Anyone even care. This will be the last time this pale cutie graces the screen.
Post what you got, this will be the last time Izombie will every be likely to be mentioned on these boards
Anyone even care. This will be the last time this pale cutie graces the screen.
Post what you got, this will be the last time Izombie will every be likely to be mentioned on these boards
What’s she doing with that baton, user?
It's a whip, she was on a dominatrix brain, quite easily the best brain
Sorry, I haven’t watched since season 2. Liv a cute though.
What fucking episode
the previous season was pretty hit or miss. Does the final one catch up to early quality?
How do you suppose Blaine will eat it?
She also has a weird sex grind with peyton
Oh man, Peyton looked unbelievably hot in that scene
"Spanking the Zombie"
incidentally the next episode she was on sub brain
fuck my life, I don't have the first part that precedes this
betting Donnie is either tricked into thinking or realizes Blaine killed his girl
Did he? Didn't she have Freylich?
she did, but Blaine was in a shitty place because he was pining for Peyton, and he saw Donnie and her being happy he had a really fucking jealous look in his eyes
it isn't confirmed, but it is a theory I have
So that one scene is the only good thing we got out of this show. They seriously underused Aly. So much wasted potential
Is there lots of sexy scenes cause pasty girls are my fetish and sexy ones aren't used enough
umm is this her?
some times, the novelty of the show is that she eats a brain then gets a random personality that lasts the episode
surely some fetish of yours is met at some point
Girls covered in slime/mud
no, she's more petite than the girl in your pick
but a solid lookalike
gonna have to pick another fetish hoss, more so in regards to a personality type
fucking knew it
Looks like you called it
Ok any scenes where she sits on someones face
Aly has to be a contender for Black Cat in any future Spodermun movie after this scene.
bless you sir, atleast something of worth came out of this thread
Added bonus: here's the stripclub scenes from an earlier season.
post feet
Hold on, is Liv actually full-dead?
seems so, zombies can be exploded, it's happened a view times
That was nice
Oh, that's a relief.
Well, that was something. Solid ending overall. Wish Dolly was killed off.
Damn. They gave up the fucking pretense of making her deathly pale and just let her be the waifu everyone wanted huh?
more like she doesn't have to sit through as much makeup, but yea
any hypnosis scenes?
Aly is sex on a stick. Why the fuck would you squander her? Because she makes the lead look like shit in comparison?
Aly is attractive and thus would trigger all of the femcels and hamplanets who envy and hate what they can't have. But god yes she has the makings of a capeshit starlet. That body is built for the silver screen.
any final fanservice before the series ended?
Not really
I don't want it to end
I didn't care for a long time and nearly dropped it often but I still am sad it's over
does Roes have any other projects lined up?
>interesting story
>good cast
probably one of the most underrated shows of the last few years
>Because she makes the lead look like shit in comparison?
Aly just has this aura that makes every other woman within 50 yards look frumpier than they really are. Here she is making TayTay look like a plastic mannequin.
The constant escalation-descalation of the zombie apocalypse issue was getting old. So they could ramp things up at season end and revert to 'case of the week' at the start of each season. Should have just gone through with it after S3.
Pretty weird they never resolved Mr. Boss.
Oh, hey, they didn't. He just vanished for the last few episodes.
I can't believe they did an Ocean's parody without including an actor who was in one of the Ocean's movies.
I did a rewatch of the first 3 seasons and I never realized they named the character "Boss" just because of a throwaway line in the second episode where one of the goons Blaine kills says something like
>Boss was looking for you.
I love the first 2 seasons. The escalating scale kind of ruined the show.
Are both Aly's and Rose's careers dead after this?
Aly yes because she's too prude to go full nude.
Rose no. She'll get those titties out and let them get sucked.
Robert Buckley and Nick Purcha are relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss them relentlessly.
>She'll get those titties out and let them get sucked.
>Man Utd
people actually watched this cuck garbage? yikes
a shit eposode, sure but it was just a prank bro
just saw August Netflix release and Season 5 will be coming
Imagine just being really hot and making millions of dollars because you got lucky
Based united supporter and superior zomfu
Rahul Kohli bought the cast a Liverpool jersey each... but forgot Aly. So she turns up in a Utd shirt to a party he's holding in honour of the grannystabbers making it to the CL final. I hope to Saint Fergie she hit him with a line like "Well, at least it's red right?" or similar. Though I am willing to bet Rahul's Utd-supporting GF put Aly up to it. She keeps wearing it at cons now to troll the fuck out of him I suppose.
better sized pic.
It was TVs comfiest cast. They were all excellent and you do have to wonder how they did it on the CW where the rule appears to be no actors >25yo.
How's her foot game?
the last seasons finale ruined the show.
Rose 8/10
Aly 6/10
I wonder if they practiced this scene in private, before they shot it?
Stopped watching looong time ago, does she end up with Major ?
>cw garbage
>he actually watches it
We watch it for the props.
Shit tv show, saw the first two season and its just blablabla and romance for goth people
3/10 hope who invented this die
Tom Hanks for the bump.
Oh shit I didn't realize this show was still on, is anything past S2 good?
It has good moments all the way to the end. But the last episode was trash.
the actor who played Ravi is pretty based IRL as far as I know. Hope to see him in more stuff
Is she still looking like pic related in the show? She looked like LITERSL SHIT in those Christmas movies.
I wish they would’ve given Blaine and Don E a better ending or death tbqh. Felt rushed and unsatisfying