How come nobody remembers this film? What happened?

How come nobody remembers this film? What happened?

Attached: Once_Upon_a_Time_in_America__12869.1495461299.1280.1280.jpg (853x1280, 233K)

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>What happened?
jews probably, always the jews

But it's about jews

it just came out, Brad Pitt was great in it

The studio butchered it before it came out, and it was a huge flop on release. Even the restored edits that fix the film are incredibly long though, so that probably draws a lot of viewers away

I just saw it two days ago, great film.

i watched it once. and i remember thinking that the movie was amazing and loving the fact that i had 3 hours of movie left. however, now that i think back to it i dont remember a single thing about the film itself other than the ending being weird.

they memory holed it to shut it down

zoomers couldn't sit through it

>watching a 3h49m film

Is it as good as its soundtrack?

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American distributor panicked and cut it down to 139 minutes right before wide release, which took away its context and left critics baffled.
Those who saw the 229 minute European version were more favorable.
>Ebert's television film critic partner Gene Siskel considered the uncut version to be the best film of 1984 and the shortened, linear studio version to be the worst film of 1984.[34]

It's literally top 10 of all time

I saw it a few years ago, it was great. Top 3 mob films for me. I remember being upset at how much of a prick Deniro's character was, but then I realized these are supposed to be criminals and not the romanticized version of the mafia we see in other movies.

corporations flooded us with soulless shit.
authors no longer exists.
cineme is dead.

Deniros character was largely an outsider to the whole mob business. He was in jail while most of the shit was getting going. He was actually just a prick. The anger and fear in that character and the question of where in the unholy fuck it could possibly come from is the best part of the movie

>post yfw this scene

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Long, boring and self-indulgent. Only impressive if you've never watched a real movie and the majority of your favorites were filmed before world war 2.

4 hours of a phone ringing? Nope.

Yeah this movie always gave me that feeling that I was actually watching shitty people do fucked up things without any sort of pretense, and the first part of the movie serves to give us context as to why they turned out that way which made it much more believable.
This was the scene I remember watching that really made hate his character, it made me pretty mad but it was also kinda hot

only worthy for like 5 minutes of the most gorgeous creature to ever exist

Attached: prime connelly.jpg (879x880, 235K)


Now I remember... wew

Plenty of people remember it, but the main characters are horrible cunts and it's less accessible than something like The Godfather. Masterpiece though. Some of the best film music of all time.

why does deniro start raping every woman he sees halfway through the film?

stupid motherfucker

Its a great flick but it weirdos people out i think? Did based Jimmy woods commit seppuku by jumping in an garbage compactor but it was left ambiguous or something? I mean what was that ending.

it's long and millenials can't comprehend something past the average 2 hour-film

because its boring af

It's hugely impressive how a 4hr film like this held my attention the entire time. The set pieces were breathtaking and unmatchable

Best film about the Jewish mafia?

>implying most ppl born in the last 30+ years could sit through a 4 hour movie

>not watching the 4h09m version

Yes, very underrated movie

based chauffeur


honestly, it's kinda corny and outdated
and i LOVE the godfather

sergio leone is overrated

people see the cover and think it takes place in Mexico

zoom zoom zoom zoomy zoomy zoomy zoom zoomiko zoomo zoomula zoomulus zoooooooooooooooom zoooooooom zoompoola zoomtxle

this is the greatest mob film of all time.

because it's fucking cringe
kids actors ruin everything

It depressed me too much, I can't watch it anymore and want to forget

One of the best soundtracks ever

It shows how organized crime turned into the union system and modern-day democrats.

When I was younger I always identified liberal and thought old people who unironically called unionists and democrats criminals were nutty and brainwashed by fox news. Admittedly, some of them were, but there were quite a few who didn't watch tv, spoke very little, and quietly and confidently informed me "they're made up/founded by criminals" when I was 15 and talking about shit I didn't understand.

I still lean left, but I got some fingers way deep in the red pie

movie fucking boring. rather have 4hrs of that jesse james movie.

funny how not even 20 years ago antifa were setting places on fire to protest globalism, and now they set things on fire to support globalism

OUATIA never became a big film, because of a huge chain of events:

1. The film was shown to a US focus group of random folk prior to it's release. The focus group hated the film and cited the non-linear narrative and the near four hour run time, as their chief complaints.

2. The studio, without consulting the original director (legendary director Sergio Leone), basically hired the assistant director of one of the Police Academy sequels to re-edit the film with the following notes: shorten the run time, reorganize the film into chronological order, and mercilessly trim the childhood flashback section so that Robert DeNiro appears on screen sooner than later. This effectively resulted in 1/3rd of the film being cut.

3. The film is a huge fucking bomb at the box office, critics hated it and quickly fades away until Z Channel (fresh off of rescuing Heaven's Gate from the garbage bin) approached the US distribution owners of OUATIA about airing the test screening cut of the film.

4. Sadly, the studio is still bitter as fuck, and until the late 90s, only syndicated the theatrical cut of OUATIA to TV stations. And allowed both the theatrical and original test screening cut to go out of print on VHS. By the time they release the film on DVD and start syndicating the test screening cut, it's a five hour film (with commercials) and no one wants to waste that amount of time for a film that flopped in the 1980s.

5. Finally there is the fact that even the test screening is incomplete. The original Leone cut is about 5 hours long and was cut down to just under 4 hours for the US release. And most of the scenes Leone personally cut are lost forever.

I loved a lot of it and adored the soundtrack but was utterly baffled by the ending. Did James Woods jump into the garbage truck to die? Was it nothing? Was the whole thing an opium dream/hallucination of Deniro wishing his friend hadn’t burnt to a crisp?

the second time she was screaming, did he actually fuck her in the ass?

>US focus group of random folk

who could have guessed

No one knows the answers to any of your questions.
It basically pulled a Sopranos long before the Sopranos did.

>The set pieces were breathtaking and unmatchable
Everyone in this movie was so /fa/ and aesthetic.

He was in prison. He practiced what he knew.

Not capeshit. Too old. Too long.

Reality is that American politics is corrupt and shitty no matter who you vote for and it has been that way for at least 200 years.

It didn't make them look good.


I really liked the Cunnylly scenes, but then again, i cant stomach watching little Dominic getting killed, so i only watched it once.

Pure fucking kino.

The score has been stuck in my head since I saw the movie a few months ago. Really amazing.

was it cp?

it was primo jennifer connelly