When did you see the light, Yea Forums?

When did you see the light, Yea Forums?

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Kristen and Stone look good though.


Alright, jew

Based and oldpilled

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when I married my wife

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Your wedding party was a blast!

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the honeymoon was fun
loads of hugging and wholesome mouth kisses :3

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Kys all of you pedo scum

You spent it at the beach, right? So she could show off that tush to you in bikinos 24/7.

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>Russian instagram thots
litetally shit taste

Alright, redditor

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you take that back
how about non-Russians
I WANT TO spend the day with EMILY

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still shit taste

No thots here, m8.

Day and night

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i honestly cant choose between traditional japanese waifus, cunny angels and 2d qts

who are your favorites then mister cunnysseur

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what are her parents thinking? How is this allowed?

its not pedo if its innocent and wholesome

post "that" webm

What's wrong? She's 14.

what happened to the cunnybot? is it coming back soon?


"we'll just take some pictures of our daughter on vacation, surely no pedo would see anything unwholesome here"

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He's taking a break and hasn't turned it on. Will be back though.

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>what's that user, you saw some roasties at the hotel? leave them to me

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