This is Episode VII by George Lucas!

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Any Star Wars is good Star Wars the only thing that Disney is getting wrong though is not enough variety in the aesthetic.

I would like to imagine them as not being part of the Star Wars, keep them coming they look great.

Is this Lukes place?

Kek. It's just paint over

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Someone post the original drawn Anakin design.

It would have been more Kino than the garbage Disney gave us

I'll never forgive George for selling out to Disney.

just say it....

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Why does Zombie Anakin look like Christian Bale?

im sorry george...

Jedi killer emo twink


in my opinion I think the prequels were still atrocious

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They can both see into the future and predict their movements. That's why they're doing that! Fuck you that scene is fine!!

why didn't they make the locations look interesting for fuck's saaaaaake
i just don't get it. why discard all of this for absolute shit?

Nostalgia and Rian Johnson

Will we ever get an alternate retelling of the original trilogy splitting off from when Anakin and Windu confronted Palpatine only for Anakin to actually kill him instead of joining him?

What would be the point? With no Palpatine to turn him, and Order 66 not going into effect, then he doesn't go evil at this point. Which means even if Padme does die while giving birth to the twins, then he'll be there to take them and raise them. Sure, there's a bunch of different ways things could shake out, but the Republic never becomes the Empire and the Skywalker twins will never be hidden, so you can in no way have similar stories to ANH-RotJ.

Because the planning was absolute garbage. They didn't have a central vision. Kennedy was a complete pos replacement for George. They should have made Filoni the head even though he's a sperg at least he's nerdy enough to be involved in every aspect and have genuine interest in the universe.

>and Order 66 not going into effect
We don't know that. Palpatine might have had a contingency plan....Maybe Maul?

Then you are lost!

I'm so sorry George. I was blind but now I see.

Please come back...

Maybe not Maul himself but Maul could've had an apprentice hidden somewhere to resurrect their plans if either he or Palpatine had failed.