>best horror made in god knows how long
how did they do it?
Best horror made in god knows how long
I bet you’re one of those effeminate redditors that thinks that Terminator 1 is better than Terminator 2 because it was ‘soooooo scary’ and ‘felt like a horror movie yo’.
Get a fucking grip, woman.
They had a good monster.
Oh yeah the one with little kid, stronk mom, and best robot buddy is way more manly
The Terminator was a more enjoyable movie than T2.
>duuuuude it’s sooooooo scary I shit my pants
Cope away, you anti-Cameron jew.
The Terminator is a better film than T2
This T2 shill again. No one in that thread said it was scary, people just said it wasn’t treated like a horror movie. Why are you illiterate?
T1 was the better film.
You were believable til now
>no one said it was scary
>people just treated it like it’s a horror movie
Why are T1 ladyboys so dumb?
You quite literally contradicted yourself in the span of a few seconds.
you can't see the monster
OMG everything is horror!!!! My favorite horror movie? Star wars!
T1 faggots in a nutshell.
They took a historical event and put a lot of fantasy aspects in it to make it more scary than it actually was.
Interesting observation, never thought of it like that.
such as?
Is this the nu-Wojak?
The first Terminator IS a horror movie.
About 50% of what happens in the show is pure fiction. Read a book.
>vatnik cope
>using the word "fantasy" on a board dedicated to tv and film in the general "fictional, made up" sense of the word as opposed to the domain specific genre definition
Truly you are the worst kind of person that can exist.
>can't list any examples off the top of his head
>read a book
Confirmed buttmad russkie
Episode 1 is tense as fuck, really great dreadful atmosphere, later episodes pile on that atmosphere with the glimpses of the firefighters being completely fucked up. It's the way they treat the radiation in the show as an almost unknown factor everyone's scrambling to understand. The scientists understand, but the regular people don't and for them it's this horrible invisible menace.
What is this normie meme calling everything horror? It was cool, it was tense, suspenseful, but not horror. Also check out the joker trailer comments, everyone is pissing themselves saying how scary it is. I saw another comment saying how "terrifying" it was that someone said the word 'nigglet' on twitter.
>just look it up urself lol
my favorite argument
>not understanding OP's intention
OP is saying that Chernobyl wasn't horror, but its moments to deliberate tension, dread and unsettling atmosphere make it a better piece of horror than anything to come out in the genre in a long long time. He's exaggerating, but the subtext is bemoaning the state of the horror genre, that a series that isn't designed to be a horror manages to do it so well.
which one?