How's your transition going Yea Forums? I stared this diet about two weeks ago.
How's your transition going Yea Forums? I stared this diet about two weeks ago
Time to go back on grindr for some trap hunting
Going great, sister! Pic related it's me
It's going well. Pic related. It's me.
You're an abomination
so far so good sister! pic related is me
whoever made that should be flayed
don't promote bullshit op
>white """"""men""""""
All whites must fucking hang
Trannies are fucking disgusting
Crossdressing femboys are where it's at
It's going good nothing new.
Transphobes please...
holy shit what is wrong with wh*te boys
Trans Latinx are much better at transitioning.
>i dont find them attractive, therefore transgenderism is evil
these fucking nerds weren't attractive as guys either, its not an argument
this is an average cis woman
Thanks for these, I’m in a /vg/ general that is desperately trying to convince me that trannies actually somehow “hate anime,” instead of the truth which is that they avatarfag as them. This should be good ammo
Not gonna lie, former anime watcher here. It's fucking hilarious to watch all animefags turn into trannies.
Is Le Masque pro-trans or anti-trans?
I didn't transition. I just became an emo femboy.
Women like it though. They find me cute.
Have more. I fucking hate anime niggers. Especially ones that claim they are "redpilled".
It's not anime-fags. It's just CS and IT freaks.
For example, OP pic was made by /g/, not Yea Forums, /jp/ or /m/.
COPE harder weeb
>eating semen
you have to take it up to your ass user, gastric acids destroy its properties
thats retarded
the only way for anyone to have a chance of passing is to starve themselves and then get FFS to remove their man faces. thats it.
Couch to 5k is a good routine not gonna lie.
In the future men will become more gay. A cute femboy with a dick will be highly prized. An abomination with a hatchet wound for a """""""""""vagina""""""""""" will live a sad life of endless pain.
not all weebs but specifically moe shitters all end up like this! Sad! Stop watching anome, thanks!
my dad got me into anime and we used to watch it together before he became a tranny
at least i took his NGE special edition dvd before i moved out!