Muh natives

>muh natives

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Other urls found in this thread:

>white guy LARP's his entire life by trying to raise his son as a Native without any consideration for the other half of his heritage
>Natives are okay with this
>The Rez's main issue with rape comes from outsiders
They're actually xenophobic as shit irl and mostly rape each other on the Rez.

Rape is an epidemic there for a lot of reasons that the film doesn't really address beyond "muh poverty" as if it's that simple of an issue.

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>guy can't even get off the top of the mountain before collapsing
Dude what?

Native Americans should have been wiped out on day one. They're the most racist group of people you'll ever meet in the US, and they're extremely unintelligent and lazy. In the same breath that they'll cuss whitey they'll demand more government checks so they can go back to another day of sleeping and gambling free money away with the occasional meth snort and beheading behind the casino parking lot

>dude just accept the total destruction of your race, it's fine
I volunteer on weekends at the reservation near me because they got fucked so bad. You should too.

Sounds pretty based to me, wagie

If your land, culture, family and identity was stolen you would be pretty pissed off too....oh yeah, have sex.

Stop using this fucking meme. They were running around shitting in the bush and scalping each other for centuries before the arrival of the white man. The European settlers didn't "steal" anything. It's generally accepted that scalping your enemy is cruel and unnecessary. Some might even call it savage.

which football team facepaint is this?

I'd be pretty racist if random white dudes came to my country and fucking wrecked everyone.

>It's generally accepted that scalping your enemy is cruel and unnecessary. Some might even call it savage.
Then how come the "enlightened" European governments taking a foothold in the New World propagated the practice by paying for enemy scalps or taking them themselves? Big thinkeroo.

Because it's satisfying to use your enemy's tactics against them

>Muh Aryan bloodline

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Kino shooting scene. Bit I feel like sniper rifle shots were too powerful.

Because the natives never sat down and agreed on the rules of engagement like gentlemen

But they didn't use them against the natives. They paid the natives to use it against the British/French/whichever whity was on the opposite side. There was zero payback, it was just making the "savage" use the savage technique even more because it was so cool.

>at bar with friends
>on patio
>telling them about some girl I'm banging
>they lol at her weird name
>what kind of name is that?
>I say shes Indian
>a noble savage tells me that is a racist term, they're called "natives"
>oh, I didnt realize you were part of this conversation, lad
>tells me he will kick my ass if I keep talking like that
>I say "she's not native, mate. Shes Indian...from India
>he doesnt understand
>in his confusion he immediately turns aggressive
>that's their go to thing when confused.
>he grabs me by the shoulder
>mfw gr didnt notice a huge bouncer standing right next to me
>mfw the bouncer knocks him to the ground and pins him there until another bouncer shows up
>mfw they both pick him up and throw him over the 6' tall fence at the edge of the patio

10/10 would do again

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That's just business, redskins did it for pleasure

They were just subsidizing the preservation of Native American culture.

They did have that scene of him handloading rounds, which I think was supposed to explain that, but they still overdid it. Some of them were like that scene in Django Unchained for god's sake. It was especially jarring since the shootout was otherwise so realistic, with people just standing there instead of doing action bullet-dodging runs etc. I really liked the cop who noticed that the security guys were flanking them and got panicked. Fucking nice detail.

>things that never happened : the post

(((like clockwork)))


That's cool, that he made the bullets himself. I also liked the scene with the fbi agent getting sprayed with pepper spray and storming the building. What a cool movie


honestly the dumbest thing about this movie was the fact that they tried to make a point about the unnoticed rape of native women when the climax of the movie is a fucking rogue contractor security force running a crime den and trying to ambush/kill a federal fucking agent, something which would totally cause a massive media shitstorm if it actually happened

It really felt like the main character should have been indian, instead of renner being like "I used to be married to one lol"

Why the fuck were the private "security" guys armed like mercenaries getting deployed in Iraq even there? Just hire some regular guys to live nearby with their families and do shifts instead of pulling some military base with no entertainment bullshit.

t. never met a native in their life

t. Gas huffers

I liked this movie. The scene where everyone shot each other was kinda fake but it was also pretty fucking awesome. Also cute blondie


>Why the fuck were the private "security" guys armed like mercenaries getting deployed in Iraq even there?
lax gun laws coupled with high crime rate in the reservation?

>The scene where everyone shot each other was kinda fake
What? That was the most realistic shootout that Hollywood has given us in ages. Everyone hesitating while picking targets, not dropping immediately unless it's a killshot, not diving out of the way...

sounds like a mentality of an loser who never opened a history book and lacks the self awareness of their own hypocrisy.

have sex

it was conquered, maybe try investing in tech tree next time canyoniggers

>>telling them about some girl I'm banging
>>I say shes Indian
Christ. Even if this is true how hard up are you? goddam

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It has been understood for years that rape, pedophilia, wifebeating, and child abuse are normal on the rez.
Except for this one time when there was this pat perfect conspiracy of white Iraq vets.

That was fucking awesome and made up for the painfully forced warrior woman speechifying. Way of the Gun was another stupid movie that got one or two details right, like when the protagonists are withdrawing from an area but making sure to cover each other. But then it also has an impossible night pistol sniping shot.

>lax gun laws
Firearms are completely illegal on most reservations, know-nothing. But thanks for your valuable input.

If you want to look at it that way than the logical conclusion would be to wipe them out before they try to do the same to us. Is that what you want?

When the fuck are we going to get a Scalped tv show? Is it just too "realistic" for the capeshitter showrunners to consider it? Is it that there's not enough native actors to fill out the Rez? WHAT?

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Why do leftists like to pretend white people genocided the natives?

Why do they lie?

Even the comic is going though some legal bullshit
They stop printing it and the Deluxe editions are incomplete

Pretty sure they were planning on making a series but pulled the plug on the idea

>the rez
I thought you were going to say in christian reform schools, where most indians pre-1995 grew up

What the fuck I thought that was fucking fiction when I read Moby Dick.

>and the Deluxe editions are incomplete
But I've got them all on my shelf?
Next you'll tell us you never heard of the whaling ship Essex either.

The land the private security guys were guarding was a DoE Federal land lease, not the reservation. Anyway, it's not uncommon for security contractors for large scale energy operations to be more heavily armed than a mall cop.

this user is correct. asshole injuns are ruining the fisheries in michigan with their stupid agreement with the government allowing them to net everything in sight.
half the time they're too lazy to even pull their nets so its full of dead rotting fish
fuck you injuns

you're getting cucked by ghost people now?

Doesn't even stop the aggressor
fucks a randy poo

Nigga u retarded

>the whaling ship Essex
What the fuck I thought that was fucking fiction when I read Moby Dick. I ain't American, I'm Turkish though.

>But I've got them all on my shelf?
My mistake
The paperback 'book' editions are incomplete
The Deluxe editions are complete but out of print

You basically cant get the whole thing on retail anymore

how do these natives treat hispanics? say someone like miguel from cobra kai

are natives the biggest larpers? i mean its 2019 guys, stop worshiping buffalos or whatever lmao

Well damn, now I'm real glad I picked them up when I did. I bought them online second-hand and at the time I considered just waiting and buying them new at a later date when I had more money, since I was unsure about the quality with him selling them so cheap. Dodged a bullet there.

>be redniggers
>fighting tribal battles for land for centuries
>suddenly whitey comes and wins all the wars because whitey stronk
>pretend he stole your land because it's too embarrassing to admit that you lost so badly
Don't be ashamed, the other lesser races do this too

Yeah I got fucked
If it's permanently out of print you could sell them for decent money in the future I suppose, if they're in good condition

it was actually because of the smallpox brought over by human plague rats. the same thing happened in south africa, that's why charlize theron and cady from mean girls are white.

I think the dude only read them once, they basically look like new. Unless I'm in real dire straits or the things become worth their weight in gold I wouldn't sell them, though. I don't buy comics often, when I do it's stuff I'm certain I'll want to reread over the years. I'm just glad I got them while I had the chance, and without having to overspend.

I still want to see it made into a show, though. Maybe once they've gotten over the gleeful superpowered edginess of Preacher and The Boys they'll finally adapt it.

>post your face when you realize youre being flanked

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I don't know why anyone civilised is surprised that Americans treat the indigenous like absolute shit. The only people they don't treat like shit are the rich because they're absolute cuckolds. They'll devour each other so they don't have to be seen on the same level as each other or others in the exact same predicament.

I supervise a timber marking crew for the government, and a couple of years ago we contracted out some timber markers from a local Indian tribe. They showed up late every day, worked for about 4 hours, and then went home. One day we had a come to Jesus because they weren't doing the job correctly, and after we were done one of them sprayed me with a paint gun in the back, so I had to go through the process of firing him which was a pain in the ass because of the government's HR policies.
At the end of the season they had marked 50% of the intended acres and I told the contracting officer they were not welcome on my marking crew again. When they found out I fired them they wrote a long letter saying that I was a racist and I had to defend myself against the blue haired government office workers that govern the actual workers for months to keep my job. Luckily I documented their lack of performance and managed to win the case.
Long story short, fuck Indians and I will enjoy watching them continue to wallow in filth and alcoholism until they eventually vanish from this planet. I felt bad for Indians before this whole fiasco but by the end I was a racist as they claimed I was.

>sprayed me with a paint gun in the back
you poor baby

>I felt bad for Indians before
Everyone who feels bad for prairie niggers just needs to live next to Pine Ridge for a year and that'll fix them.

I work in ND for a year and a half in oil. Met a man named Tex Hall. Google him. They practically run the rez like gangsters.

This anecdote sure is believable and definitely doesn't have any sort of agenda.

timber marking paint has chemicals in them that cause cancer, they call it a "tracer element" and the chemical used to identify the tracer element will literally eat through clothes and flesh. you do not want it on you.

Pine Ridge and Crow Agency are just shitholes 100% because of the evil white man I guess.

literally every country that exists conquered the native population. The citizens then had to incorporate into the population. Setting up reservations only segregates that population and prolongs both parties from sharing their culture and identity.

Scared the shit out of me as a kid.


You've obviously never spent a significant amount of time around Natives. I grew up on the Flathead Reservation and shit like that is commonplace, and Flathead is considered to be one of the nicer reservations.

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>"don't hurt my mules"
lmao, what a retard

Sounds to me like paleface got owned.

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I live in New England and I've never met an Indian in my life

That's because the original colonists did the right thing and killed them all.

it's probably true, working class whites resent everyone because of how often they take it up the ass despite being promised a great life if they worked hard enough. bunch of suckers.

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I live in a reserve. Comfy life if you have a decent job, which are given to women and relatives regardless of your merit. I went into the electrician trade and got a house + 2 vehicles before 30. Play your cards right you will get a mansion + endless women pining for you because of your money. Love the tax-free life.

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I live in South East CT and we have two imaginary Indian tribes running two massive casinos. All the mashantuckets (foxwoods) are blacks. Read without reservation for some eye opening horseshit about those thieves. The others are the mohegans (mohegan sun) and the only mohegan Indians I've ever met were red neck white boys from montville.

Some serious bullshittery even for this fucked up state and it's only going to get worse with their expansion around the state and forrays into online/mobile gambling.

As far as real tree nigs I've only been around some breifly in northern Tulsa and it was basciallys the equivalent of our ghetto blacks here.

>genocided by whites
>mad because they don't trust stupid white kuks like you.

wow, it really makes you think.

different word. same thing.

Delusional white cućks can never take responsibility, almost as bad as nigger logic.

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put the light bulb down and get a job geronimo

if he gets a job you'll just complain about your jobs being taken

Genetic IQ

Pretty hard up desu senpai but shes >actually pretty cute and tries to actually do stuff
>go to her parents house
>her mother and 3 sisters see me come in
>they immediately all get up and start cooking furiously like they just slept in on Thanksgiving and should have had shit ready to go already
>they all start chirping her in Indian
>ask her what they're saying
>she tells me they're saying she will make a terrible wife for not satisfying me

But I want white kids, desu senpai

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basically this. Everyone is guilty but themselves. The most annoying thing about racists.

Traditional minorities make pretty good submissive housewives, the dealbreaker is they aren't white for chillin' producing.

>avoid assault charge
>get someone to handle my dirty work for free
Evaluate yourself

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is there away to take a white woman's eggs and secretly put them in a minorities uterus?

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She cartwheeled a half marathon butt naked in the snow
That's a warrior

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Not if he's a US citizen

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SEETHING amerimutt

ohanzee dent?

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fuck you, that sounds nice

It's ok man but at the end of the day shes a woman just like the rest of them. Needs constant attention and praise and also, we wont have white kids.

>I called slide protection

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are there hot indians girls worth raping?

t. trucker carrying loads down Highway 16.

Even the hot Indian girl in the movie is actually a hapa

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Why do based Indians trigger amerimongrels so much...?

Only the hapas. Goddamn are there some good looking hapas. Natives are like the inverse of Asians; whereas for Asians the males are nowhere near as good looking as the women, for Natives the females are nowhere near as good looking as the males.

Not worth dealing with their families though

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Read up on how genetics works. In a few generations your children's children will be white again.

It’s amazing how much I was MUH BLACKS MUH INDIANS MIH RACISM like 15 years ago. Stepping into the real world and actually having to deal with these people changes your world view.

everyone is just waiting for them to die. unlike blacks, the government doesn't care about them. native american women disappear all the time and nobody cares.

For the lulz

His rifle was chambered in .45-70 which is quite a cartridge. But yeah, it wouldn't send someone flying

one of the best movies in recent years

>Blocks your path

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Nice typing pal, maybe stick to smoke signals


Such a rad comic run if I ts on Amazon I’ll watch it

Yuck, 10/10 chance she smells like curry

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We knew those tree niggers needed handouts even back then. Then it was scalps, now its casinos.

I hope yoo like curry fren

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What was an Injun doing in the UK?

>They're the most racist group of people you'll ever meet in the US,
Nice try jamal


>made up for the painfully forced warrior woman speechifying.
Didn't really feel forced to me, unironically well-written and fitting in this context. I usually hate that shit but it never felt out of place because the characters are so good.

He was right