She is an actress in Spain. Believe it or not

She is an actress in Spain. Believe it or not

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There are roles for ugly people

She is also considered a 10 there.

In what, a traveling freak show? She might be able to star in a Rob Zombie movie as Otis's "other" daughter.


Damn, Cosmo really quit trying to do the whole tranny thing, huh?

Kathy Bates and Roseanne are actresses in america what's your point

Believe it or not, that kind of actor is and always will be needed.

She has one of the sexiest voices I've ever heard, though. Not bullshitting.

I went to Spain, she is above average by their standard.

t. white man

Does she get cast only as a witch/gypsy/goblin?


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Is she the Spanish version of Steve Buscemi?

Cleopatra tier then? Got a sample for a brother?

She's pretty good, though.

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kathy bates is legit beautiful though


Didn't she became famous of some reality/personality show anyway?
This country is a joke, we should just remove everything south of valencia and then purge all the southerners living in the north desu

False, we made it up!

What's wrong with Spain?

shocking, looks british

All the European powers should have stopped you from colonizing other lands. Every country turned out to become a violent shit hole.

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She bought one, like old times

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>Believe it or not

This world no longer surprises me

>He got tricked by the jew into thinking actors must be beautiful people
Enjoy the movies goy

Spaniards look like THAT!?

Well.........of course

she is an actress in the US, believe it or not

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Almodovar is an overrated hack fraud.

She's a sex symbol in muttland. Get it right sweetie.

She is an actress in the UK. believe it or not

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She killed millions...

Her children look fine by US standards

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Massive corruption, uneducated population, pathetic infraestructure and very little industrialization. It's a tourist resort disguised as a first world country
It's not like they could, besides the current state of latin america has more to do with the cold war than colonization, almost all fo them were in a good/okay position during the xixth century

>Jew controlled movies, magazines & media shilling up the ass as usual
>Herr durr, Amerimutts must LOVE her

No one's thinking about this flat chested kike.

what happened to her face?

Destroying societies expectations of beauty, just like how they are destroying the expectations of talent in the writing, Art, directing and movies and music industries. When will they infiltrate the education system and destroy the expectations of intelligence?

Shits scary

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>When will they infiltrate the education system and destroy the expectations of intelligence?
100 years ago.

she's just an average cis woman

Clearly you have never been there.

she would look better if she fixed her damn horse teeth.

my nigga looks like an ebony lion. I'm going to assume he has a harem just like any other jungle kang

That fucking eye is what gets me, it's almost popping out trying to get ya.

This is an american actress

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why are cis women so gross?

here's a transgirl

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Complete bullshit Spanish chicks are hot as fuck and the non communists guys are cool too

What the fuck, I'm a sodomite now.

shelly duvall looks like shit


I knew a guy that was ugly as fuck and was in like 100+ movies as like a one liner dude/extra meant to be a creepy or strange fella that gave you the heeby jeebies. He was weird as fuck irl. A brony or furry type of guy. I helped him move once and I found his piss jugs. This was before my Yea Forums days and had no idea people like this actually existed
>mfw I found the piss jugs
He knew I was coming over there to help him move and he still didnt bother getting ris of them

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you're not convincing me until you post at least 6 sissy boy actresses that cute, if it's only one then fuck off.

If she were born a male she'd be super chad

looks like your average hollywood actress

yeah, but the problem they are leading in the US now

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Are they also a speed runner?

bitch look like a 16th century portrait

gemma makes me sick to my stomach from not being able to hold her in my arms

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Picasso fooled you all, he was just doing portraits

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To be fair,
If this gut had pail skin and blonde or ginger hair,
He would be considered apropriate to play a hero from the Illiad.