How long would it take for a Great Crusade fleet with 1000 space marines to conquer the world of game of thrones for the Imperium of man and the God Emperor.
How long would it take for a Great Crusade fleet with 1000 space marines to conquer the world of game of thrones for...
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1000 space marines? why do you need a 1000 space marines for? You literally only need one.
why don't we get sci-fi films with this sort of imagery any more Yea Forums? i'm tired of boring ass CGI effects you can spot from a mile off. just look at these practical effects, they're 100x better than anything you see in nu-trek. there's so much more weight to the enterprise in this scene
One space marine could probably do it in a couple weeks.
How strong is Arya's powerlevel this time?
>dudes who can see through trees
>little girls with dragons
>everybody fucking their sisters
sounds a lot like heresy, just invoke exterminatus
1000 space marines would have the whole planet conquered in an hour. 1000 is overkill.
CGI is unironically cheaper and easier than practical effects now.
100 space marines is often enough to turn the tide of interplanetary wars.
There's nothing in Game of Thrones that stands a decent chance of killing even 1 space marine. And the space marine himself won't even have to do much fighting. Win a duel every now and then and whole armies will defect to him. He'll have the biggest army in the world in like a month.
That's essentially what Lion El'Jonson did.
Spess muh rhines are meant to attack important targets like planetary space defences. Or surgically strike the command of an opposing future military.
They would be ineffective and totally wasted on a world with a very low density population. Given time they could spread out and become lords over a large area but their gear would become useless eventually with no power sources, maintenance, lubricants, ammo etc.
They would just be very very large superhuman men, eventually.
He'd run out of ammo eventually and one SM can be taken down in melee if you bring enough guys. They're not gods.
very very large superhuman men with superhuman reflexes, two hearts, and acid spitting tongues.
And it's a total waste on a feudal world. The primarches were the prize. Not the world.
>one SM can be taken down in melee
Yeah, good luck with that.
He was also a Primarch. That's a whole other level of super human.
>good luck with that.
On the table top they are about equivalent to an armoured and mounted knight.
So yes they would be taken down. Not before the ammo runs out I imagine.
>feudal world teaming with sorcerers
>"mysterious" power up north reanimates the dead *cough* Chaos
>an order of assassin that are probably rogue Vindicare assassins made the planet their home
user, the planet of GoT would be of VERY much interest to the imperium
Of interest for exterminatus.
Table top is not lore accurate. A normal space marine is said to be the equivalent of a hundred regular imperial guards. Think about it for a minute, you hear about all those instances where a single company of space marines turned the tide of a planetary war or held a position for insane amounts of time against unsurmountable odds. If they were mere oversized humans with a single extra point in strength, do you think they would stand a chance in accomplishing those feats?
No, but theyre based off gods. One space marine in his armor would be untouchable against swords and arrows and cannons and dragons.
>an armored knight can take down a genetically engineered superhuman in power armor
First you need to at least identify the threat as being chaos. You wouldn't send an entire chapter, of course, but you don't order an exterminatus without having had some boots on the ground prior in order to confirm that the world is lost.
>They would be ineffective and totally wasted on a world with a very low density population.
Except everywhere is feudal, so they could surgically remove the entire leadership structure of Westeros in a matter of days. Also, a Marine's power pack is a nuclear reactor that can last hundreds of years and they don't need ranged weapons to be effective.
>calling a mon-keigh seer a god
They are also highly trained and equipped with specialised wargear. That kind of thing is not useful when you ask them to disperse and just take over vast swathes of un civilised land.
Could they take Rome? Yes.
Could they control ancient Terra? Probably not. Just not enough of them for that.
Less than a week
>potential chaos
>rogue assassins
That's a virus bombing.
Imagine dropping a Thunder Warrior down there.
Dude, I don't know if you ever noticed but almost all WH40K lore is in-world propaganda.
In reality, one very strong man cannot take over a planet. Even if he is LITERALLY unkillable (and let's face it, a space marine isn't), he just can't. There's simply too much of it, too great distances. It would take him days to even move into a neighboring province, and by the time he reaches it, the previous one will have fallen to chaos.
If we were talking about a Primarch things would be different because Primarchs aren't just buff dudes with a few extra organs, they're powerful psychics with unnatural charisma that makes people instinctively bend the knee to them. But a regular stock spess muhreen ain't gonna do shit but run out of ammo and then become just another local legend, the weird man in the swamp where nobody enters.
>Spess muhrhine is out of ammo
>knight is both skilled, has a large retinue and is lucky
Absolutely. That's the fucking game. A space marine is still made out of metal and flesh. Stubbers can kill a space marine. That's an ordinary pistol to you and me. A well places spear is more powerful.
>Could they control ancient Terra?
The iron warriors did. There weren't that many of them. Plus, apart from the fact that every SM in their power armor is 100% invulnerable to medieval weaponry, you are forgetting about the psychological impact that a 7 feet tall man can have on a bunch of superstitious peasants from the 11th. The crusaders held Acre against insurmountable odds because they thought they had found a piece of the spear that wounded Christ on the cross (they probably didn't). Imagine the fear that a single unkillable maniac wielding a chainsword that sounds like thunder would have. Ten duels, is all I give them before they fall to their knees in fear and start worshipping the blueberry.
Depends on the chapter, to be honest. An Ultramarine or something else with a lot of statescraft could seal the deal in a few hundred years. Remember, they are practically immortal.
I doubt there'd even be a war, most planets were brought to compliance with diplomacy and reeducation programs.
/k/ here, a well placed spear is nowhere near as dangerous as a well placed bullet
Spess muhrines also carry swords, chainsawswords, power claws and power fists when they run out of ammo.
stubbers can kill a space marine in the one in a million chance it ricochets ten times and finds its microscopic way into a vulnerable part of the armor. Arrows ain't gonna do shit. Blows ain't gonna do shit. You are talking about a walking tank. Get some fucking perspective.
A well placed spear carries more force than a pistol round and pistol rounds cannonically kill space marines.
>1 in a million
Confirmed for being an incel that never rolled a dice.
Fragmentation is what makes bullet dangerous. Space Marines have two hearts and super-healing, it would be insanely difficult to drop them with a piercing weapon.
stubbers aen't 'an ordinary pistol', they can shoot through something like kevlar easily and the propellant they use is ridiculously explosive, in one of the tanith novels they blow stone pillars up with the stuff from the bullets.
>Why yes, I brought an entire continent to its knees with 150 soldiers. How did you know?
A group of swords men can kill them easy. It's the RULES.
Were you, at any point, under the impression that a game based on rolling D6s is in any way an accurate depiction of what would happen in reality, you utter retard?
unless the space marines virus bombed the planet, in which case everything dies, I don't think they'd bring any microorganisms that could genocide the world population.
Tabletop rules =/= lore. On tabletop you can bring down superheavy tanks with enough pistols, in lore they would not penetrate the armour in a thousand years.
Yeah, I'm sure that a bunch of space faring blokes that have been on hundreds of different planets would NEVER bring with them some alien disease that would wreak havoc on the native population.
A well placed spear may have more force but it’s not necessarily more lethal. As my fellow /k/ommando said, fragmentation and tumbling makes bullets lethal. A spear isn’t going to have the same effect, and might not even have more force depending on the caliber of the bullet.
Funnily enough, this doesn't happen in Warhammer 40k despite how inevitable it would be. You can't have space crusades if everyone dies of space plague before they can fight.
Bacteria and Viruses are completely OP, in reality. You could theoretically wipe an entire planet out by sending a single culture of your version of the common cold on an alien planet and seeing where that takes us. No need for crusades or planetary bombardments, but that would be boring as fuck.
>not even /tg/ themselves could keep a thread on 40k this stable
makes me thinkadink
>steel rain on every single capital on the planet
>glass every castle/fort from orbit
>kill the dragons with a heavy bolter team
around 20 minutes
Only scifi kino I can think of that even attempts the space gothic aesthetic of 40k is the necromongers in Chronicles of Riddick
How would they fair against the perfect organism?
one thing that always bothers me about 40k lore is how tiny everyone seems to think planets are
>conquering or defending an entire planet with like 30 guys is no problem apparently
don't space marines have reinforced bones? redundant vital organs? and a hardened dermis?
Depends if the Alien gets to breed via some lesser mortals first. A shitload of Aliens are a legit threat to Space Marines, but just one would probably get stomped to death and a marine would immolate himself before he got bred.
I suppose it depends on how really potent the acidic blood is.
>SM goes into melee with his chainsword
>gets splattered
>armor melts (maybe?)
Money is still on the SM, though. They've been doing this for some time.
I think I read somewhere that a Space Marine's skin could stop small arm fire bullets, but that might have been an exaggeration.
why even wear armor if the lowliest of lowly nids can just cut through it like butter
>On tabletop you can bring down superheavy tanks with enough pistols
I don't think you can do that anymore, except for things like melta and plasma pistols anyway
>basically a pussy version of tyranids
Think of it like a coup rather than an invasion. A few guys teleport on top of the world's leaders and crucial points of infrastructure/missile depots etc. They turn out to be divine supermen and start making demands when there is no strong governing body left to reject them.
Or they just hang out in the woods for 300 years, harassing a civilisation until they manipulate its collapse.
Melta maybe not a plasma pistol.
When they say "X chapter defended Armaggedon", what they really mean is that millions of conscripts of the PDF and a chapter held the line. Plus Armaggedon, a whole lot of nothing, aside from the hive cities. All in all, you really want to defend those strongholds, and perhaps the supply lines that run through the wastes.
except it's almost always against Tyranids or Orks, you can't coup them
>giving a shit what retarded space elves think
I'm the only person in the world who liked Space Hulk Ascension and Space Hulk Deathwing
given my clearly excellent taste, will I like Mechanicus?
In that case they find a plot-convenient maguffin that will explode the whole planet, and then they make it explode.
yup. Probably that Space Wolf game, too.
wrong board, but from what I understand, it takes a lot of inspiration from the original Xcoms in terms of mechanics. If you liked those, then by all means.
you can in a sense,just kill the warboss or their connection to the hivemind and they fall apart
didn't even realize I was on Yea Forums kek
no thanks
Spess Mehreens are to keep humans down
Guardsmen are what keeps the aliens at bay
I make that mistake sometimes as well.
Not the card one, the turn based tactical one
>thunking maguffins are faction specific on 40k
thats literally ever race in lore at some point or another
>seething Eldar bulimia victim
Don't have sex. Like seriously, don't.
They have nothing able to even come close to penetrating power armor. Whenever there’a a space marine thered be instant victory
>Imperium of Man sees emilia faggots
Exterminatus approved. The Emperor Protects
because every writer has their own opinion in lore about how invicinble/fragile it is
this one?
says it's card-driven and it seems to be a mobile port
They aren't faction specific, they're protagonist specific. And Space Marines are always the fucking protagonists. If a group of plucky Space Marines is stranded on an Ork world, you can bet there is some giant of giant disused power station that the Marines can blow up. Several will need to sacrifice themselves, of course, but at least one will fly away in a Thunderhawk as the planet shatters.
Throw some plucky Orks onto a Space Marine homeworld, however, and they will last as long as an introductory action sequence before the plot moves on to other things.
Would the Imperium stand a chance?
Plot Twist: It appears on Terra
>Dany on her way to conquer the planet
Confirmed lost Primarch
You guys seem to forget that they're built like Norton-era Hulk, and that's without their armour.
CGI is cheaper, faster, and producers/directors can make edits on the fly
And sadly, 90% of the audience these days can't tell the difference. Matte paintings and miniatures are pretty much a lost art at this point.
I disagree. That dragon fire even had a push and vaporized solid stone blocks in less than second. Marine armor is not indestructible and direct attack with anti tank weapon poses serious problem.
are you trolling or just autistically butthurt?
It's called "Sanctus Reach", Space Wolves are the playable chapter.
It's like you've never read a 40k novel.
Imagine the same scene, but with 1000 angry Space marines doing it. No more dragon.
oh right, I remember that, made by Slitherine of all people
IIRC it was either too much like chess or the tabletop, but I'll check it out again
I only like Space Hulk Ascension because it isn't too much like the actual tabletop game, it adds a bunch of RPG progression
atleast you admitted it by projection i guess
Did you never hear about The Beast? They were this close to blowing up Terra with an attack moon.
I was just pointing out that they are not immortal in reaction to a guy who claimed that one would be enough.
dont engage the autist,its the kind of salt who complains if a space marine character even blinks
Dragon fire would utterly fuck up Space Marines, but the Dragons themselves got way less impressive when they started getting fucked up by ballista. They'd just get shot, I think.
I don't know, man, Jon Snow survived direct fire from a dragon, and Euron killed one with a pea shooter. It's not guaranteed victory but the odds are in the Space Marine's favor.
your irony detector is pretty broken for a guy who calls other people autistic, which is, in itself, very ironic.
Which 40k books are actually worth reading?
This. Bolter fire can fuck up some tanks iirc, a dragon hide isn’t doing shit against it. Shot out of the air before it can get close enough to burn anything.
Drop a pod over every castle.
Plebs will bow to the new space overlords next day.
ok retard
I've enjoyed Graham McNeal's contributions to the Horus Heresy books, and if you like cops in space, Dan Abnett's Inquisitor novels are good.
I'm only trying to spur a healthy discussion about attack moons.
ork attack moons are never healthy!
Attack moons are a lot of hard work to make, I don't think it counts as deus-ex-machina.
only tangentially related, but reminded me of this guys description of how certain 40k writers describe spess mehreens
Eisenhorn trilogy (Bond in WH40K)
Ravenor trilogy (Sherlock in WH40K)
Gaunt's Ghosts series (Sharpe in WH40K)
Horus Heresy god-tier books (Feels in WH40K)
Double Eagle (Top Gun in WH40K)
by the ommnisiah...i never! So rude
>Orks gets artificial atmosphere on their Attack Moons because they believe they should be able to breathe there because why else would they be traveling on them.
yeah i honestly think its why theres so much lore autisim in wh40k,hard to nail anything down in detail when every writer has their own headcanon.
Love autist here.
One thousand great crusade era space marines could conquer the GoT world in a day, if not less.
Cmon, these are fucking space marines going up against people with technology that is no more advanced than 13th century earth.
They have the advantage in litteraly every field but numbers, and with no way of meaningfully attacking the marines from range they will be forced to go against 7' talk supersoldiers that are custom made for close range combat.
I give it maybe a week.
>Alien spits acid at marine
>marine laughs and sits acid back
>Death watch marine punches it once
>eats its brain to gain its tasty knowledge
>ywn be so badass that the orkish collective consciousness makes you unkillable by virtue of them believing that you are unkillable
The pdf deals with worse when they go to take a shit.
Probably less than a day without any Marine losses
is that true? The killing glance rumor he turned into a fucking las gun eye was pretty glorious.
It's never been confirmed, I just heard some guy on youtube make that theory. It would make sense, though.
It the Thing for dropped into Terra it would be game over in like three days.
There's almost a trillion people on the biggest hive planet in the imperium
If they can make ramshackle contraptions work as guns id believe it.
This. We are talking enslavers levels of fuckery, here.
Yeah when he lost his eye he heard ork rumors he could kill with a glance so he said fuck it and had them jam a weapon in there.
and also one of the most fortified locations in the universe but unlike the other guy i wouldnt place all my faith in the pdf alone.
>Implying Kelly C. won't just break the Astartes mental conditioning and turn an entire Chapter into loyal subjects
>If they can make ramshackle contraptions work as guns id believe it.
And paint the bullets red to make them go faster.
Even enslavers can be beaten back somehow.
The Thing assimilates all biomass it comes into contact with almost instantly, and it only takes one cell to infect someone.
It could just piss into a drain and it would infect a hundred times the cast of both movies in minutes.
>and it only takes one cell to infect someone.
Not in the 80s the thing
im surprised i never thought that,did they ever touch on why it was red in specific?
Yeah but one random psyker detecting a hive mine forming and out come the PREACHERS to burn several million to purge any traces.
>Even enslavers can be beaten back somehow.
Remember, they fucked the old ones so bad that they were almost gone by the time the Silent King showed up to deliver the killing blow. But yes, the Thing does spread faster. I suppose the saving grace would be that the Imperium isn't afraid of large scale quarantines, so they could try to combat it if discovered early enough.
That doctor dude got infected by touching a pencil he put on a charred corpse of one Thing
shit it you-you...DOUBLE GIT
First, there aren't really any "random" psykers, especially not on fucking holy Terra.
Second, it's unknown if the thing ever has a soul of warp signature so this is unknown
Third, in the film it was projected that if the Thing managed to get to a population centre it would take the entire planet over in like three years. That is in 1984. Terra in M41 has around a trillion people living in the most cramped conditions imaginable, and there isn't a remote arctic outpost to keep it isolated.
Sanctioned psykers exist. Also it is a give mind with how densely populated the planet is it would get found out fairly quick. It gets rekked by fire alone and las guns would be enough to ruin it. Moment it starts spreading in any large amount in a hive city will ne its undoing when the varied forces decide to end it.
not him, but if it were to find refuge in the underhives of Terra, there is no way it could even be detected, let alone combated.
The point I'm trying to make is that the population density itself would work massively in its favour.
A single Thing wiped out 90% of the science crew in the film, and they knew what the threat was and how it worked, the only reason it didn't win instantly is because the outpost and its hosts could be easily isolated. On terra, there is nothing stopping it from crawling into a duct And waiting a purge out, or infecting even more people in the panic
not him either but i think you underestimate how fortified the planet is and how many eyes and ears it has,it would impossible for it to take over undetected resulting in either them hitting terras deadmans switch and blowing the planet up or cleaning it from orbit.
The deadmans swich is known only to the emperor amd Vulkan.
There is no fuckin way in hell they would even think of blowing the planet up, else risk a liberal application of Guardian spear to the head
>1000 space marines
Thats overkill
100 could conquer the planet GoT takes place on a few days
It will activate regardless of who knows, the moment the golden throne fails,as for blowing it up or cleaning it from orbit i think they would rather no one had it if they couldnt remember how they reallllly dont like aliens? Holy terra or not
Or emporer detects it send a vision and it ded. Besides a random craft approaching the planet will get blasted long before it gets close due to genestealer paranoia. On a backwater it would be fine but even getting into our solar system will be a struggle alone.
*aliens/mutants etc
They die like bitches to orks, tyranids, eldar, tau, necrons, etc when the lore calls for it. Tabletop rules are more consistent.
>holy Terra or not
Christ, do you have even the basic knowledge on how apsolutely batshit fanatical And insanely religious the imperium is?
They regularly have internal purges that make Stalin look like a fucking joke, all int the name of the state religion whose entire shtick is worshipping terra and the emperor, destroying terra is completely and utterly unthinkable And as I've said, any fool to suggest it first would get his ass reamed the second he opened his mouth.
>Autocannon shoots three times per turn
>Heavy Bolter shoots three times as well instead of unleashing a swarm of bolts
>Multilaser has the same stopping power as a guardsman's flashlight
>A basilisk shell can't hit more than 9 people at the same time, regardless of their size
>same arbitrary limitation for flamethrowers
Yes, consistency at its peak.
simmer down m8,doesent matter what you think because they wouldnt have built a deadmans switch if they never planned to use it and let me repeat it would happen regardless wether they wanted it to or not.
are you okay?
The deadman's switch was built by Vulkan on the order of the Emperor himself, before the cult of the Emperor took root (thus Terra wasn't that sacred of a place). Plus it was only to be used as a last resort if Horus managed to reach the golden throne.
In any case, I can't find anything on it in the 42nd millenium, so it might have been destroyed altogether.
The emperor built the deadman swich specifically in the case he gets killed And terra fell to horus do deny him and the chaos gods their prize.
He custom made Vulkan for this sole purpose, trusting him to do this duty above even the custodes.
I'm not even sure if it still works in 40k
Nothing in Game of Thrones is strong enough to take down one armoured Space Marine, let along a thousand.
if theres no mention of its destruction then it exists anything else is just speculation on your part,ill also.mention one of his own sons has returned and strongly disagrees with the emperors worship so no it would not be impossible for him to tell the emperor botherers to take a hike and start anew somewhere else.
Vulcan could show up at any time and theres still that massive space fleet with virus missles etc and mars right next door
>A space marine is still made out of metal and flesh
They immediately clot, heal extremely fast (not quite enough to regen like Wolverine, but given a brief rest period between fights and they'll be fine), literally move faster than the eye can easily track (so unlikely they even get hit anyway), their bones are straight up bulletproof, and their entire ribcage is fused into a solid, inch+ think bulletproof plate to protect vital organs.
That's only some of it, and completely discounts their power armour. Or terminator armour, which has survived getting stepped on by a Titan.
They are not going down to any number of knights. You'd need artillery to hit them to do any appreciable damage, and I doubt it'd kill them unless they were out of armour.
Yeah, if Gulliman were to try and disband the cult of the Emperor altogether, I can guarantee you there'd be billions of angry citizens at his door ready to send him back to his necrophiliac Eldar girlfriend. Primarch or not, he can't just do whatever he wants.
>if theres no mention of its destruction then it exists
Only reference to it I could find said "The Talisman of seven hammers WAS (a deadman switch)", so make of that what you will.
That massive fleet would not dare to even think on firing on holy fucking Terra, and anyone who attempted it would be atomised in seconds.
As much as I'm a massive 40k nerd in giving this round to the Thing
Vulkan still has it.
He avoids Terra because his job is to push the button if he feels humanity has no future and no hope.
And if he looks at Terra, he's got a sinking feeling that he'll want to push that button.
you cant gurantee shit unless your a black library author or gee dubs itself,honest question how old are you?
Regular human swords and arrows won't do shit against a marine. Throw in a dragon and he might be slowed down or even killed if it can bite his head off or something. Army of the dead might be an obstacle for a single marine but bodies are fragile against Astartes armour
Are you the same autist that was crying earlier about Space Marines always finding a McGuffin? You type in the same spastic way as he does. In any case, I am going to quote you as you were talking to that other user:
are you okay?
are you being serious? please be honest
Marines also be fast as fuck.
so you have nothing? Got it
On any other Hive World that's a definite possibility, but not a certainty it would have to be one with lax or other circumstances occupying security/arbites attention as a God of Disease being present in-universe means contingencies are of course in place for every Hive City coming down with a case of plague zombies.
Terra however, that's something way above even The Thing. This is the center of the Imperium and every High Lord lives there not to mention the seat of the undead Emperor ascendant. The security and Dark Age tech would be beyond comprehension, with the Imperium having absolutely no qualms killing a trillion in order to purify the Throne World. Terra and a Hive World are on different plateaus.
I don't understand what you expected me to have, exactly. The only one yapping for an argument is you, everybody else is just having a polite discussion.
Funnily enough that's not even how Pizarro won. You're thinking of North America. Pizarro conquered the Incas.
In South America, Pizarro popped onto the scene while the Inca Empire was going through a dynastic civil war between the North and the South. So shit was going off and the people weren't united. Pizarro won because he had horses and guns and didn't believe in dealing with savages honorably.
The Incan Emperor agreed to meet with Pizarro, bringing a coterie of a thousand Incan nobles. Pizarro first tried to convert the emperor by having his priest read him the Bible. Some craziness went on and the Emperor threw the Priest's bible or crucifix on the ground and told the Spaniards their god was dead.
At this point, Pizarro unleashed an ambush. His men fired at the Incas. His cavalry charged. The nobles went running, abandoning the Emperor. Armed with better technology and a valuable hostage, Pizarro then played the Incans off each other and conquered the Empire.
Also he promised the Emperor he'd release him if he paid a ransom equal to silver enough to fill the room he was kept prisoner in. Then he asked for another one. Once the Emperor paid, Pizarro released him... from the ranks of the living. He did let the Emperor choose whether to be burnt to death as a pagan or converting to Christianity, in which case he'd be strangled to death. He chose the latter. Pussy.
Shit that's overkill just send in rough riders some catachan and a sprinkle of kreigsmen.
Im not questioning the willingness of the imperium is purging billions. I'm saying that if the thing was dropped on the most populated planet in the galaxy it would be fucked
He's alive? I thought he sacrificed himself to kill the beast and his mega gargant.
just stop save your dignity and let people have serious conversation its almost sad how underage you sound
Well he killed one of the beasts. Also being a perpetual he never truly dies...the war of the beast was confusing.
Calm down, m8, we're all just having a good time here.
The salamanders and their setting themselves on fire rituals from lava would like a word with you.
He resurrects. Perpetuals can do that.
>being this delusional
ok retard have a good day.
Kharn killed a million people in the Battle of Terra before dying. That's a million people with 30k technology.
That's true, but before Pizarro arrived, the Empire had already been devastated by some epidemic, likely from Spanish traders that had arrived before the man himself. Not to diminish that particular episode, epidemic or not, it probably wouldn't have gone very differently.
Fuck, a space marine could probably keep going with his bare hands for a while
a couple of hours at most. Pacification campaigns would take longer. You don't really understand how superhuman space marines are compared to regular humans if you have to ask this question.
Yeah being 10 feet tall they would most likely surrender to the mountain of metal rip and tearing through people in the blink of an eye.
>As I always say, Khârn the Betrayer was pretty fun to be around, and contrary to popular belief he actually had a sense of humor as well. Probably the best example was in the middle of the campaign during a sweeping of an Imperial Guard command post, with Khorne Berserkers and our Red Rivers company marching directly into the defensive fire. The closer we got, the more apparent it became that the only thing holding the Guardsmen together was a grizzled looking Commissar in full uniform, one gun turned on us and another firing on any of his men who looked like running.
>Khârn was at the tip of the assault, and so he got to the Commissar first, plucking the screaming officer up by the neck and holding him over his head.
>Then, out of nowhere one of the other berserkers grabs the Commissar's legs and roars "MAKE A WISH!". Well, as you can imagine everyone on both sides forgets about the fight, and watches Khârn and this other Khorne-worshiping marine just start pulling on this Commissar at both ends, the old man screaming out oaths and curses like you wouldn't believe! You could almost hear the sound of flesh tearing and bone snapping over the cheering.
>Then, Khârn just let go. Totally not expecting it and pulling with all his might, the Khorne Berserker just falls backwards and starts tumbling with the near dead Commissar into a damaged hellhound, his armor grating off it and sparking!
>Well, after the explosion we all turned back to Khârn, who had managed to keep a hold of the Commissar's fancy hat. Ol' Khârn put it on, and damned if it wasn't the funniest thing any of us had ever seen... till he turned to us and bellowed "I'M THE NEW COMMISSAR" at us.
>They tell me five thousand traitor guardsmen died that day before someone could take that hat off him.
>What a kidder!
based and gorepilled
To be fair, faggot Abnett opened that can of worms when a pack of swamp niggers killed a Chaos Marine with moth darts.
Populated but also most absurdly fortified and defended.
Civilians zones would be fucked certainly, but something like the continent sized Imperial Palace staffed by the supersoldiers of supersoldiers is simply beyond what absorbing flesh creatures can assail.
The only semi justification is the Marine wasn't wearing a helmet, but of course the superpowered metabolism should undo the venom and the marine skull should shrug off even thousands of flying arrows and needles.
especially considering the thing's MO when someone is even slightly suspicious of it is to go OH NO THE JIG IS UP and start fleshmonstering in every direction
Considering how a simple flamethrower of our time is so effective, the promethium flamers so common in the Imperium are a hard counter.