which films show the full extent of the cruelty of nazi germany?
Which films show the full extent of the cruelty of nazi germany?
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That doesn't sound possible.
back to /pol/
It's a twitter post.
Holy shit what the fuck
Pretty sure starving people would be easier
Nazi's killed my Grandfather, they replaced his parachute with an anvil.
This is some looney toons shit. Also you can counter >Nazis ebil
by posting shit the allies did and if they try to counter it call the racist commies.
Careful, saying something like that could get you arrested in certain countries
Americans will believe anything lmao
>This actually happened
Nazis killed my wife's son, they threw him in a swimming pool filled with sharks.
>leave the Star of Daniel off the biggest Jew in the world, Fred Armisen, as the only one missing
Oh it happens, I was watching a documentary about Batman and Robin and one of their villains has the ability to freeze people into giant blocks of ice. He'd freeze them and freeze them until they were frozen solid.
WW2 fanfiction gets more creative all the time
Well looks like there was a shooting that involved a female prisoner and Josef Schillinger (who was killed) and Willhelm Emmerich. I guess one or two sources identified the shooter as her but it's more difficult to determine than simply noting that the event took place. We won't know for sure, reddit went with the most known version (aside from the "rebellion" thing I can't explain). So do research don't dismiss things for no reason.
I just watched Judgement at Nuremberg. It's a solid courtroom movie that shows the degradation of the German law system in the 1930s.
Right on time
sounds like he should have chilled out
little cool fact
mr. freeze was based on the nazi in the OP
Ice to meet you
Schillinger. I wasn't looking for the other guy but there is a list of personnel if anyone's curious. I didn't know about it or forgot because there's just too much stuff to remember every little story. I prefer the one where a guy with his scauting budy, a priest an Ukrainian engineer escaped from Auchwitz dressed as Germans escaped in a car they stole.
>losing so hard
chill out with the alliteration user, just cool it already
Like clockwork
Holocaust denial is a crime!
Why /pol/ virgins are losing their shit over this picture ? It's a true story ...
>It's a true story
It's just as true as this lmao
>not beliving random thot on twatter
yikes, have sex /pol/cel
>"Oh, no no one must ever know that with so many people who were sent there over the years there was someone that fought back or tried to escape. No one was supposed to know about it nooo"
idk if its true or not, but it sounds to me like all she did was get all the others killed
I prefer the story about the cage with the bear and the eagle where they would throw in a jew each day. Horrible stuff, their cruelty was boundless!
Not him but where was the alliteration?
“According to Tabau, the shots served as a signal for the other women to attack the SS men; one SS man had his nose torn off, and another was scalped.”
To build on this, the nazi officer who ordered this was identified as one, "mr. Freeze" and was qouted as saying "what killed the Belgians, the ice age" before ceiling the poor man inside.
Officer Freeze pictured to the left.
Fred Armisen isn't Jewish, let alone "biggest Jew in the world". He's a quarter Korean even
>tfw you spark rebellion and get all your beta orbiters killed
Wow some obscure literally what book that's not a part of any historical research it sure is a perfect counter-argument against... some story about a woman who attacked her assailant in a camp years ago. How threatened you must feel.
He married a kike
The tapes I inherited from my grandpa. Trust me.. it's worse than you think. Those kikes had it coming.
Idk man there really is something bizarre about grown-ass adults claiming that their own aversion to frank discussions of puberty are actually a defense mechanism protecting all of society from evil puberdemons. Big Mouth isn't great but it's not as degenerate as Yea Forums makes it out to be.
>How threatened you must feel
Classic Jewish projection
It is possible, but it would require turning them to a liquid first.
There was no rebellion at that time. There were small scuffles near the ramp and that story might be connected to that. Actual revolts took place in June 1942 for example and a few managed to escape. Each time many prisoners were murdered in retaliation.
So what you're projecting that got you so agitated, Jew?
You argument is the exact same as the /pol/tards who say that Jews have been expelled so many times over the years that they must be the ones to blame as opposed to the host countries.
The Holocaust estimates: lowest 5,750,000, highest 6,000,000
Generalplan Ost: lowest 4,500,000, highest 13,700,000
Amazing how two different events in the same place at the same time can have such drastically different ranges of estimates.
What a time to be alive
my dad survived the holocaust and he told me the nazis used masturbation machines to make the prisoners constantly climax until their heart couldn't take it anymore
Man those Nadsis were *cold as ice*
>one thousand years reich
>completely destroyed to the ground after 12 years
should i hate jews?
one of the most traumatic memories of my childhood is being screamed at and berated by my mother for masturbating. i wish she had reacted like this.
Everyone, pay close attention. The Jew is now projecting his Jewishness onto me because he realizes he's been found out.
this propaganda is okay to show to children according to your average leftytard
let that sink in
Loves me some holocaust stories.
WTF I think the holocaust was a hoax now...
Mine is when I almost had to be held back in 4th grade and my mom came home and started screaming and punching holes in the walls and yelling "WHY. IS. HE. LIKE. THIS."
>Generalplan Ost
Coincidentally all documents, allegedly, proving it were conveniently lost and destroyed during the war... Nothing to see here, goy. And no, don't talk about those Hooton, Morgenthau or Kaufman plans. That is anti-semitic!
I found the jew guys
Goy never forget six trillion of the chosen people were killed by Aryan monsters such as yourselves. Please ignore the other massacres of the 20th century, they're insignificant compared to the Shoah. I myself was gassed over six billion times and it gave me the most terrible fibromyalgia! I've had to survive on nothing but gefilte fish and babka to keep my bowels resilient oooOOOoooooohhhhh
There was only one Gen-Ost plan that was implemented and it was a giant failure in all possible ways.
I stuck a lightbulb up my ass to massage my prostate as a teen and it broke mid removal
I mean
Why is it illegal to doubt it?
you should've buffalo billed her - tuck that shit up and started dancing around while humming 'goodbye horses'
thankfully my mom was like that, one day she came home from work and i was masturbating in my room, she opened my room and saw me with my hard dick in hands masturbating. she said: oh user! someone's having fun! and i said: yeah it feels good i'm almost cumming can you close the door?
she was very supportive
Oh it was the German version for some reason.
Isn't this just the mexican gas chamber joke?
They're too triggered to even talk about some random girl not being an obedient prisoner it's as vanilla as it gets and mentioning that is too much for them.
>some obscure literally what book that's not a part of any historical research
Excuse me?
>The following bibliography was compiled to guide readers to selected materials on daily life in the Nazi concentration camps that are in the Library's collection.
>Aroneanu, Eugène, editor. Inside the Concentration Camps: Eyewitness Accounts of Life in Hitler’s Death Camps.
This is a denier-free zone.
It's a cool way to go
> A fucking Auschwitz rollercoaster
Discovery of the body was rather chilling
I know that you'd be an obedient prisoner
my grandfather Rudolph Bugenstein would always tell us young ones about the time at Auschwitz when the guards painted a giant black tunnel onto a brick wall, they would lead the most malnourished prisoners by it, and they would all make a run for it thinking they could escape. they would smack the wall and crack their skulls, one after the other. this was before they started dropping pianos from planes onto the prisoners, my father saw his best friend Jurden Goldenberg crushed by one of these grand pianos, his head poking out of the top, keys sticking from his mouth where his teeth should have been
never forget the 6 gorillion
Bird brains. tweet on Yea Forums.
god that's cruel
Yes, personal accounts aren't treated the same way official reports and documentation are but they can be analyzed and corroborated or not.
Oy gevalt! Did Spielberg already make a movie about this Spiel? The night of the flying pianos mayhaps?
Yes, I remember they would put banana skins around the perimeter of the walls as well as iron anvils attached to ballons, ready to snag many a unware prisoner
I bet that account doesn't even exist. You idiots will fall for anything and everything.
>She is mentioned in Filip Mueller's eyewitness account Eyewitness Auschwitz as well as in the account of Jerzey Tabau, a former Birkenau prisoner.
>Tabau's report was filed for the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg as Document L-022.
It seems to me like eyewitness accounts were treated identically to official reports and documentation in the Nuremberg Trials.
>believes in the holocaust
>haha you dummies will believe anything!
oy vey
The extremely low effort "jokes" are kinda funny though
>All these /pol/fags not getting the point of OP's post and falling for the bait once again
Fuck off you annoying underaged faggots.
>tfw the guards pretend to be kind by giving all the prisoners cigars but actually they're sticks of dynamite
It's some random thot fishing for attention but most impressively someone was so desperate to screencap this. It's a step below their usual postings of fake quotes.
what is wrong with you, racist, go back to /pol/ and have sex incel weeb loser cum peepee i love jews jews are great, i am nice person jews are awesome nazis bad
Donne Darko
They're venting their frustration at the current state of politics (or how they interpret it) and link it to the horrible state of the education in their country. Easy to spot because they've been told that only the Jews were supposedly affected. Even though they (supposedly) deny it they think it's the official historical version and that's the reason why their first line of defense is calling opponents Jews. Weird for whoever read about the subject. That's how it is. Same people, same pictures and the mod is too slow as always.
Found the /pol/tard. Kys nazi scum.
My great-grandfather was there at the camps and he saw the atrocities first hand. The smell of death permeated everything and there was a foreboding sense horror and decay. He told me he walked through the blood and the bones of the countless victims, looking for his brother.... he was in northern canada.
My greatgreatgreatgreatgrandpa Schlomo Goldbergstein stole a rifle from a Nazi gruard at Auschwitz and tried to shoot Hittler, but another Nazi Soldier put a finger on the rifle's canon hole when my grandpa pulled the trigger and the rifle exploded, killing my grandpa.
I'd like to think the US Holocaust Memorial Museum has vetted these texts so they're not directing people to read cartoonish fiction.
Disgusting, I am happy they were caught and executed for their crimes
>all documents, allegedly, proving it were conveniently lost and destroyed
Several documents refer to it or supplement it. Nonetheless, most of the plan's essential elements have been reconstructed from related memos, abstracts and other documents.[10]
A major document which enabled historians to accurately reconstruct the Generalplan Ost was a memorandum released on April 27, 1942, by Erhard Wetzel, director of the NSDAP Office of Racial Policy, entitled "Opinion and thoughts on the master plan for the East of the Reichsführer SS".[11] Wetzel's memorandum was a broad elaboration of the Generalplan Ost proposal.
>Hooton, Morgenthau or Kaufman
Eyyyyyyyy lmao, you alright norm
>Same people, same pictures and the mod is too slow as always.
You're acting like you're not recognizable. You're in every thread too.
>muh education
>Be Nazi
>At guardpost
>Just taking numbers of Jews
>Make them strip down because these violent fucking Jews keep pulling shit
>Rookie gets distracted by some jew slut disrobing
>She takes his fucking gun and shoots my friends, the rookie, and more guards
>Shoot her dead
>Some caught in crossfire
>Jews use this to say is Nazis were cruel...
They turned my ancestors into a lampshade.
Holocaust denial and wearing/paining swastikas are crimes in europe punishable by 5 to 10 years in prison. One of my friend drew swastika on wall he did not knew what it meant he was like 12 years old. Police came to his house and arrested him. He came out when he was 18 out of youth prison.
what could they possibly be hiding when denying the holocaust is a felony
Tha-That's horrible. Those Nazis were such monsters. And the jews... oh the poor jews. What they experienced. It pains my heart just thinking about it. Disgusting
Remember when they marched those poor semitic souls into the gas chamber only for the fake entrance to fall over to reveal the rocket that launched them into space?
But that being said, the craftsmanship of it is beautiful, yet another quality product of german engineering.
I keep old uncle rommmenberg on the bedside to read my books every night.
Snopes rates it "mostly true."
You're allowed to question other genocides though, like the Holodomor or the Armenian Genocide
>still using the word nazi
is it because is easier and quicker that saying "white male"?
they made my grandmother open the ark of the covenant, causing her face to melt immediately, I still cry when I think of it
a few of them made it successfully to the moon where they established a jewish moon-based civilization, very inspiring
I dread to think what they're teaching murricans about WWII that's causing you to keep spamming threads where they don't belong.
2 Shekels have been deposited to your account, hasbara
There's one pop history youtube channel with millions of views. I think they actually believe that the "nazi" was the name of the party. Why the same people are obsessed with the word "nazi" to refer to a definitely nationalistic, imperialistic German state and they call anti-national Soviet gang "Russians"?
Cartoon guys swastika in the pic is wrong side. Just letting you know. Back to oven leftyretard
not even slightly suspicious user, oy vey
Does anyone have the electrician voltage death thing that one book explained? it was something out of a marvel movie.
i don't see anything wrong with this
It's more about what they aren't teaching us, like the Jewish involvement in Bolshevism and the Holodomor
Was that suppose to be a gotcha moment?
It was real in my mind.
my grandpa, Gevalt Gassem when he was six years old at the Tunguska concentration camp, spotted an armed Nazi soldier exitting a Jewish orphanage, blood on his boots from the millions of Jewish children he'd killed, having expended all of his ammunition in this mascara. Although my grandad had a loaded handgun taken in secret from one of the guard who had raped him, he did not shoot, as it would be dishonorable to do so even as the guard approached him. He was gassed on the spot.
Glad the nazis lost the wars and will never, ever come back :)
Also holocaust denials only exist on internet :)
But there are countries where it literally is illegal. It's not because of some secret movie-like conspiracy but because from legal point of view it's often linked with laws against discrimination and it has nothing to do with historical research. And it's not even always connected to lobbying groups wanting to get special treatment for their kind because Armenian lobby isn't very strong and Turkey has more allies.
My great uncle shlomo used to tell us about how the Nazis would force Jews to run as fast as they could towards a cliff, and when they ran off the cliff they'd hang in the air for a few seconds. Only when they realized that there was no ground under their feet, would they finally fall. These stories must be passed down to the next generation lest we forget their lessons.