German Man Killed With Sword by His Syrian Roommate


>A local news bureau reported “shock” in the German city of Stuttgart after a 36-year-old man was hacked to death with what appeared to be a katana-type sword in the middle of the street on Wednesday afternoon.

>The attack took place in front of dozens of witnesses and was filmed by passers-by on mobile phones from multiple angles, and saw a man, a 36-year old German resident of Kazakhstan origin, lying on the floor and being repeatedly hacked at and stabbed with a sword, reports German newspaper Bild.

>Video recordings from the scene seen by Breitbart London show the victim lying helpless as the attacker raises the weapon above his head, reportedly bringing it down on the head and upper chest of the victim repeatedly while witnesses can be heard screaming and calling for police in the background.^tfw

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>Yea Forums - Television & Film

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at least we dont wear shoes inside, mashallah (pbuh)


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Oh no this is horrible!
>German resident of Kazakhstan origin
oh wait who cares

Fuck German cucks they deserve it

Falsches Brett, du Spacko.

Mammy Merkel better get a speech together about enriching diversity ASAP before a German thinks negatively about open borders

You're supposed to make some paper thin excuse for how this is relevant to Yea Forums so when people tell you to piss off back to /pol/ you can go
Try just posting
>Movies with this feel?
At the end next time.

but remember people those "evil nazi trolls" are the real threat


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scheiß weebs

>Someone being murdered before your eyes.

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Hope he didn't Frankhurt him

You having a group safari tonight leftypol?

why was he full of cranberry sauce?

>everyone stands around filming

Dno what's worse.

Thank God we saved the west from Hitler

>those overhead downward plunges behind the car
Holy mother of christ. What a lunatic.

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>8 year old boy killed by refugee the other day too

kek at germans

Rutger Hauers second most famous role was playing a blind swordsman. Perhaps that's what this real life kino was related to.

>he attack took place in front of dozens of witnesses and was filmed by passers-by on mobile phones from multiple angles


The ABSOLUTE STATE of fucking white people. A Syrian man swinging a sword at a German, and Germans just stand around to WATCH and FILM with their phones.

Instead of helping or even alerting for help, they just watched. Fucking WHITE """people""".

Anyone who is talking about this is racist omg like

>real life is the horror movie

>literally shaking intensifies


Blind Fury. I loved that movie when I was a kid

was that the one pushed in front of the train?

Imagine living in a country where you have no means of self defense nor any means to save someone else.

>Kazakhstan origin
lol like that movie borat, haha mah wife!

>nigger kills a nigger

Why should I care?
As long as the victims are nonwhite I dont give a shit

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>of Kazakh origins

Can't imagine that. Always have my gun with me.

This. Always lamenting on and on about immigrants and acceptance. Enjoy it Eurofags. This is what you wanted

boy and mother were both black, too, 56%

t. homogay, you've probably never even forwarded nudes to the boys

And what exactly would you have done, Action Jackson

Based Ronin still cleaning up the streets I see. Thats commitment

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>implying you would jump in between the guy with a sword hacking another person to death
>implying you wouldn't be outright shocked and forget to call 999

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>56% cope posting about Germany again
>while they are getting killed, shot, raped and robbed left and right





Why do white people standing around doing nothing? Like that garlic festival shooting. One girl was laughing and running away.

Why aren't these posters complaining about all the other off-topic threads?

>of Kazakhstan origin
Nothing of value was lost

Multicultural toll paid in full

This is what happens to have sexless incels 2bh

Umm sweetie, one person isn't representative of the whole population, every group of people has bad people. So what if your crime rates are soaring? As long as we don't judge individuals by their group, it's all good. After all, being racist is the worst thing in the world.

Kazakhstan is whiter than Deutchsland and most of EU tbf.

Recommend me some samurai kinos for this feel brehs

they mean refugee that they forced the german guy to live with

What a shitty Syrian. Guy couldn't find an ethnically appropriate scimitar?


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Kazakhstan is 20% ethnic Russian

>implying krautcucks have any means to defend themselves

>Incident actually happened
>muh britebort

Better than being 20% Roma or refugee LMAO.
Astana is white homeland, keep with your untermensch Hanz.

This is what happens when you haven't studied the blade

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propoganda goes here:

what do you mean I've been sending my prayers for years now

lol, good one.

Culturally enriched.


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>Getting killed with chink sword
A rapier is a real gentlemen's sword. It would be an honor to be killed by one

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I don't care anymore and I don't think most news outlets even bother to report it anymore. Just get this demographic replacement done quicker already.

Only England and the Nordic countries are white you fucking mong

Delete this thread this isn't Yea Forums - Television & Film related.

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mudslime good

>Mudslime capital and Haven for the refugees
I guess you can keep lying to yourself all you want.
Come to Kazakhstan if you want a truly white experience, I know you won't regret.

t. hollyjew garbage propaganda consumer

You mean like just two days ago in burgerworld where cops were right next to a shooter but the shooter was still able to kill a kid and two others + ? anyway this swordfight was obviously an honorable duel why are you being such a lib fag about it?

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>video evidence
wew lad

>Come to Kazakhstan if you want a truly white experience

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Brown """"people"""" need to all be killed. They are a threat to civilization

it's deepfake you tard

there's video evidence of the moon landing too, you dumb cuck

>German resident of Kazakhstan origin
>a German


Without retarded immigration this wouldn't have happened. There is no spinning this.

People are people man, lose that Yea Forums edge it's not flattering

Keep in mind this is the type of hypocritical, deluded mutt mentality that spawned the 56% meme. Despite all your posturing about guns, America is the home of SJew, BLACKED porn, ridiculously high minority crime (and has been for decades), negro worship, and you're all cucked faggots that wouldn't use the things you apparently say will save you to stop any of this, because that'd be illegal. And when you do use your guns, you're suddenly dragged through the courts and inevitably spark another discussion about gun control in your country, so even then, half your own fucking country wants to take them away, and have made inroads towards that. It just never fails to amaze me how retarded and childlike you all are.

This is clearly a false flag and he is a crisis actor

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That story kept me up at night. I have a daughter and to think of that happening to me, having her taken in just such a stupid blind attack

That poor woman

Guns aren't going anywhere retard

What? You mean in the giant lib state that doesn’t allow guns?

Nothing wrong with chink swords, but getting killed by what was most likely some cheap katana (the most low-end and mass-produced of chink swords) is pretty embarrassing.

People will be throwing away their guns in droves after they realize a katana is a superior weapon.

lol. how'd they train the DNN? with real footage of people being beheaded in the street?

>calls user hypocrite
>is racist and irrationally angry

ever think you might be the problem?

Why are mentally ill far right incels so fascinated with violence and gore?

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Yeah. the one where the trained firearms professionals were right next to the shooter and he still killed 3 and injured 15.

ISIS propaganda videos, yes

>his country is the home of no gun rights and mass refugee migration
>get arrested for twitter post
>obsessed with America

Why did you report this thread, but not all the other off-topic threads?

Wow! Were the people he killed unarmed? That sucks man

>not using both

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Huh? I didn't.
Why do self-professed mentally ill far right incels always reply with stupid questions that have no relevance to the post they replied to?

Yes the kid was unarmed

I just checked spiegel and tageschau german news and they didnt have anything over this , fake news OP


Honestly this doesn't really have anything to do with them being immigrants. Most likely they were poorfag NEETs/criminals that got into an argument.

I don't see this being reported by any reputable sources. That makes it's validity... debatable at best.

Sure there's a picture but that could easily be from an unrelated murder. Breitbart is infamous for just making stories up.

>Says the Amerifat who has mass shootings every day

Maybe he was just a really shitty roommate?

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>Honestly this doesn't really have anything to do with them being immigrants.
Even though he immigrated from somewhere people still have balls and murder faggots that cross them?

shouldn't you be taking your schizo medication?

Theres a video

And yet the majority of them don't get reported on by the mainstream news. I wonder why that is.

Why does the news suddenly go wild and focus on particular shootings while ignoring the majority of them? It sure is weird. Could there be something about most of these shooters that the media doesn't want people to see, or maybe something about the shooters that they do focus on that they want people to see?

At this point they're the only outlet I ever hear race related crimes from, and I can understand why normal media outlets don't make big news out of every assault from a minority against a white person to avoid race tensions, but when one side is going against the other 88% of the time I think they have the right to know.

Lower class gon lower class.

you're fake news. of course the fake news press like spiegel will do their best to bury this item under others like some shit about dicaprio using doubles or whatever. but they'll still have it to seem legitimate and so will tagesschau.

>all those amerifat posters

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Too bad it wasn't a real kraut

The majority of the media doesn't report on it even if it's black on black and there is no race tension aspect. Like these two who got away with gang raping a black little girl yet the only real attention it got was a single article on the Fox News website along with local news reports.

Had these two been white then it would have been one of the biggest stories of the year, just like Brock Turner was.

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Don't forget the part where americans being retarded jewish puppets is why everyone is in this situation in the first place. Even when they aren't ignorant of these facts they are too deluded to admit any fault. Simulaneously whingeing about how ebil the gubment is while praising their country and military as the best.
Truly they are the goodest of goys and deserve to be cast into the seas with their masters.

kys before an illegal sandnigger does that for you

based pede would have a beer with

Is there a better one? I can't fap to this >:(

was he a midget? he looks like 5'0"

>a 36-year old German resident of Kazakhstan origin

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Really? A guy in my county saw a nigger beating in a deputies head during a traffic stop. He got out of his car walked up and blew the nigs skull open. You’d never be allowed to do that in your pussy country. Stay mad.

As someone who visits Kazakhstan every 2 months - Kazakhstan is Central Asian. Except for some Russians barely any white people live there. The Borat thing is a joke, the Kazach are short Asians. They look nothing like Borat, obviously.

>I'm a good goy so the jews let me shoot niggers


Ok, if you don't consider Slavs white then literally no white people whatsoever live there.

Based desu. Wish we could do this in Europe too.

roger that keeping them blacklisted

fuck off retard

How can a refugee get a katana of all things?

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>tfw in college I took over the living room, editing video projects on speed all day and fapping to Mike Adriano Amal porn at night. Also I kept a shit ton of filming equipment behind the couch.
I deserved to be katana’d desu

>Top 5% trick 55% of the retarded vocal populace (that every country has)
>Other >40% are divided in ideas but function just fine and live their lives normally and aren't drones
>people like (You) who fall for the shit spewed from the vocal 55% and group an entire continent spanning country together and hate them all
>not realizing that you're also being played yourself to hate us, when we should all be hating the ones in the position's that are creating these global situations in the first place

Yeah fuck science and statistics and sheiiit. Brown people are only violent because of culture and money. Genetic traits don't exist. Race is a social construct just give them more money then they will stop bring violent LALALALALA I can't hear you HAPPY THOUGHTS