I'm kinda' sure that this film is evil and the people involved in the making of it should be imprisoned

I'm kinda' sure that this film is evil and the people involved in the making of it should be imprisoned.

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Other urls found in this thread:


based brainlet american can't understand fiction

It's a onions "horror" film, you're a total pussy

Learn the difference

It's Rosemary's Baby for the 10s. But if you want to go full /x/ you just give me a call.

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ok but like how

its just a movie

I'm here for it fuck my shit up senpai

I was underwhelmed by it, but it was pretty good.

>based brainlet doesn't understand rituals practiced in ignorance are still rituals practiced.

Idiots. The fact that it isn't "scary," that it's boring and tedious and almost comical, that it is only desensitizingly gross--these are the signs that it's actually, legitimately evil. Fundamentally, it is not a horror movie. It's premise, it's purpose is not to scare people. It's not telling a cautionary tale. Consider, the coven succeeds, and the language of the film shows it as a success, not as a failure. Contrary to a horror movie, the ending, in which a prince of hell is granted an earthly body, is presented with a release of tension. The mother, who is incredibly irritating, is put forward as an obstacle. It shows the occult with complete banality, and the most suspense and fear is added to the support group for grieving parents. The son's grief over killing his sister is presented almost like a bad cold. It is not a presentation of evil as evil and therefore scary; it is a presentation of evil as good, and therefore not scary.

Yeah, that's not a fun reality to wake up to. Intent makes a difference in kind an magnitude, but cannot fundamentally change the act.

>It is premise, it is purpose

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: ///////////////////////////////

remember when Yea Forums didn't talk like boomer soccer moms?

No understands the bullshit coming out of your mouth fuck off. This movie was pure dog shit

>No understands the hullshit coming out of your mouth
>no understands

Ironic. What are you trying to say here retard?

I understand what you mean, the film manipulates the viewer by siding with the cult. They win, in the end. But the last cut shows the true extent of their victory. Paimon is nothing more than mindware, to which they have folded over its center.

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yeah, I'm not sure why I expected a bunch of kids on Yea Forums who are afraid of getting their driver's license would be able to read.

Remember, the cult not only KNOW god do exists, but they also rejected it for a Burger King paper crown.

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Exactly. Which shows how the film itself is truly occult. It lures in an audience under the premise of the theatrical occult (which is nothing like the real thing) and uses that premise to expose the audience to extreme desensitizing and demoralizing material, and then essentially gloats how they have succeeded over the audience, enriching themselves through the intentional dissemination of actual evil. If you listen to many of the fans talk about it, they will try and tell you that it's scary, but never actually be able to explain what scared them, what fear they have. They often speak of the movie with a smile on their face, not of nervousness, but of a kind of glee. Sadly, the phenomenon would be a lot more disturbing if we weren't as a nation already sacrificing millions of infants to Baal.

you're making me like the movie more. keep going

That movie had me going to mass on sunday.

That you feel that way is at the very heart of why you feel miserable and angry and full of anxiety.

Agreed, mostly. There were some tense moments, and a legitimately creepy scene in the beginning where the Mom sees the grandma in the corner. But other than that, pretty boring.

I'll confess something to you. I was happy with the victory of the cult. I put myself in the place of Charlie's brother. What was his name? I don't even remember. But then I felt swindled when I realized that it was actually Charlie who was in his brother's body. Is this the effect the film wanted to achieve, or did the film reveal something about me that I keep hidden because it's my shadow?, you know, That disgusting place where everything we reject about our own identity lives. It really makes you think, because The Witch touches on the same subject. The shadow comes in the form of Phillip Black, which exposes the protagonist by contact, that part of her own being that wants to live deliciously and will do whatever it takes to get it. But it's not just her responsibility. It depends that we feed on our being what forms us as individuals.

Do we really believe in the gods who have educated us or have we been conditioned?
Do we really want marriage and faithfulness in our lives or do we want to live like animals reproducing blindly? Only one person has the answer.

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reminder christcuck cuckservative moralists like op were the original sjws back in the 80s/90s

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It follows
Get out
The vvitch
A quiet place

This is soi horror. This is reddit

>back in 80s/90s
Try 120 AD

You can't compare them. They have totally different contexts. You can't compare them. They have totally different contexts. Do you know how our minds have changed in relation to past generations taking into account the technological leap we suffered in a window as short as 20 years? It doesn't even cover the distances between generation X and Z.

Interesting points. Shoud I watch this movie, in you opinion?

It's like installing a maggot in your brain if you don't watch out.

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It doesn't make you think. It's a lie. You rejoiced with the cult because you have rejected God, and I don't mean this in the overbearing evangelical way, but in a very real, metaphysical sense. But as much as you have done this in your heart, you've done little else beyond that. And so the possibility of the rewards of the occult is exciting to you; you associated with Charlie's brother because he, like you, was drawn in unaware. Of course, the unaware are just fodder. You were disappointed because you realized that you weren't going to get something for nothing. The movie successfully piqued your pride and hurt it, just enough to not become angry with it. It showered you in perverse images, makes you feel guilty for having seen them, and then uses that guilt to blame you for it, leading you to doubt and despair. Now you are asking questions you wouldn't have asked before, as though they are your own, when they have been clearly planted by these images which they constructed and gave to you. They knew how it would affect your thinking. And what they showed you is unlike anything you will face in life. By getting you to consider it as fiction, they have been able to subtly plant real feelings into your heart.

Embarrassing post

Take your meds

Sure is schizo in here. Don't forget your soijak images

I do not recommend it. It's harmful to the soul to maintain curiosity in these matters, and although it is still just fiction, evil is perfectly capable of using your memories as a weapon against you. Even if you are well prepared, and have a good reason to see it from a valid academic perspective, it would be best to avoid if possible. In the current language of the church, I as a lay person don't really have the authority or position to make a decision for you, but understand that while many movies today are bad and promote bad morals, I would actually go so far as to say that this film is legitimately evil.

Reminder that Jews make horror movies to psychologically traumatize audiences.

You are a very interesting person, I would like to know your opinion in relation to Eyes Wide Shut. Kubrick's last film.

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haha, I wish

Sooner or later they knock on your door. We cannot be faithful out of ignorance, user. That mistake cost past generations dearly.

Bluepilled redditors won't understand why, but yeah the film is charged with malefic energy. I was actually taken aback how overt the imprinting was, especially for a relatively mainstream release. It's essentially a worship ritual to one of the goetia demons and should not be viewed by anyone.

the cult of Paimon is clearly a metaphor for the international pedo cabal that rules the world

Please do, EWS speculation threads are tom comfy.

How on Earth was anyone bored from this? I have 0 attention span due to this shithole site and never got bored

This doesn't even make sense as a response to what I said

The election was a mistake
Fuck off boomer

Imagine being so pathetic you worship a deity with a perpetual soiface

post the neck sawing one

>/x/eno shitposting on Yea Forums again
For the last fucking time, get your schizo shit out of here and go back to whence you came: your fucking containment board >>>X


What other movies would you consider evil? Not planning to watch them or anything, mostly because I'd probably be bored by them, just want to know.

That's not a representation of paimon, it's his sister's severed head.

It was really boring, but the last 5-10 minutes are kino.

I haven't seen Hereditary, but I'm finally going to because of this thread

Reminder atheist NPCS like this poster were the starting epidemic of the PC culture we have today

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I'm very skeptical of all versions of the idea that it's a coded film meant to reveal a real and active cult in America. I think one reason that Kubrick's films attract such linear and angular readings is that they are in a certain sense Jewish mystical art. I want to be really clear here, I don't mean that in the way most people understand it. Certainly, mystical in the way that Jodorowski is mystical, but only if you can see how Jodorowski relates to Fellini relates to Bergman relates to Tarkovsky. Through the open market and lack of a publicly acknowledged nobility, America has largely lost sight of the real traditional meaning and use of art, outside of the most simplistic usage of folk art as a drunken pastime. So, when I say Kubrick's films are mystical, all I mean is that they present contemplative images--images which have a precise meaning, but which cannot be fully, rationally expressed as clearly or as fully as the image itself. Additionally, when I say that they're Jewish, this had to be understood in a much more fundamental way than most people are aware of, and certainly than you'll hear at /pol/. The religious core of Judaism is a powerful connection to the Divine Law, which is above the Natural Law. This in turn leads to a pervasive ethos of justice, logic, fairness, discipline, transaction, etc. Personally, I think it is from this that Kubrick's films get their extremely rigid, often described as cold, presentation. That incredible distance that pervades each film, drawing you endlessly in. Even in shots of ordinary moments, there is the presence of the sublime. With that long preamble out of the way, Eyes Wide Shut seems to me to be a very nuanced contemplation of the sexuality of women as perceived by men. Recently, I've noticed a strong irony in most of Kubrick's films that I'd always glossed over or discounted, but has caused me to sour on a lot of his work. Eyes Wide Shut, though, seems to lack this irony.

>Ari Aster
>nu-male kike
yep, checks out

wow I love how it drives the delusional out of the woodwork, it's a movie numbnuts. this was a fun little psychological thriller, the most disturbing part of the film is Charlie's death because it is grounded in reality. the occult ending is fun, and the argument over whether or not it was real mental illness is an old but solid horror trope. 8/10 for me really enjoyed but /x/ pls go

I'm questioning schizo's user intentions, we are like Lovecraftian protagonists. if you warm us to not seek out something, then that's when we are going to go for it harder.

Certainly, something evil this way comes. But it will do you no good to study evil in preparation. If you watch the back door, it will simply come in the front. Jesus makes it quite clear in his parable of the enemy in the night sowing weeds among the wheat--it is not our job to pursue and weed out evil. We are called to do good, and it hardly helps us in doing good to study evil. I'll acknowledge it might be good for a small few to know it, but if you're here, you're not that person. Not right now.

do you have somewhere else where you right more about things like this? or are you just wasting it here?

>it's fun fun FUN FUN! QUIPS AND MEMES!

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No, it's just a movie, but it is interesting how the Internet has given everyone easy access to satanic shit that wasn't as readily available before. I'm pretty sure this ritual is mostly made up, even if the demons mentioned are centuries old, but how long is it gonna be when real rituals are filmed and shit gets really fucked?

Let me be more clear. I wish evil could be explained away by psychology. I wish my explanation could be discounted as the ramblings of a schizo. I wish life were that easy. I wish the suffering of life could actually be solved by some simple idea like liberation. I wish what I said wasn't true.

Christcucks would have been kicked out if this was pre-elections Yea Forums. Sad state of this site.

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You probably wouldn't be bored by them, and I'm not going to tell you. For one, a film can have an evil thing or image, or even an evil effect without the art object itself being evil. For example, pornography is evil. There are a lot of movies which include pornography, but I don't know enough to say that its inclusion makes the whole movie evil. Also, sadly, the culture that art is made in effects whether or not it can be considered evil or simply bad. Most movies today are pretty disgusting, especially morally, but they reflect the general mood. I consider Hereditary evil because it seems to demonstrate a clear malevolent intent, even in this culture which is already so desensitized to evil.

I may be alone in this, especially on Yea Forums, you contrarian cunts
I genuinely think that someone who hates Hereditary either simply didn't get it, or didn't watch it. That's it.
It's a great film, and I intensely dislike horror as a genre for all its cheap nonsense.
By all means, use your ebin soi meemees all you like, but it won't change the fact that you're simply not fit to watch an engaging, well-made movie.
Go fuck your mothers

>I wish evil could be explained away by psychology.
>I wish the suffering of life could actually be solved by some simple idea like liberation.
These don't contradict each other, evil is purely human which is why it isn't easily erradicated, suffering is the natural state of the world and it requires us to actively work against it to have a better existence, it took thousands of years until a simple infection didn't mean a death sentence anymore.

Just wasting it here. I don't think it's worth collecting. These are really just thoughts that I'm pulling together now. Not that they're novel in this moment, but this is just a gathering up of loose ends that accumulate over months and years. As much as I care about films, and I believe what I'm saying, if any of it is true (and I believe it is), there are much more important things to spend my time on than this.


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Checked and based

Is A Dark Song evil?

>Most movies today are pretty disgusting
yeah, i get the feeling that whats being done on screen today pales in comparison to what was going on behind the scenes like 70 years ago during the hayes code/golden era hollywood

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>cults aren't entertaining they're serious and dangerous!

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Haven't seen it or heard about it, so I wouldn't know.

Good posts.

Note that the only replies disagreeing are reddit-tier quips. No actual analysis.

All me

>The son's grief over killing his sister is presented almost like a bad cold.
It was pretty fucking accurate to actual grief, you idiot.
Yes the movie was shown from the perspective of the evils presented, but that doesn't make the director himself evil. He wasn't trying to make all that disturbing shit OK. The banality of the antagonists was designed to form a contrast; a way to show the viewer that this horrible shit was Tuesday to these people. It made them seem all the more heinous, and it was meant to.
If you didn't want to go out and kill witches after watching Hereditary, that says more about you than about the film.

I really dig the soundtrack.

>You rejoiced with the cult
You rejoiced with the cult, degenerate. I just wanted to hunt down and burn cults.

It's great. Maybe a little bit overused, but effective when it counted, especially in the end treehouse scene. That was the only time it was perfectly used.
I would have liked more silence with no score though. There were great moments where the sound carried through the visuals

there have to be more efficient ways to break through a wooden barrier


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I didn't say the director himself is evil. I have absolutely no qualifications to say something like that, and I don't know that anyone on earth, even the Pope could discern something like that. The film itself, though, I do think is evil. I don't think it has redeeming qualities to it, and I don't think it can be viewed in any positive way except barely as a study of how evil is portrayed in film. Also, just because it is evil does not make someone who watched it or enjoyed it evil. Given the marketing, it's debatable whether watching it would be considered a sin, and if a sin, not necessarily very serious. So I'm glad that was your reaction to it. But from everything I've observed and heard, and from my studies of film, I think you are in the minority, and I don't think that's the intent of the film. Yes, it's disturbing, and their is an intentional contrast between the depravity of the acts and the way it's filmed. However, if you compare hereditary to Brawl in Cell Block 99, I think you will see a clear difference. Now, I did not enjoy Brawl, I couldn't even finish it, but I could understand what it was doing, what it was demonstrating, and why that can serve a purpose, even if I felt it was unnecessary. In Brawl, the banality of the style, dialogue, and characters heightens the experience of violence. Brawl, unlike Hereditary, re-sensitizes a desensitized audience. After watching Brawl, you are reminded just how violent most movies have become. Hereditary does not do this. The editing, pacing, and cinematography of Hereditary lend an air of absurdity to the whole thing. Hereditary is almost wry. And, speaking as someone who has gone through grief, and very recently even, it was not an accurate depiction at all. In particular, while the acting was to a degree faithful, it was the editing and camera work that undercuts the make up and plot.

You think what's shown on screen now is better than what was done off screen in the 30s?

thats all fine and good but does it have dumb looking monsters and shitty animation/effects that are funny to watch stoned?
that ladder scene is so shitty and awkward that it makes me want to watch.

I know they don't contradict each other. That is why they are used to support each other in a web of deceit. Suffering is natural, but Evil--pure Evil--is supernatural.

I agree with this. I didn't feel good after watching it and this sums up how I felt about it.

oh fuck no dude. id take mandatory rape quotas for all directors if it meant we got more directors like Chaplin, Polanski, Melville etc.

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Only 50 years ago these people would be lynched for being (alleged) satanists

Thanks for demonstrating my point perfect. The combination of hyper real gore and violence with absurd, almost slap-stick animation and cinematography is extremely desensitizing. Cartoons are able to get away with extremely violent actions because the image is so far removed from reality. In many sequences, Hereditary manages to bring high-fidelity images to the point of cartoon in support of a very damaging moral.

Fifty years ago we'd think the Bee Gees was the peak of music.

And 500 years ago we thought Michelangelo was the best artist ever, what is your point?

what kind of cult is it? gay /x/ shit or psychic vampire shit? if its gay /x/ shit then lol who cares. if its psychic vampire shit then what can you say. the war continues, but in the end good will prevail.

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just came here to say holy shit based.

Ignore all the retards, you're on point bro.

>gay /x/ shit or gay /x/ shit?

Why are people ranting about the end of this movie? What happens that is so speical. Pls spoonfeed.

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its just funny in an uncanny valley way. Horror is maybe the genre of films least capable of accomplishing a suspension of disbelief because the very act of depicting the violence calls attention to is impossibility. Your discomfort with the supposed morality of films reflects the fact that you allow the suspension of disbelief to take hold in the first place, which more or less taints any evaluation you have of them outside of their own context.

>that would be an ecumenical question
also just awnser the question, deacon: is it funny to watch high?

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it's the movie board. go watch the fucking movie

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Watch it or don't, don't be a stupid cunt.

>In particular, while the acting was to a degree faithful, it was the editing and camera work that undercuts the make up and plot.
How was I supposed to know you were talking about the editing when criticizing how the family grieved? At least we agree that the actors were pretty faithful on the subject.

I love conspiracy theorists Christians (most of them)
You people don't know a thing about the occult or any other religion for that matter, some don't even know their own religion.

>millions sacrificed to Baal

It's fascinating how these people unironically believe in this.

That kind of scene reminds me of something from Jacob's ladder, the objective is obviously to provoke a uncanny valley sort of feeling,it's a horror movie it wants to be unsettling.

cutest apu I've seen in my life

>of a very damaging moral.
That cult networks operate in the shadows, could be anybody, and need to be stopped?

theres nothing unsettling about it though, it looks silly, thats pretty much it. the 40 second Noah Cross confrontation in Chinatown is far more unsettling than literally any horror movie.

i just watched the ending and it was really bad. the violence was cartoonish in that it looked like shit and was comically dumb. It also copied the ending of Kill List which is a far superior film.

goddamn I cannot wait for this wave of trad cath shit to die off again

>makes you want to LARP
mostly it just makes me want to watch a better movie. congrats on expierencing babbys first banality of evil. go watch a real film, or better read a book like 2666 or Life and Fate.

Its funny if you just read their dumb bullshit posts and picture Ignatius J. Reilly

>theres nothing unsettling about it though, it looks silly, thats pretty much it
I still have to watch it, but maybe it has a different effect on other people.

I watched the end of it without context, it looks like literally any other schlocky horror movie with CGI blood effects. watch Kill List, its a good film on its own and I can guarentee you its better than Hereditary

bump because i deserve yous

It's the same production company that made the witch, the director is literally a Satanist and open about it bro

>the director is literally a Satanist
LaVeyan? Luciferianist? Temple of Set?
What flavor of wine cooler are we talkin'?

Nice cult defense there bud


Actual retard wow. Congrats on learning how to use a keyboard. At every single point in the movie it is shown that the family has already given up a lot of control due to the choices of a previous generation, it even says it in the fucking title, hereditary. The evil, or rather the lesson against evil, is that you shouldn't try to commune with spirits, even if they're dead family members because you're inviting Satan in your life. The initial death of Charlie even follows the classic horror movie trope of "pursue degeneracy = get murdered". It's still a caution against evil, you're just such a degenerate you can't even recognize the main characters are doing anything wrong.

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You're unironically correct but just watch all the retards here shit on you for it. Sorry.

>Because the mother is annoying it means the movie is wants you to sympathize with the cult
Pretty fucked up of you to say user

Based and christpilled

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Yes, there is a real sense of dread. Very powerfull film. I also felt an evil energy. It was a wieght on me as I watched it. It was almost taxing to watch. I have never been effected by a film in that way. I was also the only person in the theatre, and going in totaly blind. It was a very surreal experience.

>I love
>It's fascinating

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You talk a lot, but say very little. All the hallmarks of a pseud on display.

Demons aren't real, nor are there "princes" of hell or even a hell for that matter.

Hilary lost.

I knew the kid got gibbed before I watched the film, but everything from the moment Patel here looked in the rearview to the very end of the film was diamond-tier.

>retards itt don't understand intent isn't required
>retards itt think magik is a fucking joke


Exactly like The Witch

>y-you're okay...

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He's going to fuck her up the ass. And she's going to love it.

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I can respect Isis savages more than you christcucks. At least they are in it for power, loot, rape and fighting. You people seriously think theres demons in the microwave because it sparks when you put your can of beans in it.

You'd have to be an idiot to think that post was composed by a Christian.

I agree with you, except I would add that there are indeed other movies (different genres) promoting said evil tenets and presenting those in a light of “success”, but I’m glad you see it here. Nice post

>mfw thinking of my little sister during this scene

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>I can respect Isis savages more than you christcucks. At least they are in it for power, loot, rape and fighting. You people seriously think theres demons in the microwave because it sparks when you put your can of beans in it.

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what movie

Weekend at Bernie's 3: Pailom's Party.

What did she mean by this?

Are you retarded? If you condemn the church as a possibly corrupt institution with possible satanic hidden cults, how can you then go on to defend said cults!

Lol believing in demons 2019

Christianity literally did all of the shit you are trying to prevent fuck of cunt