What is it that makes Japanese horror so kino?

What is it that makes Japanese horror so kino?

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Filming over 1000 times

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I thought the cat was a silhouette of Wisconsin at first

Get in here to find out

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It this even considered horror? I thought it was meant to be a parody


Nip creativity

>Actress Kimiko Ikegami was uncomfortable about a nude scene in the film. To make her more comfortable, Yoko Minamida also took off her clothes. After Obayashi saw Minamida nude, he included a nude scene for her in the film which was not in the original script.

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Now THIS I can get into

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Bath scene incoming


Post more

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If you Japanese horror from this era, check out:

>ywn be a grand piano that swallows a young Japanese girl

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HAUSU isn't horror. Actually I don't think it fits into any existing movie genre.

Also Kung Fu best girl.

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hausu isn't really a good representation of j-horror

Is it true the Japanese version of The Grudge is one of the most horrifying films of all time?

Is this a shill thread?

Is this a stupid post?