Smithers there's a rocket in my pocket

Smithers there's a rocket in my pocket.

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there a sneedkit in my feedseed

Does anyone know what movie or series is this dialogue from?
He: would you NOT marry me?
She: I would love to NOT marry you

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Well pardon us

It's almost amazing how shockingly unfunny these are

but trannytarded simpsons is """funny"""", right tranny? fuck you and die, your disney shill thread is in flames and will burn as long as you live


simpsons = mouse garbage that's why sneed exists. we're based, get used to it. fuck you and fuck disney. fuck you, disney shill tranny faggot

My condolences to your parents

(while defending every single corporation that exists) UMMM ACTUALLY I'M A SOCIALIST

nah fuck you, burn in hell, every single one of your threads is burning, cry more seething tranny disney squad

"My bad"

This place is worse than Reddit

Sneed, there's a sneed in my sneed.

why, because you can't shill disney for free? is that why, tranny? explain why your shitty disney shill thread getting destroyed is bad, i'll wait

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Holy fuck dude, you sound very troubled. Are you on the spectrum?

Yes but their service is shitty and overpriced.

on the sneedctrum?

why can't you stop shilling disney? answer the question tranny, why can't you stop advertising for disney for absolutely no reason?
why are you so completely and utterly insane, pathetic tranny disney shill?

Mask >>>>>>>>>>> Sneed


You're beating a dead horse.

Formely an alive horse

Formerly alive horse

Sneeders there's a feed in my seed.

That's kinda the point of sneedposting, retard.

still waiting cuck

Formerly alive

thats kind of sad

based schizo

Are you autistic?

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Don't worry, user. I'm sure you'll have sex someday. Just keep waiting! :)

You're sneeding a dead horse.

explain how acknowledging the fact that the simpsons is owned by disney makes you schizophrenic, insane trannytarded disinfo shill squad member

why are you fumingly mad that your pathetic disney shill thread is in flames and you are going to be fired by your boss because your disney disinfo is failing terribly, pathetic trannytarded niggler?

Formerly happy

Formerly social

I think I was wrong about you having sex someday...

The hivemind is real. I hate this fucking board so goddamn much.

The sneedmind is real. I hate this fucking and sucking chuck so goddamn much.

Formerly a theory

you are getting fired and i am responsible for it, niggertarded disinfo disney cucktarded shill, cry more lol
this is you as your simpsons thread sinks into hell, niggertarded cretin
why do you constantly defend evil corporations while claiming to be a socialist

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Formerly just a theory and ok with this board.

>t. redditor who cant handle when opinions he doesnt like arent downvoted to oblivion and hidden from sight

Rent free.

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What was the deal Smithers? You know what I mean.;^)

cry more invasive disney tranny redditor, you literally campaigned for years to try and force IDs and upvotes across the site, we're not allowing you to forget it and act like nothing happened, AOC isn't winning