of never suffering at all in the first place.

>bawww I want raw cummies but baby equals responsibility and that is BAD
Literally the same childish argument every pro-choice point boils down to. If you want to orgasm so much, just masturbate. Stop getting drunk or high enough around the opposite sex that you'll rawdog one. Get married earlier in life and have sex/breed with your spouse. Promote sterilization for overpopulated demographics (India, Africa, etc) instead of first-world whites.

what do you think I am doing now?
if i even convince one person to not have children today thats 2 children that wont suffer and the 2 of them would go on to have 1-2 children each that would have suffered and so on

so you say life is worth it even if some people suffer and have horrible lives
life is good as long as the majority find it nice and enjoyable?

lets assume a perfect utopia is created by some magical demon
everyone has everything they need
they literally have 100% happiness,its happiness on earth
those cost is one being who is immortal is confined in a small cell and gets tortured by that demon for eternity
the being suffers greatly,imagine cartel torture vids but a 100 times worse
for just the cost of one person suffering the rest of us will all have a great utopia

would you agree to this ?


unironically what I think,your arguments and writing are a lot better than my shizo ramblings

You are literally a Jew. Rather than volunteer and make the world better, you just cry and annoy anyone sane around you

>and will debate any person or any point to defe
I think I found the reason you are an anti-Natalist

you genuinely wouldn’t? this one guys feefees is more important than everyone else’s?

answer my question please

It's simple: the universe is cyclic and deterministic, which means we die and are reborn to unknowingly relive the same life for all eternity. If you have a child in the first world, the odds of them not making it adulthood are effectively 0%.

By not having a son, you are eternally denying them the explicit pleasure of titfucking their first big titty goth gf. What kind of monster would do that to their own unborn son?

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>By convincing incels on Yea Forums not to have kids, I'm making a difference in the world!
Why not actually do something worthwhile, something that requires effort?
And yes, that is a fair trade. Even if you do the whole
>b-but what if that immortal guy was you!!
The facts don't change. One person suffering for eternity to make EVERYONE have a good life is an immeasurably good deal.

>It's simple: the universe is cyclic and deterministic, which means we die and are reborn to unknowingly relive the same life for all eternity.
I hope not

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Not the one you asked but yes I would.

this, although i'd rather just have a harem of women from each race since im curious as to what my kids would look like from each woman

I wouldn't,imagine how you would feel if you where the unlucky guy.
but if no one existed
no one would suffer
which is why i propose that the human race should end

>life is good cause you can have sex
what does sex bring?
is this not a trap ?

>In 2012, a new theory of nonsingular big bounce was successfully constructed within the frame of standard Einstein gravity.[12] This theory combines the benefits of matter bounce and Ekpyrotic cosmology. Particularly, the famous BKL instability, that the homogeneous and isotropic background cosmological solution is unstable to the growth of anisotropic stress, is resolved in this theory. Moreover, curvature perturbations seeded in matter contraction are able to form a nearly scale-invariant primordial power spectrum and thus provides a consistent mechanism to explain the cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations.
Time to improve your life user, it's the one you've got for all eternity.

no i wouldn’t care if it was me. my singular feefees are not more important than an entire race.

>life is good cause you can have sex
>what does sex bring?
This has nothing to do with sex or reproduction. The sublime ecstasy of unloading your cock between two overflowing goth tits is indescribable.

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unironically you just showed why humanity as a species is a failed one
incredibly selfish

retard cumbrain please press X and get out
I wouldn't care if it was me
t.person who isn't being tortured for eternity by a demonic super entity

woah dude you’re so like... not selfish... by wanting everyone to die... epic...

The only reason we exist is to fuck the reason we're here to fuck is because of fucking. I get it you're some hip college student whose coping with a sexual assault and have found that sex alone doesn't mean anything, only serving to open the burning hole inside you further. So you realize that since you believe life found you to be worthless that life in itself is worthless. Well lets get to the surprising part, it is worthless, we're an accident on a cosmic scale. So we in ourselves have to define what we mean, so do you really believe that we mean nothing? You may mean nothing, but I mean something, I mean something to my family, I mean something to my friends and I mean something to myself. You have to make meaning in your life maybe take up a painting class or something, leave your poor mom alone, she didn't ask for such an autist she just wanted a child to love.

That's a gross oversimplification. Consider the following scenario. You are a human born in a hellish dimension run by demons. 99.9% of all babies at birth are horrifically mutilated and tortured to death by the demons, but you, by great luck, have fallen into the 0.1% of humans that have been left alone and can live a decent life. The demons' power is absolute, and no matter what you can NEVER stop them from inflicting suffering on almost every single human ever born. How could you, morally speaking, bring a child into that world? Unless you're an utter egoist or sadist, there's no justification for breeding in that scenario. But would you justify doing so if the demon torture rates were 99.8%? 99.7%? 99.5? Just because a small minority of people are able to live a life where they can overcome their suffering doesn't mean that you can justify the vast majority being thrown to the metaphorical wolves.
Wrong. A coward is someone who knows the pain of existence for him or herself and yet selfishly throws another human consciousness out of the bliss of nonexistence into the reality of suffering and pain, just so they can feel better about themselves and temporarily cope with their own human condition. Someone who refuses to breed is a utilitarian at worst, an altruist at best.
Of course if you have to struggle to survive, your actions have meaning - as they actively contribute to you being able to minimize your own suffering (suffering of hunger, thirst, exposure, etc.) However this does not mean that this is a life worth living at all. Check the suicide rates for Sri Lanka, Guyana, or Eastern Europe to see that being forced to suffer more in no way means that that existence is more pleasurable. Finally, note that suicide rates are correlated with IQ increase to explain why Africa's suicide rates are so low. If you can't really contextualize or understand the reason of your suffering, you can't remove said reason.

How do you know I’m not being tortured by a demon? And maybe it’s my fetish?

>Person who isn't in a hypothetical supernatural situation beyond the realm of human comprehension can't properly comprehend my hypothetical situation?
>They must be retarded!

please debate the second antinatalist in the thread instead


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t. loser who has never fucked a goth girl

>If you hate suffering, why not go out and stop it?
Why use a temporary solution for a permanent problem? "Stopping" suffering is impossible. Life and existence in itself IS suffering. What we think of as """pleasure""" is in reality just the temporary and meaningless alleviation of constant suffering. An "improved life" is just one that has had their suffering slightly reduced at slightly longer intervals of time, but it is still one that is essentially just constant suffering. A non-existent person, on the other hand, has never existed AT ALL and thus will never suffer in the first place. If you really want to reduce suffering for a specific person, the best way to do so is to ensure that they never exist at all.

if my goal is to convince the posters not to have children its better if the other nigger convinces you because while we both have very similar beliefs he has a higher iq and is a much better writer than me

but keep posting those onions faces bro haha really funny

>if my goal is to convince the posters not to have children its better if the other nigger convinces you because while we both have very similar beliefs he has a higher iq and is a much better writer than me

but keep posting those onions faces bro haha really funny

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Because I don't live in that retarded hypothetical world like your depressed ass does, yes, I will absolutely bring children into my first world country so they can have a fair chance at a long and meaningful life, where they can help civilization advance.

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How many times have we had this conversation, user? Well, who knows? When you can't remember your lives, you can't change your lives, and that is the terrible and the secret fate of all life. You're trapped... like a nightmare you keep waking up into.

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>That's a gross oversimplification. Consider the following scenario. You are a human born in a hellish dimension run by demons. 99.9% of all babies at birth are horrifically mutilated and tortured to death by the demons, but you, by great luck, have fallen into the 0.1% of humans that have been left alone and can live a decent life.
False equivalence is a logical fallacy.

>name ONE pleasure just ONE that makes all the suffering you have to endure in life worth it
calling people a nigger online

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you guys are so deep, bitches born in this century want to say that life is worthless. Life has the worth you give it, yes I'd like to have children one day I think I'd make a good father. Will it add to the suffering in the world? Sure, will it reduce the suffering in the world? probably not. All I know is people are going to continue to have kids and if you can comprehend what life can do aren't you the person we want having children? Any nigger can pump and dump a street worth of kids and flood the world guaranteeing the expansion of pain, where it gets interesting is when someone can comprehend the illogical factors of life and actually try to pass that on. But whatever suffering is eternal and you should probably just kill yourselves, really shove your parents failures in their face

5 years after your child is born he loses his limbs to meningitis AND also a solar flare wipes out all technology

now what,all he has left is suffering

tfw not sure if anti-natalist or its just my clinical depression speaking

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I'll never know how many times we've talked user, but I will impart this wisdom this time and every other time: get yourself a girl with huge milkers and life will always be worth living.

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Very intelligent post.

>5 years after your child is born he loses his limbs to meningitis AND also a solar flare wipes out all technology

>now what,all he has left is suffering

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anything you can conjure up bro as long as you can justify to yourself having sex with some subhuman whore
if you want to be a good father ADOPT

Of course, we don't live in that particular world, and it would be a false equivalence if I said that we did. However, there ARE children - innocent little children, who have done nothing wrong in their entire lives - raped to death by their own fellow villagers because they are a virgin baby and the villagers believe that the rape will cure their AIDS. There are innocent albino children mutilated and stripped apart like an animal because it's believed that doing so will bring good luck. There are men, women, children, burnt to death and buried alive because they committed the so-called crime of being born the wrong skin color, speaking the wrong language, or believing in the wrong god in a country where they are the minority. Of course, this utter suffering cannot be said to apply to 99% of all lives born. But how can you justify sending an innocent consciousness into this insane gauntlet of suffering just because the percentage of utter victims is slightly lower?

>anything you can conjure up bro as long as you can justify to yourself having sex with some subhuman whore
if you want to be a good father ADOPT
>Of course, we don't live in that particular world, and it would be a false equivalence if I said that we did. However, there ARE children - innocent little children, who have done nothing wrong in their entire lives - raped to death by their own fellow villagers because they are a virgin baby and the villagers believe that the rape will cure their AIDS. There are innocent albino children mutilated and stripped apart like an animal because it's believed that doing so will bring good luck. There are men, women, children, burnt to death and buried alive because they committed the so-called crime of being born the wrong skin color, speaking the wrong language, or believing in the wrong god in a country where they are the minority. Of course, this utter suffering cannot be said to apply to 99% of all lives born. But how can you justify sending an innocent consciousness into this insane gauntlet of suffering just because the percentage of utter victims is slightly lower?

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What number did your family do to you?

So youre only arguments are freak occurrences? How many children do you know who lost their limbs to mening? How many solar flares have destroyed technology? It seems you keep construing reality to look likr it is horrible for most people.

are you a virgin?

Leave him in the woods if it becomes too hard

So it is not worth living in the thirdworld?

Excellent post user, it brings me joy to see that there are still some non retards in this world.

>It's simple: the universe is cyclic and deterministic, which means we die and are reborn to unknowingly relive the same life for all eternity.
Then the whole humanity must be destroyed.

That is a completely psychopathic view of the world. It only exists to justify killing others. You hide behind "never existing" but the exact same argument applies to euthanasia and genocide.
"They're better off no longer living in this world, they suffer no longer"
Eat shit and kill yourself, or man up and actually go through with what you really want. Either way humanity will suffer less for not having you.

It's funny how breeders believe that anyone against life due to its inherent suffering must have suffered in such horrific ways themselves. It's perfectly acceptable to have a healthy family life oneself and live without any major pains and still be against existence as a whole as you think of the vast majority of others, whose lives are full of suffering, rather than yourself, whose suffering is comparatively minor. The viewpoint that one can only feel bad about something when ONESELF is the victim is insanely self-absorbed and narcissistic. Just because your suffering is manageable doesn't mean that others' is as well.

>>>It's simple: the universe is cyclic and deterministic, which means we die and are reborn to unknowingly relive the same life for all eternity.
>Then the whole humanity must be destroyed.

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I hope you watch your children suffocate.

Just kill anyone who has more suffering than you bro, you're doing them a service

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>It's funny how breeders believe that anyone against life due to its inherent suffering must have suffered in such horrific ways themselves. It's perfectly acceptable to have a healthy family life oneself and live without any major pains and still be against existence as a whole as you think of the vast majority of others, whose lives are full of suffering, rather than yourself, whose suffering is comparatively minor. The viewpoint that one can only feel bad about something when ONESELF is the victim is insanely self-absorbed and narcissistic. Just because your suffering is manageable doesn't mean that others' is as well.

>I hope you watch your children suffocate.

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Imagine spending each lifetime on posting basedjaks lmao.

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not your call to make
you don't have consent to murder others
like you do not have consent to bring the unborn into this existence
see the logic friend

>good shit happens too dumbass
only to the fortunate

you don't have consent to stop their existence either from beginning either

>Imagine spending each lifetime on posting basedjaks lmao.

>not your call to make
>you don't have consent to murder others
>like you do not have consent to bring >the unborn into this existence
>see the logic friend

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>You don't have consent to end suffering
>Just like you don't have consent to begin causing suffering
So you feel powerless, user?

Post it again.

If you are so "against" existence why are you still alive? You don't care about the reduction of suffering you only care about bringing everyone down around you to justify your own. ask me how I know your a woman?

Completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. If you have to attack the person rather than the idea, it proves that you cannot argue in good faith, which in turn proves that A.) you have no interest in continuing the debate, you simply want to shitpost or B.) you cannot rationalize a reason why I am wrong and have resorted to ad hominem.
It's not worth living in the Third World, in the Second World, OR the First World. Life itself is not really worth living in the first place.
No, because the violence inherent in murder and genocide brings MORE pain and suffering to the world, and thus is insanely counterproductive to my goals. I am a pacifist, and I would hope most other anti-natalists are as well. I believe in fighting with words, not fists. In addition, death is extremely different to non-life, as I have detailed here . Saying that non-existence is equal to death is like saying that spaying and neutering a dog is equal to stomping on a litter of puppies.

but they wont just come into existence
someone has to make the choice
to have sex
and then to carry the pregnancy

>Selfish, egoist breeders like you don't really care about other peoples' suffering
Yes, i don't care, how did you know?

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>Completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. If you have to attack the person rather than the idea, it proves that you cannot argue in good faith, which in turn proves that A.) you have no interest in continuing the debate, you simply want to shitpost or B.) you cannot rationalize a reason why I am wrong and have resorted to ad hominem. It's not worth living in the Third World, in the Second World, OR the First World. Life itself is not really worth living in the first place. No, because the violence inherent in murder and genocide brings MORE pain and suffering to the world, and thus is insanely counterproductive to my goals. I am a pacifist, and I would hope most other anti-natalists are as well. I believe in fighting with words, not fists. In addition, death is extremely different to non-life, as I have detailed here Saying that non-existence is equal to death is like saying that spaying and neutering a dog is equal to stomping on a litter of puppies.

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My life is pretty great, I'm tall (enough), smart, handsome, and have a good career ahead of me. I am confident, though obviously not certain, that I can provide a good life for my children. It sounds to me like your argument for anti-natalism is directed at African bush-dwellers, and I would bet any amount of money that nearly every one of them would tell you they are happy to have been born, despite their hardships and deprivation. You need to get your head out of your ass.

read this

>but they wont just come into existence
>someone has to make the choice
to have sex
>and then to carry the pregnancy

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they won't just not come into existence either. not having sex or ending a pregnancy are also choices someone has to make.

wasn't meant as an attack,i am the sperg here
just curious as I believe sex is inherently evil

hit the weights
take a shower
have sex
get a clue

can you predict war or disease or random tragedy
maybe your children end up ugly and alone
you cannot predict that


>can you predict war or disease or random tragedy
>maybe your children end up ugly and alone
>you cannot predict that

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Oh dear brainlet, you seem to be rather slow at reading comprehension. Non-existence DOES NOT EQUAL death. Death does nothing but bring more suffering : the suffering of violence, the suffering of fear, and the suffering of losing a loved one. However, non-existence is the EXACT OPPOSITE of death. Something that has never existed will never be able to think, and thus will never experience suffering.
Nope! You don't have their consent to die, just like you don't have their consent to bring them into existence. Both are bad, although bringing life is arguably worse. The real opposite of death is not life but non-existence.
thankfully some people can see reason
>Will it add to the suffering in the world? Sure. Will it reduce the suffering in the world? Probably not.
How can you justify adding MORE suffering to the world in good faith without being an egoist that doesn't care about others or a sadist that actively takes pleasure in such acts? There's no ethical way to justify a choice that will result in increased suffering and pain every time.

careful now soon you will exhaust your s o y wojak folder and you have to start THINKING your own arguments
might want to ration em

You think it's compassion driving you, but it's actually egoism. The poor and downtrodden don't want your pity, and have certainly never asked for it. You're just a piece of shit first-worlder looking at them and saying "poor wretch, I'm sure you'd be happier if you'd never been born," which is an *unbelievably* malicious thing to say.

If your goal is the non-existence of the human race, there is no passive way to accomplish that goal. People will ALWAYS breed unless physically prevented, which will require violence. Once the path of violence is chosen, which it inevitably will be, there is no argument to make against not taking the next step and killing them on the spot.
Furthermore, the comparison to spaying and neutering a dog is flawed, because we have absolute control over dogs. What happens if a dog gets nervous at the vet and starts tugging to get away? Do you respect its wishes when your goal is to prevent it from ever having kids? No, you force them into the office anyway and continue with the procedure. That is inherently a violent and controlling act.
Thus, you're either delusional or intentionally misrepresenting your views.

>Oh dear brainlet, you seem to be rather slow at reading comprehension. Non-existence DOES NOT EQUAL death. Death does nothing but bring more suffering : the suffering of violence, the suffering of fear, and the suffering of losing a loved one. >However, non-existence is the EXACT OPPOSITE of death. >Something that has never existed will never be able to think, and thus will never experience suffering. >Nope! You don't have their consent to die, just like you don't have their consent to bring them into existence. >Both are bad, although bringing life is arguably worse. The real opposite of death is not life but non-existence.
>thankfully some people can see reason
>>Will it add to the suffering in the world? Sure. Will it reduce the suffering in the world? Probably not.
>How can you justify adding MORE suffering to the world in good faith without being an egoist that doesn't care about others or a sadist that actively takes pleasure in such acts? >There's no ethical way to justify a choice that will result in increased suffering and pain every time.

>careful now soon you will exhaust your s o y wojak folder and you have to start THINKING your own arguments
>might want to ration em

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you don't have to be poor and downtrodden to realise life is NOT worth it
look at anthony bourdain for example,he had it all and he still roped

So you just spent a giant post bragging about how you don't know? Guess what I believe that god exist but I believe that we are still an accident. I believe that consciousness is a universal evolution, to what point I don't know but I believe that the suffering is an impermanent state of being attached to the physical, I believe that for the same reason you believe that suffering is permanent, on faith. So be a coward and believe that nothing will ever get better and that we're all deserve whats coming to us collectively as a species because of the beliefs and actions of a few, its that popular theory that really has made the last decade great

>you don't have to be poor and downtrodden to realise life is NOT worth it
>look at anthony bourdain for example,he had it all and he still roped

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If you don't pass on your genes and raise a child with your own values, then there will be no lasting presence of you. Once you die, that's it. Meanwhile, the rest of us will live on in our descendants, even if our names are inevitably forgotten. Anti-natalism contains the same basic fatalism as nihilism, and is just as self-defeating

my ideals will live on still in my writings
I can adopt
those I have influenced will influence others and so on
those that get influenced have brothers and sisters and cousins and they might influence their children

so no there will be lasting presence of me,a better and more composite presence
if i had a child the child is 50% of my dna and in a generation its 25%
and their personality and ideals will be separate from mine
so no having children wont make you leave a lasting presence if you think about it

this guy gets it

>my ideals will live on still in my writings
>I can adopt
>those I have influenced will influence others and so on
>those that get influenced have brothers and sisters and cousins and they might influence their children

>so no there will be lasting presence of me,a better and more composite presence
>if i had a child the child is 50% of my dna and in a generation its 25%
>and their personality and ideals will be separate from mine
>so no having children wont make you leave a lasting presence if you think about it

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how many do you have left

>muh third world, muh poor and downtrodden
Misrepresenting the point, see I'll repeat what I said here : "It's not worth living in the Third World, in the Second World, OR the First World. Life itself is not really worth living in the first place." ALL life, in itself, inherently brings suffering to oneself or to others. The only difference is that some people are able to alleviate their suffering more than others, but this doesn't contradict or counteract the point that existence in itself is suffering. In addition, the millions of people who chose to free themselves from suffering or are considering taking such a path would certainly disagree with your blind arrogance in suggesting that everyone wants to live in the first place. Finally, someone who is already alive is somewhat forced to exist as their only method of non-existence, death, will do nothing but bring suffering to others.

But if everyone you influence doesn't have children then you die out in a generation

>how many do you have left

>>muh third world, muh poor and downtrodden
>Misrepresenting the point, see I'll repeat what I said here : "It's not worth living in the Third World, in the Second World, OR the First World. Life itself is not really worth living in the first place." ALL life, in itself, inherently brings suffering to oneself or to others. The only difference is that some people are able to alleviate their suffering more than others, but this doesn't contradict or counteract the point that existence in itself is suffering. In addition, the millions of people who chose to free themselves from suffering or are considering taking such a path would certainly disagree with your blind arrogance in suggesting that everyone wants to live in the first place. Finally, someone who is already alive is somewhat forced to exist as their only method of non-existence, death, will do nothing but bring suffering to others.

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If your views were strong enough to actually influence people, then they would be more than enough to influence multiple generations of your own children.
Unfortunately they're not, so you post here and attempt to feel enlightened about half-assed views you will never put into practice.

You have yet to actually prove that life is inherently suffering. It is a blind ideal you cling to like a cult follower.

Although the non-existence of the human race, and biological life altogether, would be desirable, there isn't a non-violent solution to immediately end all life. My hope is that with enough time, anti-natalists could successfully convert enough people to bring about Voluntary Human Extinction and thus bring about an end to sapient species' suffering without violence, thus causing more suffering. However if this is impossible, than saving as many consciousnesses as possible from existence is good enough.

Because anti-natalism is really fucking gay

you are either baiting or very low iq
how can i influence multiple generations of my own children if i think having children is the cruelest act you can do

what am i missing

>Although the non-existence of the human race, and biological life altogether, would be desirable, there isn't a non-violent solution to immediately end all life. My hope is that with enough time, anti-natalists could successfully convert enough people to bring about Voluntary Human Extinction and thus bring about an end to sapient species' suffering without violence, thus causing more suffering. However if this is impossible, than saving as many consciousnesses as possible from existence is good enough.

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if you get a person with genius charisma,looks,ambition intellect and wealth he could study bio engineering and release a virus that sterilizes all humans
that's my ideal solution

>promote my views
You don't seem like a complete idiot, so pragmatically you must realize that whether it's right or wrong, this is a philosophical stance that will never be accepted not only widely, not even as wide as something fairly niche like nihilism. The VAST majority of human beings will never advocate against their own existence the existence of their children. So what the point of maintaining and trying to spread these views? How are you not better served by A) trying to enjoy the experience you ended up with as much as possible and minimize suffering like the rest of us, or B) killing yourself and ending it now?

>if you get a person with genius >charisma,looks,ambition intellect and wealth he could study bio engineering and release a virus that sterilizes all humans
>that's my ideal solution

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Your whole argument is just inductive reasoning that only holds true in your own head. Why do you think anyone else should quantify happiness, suffering, and meaning the same way you do?

>how many do you have left

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Measuring value in the mere arithmetic of pleasure vs. pain seems paltry, one dimensional.

even if the idea never catches on in mainstream discourse if say 0.0001% of people get reached and agree with it thats MILLIONS of people that wont have to be born and millions that wont have to suffer at all

and b,killing yourself and not existing at all are very different things

This image is the best thing I've ever seen

"Successfully converting enough people" only means getting a large enough group to force others to do your bidding, since no philosophical ideal will ever be held by 100% of the population, which again points to the agenda of genocide.
If you continue to deny this, then that just means anti-natlaism is only a self-satisfying viewpoint that will never accomplish anything that wasn't already happening.
Good job, bravo.

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Legitimately, where does one find goth girls to fuck, and specifically ones that are actually hot? I'm fairly normie and I just don't interact with goth circles on a daily basis. Do you dye your hair, put on skinny jeans, hang out at MCR concerts and just fake it?

in java does int-- subtract 1 from an integer like int++ adds 1 or is there a different thing to do it?