Movies about organ donation?

Movies about organ donation?

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Americans willingly give more money to military than healthcare, so why would any US citizen care or be shocked by this news?

I'll broaden it even more.
Anyone that donates their body to research can only expect to be humiliated. I'd believe much worse things have happened.

don't even really give a shit if my body is used for dumb shit after I die

im fucking dead

I know someone who works on medical research at a university, can confirm they fuck around with the heads and limbs and shit that get donated to them.

lmao what the fuck

The American healthcare system is all a scam set up to ensure the army has a steady supply of bodies to blow up.

>his mother's done more for her country than he has

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desu I'd rather have my corpse be known as a meme than be forgotten entirely

I will donate my mom’s body to be fucked by a necrophiliac, I don’t give a shit.

This is going to sound edgy but once people hit late stage altzheimers you might as well just blow them to smithereens, their brains are basically swiss cheese, they're miserable and confused and they're either in a group home or a retirement community just waiting for the inevitability that is death. And a death from Alzheimer's isn't a pleasant one either. Eventually your brain deteriorates to the point where you're no longer in physical control of your own body and you're unable to eat food anymore. Not long after, your lungs go too and you fucking suffocate.

My only hope is that it isn't genetic because if I ever got it I would have to kill myself

hey mom how are you feeling?

This is why I'm not an organ donor, doctors are going to scrap your body and sell it to people who need a transplant for a huge profit.

Trips of truth.

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Thank her for her service.

Of course they are, do you have any idea just how valuable a viable kidney is worth? Or a liver? Quarter mil, easy


I read that series of Reuters articles about this body trade shit yesterday and it genuinely fucked me up a bit.

Ok, that's kind of epic if true.

Seven Pounds with Will Smith

>Be American
>Get shot by a bomb

>Throw me into the traaaaash

This woman's body was sacrificed to protect Israel. A real american hero.


the researchers are gonna piece her together and ask if she remembers what happened

Friendly reminder that the companies you donate blood to, to help your fellow man, just as often just sell the blood to the highest bidder to make as much money from it as possible.

So the cure for Alzheimer's is high explosives.

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There are a few places near me that actually buy blood and bone marrow. I've never been that desperate thankfully but I would do it if I had to

Worse than that, they don't even wait until you're dead. Dead organs can't be used. There's a reason they strap people down to harvest their organs.

Just read news articles or court cases from Victorian London. Medical students were pranking the shit out of each other with body parts every other day. There's even one body that I think some connect with Jack The Ripper, but the police themselves dismissed it as just another medical student prank. That's how frequent they were.

Sounds pretty sick. I wish they would do that for me when I die

>his mother's done more for Israel than he has

take your schizo meds /pol/


The family of the deceased should be able to profit from organ sales, not the hospital.


>be american
>don't get shot
>get blown up

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>acquire Alzheimer's
>only remember you post on Yea Forums everyday

>post the same unfunny meme every single day

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Holy shit

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Why can some Jew sell the body, but normal citizens cannot?

"his bad"

Are you telling me I have $250k inside me right now

Why do you keep posting this

Yes and you can live with only one kidney with very minor complications, I'd reckon you'd get $100,000 for just the one kidney

where would I go to sell this kidney, hypothetically

oh rly?


>and a small woman’s head sewn onto a large male torso “like Frankenstein” hanging up on the wall

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>body gets donated for Alzheimer's research
>the body is completely fucking useless to the Alzheimer's guys
>chop head off and sell the rest of the body to the military, thus getting more money for the Alzheimer's research
Most logical thing to do if you want them to get the most funding they can get, really. I mean, with military spending being the way it is you fucking know they'll pay a ridiculous premium for a real body to blow up, and they won't care if the head's missing.

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brb, just removing myself from the organ donor list

is this just summerfags or is the election shilling starting early without updating the scripts since 2016?

Dark web, maybe look into corporations that specialize in organ transplants and go from there. There's a waiting list for organ transplants and people are willing to pay to move up the list. You'd be surprised how much people would be willing to cough up if it meant living another couple years

yes /pol/friend, those pesky shills are at it again

Yup being America is like being a bright handsome young man that should have everything going for him but he's stuck caring for his geriatric parents who have gone senile and hate him for it.

I'm pretty sure that got her brain up to speed, god bless the US Army.

dont tell me you do it for free

Christ, have you been watching me?

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