What was he watching before he entered the steel slumber?

What was he watching before he entered the steel slumber?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The Sneed episode

Attached: sneedfeedseed.png (640x480, 222K)

Super comfy image.

lmao i just noticed the empty boxes of wine on the floor and the vodka bottle
christ i suddenly have a headache

literally me but older, fatter, balder, and more empties

>forbidden planet poster
Very based.

Is this the Kino lifestyle?

why do americans lay their mattresses on the floor? fucking disgusting if you ask me

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Only poorfags

>literally me less than a year ago
I quit drinking. Just stopped. You should, too. Your future you will think less of who you were as a person.

It’s called the “crack whore”. Unemployed neets resort to it bc a box spring is considered unnecessary, or should I say Gucci loaferish

what's the story with this pic? I've seen it posted a few times but no one ever mentions a source.

Quick rundown?

god I wish that were me

likely a family member or roommate taking a picture to shame him with later

are his legs crossed?

He probably feels like death every day.

tarantino enthusiast fell asleep why pretending to be Cliff Booth

a low IQ god worshiping pleb like you wouldn't understand.

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This. Based. Start drinking apple-beet-carrot juice 1-2 times a week to help clean your liver. I have literally felt my right side of my body shrink from less bloat.

When I was 18 and living at home my boomer mom waited until I was at work and she took my bed out of the house and when I found out what she did she told me she did it "to teach me a lesson" and that if I bought a new mattress she'd do the same thing. I ended up buying a bunch of blankets and making my own makeshift bed out of them. It was surprisingly comfy and even now that I've moved out I still like my matress to be right on the floor. There's something weirdly comforting about being close to/on the ground when you sleep. Probably an evolutionary thing

My room looks just like that

same. i feel like an entirely new person since i quit.

based and steelpilled

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do you have a cum jar?

What was she teaching you a lesson about?

What lesson did it teach you?

"to teach you a lesson" is woman for "fuck with you"

>falling for the bed frame jew

...Do boomers really

Tree's Lounge

Oddly enough the only girl I knew in college who slept with a mattress on the floor was a Polish girl

Yeah but she must have had some kind of reason for doing something that drastic

I can't sleep soundly if I'm too high up, my bed has to be on the floor or just the actual floor for me to feel comfy.

What's holding up the chair?

>relate wholly to this image
what do

There's nothing you can do at that point

are you fucking retarded?

the anti-gravity waves caused by his high-gravity alcohol consumption

There is nothing comfy about alcoholism

Is he dead?


the chair holds itself


depression and despair


>Steel Reserve
Can't you fags have some more respect for yourself and poison your liver with beautiful vodka?

when you own libs on /pol/ all night

His balls

>multiple empty boxes of wine and liquor
This dude is depressed as fuck, probably a neet agoraphobe

I don't get the absolute mess these fags keep their rooms and homes in. I'm more of an alcoholic than this dude yet my physical appearance and hygiene is well kept and apartment is tidy as fuck.

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Just noticed his dick in his hand.

Bumping for

bottom shelf vodka yes

Parliament Vodka ftw

To never trust a woman again

Is that a twin bed? What kind of self respecting adult would still have a twin bed, if you don't have a full or larger you should kill yourself.

I hate the "just do it" type advice, but honestly that's it. Just stop doing this shit. Clean your room, throw a bunch of shit out and figure out what triggers your desire for alcohol (e.g. do you drink when you're wasting time online? watching something? on the computer in general?) and avoid that for a few months. Go out and exercise, even if you have to start just taking a walk.

He watched a man have a steel breakfast.

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Barton or Kassers for me

That's a bit harsh, user

r e n t f r e e
did a /pol/fag fuck your mom's mouth?

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Unless you're a teenager still living at home then he ain't wrong in his assessment.

this video is fucking dumb and always has been

the realest video on youtube

Sounds hot

>wearing shoes inside while on the PC
do Americans REALLY do this?

the evolutionary advantge is to get eaten by prey?, you are supposed to sleep in the trees dummy

Not at all, shit my first year of college, I threw out our required twin mattresses that came with the dorm, bought a full size and made the school bill me at the end of the semester. Adults don't use twin beds.

Is Steel Reserve strong? I never had one and have pretty low tolerance

The Japanese have been doing this for thousands of years

Are you a woman or a child?


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>sleep in trees
>A tree snake bites you
>A falcon grabs you and carries you off
>A jaguar climbs up the tree and eats you anyways
>You wake up and forget you're sleeping in a tree and you fall to your death
Many such cases.

My condolences.
Yeah It'll knock you around.

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5'9 and 150 here

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Watchu know about that?
Probly tons

Last night my mom was bein week, so I had to beg my sister for an honorable death

I've never seen the zoomed out version, holy shit lol its fucking day time
>drinking alcohol

5'11" 150 boys


could be morning, could be a weekend

some of us have problems brother

It's about the equivalent of a typical 6-pack of 12oz beers that are 5% each, except in 55% of the volume and made with shitty ingredients

I've never had alcohol in my life, just turned 28. Yet I will probably die like this since I spend most of my day sitting at my pc so its just the most likely.

8.5% Not great but not terrible. It's cheap though. One 24 oz can is perfect for sneaking into a movie and still be good to drive home all for the low price of less than 2 bucks.

>wearing earbuds while on a desktop

>tomorrow is Friday
>gonna see Hobbs and Shaw, then head to bar to drink while looking at the half-naked servers
>once buzzed enough, will walk to gas station for 1$ bottle shots of Jim Bean Devil's Cut(46%)
>about eight on top of the buzz will get me where I need to be
>or maybe will just grab an 11$ bottle of Evan Willaims and chug it while watching Twin Peaks
What are you lads doing tomorrow?

Gona drink the other half of the 1.75L rum I bought today and watch some kino then play some games before I pass out in my desk chair only to wake up like 3 hours later from neck pain and stumble to my bed to sleep until about 3PM on Sat

>didn't even open the pepsi


The fact that I don't drink is one of the few things about myself that I'm proud of. No matter what, I cant say to myself that at least I don't drink. I don't do stupid fucking things on weekends, wake up feeling and smelling like shit, waste all my money at bars and ruin friendships and relationships. The amount of people you see ruining their life forever because of something they did while drunk is crazy.

I like how it's a diet Pepsi, he seriously considered improving in a small step

You're confusing people who can't handle their alcohol with people who can user. You have a 14 year olds opinion of alcohol, and it's pretty cringe son.

when i buy alcohol i always get a soda too to rehydrate afterwards. i seem to need the sugar too for some reason

Most of the people who have a problem with alcohol don't go to parties or bars, they are alone at home

hello skeleton

>usual friday night
>a few bottles of wine with my shit posting
>get 1 bottle in
>suddenly in police custody
>went total black out for an hour from 1 bottle
>never even come close to that in 10 years of heavy drinking
shit just happens sometimes

Honestly I don't even feel comfortable joking about this. I've seen so many lives fucking ruined by something that started as just a "fun hobby". That shit can ruin you. You can lose every valuable relationship that you've ever had, especially with family. Even if you're buying the cheap shit it can get to the point where you're wasting all your money on it. Please user's...don't fucking eat deodorant.

Based Squirt Poster

i look fucking fine

5'10" 200

Pretty based desu

This. It's been 3 months since my last Tide Pod, and I still think about doing it again every fucking day... It's just not worth it.



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14 year olds think alcohol is cool
And regardless if you can handle it and don't do something shouldnt, it is invariably bad for your health. In fact, if you're at a point where you can "handle" your alcohol, your liver and brain and almost every other part of your body is probably fucked
Sure theres the alcoholics that stay at home and end up like OP's image, but people who go out every weekend end up wasting a lot of money, and they're the ones that get hurt in accidents or get in a fight.


gonna go to the river with some friends for a few days instead of binging on alcohol and drugs like I normally do
gonna miss you guys

why is his chair floating?

Who here /kratom krew/

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>hanging with nig friend at his place, playing vidya
>suddenly his brothers all pile through the front door
>he forgot they were all coming over
>giant group of black guys behind me
>literally that meme picture of poor little white boy, except with bigger black guys
>suddenly a giant bag of weed on the table
>dozen bottles of OE and cans of Steel appears outta nowhere
>they're actually cool as fuck
>they cast nig magic on me
>suddenly a giant can of steel in my hand, i've never drank this before
>i'm somehow holding the blunt in the other
>what the fuck is going on

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What's it like to have no friends and never go to a party? I'm genuinely curious, so please answer honestly.

The very fucking air you breathe is slowly poisoning you to death my man, I'm not arguing that you should just say fuck it and ruin your body as quickly as possible but if you're playing some kinda game where you avoid every single possible thing that can exacerbate your inevitable death, no matter how small, then you're taking a try hard min/max approach to life, how fucking pathetic.

whats the story behind this image?

>wake up next day
>literally everything is my house is gone

what are some kinos about alcoholism?

Forget about us. Enjoy your time outside, enjoy the company of your friends.

Someone post the Wojak version

>I have no idea what I'm talking about, please ignore me

Fix'd that for you, bud.

>A falcon grabs you and carries you off
That's what you get for being 5'11".

I was waiting for a reply like that. You retards equate drinking alcohol with friends and social life, how fucking shallow is that. Cope harder, alcoholic scum. I have a full time job, plenty of friends, and a good social life. It is possible to go to a bar or a party and drink something other than alcohol and still have a good time. If you think you need alcohol to have fun, you're no better than a fucking junkie
I said in my original reply that no matter what at the very least I can say I don't drink alcohol. I'm not the healthiest person, and I'm not trying to live in a bubble wrap environment, but I can at least be proud that I don't drink.
Great reply faggot

Fucking hospitality, man. Next time you bring the beer.

/kratom krew/ signing on user

I wish I could stop taking it all day long

Nothing pleasant or uplifting.

You're officially a brotha

this was me before feb 2017 when I stopped cold turkey, damn I miss dat life lol

Chad is worn out after fucking sluts all night and crashes in his loser alcoholic roommate's room

I'm not entirely sure that taking an absolutist approach to alcohol is something to be proud of, If you said hey I'm proud that I don't overdo it then yeh I'd see your point, but taking pride in being straight edge is really fucking sad. That being said if you don't enjoy something then don't do it, that simple, but just never doing it for the sake of pride is just alien to me.

Your soul was blackened that day, if only by a bit.
Embrace it. You've gained a piece of wisdom that few non-nigs seldom receive.

you're one of them now. there's no going back.

*dies tomorrow or brain aneurysm or hit by a bus*

burger here i have a bed frame

I don't. Why do you faggots drink tea and engage in more homosexual activity?

>the steel slumber

audible kek.

>I think people give a shit about my opinions and values
>pay attention to me, I'm better than all of you because I don't like alcohol
>why don't you see that I'm better than you?!

I'm not going to keep editing all your posts for you, bud. It's time you grew up and started being more independent. This is just fucking embarrassing.

It read the posters on the wall

forgot pic

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I thought this guy was dead..(?)

Mine is on top of a box spring thank you very much. I'm going to buy a platform bed soon I said the same thing over a year ago

I convulse and sweat profusely when i stop. I have to work so stopping isn't an option.

>I don't drink. Where can I collect my medal?

Fuck off

I feel you. You can detox in 4 days. Take a long weekend. It's better than dying.

I had a 24oz can of Steel Reserve for the first time two nights ago, but I was already too stoned to feel it. Still, kept my buzz going until like 2am (left the "party" at lik 9 or 10p.)
Didn't taste too bad, which is nice 'cuz I get real sick of alcohol flavor when I'm high. Honestly 9/10 lager, blows the fuck out of most other lagers I've had.
But it's no Left Hand Nitro Stout.

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i drink steel reserve
im unemployed
i live in chicago

guess my skin color

that man needs to throw away everything in that room, smash his computer, and go outside


6'1 340lbs. Takes a lot to get my fat ass intoxicated


yellow, because you have jaundice


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Based bloatmaxxer

You can die withdrawing from alcohol, consult a doctor.

bo shuda

One thing you'll find out as you get older is the world is fueled by alcohol and coffee. You are not immune.

Just wait. I just left a 45 day inpatient rehab for klonopin, alcohol, and booze at Enterhealth ranch in Van Alstyne, Texas. I’m now attending IOP at the inpatient center in Dallas. Trust me when I say, you keep going for long enough, and you’ll get to that point.

>user come over. lets have a few beers and see what happens ;)))
what do?

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The posters are kino, desu

Being fat doesn't make you more resistant to alcohol. I know a fat fuck that can't drink for shit.

Give it a couple years drunkie

Rules 1 and 2
Breaking rules 1 and 2

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It's possible that she did, but that's not a good solution. It's petty and passive aggressive, and it'd be even worse if he paid for the bed himself. If he's really at fault she could have just evicted his ass.

that forbidden planet one is awesome

thank you mr skeltal

Not him but you're an adult on fucking Yea Forums talking shit to minors. You're bottom of the barrel.

I don't think so to be honest, I've maintained the same intake levels and functionality for the last 8 years without it spiraling or getting worse to any degree. Long term I know for a fact I will suffer some form of health degradation but I don't see my self ever getting anywhere near OP's picture.

Ya big dummy, you're supposed to break Rules 1 and 2. It's a mind-worm to get more people into the Fight Club.

I'd kill myself if I was a manlet desu

you sound like a fag


Shit, I mean you're hispanic/latino. Sorry, I'm just hungry.

is it bad that this pic makes me nostalgic for when I didn't have a wife and kids?

It helps with my back

I wasn't talking shit though, I simply agreed that anything smaller than a full sized mattress is pretty bad unless you have no control over where you live, example living with your parents.

I don't even drink, mate. I just think you're a self righteous twat and its fun to fuck with that sort of asshole.

You'll never be able to stop. 8 years? You're fucked. You'll see drunkie.

Get shitfaced and drive him away by talking about how trannies are mentally unstable and the doctors who do SRS should be jailed and be banned from practicing medicine for life.

It's not like he'd get any females to share it with him

6'3 150 boy here

diet pepsi in a bottle, diet coke in a can. he is a true patrician

Then I wouldn't be able to work and I can't afford it anyways. Im trapped.


I've stopped for months at a time while traveling for vacation or work, I've never suffered any withdrawal effects. Why you so worked up against people who enjoy the drink my man?

Woah I've never seen the full image before

kys skeletor, you'll never pass

End work at 2:30. Work as a brewer so free beer. Take a nap, have a shower beer followed by 2 glasses of whiskey. Call up rich girl who I've been seeing her and I will do some lines hit a club and then continue to do lines until my dick doesn't work and then pass out.

youz da boss's pet 'umie ya git

There are free detox facilities in almost every city where you can safely detox in about 4 days.
If you are tired of it and want to stop.
No pressure.
Be safe out there.

I am also a 12 year alcoholic...so tolerance too

Something comfy about this image. Reminds me of a friend I had in the early 2000s who came from a poor family and had a room that consisted of a bed on the floor, a tv on the floor and a dusty PS2 on top. Good times playing Timesplitters and drinking litres of Diet Coke.

do they accept porn addicts?

Thanks dad

this patch was sick

>go to work
>come home and watch evo pools while playing vidya

i dont drink

They banned for talking about dora.

Is Steel Reserve good? Though that shit was for hoboes.

its an acquired taste

acquired by poverty

based and steelpilled

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How do I stop drinking Bros?

I drink 400 to 500ml a night

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Steel reserve is for high IQ drinkers

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A tidy home is a symptom of an empty heart.
If you have nothing better to do with your time than put stuff away in cupboards, you just might be a small-souled bugman.

My apartment is clean but that's because I make my GF tidy it. Topless.
Feels good man.

>Tfw no sweaty, chunky, acoholic slampig

it's more of a doomer/incel thing

You're weeding yourself out just as nature wanted. Just keep being you.

That's some delusional rationalizing if I've ever seen it.