Name one thing Captain Sobel did wrong

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Be a jew

reading a map

cheat on rachel

Saluted the man, not the rank.

He cut that guy’s fence.

Pretty much every part of the field exercise.

Putting his sandwich in the office's communal fridge.


Was a boss, not a leader. Good for training, not for combat itself.

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Repeatedly got lost in the field during training exercises, led his squad into a direct ambush during combat exercises, tried to bury his best C.O which resulted in half of his NCOs mutineering against him. Realistically all he did was fail in the field. His discipline were top tier and if he had not failed in the field so many times all of those men that mutinied against him would have been lined up against a wall and shot.

>that unironically blatant propaganda episode where they happen to "find" a concentration camp

fuck this boomer worship show,yeah so retard 18 year old low iq monkeys went to invade an enemy in foreign soil for the crime of wanting to remove jews and jewish owned banks from his nation

Everything he did in the field excersize was wrong

What is this, Yea Forums?

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MY SANDWICH!?!?!?!?!


Nice pivot.

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based AND red pilled

>yeah so retard 18 year old low iq monkeys went to invade an enemy in foreign soil for the crime of wanting to remove jews and jewish owned banks from his nation
Germany declared war on America you mong. they dindu nuffin right?

germany wanted to remove all JEWS and move them to madascar but the (((international community))) objected to the plan
so then the germans removed the JEWS from the state by jailing them so they could not sabotage the state from within anymore while they prepared for war
then they used the JEWS for labour since they were losing the war
doesnt even make sense to kill them for fun,you work them to the bone then if you win the war you can execute them
but apparently the germans were too stupid and just turned them into lampshades instead haha
what a joke

He thought they were on a break.

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Came here to post this.

Thinking they were on a break


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so what happens to the people that aren't useful for slave labor and you have to feed

>germany wanted to remove all JEWS and move them to madascar
That was never a viable plan. Madagascar was capable of holding something like 500 families at the absolute maximum

>then they used the JEWS for labour since they were losing the war
What do you think the Einsatzgrupen were?

>what a joke
There is tons of evidence for the Holocaust including primary documents that show complicity from high command but I'd really rather not turn this into another Holocaust thread. The point is Germany declared war on America and that's the reason they were invaded.


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i am not debating that the camps had hard conditions,the ones that couldn't make it died naturally,mostly the old
but 6 million?
how come the population of JEWS actually increased after the war?
after they lost 6 million people it INCREASED

>I like spaghetti

The same reason the total population increased when we had the baby boom


I love when this meme collides

got his ass


>how come the population of JEWS actually increased after the war?