How can a movie with a protagonist as cute as Alita be hated by anyone? It makes no sense.
How can a movie with a protagonist as cute as Alita be hated by anyone? It makes no sense
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Preach my nigga
no idea
We already figured this out. People who hate Alita have literal brain damage.
>it’s another cumbrain floplite thread
maybe in your taiwanese cartoons, in live action it's creepy
Remember to link this thread in the discord so we can keep it bumped fellow Alitabros!
Do it yourself, bro.
she sounds like a 40 year old feminist with high testosterone levels, this is NOT the voice I had in my head when reading the manga
fuck americans and their masculine women
quit posting this troglodyte here
Play tuff all ya want, i know you love me.
Not sure, could be that they just should acquire sexual intercourse.
It doesn't even give me a tingly feeling in my wee wee, faggot, kys.
here we go with more cancer
Fuck off weebs
Reminder alita posters organized a raid on Yea Forums from discord. They will deny it and one user will continue keeping the thread afloat by posting pictures every minute.
Put your mother in a straight-jacket you punk ass white boy. Come here and tell me that, I'll fuck you in your ass you punk white boy. You faggot. You can't touch me, you're not man enough. I'll eat your asshole alive, you bitch. C'mon anybody in here can't fuck with this. This is the ultimate, man. Fuck you, you ho. Come and say it to my face, I'll fuck you in the ass in front of everybody. You bitch, come on, you bitch. You're scared coward, you're not man enough to fuck with me. You can't last two minutes in my world, bitch. Look at you scared now, you ho, scared like a little white pussy. Scared of the real man. I'll fuck you 'til you love me, faggot!
You sound like a crazed nut... could you please post evidence of when the "raid" took place? And that same copy pasta you keep posting is not proof of anything lmao, anyone could saying anything on a anonymous image board.
I'm waiting....
>literal cancer
Ya got us
Because she makes roasties feel threatened
Roasties don’t even know this flop exists
Your mom knew.
Ohhh shit!!!
Still fuming mad about no open matte
>Trying that hard
>Summoning the AlitaArmy
>Not the Alitaforce
Good move.
I don't believe you.
Thanks for bumping the thread #ALITAARMY recruit
Keep it up
>t. reddit
Go back.
Alita is cute. Smug_anime_reaction and loliposters are just subhuman
simple as
You know, you could've just said you need more smug_anime_reaction pics instead of acting all coy about it.
Thanks for the bump comrade!
I used to shit on Alita until I saw it about 2 weeks ago. I almost feel bad, shit's great
For real though
Haters gonna hate. Sad way to live desu.
You just gotta give some things a try before you shit on 'em.
I only watched it because I was bored on night and wasn't aware about people being so negative about it.
Either way shit was good.
Alita can eat, taste and experience food. Which means she must have a hole on her Braaper to process waste. So my question is, would you eat her A.I braap hole?
Cupcake here is a bounty hunter.
Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor
Mod/janitor from the discussion in the linked threads above leaves up discord advertising while multiple users admit they have reported it.
Thread full of wiped posts while the discord advertising link stays up
Discord posters admit they plan on organizing raid threads
Same mod/janitor leaves up discord link while post exposing them not even a minute after is deleted.
Names for the regular posters coming soon too.
Nope. Waste is exhausted via plasma ignition. Alita a pure.
Ditch the hardbody, meatboy, and let me buy you a drink.
Sorry but according to manga canon some of her bodies produce shit. SHE HAS SHIT, HUMAN SHIT, INSIDE OF HER
Whats with the new pic from 2017? huh?
otp right here
Fuck the haters.
Make 'em bigger.
or or whatever is down the hall to the left sweetie. This is Yea Forums. You know, television and film.
Creepy, uncanny valley shit
sorry to break the news but there is shit inside your waifu
sorry to break the news but there's shit literally inside of everyone
Just finished watching it for the first time since I saw the 1080p torrents out. Got to be said best sci fi I've seen in years. Loved it hope they make a sequel.
capeshitters are just a hateful bunch
terrible movie. why is this still being talked about?
Notice how they never actually talk about the movie.
It's just a general for the mentally ill.
Nah. The movie makes no reference to that. It does show Alita ejecting waste with plasma venting. I don't understand what the issue is here. Have you seen the movie?
Dog dies. Story is dry. Acting is awful.
post is fake and gay just like you tranny
Are you trying to set a record for the most incorrect Alita post ever made?
It’s funny how bad this movie is. Like literal garbage by people with zero understanding of how to make a movie.