Why does Leo look so bloated and old?
Why does Leo look so bloated and old?
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Leo got better with age. i've never cared for Brad
It's ok Leo.
>Leo got better with age
kek no.
Brad got better with age.
how sopping wet is she in that picture?
She's dry as a bone in a desert. Margot prefers superior black cock, both these white bois have useless shrimp dicks.
Because he doesn't workout that much.
hes looked bloated and old for the past 20 years, dude lost his shine a while back
>Brad's arm behind his back not around her
He knows
too much vape
Every movie leo does inflates his ego and makes him a worse actor. Hes b list tier at this point
the better your life is the less need you feel to work out
He has carb face.
because he's bloated and old
Cuz he eats and drinks an parties and doesn't give a fuck. He knows he can bang women half his age with a dad bod
What are the chances they fucked?
Why the ever-loving fuck do you care? How pathetic must your life be to even give a sideways thought to this topic?
>Why does Leo look so bloated and old?
Because he's bloated and old
So is my penis.
He has to finish all the wine by himself since his gfs can’t legally drink
Because he spends his entire life laying out in the sun getting drunk and stuffing his face in between fucking teenagers. Based lifestyle but its gonna age the hell out of someone
Their widows peaks are identical too
Leo's parents got divorced the year his was born hmm
>what old movie would you like to be spliced into?
>I immediately thought Last Tango in Paris, what does that say about me?
brad wants to rape a teen girl?
Are Pitt's boots platforms? Is this acceptable?
>image search
Think Leo questions why the young upstart that replaces his character is 7 years older than him?
imagine being a 50 something chad and being able to slay 18 year old puss if you wanted...
i wish i was brad :(
>it's real
damn i just had to google this. had no idea raylan was 51
>brad pitt's shoes
holy fuck, worse than de niro
>his perfect hairline
How the fuck does he do it
Where is the fat boy ?
hair transplants
he looks better than Tom Cruise
>Rihanna publicly said Leo has a BWC and is the best fuck she’s ever had
>Brad basically went through prime Hollywood puss of some of the most desirable women on earth
When did she say this?
In the blu-ray commentary of "poor little white boy 7" (2014)
Brad's never fucked more than a 7/10
Prove me wrong.
>*Brad grabs his crotch and smiles*
>"Got 'im right there!"
how many years in a row has she been 27 now?
He's not bloated but he'll be more handsome if he lost some weight.
leo won't stop hanging out with jonah
they are not my friends anymore , would you like tp hear some jokes.
post malone looks like that?
kek, based and bradpitted
>it's gonna hurt
holy shit
i hope twitter doesnt find out about this otherwise brad is CANCELLED
is that a nipple ring?
I honestly would be so disappointed if it came out that Brad was secretly some kind of loser or soiboy or asshole. Every single time he's interviewed he comes across as such a chill, cool, world-wise kind of guy.
I can't believe he pulled that off and none of those women even got the butter anal rape shit
Same reason they all still hangout including tug boat tobey.
Wow good catch. Looks like she has the nipple piercing barbell.
huh, neat
The file name is literally drawing your attention to it.
Not as exciting on fake tits
I wouldn't be surprised if he was kinda bitter after Angelina. I thought that's why Tarantino picked him for a chill guy who murdered his wife
On the other hand, the fact that he split from her may mean he got away before she could indoctrinate him into the Hollywood occult shit she obviously takes part in. There's a chance he's still really a good guy.
brad is into bleaching too, pretty based
I don't think it's possible to be famous and lie about your age today
She outfoxed you user. She did it and when she got caught she just ripped into the interviewer with HOW DARE YOU? WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. IT'S HARD FOR WOMEN IN THIS INDUSTRY TO etc. etc.
How the fuck is brad mid 50s and that ripped? No alcohol ?
Brad Pitt cucked prime Tyson you dumb nigger
Millions of dollars and literally zero problems and as much free time as he wants?
Leo will die being A++list. Nothing can change that. He could start doing Ed Wood tier movies where he plays a crazy scientist who's married to a deaf raptor and they fight crime on Asia and he'd still be A list.