Carries your show

>carries your show

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's like, the third best character in the show.
1. Billy Butcher
2. Homelander
3. tie between The Deep and Hughie

That's not Homelander

1. Homelander
2. Deep
3. Everyone Else

he has like 3 scenes in the last 3 episodes how does he carry exactly?

Butcher - Cuck
Homelander - Bully
Hughie - Cuck

I didn't say "most righteous", I said best.

>1.) Billy Butcher

Nice meme. I suspect he was meant to have a larger, more badass role, but he was no better than the rest of The Boys. The Capes carried this show everyone on Yea Forums agrees, so go back to Yea Forums of you want to masterbate over Billy The Bitch.

Butcher is carried by Karl Urban's acting. His character is clever but not smart. He has rage but it's blind, not focused. And now his entire motivation for being an asshole and a killer is thrown into question.

>He has rage but it's blind, not focused
why does that diminish him as a character?

He's willing to kill and attack Supers without much real motivation later in the series. It's all because of a blind racism towards Supers when really he doesn't have much reason to hate anyone but Homelander. It's not like he has dirt on the others and his past with the Boys hasn't been shown enough to reveal any real grudge against the Supe community as a whole. For example he hates Starlight knowing full well she's knew to the Vought game and is trusted by his new buddy.

Homelander > The deep > Frenchie

I like Karl Urban but man do I have hard time understanding his accent sometimes, what is it even supposed to be? I hardly have trouble understanding people with accent but his is just hard for some reason.

Homelander and The Deep are so fucking based. I didn't even expect to like any of the capes but these two were the best characters on the show

Kiwi imitating a Cockney accent.

Yeah, like his Spice Girls speech. I got the gist, but dude was speaking gibberish.

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1. Homelander
2. A-train
A-train was great and casting dindu for that role was perfect.

Why do people like A-Train so much? Acting was shit, character is literally a junkie who wants to go faster, shit costume design, shit use of powers, shit character development (2 episodes of "u killed muh girlfriend that i killed"), and fairly irredeemable so far

>that shoulder and arm mass
>no chest or back
Douchebag confirmed

>everyone on Yea Forums agrees
like this means anything
this board is literally cunnyfags, emilia clarke stalkers, brie larson fans, and capeshit goyim

That's not Homelander.

He's a terrible person and a fucking retarded nigger, but he's entertaining to watch and has some of the best scenes.

>character did bad thing so i dont like him ;(
Bet you like hughie "character"

Whatever you say man but he doesn't even scratch the top tier scenes imo

Hughie is the most morally bankrupt character in the show. He's just a little pussy bitch who sucks up to capes when things get scary.

Nah Hughie is a huge pussy. Like I said in a previous thread he goes from grounded relationshit drama to project mayhem-tier social destruction without either really having a huge effect on his character or outlook. Really not interested in watching another season of him sucking Butcher's dick, I'd rather see more Homelander

Homelander and The Deep are good but unironically too relatable. A-train is the best villain because he's a genuinely evil person, while being the arrogant, dumb celebrity of a "super"hero that the show is trying to mock.

carries? That guy was just pathetic to look at. The only ones that were fun to watch were the boys' dynamic, frenchie and the asian girl, Hughie and his development concerning the heroes, the british guy and his hatred for the heroes, and then last but not least, Homelander. Bonus round: Hughie and Starblast or whatever her name was, and Hughie and dead Robin showing up

>The deep = Aquaman
>Hommelander = Superman/captain America
>A-Train = flash/captain america
>Stormfromt = Shazam

>Bonus round: Hughie and Starblast or whatever her name was
You can't be serious. Are you a woman?

>Not posting Homelander

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It's because he swims

This. Urban’s awesome, but Butcher is very one-note and they definitely undercut him at the end of the season

Glad cr1tikal is branching out

Homelander is the best, hes basically Superman, but actually a good character

His rampage on ISIS was so good to watch, basically injustice Superman on TV

>storefront-Shazam+Red Skull

I really hope while Homelander is dadding it up his secondary plot is forming a Crime Syndicate-tier team and escalating his world tyrant potential.

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Why are "the boys" beside butcher so fucking borning? Every scene with them is pretty much >can we skip this scene and go to supes already

I can't believed they actually allowed all those ISIS scenes, even if it was for a private web service. The Snackbar supervillain, and all the dudes getting lasered was pretty brutal.

>Terrorist villain's power is literally to blow up

>Power Ring

>that shoulder and arm mass
Negligent? Seriously, he's not that big.

>everyone on Yea Forums agrees
That's like the best proof in existence that something is wrong.

The viewer is supposed to feel bad for him right? There's literally no reason not to, despite him forcing oral.
>Admits he was forced to do much worse during his hazing period.
>Bullied all the time by his co-workers
>Sexually harassed by humans and dolphins.
>Is well meaning and tries to help suffering sea animals but is hampered by humans
>Loses everything and has a breakdown set to REM.

You're right but I'm talking about his overall body aesthetic. Therefore my post about him looking like a douchebag.

Technically it wasn't even rape on his end. Blackmail/threatening is bad I guess but not comparable to real rape, which unironically he did experience having someone violate him forcefully while he told them to stop.

>doesn't have much reason to hate anyone but Homelander
Are you sure? He's shown enough proof throughout the series that ALL of the supes are irredeemable fuckwits that deserve getting killed.

Brainlet here, who was Stormfront?

I guess. But my perception was warped by /fit/ anyway. I'm even watching this just because my gym buddy told me to check this out and that I was bigger than him.

His maij arguement is that of Homelander can do these bad things, all of the others are capable or horrible acts and can't be trusted.
He only ever kills that dude that sold them out to homelander, which should be done to all rats

The nazi one.

He should show up next season

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That plane scene was hilarious, and it actually made sense too. That you can fly your own weight upwards doesn't mean you can suddenly lift up a plane, even if you're superstrong to boot.

Otherwise think they honed in on some of the painfully retarded things in DC, and all comic book universes really.
A-train has the best powers but is too retarded to use them, like Flash I guess (don't read comics so I don't know).
Maeve actually has powers that are boring as hell, but you have to shoehorn her into stuff since she's your team's only girl.
Deep/Aquaman is a completely retarded character, with powers that don't serve him on land.

So Black Noir is batman eh?

He's so hot, I'd suck his dick

>episode 5

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He wants a girl to do that to him I think, better luck in the next life I guess

You just have ADHD.

Is that James Deen?

Starlight reminds me of Sookie

Mallory's family was roasted by the Lamplighter for no reason. That and getting supercucked is enough for him tl believe supers are scumbags.

Gee. People sure like posting the board with new threads about The Boys. They don't even bother checking for prior ones that are still up. It's almost as if someone was paid to create so many damn threads about this new show.

Uh oh. I said something bad about it. Will the Bezos take away my Prime status?

It's suspicious, yeah, but then again, Yea Forums loves capeshit.
I think that one user that calls critics "Yea Forumscels" is behind this.

>Uh oh. I said something bad about it. Will the Bezos take away my Prime status?
This would imply anyone cares about you

>Black Noir is batman eh?
Nope something far worse

Is it true that everyone on /fit/ is gay or is that just a myth?

1. Butcher
2. the nigger


9001. Hughie
9002. Frenchie

He's handsome. I want to kiss him.


I've got news for you.

he cute

Gonna be a she. Aya Cash has already been cast, get ready for some crying kino

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I watched the pilot and wasn't impressed. Hughie is completely unlikable and the plot feels like an even edgier watchman without any of the nuance. should I give it a second chance?


The scene where he gets fingered is hot. I wanna fuck his gills.

She looks a little.. jewish for the role

Because I was getting so bored of this show by then that the anticipation of more The Deep escapades was the only thing that kept me watching.

Homelander is cute! CUTE!

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Heavy Spoilers.

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Hopefully she has a sidekick superheroine... "Boobmeat"!
Suffocates villains with her breasts.

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Will Butcher kill his unfaithful whore of a wife?

Booty Spivot? Not a chance. All can he forgiven plus he can make that kid his super-slave.

this is the only order that is correct

>Booty Spivot?
So that's why she looked familiar, she was in that god awful Flash show.


Does anyone think that a younger Simon Pegg would look almost exactly like comic Hughie?

Yea hughie was modeled after him

You gotta be kidding me. I just got hyped for some NatSoc kino and they've casted a female jew for the part? Dropped.

Lmao, bow down to your superiors, got cuck.

>read character bios from the comics
>"Like the rest of The Boys, Butcher was injected with a special chemical called "Compound V" that increases strength, reflexes, stamina and durability and gives the ability to heal wounds faster than normal humans. Butcher now possesses super strength, the likes of which enable him to crush a glock handgun in his hands with ease"
comic seems pretty lame desu

the changes to Homelander and Deep are great, but I really really like how they kept Frenchie mostly the same aside from slightly toning down his madness

V enhanced people like the Boys and some superheroes can still get killed by bullets, as far as I know, only the homelander is shown to be completely impervious to guns

His madness it just more subtle now.

Maeve > Starlight > Popclaw

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That's actually wrong though, because Popclaw killed a man by sitting on his face while orgasming.
Popclaw > Maeve
Popclaw > Starlight

>not even french, played by an israeli

I like the changes in the story they made, it still feels like The Boys, but modernised.
Also they did homelander perfectly, mommy fetish aside

Hah, no.
Frenchies GF > Popclaw > maeve >>> Starlight

You like to eat ass you filthy pig?

So besides the vagoo what else will they change about him?
Comic Stormfront was an unapologetic racist.

>Tfw kept thinking Starlight was really pretty but would have been even better looking with blue eyes

>you will never, ever have your head crushed by popclaw as she orgasms from you eating her ass
Why even die?

>no Mesmer
>no translucent
I am disappoint. You all would be exactly like them if you had those powers.

I wouldn't wanna be famous

Translucent didn't get enough screen time.

She's going to be a racist who loves black cock

he was in literally every scene

Nice bait.

What exactly did Mesmer do to lose his kid?

>someone still remembers Weird Al


>Homelander was supposed to be the big baddie
>turned out he was the most charismatic character in the whole show

>Deep was supposed to be comic relief
>turned out the most tragic and the second best character in the whole show

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If how he acted at the signing event was anything to go by he probably fucked a bunch of women behind his wife's back.

She'll presumably be wearing a similarly suggestive costume and behaving like a nazi irritated they have to pretend they aren't a nazi, could be fun.

He mentions that he will be clean while visiting. Probably was a junkie.

>The cancer kid scene


This is okay for what it is but they got rid of the some of the more interesting shit from the comics for some incredibly stupid reasons.
I can get not wanting the dog because it's hard as fuck to get good shots with even trained animals, but after a point you have to wonder why the fuck they even bothered making the show an adaption at all. At this point it's only worth watching for Homelander.

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*dabs on kid with cancer*
*bursts through random pedestrians in a gory explosion*
*sells drugs and gets addicted to them*
*kills his girlfriend*
*does of a heart attack*

Oh my fucking god, I had repressed that. Yikes. And they just kept twisting the knife.

>my gym buddy told me to check this out and that I was bigger than him

Sure you are, bud. Post body.

This shit right here is why we love A-Train.

This nigger is lit

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She's going to parody Captain Marvel and girl power.

What did you expect from fucking Amazon and Canadians?

>Homelander was supposed to be the big baddie
>turned out he was the most charismatic character in the whole show
Uh yeah, because there's never been a charismatic villain before.

>You'll teach me to outrun cancer?
Did they hire Sam Raimi or some shit for that line?

Why does the Deep's ass have that speedo tanline? We never see him wear any pants besides his superhero outfit, and that covers his butt up entirely.

Is that Black Noir?

I felt so bad for The Deep by the end.
Is he redeemed in the comics or is he just the same and killed violently

Because he swims a lot off the job, fucking retard. The suit is literally a costume that the corporation makes him wear during business hours.

He is the only one of The Seven who doesn't die. He also is Black and not really a character in the comics.

Nailed it.
Honestly I liked all the boys, but they aren't perfect or even particularly efficient. Mothers Milk would be the better leader, but he just wants to go home to his wife and kid.

I'm a brit so didn't find it hard to follow though not surprised others couldn't at times. But it definitely wasn't a decent British accent. At first I wasn't sure if he was meant to be australian

The deep is a non-character in the comics and wears a cool diving suit. There wasn't to redeem since the whole damned team made Starlight suck them off in the comics.

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Is the Deep gonna be in season 2 now that he's no longer in the Seven?

Wish he would save just one animal, guy needs a break.

This deserves more (You)s, for it is the only correct answer.

But he fucking wears the suit even when he's at home, retard.

Also we never even fucking see him out of it aside from the gillfucking scene

>But he fucking wears the suit even when he's at home
>that scene where Deep's just walking through Kroger, wearing his gloves and suit and a fucking trenchcoat
I love this show. It's so fucking stupid but endearing nonetheless. The actors carry it.

God I love Kether

The whole show is perfectly casted but Chase Crawford in particular has indeed been a surprise. Had no idea he was such a gifted comedic actor.

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>that scene where he's shooting the green up thing and in between takes the director shouts at everybody to dump the trash back on the beach for the next take

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Lots of differences between the comic's The Deep and the shows version.
>doesn't rape starlight
>doesn't really do much of anything
>actually puts forward the idea that they should team up with The Boys to find out who's playing them against each other
>doesn't go through with Homelander's coup plot (though to be fair, the rest of the Seven don't either)
>survives to the end since he doesn't do anything heinous enough to warrant The Boy's attention

Nothing really to redeem since The Deep doesn't do anything all that bad.

The ring actually controls the user wearing it.

can someone post the dolphin scene?

so how do you kill him?

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why is everyone calling the australian guy british

he had the best costume of any of them you utter pleb


by becoming a supe

because karl is playing a british guy

>best costume
lol, it was shit, literally the worst.

but he's doing an australian accent
he says cunt with conviction instead of effeminately

he might look like a dr. scholl's insole but it fits his running motif


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>Butcher is cuckold

No, Butcher is not a cuckold. This is just misdirection by DUDEWEEDLMAO man, and the fact that you're all buying into it is proof he actually pulled it off. There's more than enough evidence in the show to prove that Becca did not fuck Homelander, and that the kid is a clone.

it still looks like shit.

>There's more than enough evidence in the show to prove that Becca did not fuck Homelander, and that the kid is a clone.
you said it, now prove it.
>inb4 hurr durr just watch the show

Homelander is redwhiteandbluepilled

no it looks good
deep looks like a porn parody aquaman and the orange speedster looks like he's in a thong
those are bad

People on this site don't actually know what a cuckold is

that user doesn't seem to be questioning the term, he's saying that what we saw in the show didn't happen.

Not that poster but the jist is
>kids too old
>conflicting stories about the kids birth
>we already know that there's a shapeshifter
>scientist says that he wished he gave homelander a mother

he's got fucking clear chest plates, his costume is fucking garbage.

I like Urban, but his attempt at an English accent was shit.

sorry starlight burnt out your eyes

none of those prove anything.

>kids too old
he could be an 8 year old, but he's also a little supe so growing faster might just be a thing he does
>conflicting stories about the kids birth
this is already explained in the show because they were lying to him, how does this prove homelander didn't fuck becca?
>we already know that there's a shapeshifter
ok. How and why does this connect?
>scientist says that he wished he gave homelander a mother
and this matters how?

>coerces ONE woman into a blowjob
>just ONE
>gets punished over and over and over

I don't see the point. Did he really need to get raped? Did he really need to fuck up and accidentally get his lobsterbro killed? The fuck was the point?

Well, he cums the second he gets inside Stillwell, and I bet she's more loose than a camgirl's morals. But he lasted three hours with Butcher's wife? We also never once see him get physical with anyone besides Stillwell and the line he gives Butcher is the sort of shit a child would say to sound cool/get under someones skin. "She came three times!", why would Homelander give a shit if she came? It's gonna seem lazy when they do it, but I bet she went into that room to get a sample of his jizz, took it to that doctor, and then later on disappeared to help raise the kid when they successfully cloned him.


OK internet tough guy


>Well, he cums the second he gets inside Stillwell, and I bet she's more loose than a camgirl's morals. But he lasted three hours with Butcher's wife?
you could argue that he came immediately with stillwell because he was pent up and really horned up for her. I would think they would throw in more "he's a premature ejac" since they had the opportunity.

What's the issue with the fly in some scenes?

probably a supe that was spying that they'll use in S2

You know, I thought that was going somewhere, but I guess not.

Creator said the flies were real ones that they decided to keep in the takes and exaggerated the sound of in ADR.

Sets actually all just smelled like shit

It's a Greek tragedy. If he did nothing wrong he can't really have character development. If divine retribution isn't disproportionate, it wouldn't be tragic.

that's fucking stupid.

one that we know of. It's implied maeve went through the same shit.

I hate A-Train, but you oversimplified his character a bit. A-Train is an athlete, all he has is being in the seven and being the fastest man alive. Imagine the stress when you bust your ass training all day long to maintain your skill and there's literally twenty guys younger than you looking to tear you down, humiliate you, and take your place. But, hey, there's this magical drug that can help you stay in the game, nevermind that it's tearing your body apart and you have to do despicable shit to keep being supplied with it. A-Train is that classic character archetype that sacrifices everything in his life with any meaning to fuel his driving need to stay on top, to stay relevant. He is a druggie shit cunt, but he's also a bit deeper than that.

I definitely put my man The Deep way above A-Train, though. Fucker's been put through the ringer but clings to his ideals, and I guarantee there'll just be more punishment for the poor guy in the next season.

The seven are solely the JLA. Some other supergroup is The Avengers, we haven't gotten there yet, and probably won't since that shit is supposedly much more dark and gruesome.

I honestly thought they just turned the character australian for an episode or two until he started making the britishisms more pronounced.

By using him against himself

I'm glad Homelander has the chance to have a family now. Too bad Butcher is gonna go out of his way to be petty and ruin it all.

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Well, most of his torso is an improbable and impossibly complicated gill/lung breathing system so there probably isn't a lot of room left over for muscle mass. Which doesn't really matter since all the supes are as strong as a herd of rampaging silverbacks and made of bulletproof meat.

Right? Butcher is a pussy

Stroke his ego just right and trick him into flying off into deep space to combat some bullshit threat only he can stop. Bet he can't breathe vacuum.

he's so trash and cliche why the fuck did he sexually assault the girl to begin with he could go fuck a fan then they have to have him get raped or whatever so the viewers can sympathize. can we not?

Black Noir is not going to be the clone. I can guarantee that.

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>the Deep doesn't do anything all that bad

Just like in the show. He tricks one naive cornfed moron into a fishy BJ when anyone with a brain, or a better writing team, would have seen through his shit in an instant. Besides that we see him knocking some drug smugglers out and just generally being dumb and well meaning.

he's fucking bojack horseman

because starlight is hot

>sexual assault doesn't real

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you go up his butt

sure he was a little brash but she could have just left the room it's not like there are super heroes in the next room or something.

I really want some kind of great reveal for him. That or just a ton more tiny scenes where he does some subtly funny shit. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a woman.

>you guys... you guys, are the real heroes

can this man be any more based

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Nah, Bojack never splattered a woman into boney goo while delivering drugs to terrorists then made jokes about it after facing zero repercussions. Bojack is redeemable, A-Train needs to die, no matter how tragic they make him and his dead girlfriend feefees.

>why would he give a shit
To rub it in his face, imbecile
>into that room to get a sample of his jizz, took it to that doctor
Ok, you're retarded. Did you not see the state she left the room in? Some people are born cucks it seems.

>You have all disappointed me recently...
>Except you, Black Noir! You've been great!

In popular culture now a days, it’s all politically correct. Part of being PC is to play on how different groups are “oppressed”; and since we live in a peaceful time and have too much free time on our hands, they end up exaggerating it a lot to make it seem justified.

It’s bad to greatly exaggerate serious issues like sexual assault to stoke the egos of vain self absorbed people who happen to abuse their “wahmen” cards. They get some instant gratification in the form of fleeting attention, the white knights continue to try being chivalrous and repulse women like always and it’s easier to discriminate against men. Nobody wins

Legit tho what is with the Homelander mommy boob thing? Is this just because he never had a mommy of his own?

>>scientist says that he wished he gave homelander a mother
>and this matters how?
so they can have a more well adjusted clone of homelander and kill off the crazy original one

Did you not see the scene just before his forced, "Believe women" announcement? Boss Bitch mentions he's sexual harassed a lot of women in the company and Starlight coming forward may start a chain reaction.

Does he eat? Starve him.
Does he breathe? Asfixiate him
Is he immune to radiation? If not poison him
Or just shoot him with D.U. ammo like in the shit comic this is based on.

homelander > frenchie > pic related > deep > M.M > black noir > frenchie's qt gf > starlight >>>> hugie > butcher

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No it'd be pretty cool if it's just a couple of flies and doesn't actually turn into a stupid plot device. It would be nice to have a tv series show stupid things that happen in real life that are normally never shown. I want to see scenes like someone freaking out after walking into a spiderweb or awkwardly finishing a phone conversation.

I wonder if it's some kind of conditioning and they thought they could control him he definitely doesn't do the mommy thing with every girl I wouldn't think

illiterate donkey

It’s really fun to say popclaw.
Try it.

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>No it'd be pretty cool if it's just a couple of flies and doesn't actually turn into a stupid plot device.
but this is a tv show, so if something is presented, it should have a purpose.

lol get dabbed on naziboo

Is Maeve bi or was she forced into her relationship with Homie?

not murican

Her relationship with Homelander is fabricated by Vought to keep retarded shippers invested.

Do you guys think that Homelander actually wants to be with Maeve in any way beyond more mommy validation?

Well user there is a supe named swatter in the comics. Maybe they could do something

Except that isn't true. Or is Homelander so in character that even he doesn't realize that the relationship was fake? The simple explanation is that he had a relationship with Maeve.

who /goingbackandreadingthecomics/ here? I always hated the steve dillion tier art but I'm invested enough to give it a ago.

It'd put a funny spin on the scene where Homelander's chewing out the rest of the 7 in a meeting
>All of you are fuckups except me and the guy who's also me

He seems to just be an incel

Homelander's entire existence has been fake since birth so whether or not this relationship is fake really is a nonissue to him. What would a "real" girlfriend look like to someone whose persona is owned by a corporation.

this isn't youtube you faggot, you can take your "who X here" shit and fuck off.

didn't they actually do that?

Again, the simple explanation is that the relationship happened. Your post is immaterial. Homelander having a fake, gaslighted relationship with Maeve is more convoluted than the simple explanation that they dated.

honestly, i don't think homelander knows it's fake, he assumes that he had a relationship with Maeve (i assume she was bribed in some way) the reason it might be to keep up appearances with the evangelicals, some way to introduce normalcy into his life for the good of his mental health, or to give him something to cum in so he doesn't pull an elliot rodger.


The show is not a faithful adaptation of the comic.

He knew it was false, but he's so lonely that he treasured the lie.


Actual line was along these lines:

I knew I wasn't crazy.

>All of you are fuckups except me and the guy who's also me
I love the idea of this as a scene

Comicfags, how strong is HL? Is he really THAT powerful (like Superman) or are their other heroes that can take him?


bojack couldn't run fast enough to do that

He isn't even close to Superman-tier. More like Marvel Movie Hulk tier. There is a single other hero in the comics that can take him and now as of the TV show presumably two.

Please don't tell one of them is Starlight.

How is it possible for some "compound-v" to allow biological beings to defy known laws of physics?

How come Homelander, in all this time, didn't think to wonder what was under Black Noir's mask and just stage an accident where he bumps into him and rips off his mask in the process?

>or are their other heroes that can take him?
Just one

It's Black Noir.

Only hero that could take him was stormfront and "himself" Black Noir is literally him but really fucked in the head and more powerful and the show won't give us this KINO scene

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>His entire shopping cart is just full of Doritos and Marshmellows

The little things in this show

Not even close.

Because in the show black noir is probably not his clone

Why's he so cute tho? He can defo go Deep on my boipucci

wtf for real

this entire thing feels like a love letter to #metoo and corruption in the film industry


>love the show
>hate the threads
I hate when this happens.

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in the comic he was created to kill Homelander in case Homelander broke bad.


I like how it subverts #metoo by showing how much The Deep suffers afterward. He's the real victim.

instead of further shitting it up with reaction images, be the change that you want to see
dumb faggot

Who's TK and who's Laddio?

It makes more sense when you consider that Black Noir is an expert martial artist and learned how to fight properly without being a thousand times faster and stronger than his opponent and fights on the same level as his opponents winning with skill rather than strength or speed.

Compared to Homelander who has literally never had to fight someone who was physically capable of contending with him and has no actual training and solves most of his problems with laser blasts.

It is quite obvious why Homelander gets blown the fuck out.

>mfw it was Black Noir who put the blanket on the set

Patrician taste

He seems like a bro in the series though. He doesn't even have the subplot of gaslighting Homelander anymore as he goes crazy all on his own.

He's a kiwi, ya cunt

I don't get the whole blanket thing...why did it set him off?

it was a fake set but the brought in his real blanket from the lab, he was mad that they used his blanket in the fake set

The entire scene was him giving a whole show talking about the fabricated story of how he grew up there. That blanket or towel or whatever was from the actual lab he grew up in which set him off.

It reminded Homelander that he was really born in lab and has no family

Literally every new thing is shilled on here so hard that it hurts. notable example is the Joker thread/memes that are all a result of a calculated PR operation that think the movies target demographic is Yea Forums frequenters. In this case the shilling appears to be made by comparing one character to the next and having people argue about it to bump threads. You, like me, are not easily fooled-and I salute you for it.

Tek Knight is like the batman/iron Man of the whole thing and laddio is his sidekick, he has has a strong urge to have sexual relations with literally anything and in that scene he tell laddio to gtfo

Couldn't keep this guy out of my mind while watching his scenes

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>so how do you kill him?

They introduce a supe who sucks his intestines out of his asshole. It has to be something horrifically sexual and degenerate!!!FACT!!!

Yup, I don't think it was a particularly good portrayal of the character, Butcher is more chill than he was played.

her name is kimiko

>he has has a strong urge to have sexual relations with literally anything
whaat? examples?

Yeah, I'm going to have to watch this now!!!FACT!!!

In the comics she didn't have a name they just called her "The female" and honestly that's unironically better than fucking kimiko

More of less


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He fucks a meteor to save the planet and dies in the process, he also wanted to fuck laddio really badly. He also fucked his teamate who was a robobro called Mind Droid in the butt while they were flying. He got a phycologist but he fucked the doctors Cup and the Cat. Just a few of the many things he fucked

you know he's from New Zealand right? that accent was heavily Australian, at least in the first couple episodes and trust me, as a foreigner living in the UK, you can NOT pull off anglo accents unless you've been raised with them

Just don't bank on him doing ANY of that in the show since the comic and the show diverge on literally the first episode and have not re-aligned AT ALL

So no Herogasm then? A big part of the whole story is how degenerate and despicable these super people are to others and to themselves, shame it takes a backseat to lesser themes.

He was going to kick her off the team and smear her reputation so that she's blacklisted from the industry forever. He was going to do the gender bent me too to her. Rape doesn't have to be violent you know. Coercive sex still counts. So yeah he deserved everything that he got, even if he's on a redemption arc to be a better person right now. My guess is that he finds the black box next season and try to do the right thing, only to get neck snapped by homelander

The producer or director guy said they were going to try to get hero gasm IF they could get a season 3 so yeah show is shit

Translucent was a big guy

Kimiko is not a name where she comes from, by the way. Why do wh*te people think all Asians are the same?

>redemption arc to be a better person

That's how he normally is. You think he's trying to help the sealife because he felt guilty over getting a blowjob? He's basically aquaman, he's been doing that shit ever since he became a superhero.

If he was a real good person, he'd try to save as many as he can, even if they are ungrateful about it, because it's the right thing to do. But he put his image in front of the lives of innocence because he is selfish. And then he used their deaths that he caused to give a big speech to further his agendas? That is so despicable I am suprised anyone could ever say those things with a straight face after what he did. But then I guess that is the point of the show

remind me how we know the blanket was from the lab, I think I missed something. Not doubting, just want to know.

Amazon already put some boundaries on S1's content, there's no way they'd be able to do Herogasm justice.

Either before or I think afterwards there is a flashback to his time when he was a child in a lab and he has the blanket. He has the flashback while holding it.

wasn't she kidnapped? Did they say where she actually came from? She's a jap chick playing a jap with a jap name....what's the problem?

They literally show him holding it as a baby in the next scene, I don't blame you for not remembering only 2 things in the show were good, the Deep and homelander, rest was total shit because they cut out so much shit and rewrote so much that it literally might aswell not even be the boys

Yea I heard about the homelander wanking it scene, that would have been pure fucking KINO if those fags at Amazon hadn't decided to remove it

hes a mommy poster

homelander is a mary sue.

>putting hard limits on a comic renown for being pure trash smut written by a hateful chauvinist.
Why even bother?

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What I really Wana know is why they used the boys? They don't have compound V, they literally have killed only 1 super and butcher is a LITERAL cumbrained cuck who can't make a plan for shit and they changed almost all of the characters backstories too, why even use the IP at this point?

And not to mention all of the side characters who we'll never ever see either.

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yeah it was weird her brother spoke japaneese while they obviously were in some SEA or similar country, maybe their family moved or something

Because it's hard to write an original tv show. It's the same reason there are so many remakes of classic movies.


But it might aswell be an original show at this point since it literally has NOTHING to do with the comics, and most classic movie remakes stay pretty faithful to the original

whats the point of kidnaping someone from a developed country and making them a child soldier in some shithole when you have more than enough people right there and no one will look for them, as opposed to taking someone from japan, but maybe her family just moved there on their own who knows

1. Homelander
2. MM
3. Frenchie


Nah I meant his having a midlife crisis and shaving his head plus that scene about him writing a memoir but not able to think of anything. It shows that he's starting to realize that he might have been a total asshole and needs to change

They need to give Frenchie more scenes of him being a shady druggie and figuring out how to melt super humans.

>producers of the show attempt to show how toxic straight white males are
>they're the most talented actors on show
>(because they're straight white males)

Agreed. Can never understand WTF he's saying, so low-energy scenes w/ the Female are boring.

literally /ourguy/

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From what I've seen...

The Deep
Black Noir


>>someone still remembers Weird Al

If you don't know Weird All you are dead to me!!!FACT!!!