I decided that i wanted to re-watch the bond movies. So i'm starting out with Dr.No. What is your favorite bond movie...

I decided that i wanted to re-watch the bond movies. So i'm starting out with Dr.No. What is your favorite bond movie? There's something comfy about all of them and none are really bad either.

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I saw Goldfinger for the first time awhile back and it really is as good as people say it is.

Yeah goldfinger is great.

Brosnan was unironically the best Bond, but was cast in the worst movies.

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Jack Reacher is better than Bond.

Sean Connery was pretty good too. I think he's up there with brosnan at least.

It really is tragic when you think about it.

Now that 007 is a black woman and James Bond is retiring, will they finally stop showing James Bond Will Return post credits?


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I feel that shit is just blown out of proportions. James Bond is still James Bond. He's just not in service at the start of the next movie.

My favorites from each actor
Goldfinger (Sean Connery)
From Russia with Love

On Her Majesty's Secret Service (George Lazenby)

Live and Let Die (Roger Moore)
The Spy Who Loved Me
For Your Eyes Only

Licence to Kill (Timothy Dalton)

GoldenEye (Pierce Brosnan)

Casino Royale (Daniel Craig)

My least favorites
Diamonds Are Forever (Sean Connery)
A View to a Kill (Roger Moore)
Die Another Day (Pierce Brosnan)
Quantum of Solace (Daniel Craig)

At least Goldeneye is a top 3 Bond flick.

the Bourne supremacy

He will be 007 by the end of the movie again.

I think i'm gonna agree with this list. Apart from diamonds are forever maybe and a view to kill. I don't remember too much from them.

The video games during his era (Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, and Everything) had better plots than his movies aside from GoldenEye.

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>everything or nothing
Such a good game, i think it has to be the best james bond vidya.

Yeah, it should've been his final movie to be honest.


Where's her braces?

It's probably best that you didn't. Roger Moore is 58 years old in 'A View to a Kill' and isn't believable, and 'Diamonds Are Forever' is one of the most cartoonish James Bond films ever. It was basically Sean Connery put in a Roger Moore Bond film.

The 70s camp was exquisite.

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I see, but maybe i don't know. I'll eventually get to them as i am watching all the movies again. As for age i don't know if that makes him less believable. 58 isn't that old.

>What is your favorite bond movie?
From Russia with Love or Thunderball

It is for a character like Bond. Just wait until you see it. It's cringe. Should've been Dalton's first film, and when you see Dalton's films after (since I assume you're watching them in release order) you'll see where I'm coming from.


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Yeah i'm watching them in release order. Only thing i'm unsure about is casino royale, never even seen it. Is it even part of the "canon" (and that term is used losely when it comes to bond, i know).
I'll keep what you say in mind though, and see if i agree with you.

Don't you fucking start, or we'll slip into another quantum reality

Braces? What braces, bro?

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When i saw it a few years back it was much much better than i remembered

Christ i could swear she had braces. What the fuck??

unironically Moonraker

I don't even mind Octopussy. All the Moore films are minimum 7/10 comfycore kinos

Heh, you must just have a bad memory pal

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Nice collection it would be a shame if another movie was made as it does every few years to make it obsolete.

All the movies made after that collection are shit tier

Dr. No - Die Another Day are canon that reference things from other Bond films, although this might seem questionable and contradictory at times The Craig films are the only ones confirmed to be a reboot. Casino Royale is one of the best in the series.

I honestly feel all bond movies, but maybe especially the ones pre 1990 are comfy. Not all bond movies are equally good, and all follow the same formula pretty much. Yet, there's just something comfy and nice about them.

Of course, just so many years ago and i could swear she having braces and liking him is the reason jaws liked her. But i'm probably just mixing him with braces and smiling after she smiled.

I just found it on google, i downloaded the entire collection.

I didn't mean the new casino royale, it's this one i mean:

Oh, no, that was just a parody. No need to watch that. Same as "Never Say Never Again' which is basically a shit remake of Thunderball. with an old Sean Connery. Only EON produced Bond films matter.

D-did they gaslight us?

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Aha, thanks!
>Never Say Never Again
Didn't know about that one, don't feel tempted to watch it either after watching a clip of it on youtube.

Diamonds are Forever
>that moon buggy/vegas chase
>the two creepy faggot henchmen

is OHMSS really that good? I used to be obsessed with Bond when I was a kid, but only saw that one once and can't remember it at all.

On another note Craig with the MP5 is the most kino.

>any brosnan film above shit tier
you should probably kill yourself zoomer. brosnan is by far the worst bond and his films are absolute abominations. the only reason ANYONE would consider it differently is because you're a 90s kid who grew up when Brosnan was bond and he was probably your first exposure to it

No, it sucks. It being good is a forced meme around here. The plot doesn't even make sense - Bond goes "undercover" to find out if the villain is really Blofeld, even though Blofeld has met him face to face and everyone in SPECTRE has known what he looks like since the pre-title scene in From Russia With Love. It's also too long, Lazenby can't act for shit, and the action is boring and subpar.

Replace "The Living Daylights' with Licence to Kill and take away 'Never Say Never Again' completely (it's not an official Bond film) and I would agree with this.

timothy dalton was amazing. if he did goldeneye... dont even think about it, it hurts too much

Why didn't he?

Despite a 6 year hiatus, Broccoli wanted Dalton to do four more movies, but he only one more. So he decided to back away.

>grew up in the 90s with Brosnan as Bond

Pro-tip kiddo, only use words you understand

Spotted the zoomer

Yes, it's complete shit. I also forgot to include Dr No in my rankings. It's also a solid favorite of mine. Kinda slow at times, but once Bond gets to Crab Key (which is one of the most memorable locations) everything picks up pretty nicely from there.

People hallucinate the braces because it's such an obvious thing that they apparently didn't think to do. It's even edited in a way where that would be the punchline

until we DANCE

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>Actual good movie tier
Dr. No
Licence to Kill
Casino Royale

>Fun romp from start to finish tier
You Only Live Twice
Diamonds are Forever
The Man with the Golden Gun

>Decent enough tier
The Living Daylights
The Spy who Loved Me
The World is not Enough

>Too stupid or lame tier
From Russia with Love
Live and Let Die
For Your Eyes Only
Never Say Never Again
A View to a Kill
Tomorrow Never Dies

>Great first half turns to dogshit tier
Die Another Day

>Won't ever watch again tier
Quantum of Solace

>Licence to Kill
Better than Casino Royale?

In the same tier at least. Watched it not too long ago and didn't really have any complaints

>tfw the thread i made had a small comfy discussion

Thanks all, have a good day.

wasn't his only bad one die another day?

In my opinion, yes, but there are critics and fans alike who don't like Tomorrow Never Dies & The World is Not Enough. I personally don't have a problem with those two. They're not perfect movies, but not bad either. Brosnan was great in both.

I like that one the most of his, I'd say worst was World but overall all his movies were pretty average

Tomorrow had great action though, do you remember that scene in the car park?

when I first saw die another day, I loved it, but that was because I was 8,

What happened to her braces?

Enough had a pretty good villain though

Die Another Day is wierd because there's a good movie in there but it's dragged down by a ton of problems

>Atrocious Madonna theme
>Halle Berry trying to act
>Extremely jarring tone shifts. Invisible car and surfing chased by a space laser aren't inheritly bad things, but the tone was serious before then.

Great action, main villain and premise. I like it better than Goldeneye, honestly.

I mean yeah there's a lot of dumb crap in it but also some pretty neat stuff too, pretty much everything a bond movie could have whether good or bad
I'd say spectre is Craig's worst, would rather watch quantom over that easily. Though mainly since its an hour shorter and has Gemma and Olga

My top 5

Dr. No
The Spy Who Loved Me
For Your Eyes Only
The Living Daylights
License to Kill

at least the halle berry trying to act in countered by halle berry in a bikini, the invisible car never bothered me too much but yeah I get what you mean
I always thought Carver was kinda supposed to be a "modern day" Blofeld, since they didn't have the rights to that character. Along with a mix of Ted Turner/murdoch and maybe steve jobs, his sidekick seemed to be like a Woz fillin

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Agreed. Both Renard (who is underrated) and especially Elektra King were based.

>Everything or nothing
God that was good vidya. If that had been a Brosnan movie it'd have been kino

Yes of course, and it was an awesome scene to watch, especially in the theater since TND was my first Bond film at the cinema, but I prefer GoldenEye's iconic Tank in the Street's of St. Petersburg Russia way more.

>Calls people who grew up in the 90's Zoomers
Learn what words mean before you use them as an insult you mongoloid

It's memed on the internet as the best purely because nolan said it was one of his favorites

man I hope you didn't really make that list

Damn right. Greatest Brosnan Bond movie that never happened that should've happened.

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was it actually supposed to be a movie at one point? They really went out with the cast for a game

It's the best bond movie, only brought down by the worst bond

Thunderball, Living Daylights, and Casino Royale

Personal favorite is Live and Let Die.

>Completely new and refreshing compared to Connery movies while still being "Bond"
>Good villains
>Kananga's plan is actually sensible and more realistic than most villains
>Ms. Solitaire is hot
>Cool gadgets
>Well paced
>The boat chase
>Sheriff JW Pepper
>Generally just one of the most downright fun Bond movies

I believe so, and they abandoned it because Die Another Day flopped hard so they reserved EON for a video game instead which was Brosnan's last performance as Bond. I consider it canon to his era. Sometimes I wish Die Another Day never happened.

My man.

I did this myself earlier in the year instead of re-watching the MCU films prior to Avengers. Very happy with my choice. Even made a ranking

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ive watched you only live twice 20+ times. its a absurd entertaining mess

I don't see how you can put Quantum of Solace or even World is Not Enough and Moonraker in solid. I like the latter two but they are not what I would call "solid" movies.

people, heres a question, where the fuck does Bond go next, nearly 60 years in cinema, has been through every iteration possible, if Craigs time truly ends with this new movie...where does it go next, how does Bond continue to survive in a world with bat shit crazy Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movies and capeshit....I am truly starting to question it

possibly go back in time to be a period piece but I don't know about that

i unironically wanted a black woman to play bond long before she got casted. bond is best when its trashy insanity like live and let die

Skyfall is one of the best Bond movies. As someone who has seen all Bond movies I demand you move it above any Pierce Brosnan movie.

Bond survives because it's more or less the same concept created in different eras. A bit of action, a bit of sex, a bit of comedy, a mystery plot. All tied together by a charismatic hero. These things are timeless and the rest changes with the times.

Quantum of Solace is unironically one of my favorites. Granted, it wouldn't be as good if Casino didn't set up the plot. But it's short, to the point, hits every major Bond beat, has some nice references and is full of quips. The shaky cam does ruin it a bit, but overall I grew to appreciate it.

>Quantum of Solace
its the best "serious" bond film. none of the other "serious" bond films stand up to rewatch.

I can't even remember QoS.
Did it have that speech in the sever room about the Jamaican cannibal rats?

I'm a fan of the Bond films, so maybe I'm just biased when I put some of them in Solid, but I'll defend Quantum.

The story works as an angry, violent sequel after the ending of Casino Royale broke Bond emotionally. The villains aren't that great but I liked the plot of Bond basically being out for revenge while acting like this is about stopping them from taking over Bolivia, in parallel with Camille's very personal reason for revenge. The gritty but striking cinematography and soundtrack are genuinely excellent, and Craig and the girl who plays Camille are great.

Sure, the action scenes are very messily edited but you could look at them as almost abstract, fever-dream like trances where Bond just goes into kill-crazy mode. I know I'm probably pulling this out of my ass, but I managed to get used to them and even enjoy them after a while.

That was Skyfall

They should have a run of unconnected Bond films where it's a different actor each time. Really let the actor and director play with the story and concept

The opera scene before the shootout is kino, where he tricks all the quantum members into standing up. The shootout afterwards is messily edited, but your right it is what it is. Starting a gunfight in the middle of an opera. It's bound to be confusing and crazy.

This, I want it to go back to it's 1950's setting.

I'm of the opinion that this black Bond business is nonsense. The girl is going to get smoked 5 minutes into the movie.

love this song

Spectre wasn't that bad. Definitely better than every non-Connery movie in Solid Tier. Also Thunderball needs to go higher.

Quantum is one of the few I actually hate. Why is the water plant exploding at the end?

oh yeah thats just manufactured outrage. Bond's not going to be a girl, The Brocollis have said so. He may possibly be black at some point but I still doubt that.

Because fuck you, that's why.

Because Bond shot up the natural gas lines that were running through the entire facility.

Moonraker is the ultimate Bond movie.
Best locations:
>fucking RIO

It also features a hot CIA Bond girl who's not your usual bimbo and yet doesn't come across as a feminist self inserted character, Jaws, best OP and ending and so on.

No Bond movie will ever surpass Moonraker in terms of Bondness.

>inb4 how do you kill 5 hours in Rio if you don't samba?

It's implied that Bond, like blofeld, did plastic surgeries to change his appearance. That's how they got away with casting an Aussie instead of Connery.



>best OP
>not Live and Let Die


get gud scrub

There's two things I love about Dr. No that I think Bond needs more of. First, how coldly Bond straight up murders that professor, that's one of my favorite scenes in the franchise and best shows who Bond is. Second, when Bond and the girl are taking the elevator down to Dr.No's lair she tells Bond she's scared, and Bond says 'so am I'. As best as I can recall that's the only time Bond has admitted to being afraid, and it heightens the tension of the situation and also reminds the viewer that beneath all the swagger Bond is still a human that is vulnerable. But to the bad guys he still never showed his fear. Anyway for me Dr. No is one of the best and definitely one of my favorites.


Die another day did suck but I don't think it was the worst brosnan film.

golden eye>die another day>tomorrow never dies>the world is not enough

the only redeeming factor of TWISE is Denese Richards. But everyone shits on DAD which yeah, sucks, but it was at least fun compared to the previous two which were kinda boring except for a few scenes.

Also Man with the golden gun is underated and I love You only live twice.

Unironically the 3rd best Brosnan film.

Wish they would make more 007 games.

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trusting the world of a female producer. youre joking right? this bitch will go where the money is and if the money is on a tranny African robot Satanist.. that will be the bond we get.

>I want it to go back to its 1950's setting.
Agreed, I've been wanting this for quite sometime starting with another Casino Royale. Some films will have to be remade, but it would be worth it.
QOS was the film with the horrible editing and the retard who doesn't know how to operate a film camera correctly.

Cant you guys actually watch the movies first and then there would be something to discuss. Half the threads on here are about starting to watch a movie.

The blind items always say the Brocolli estate knows where their bread and butter is. They pay lipservice but won't go that route.

You have to understand Bond is an independently owned franchise. Studios pay THEM for the rights to distribute it.

Tomorrow Never Dies and The World is not Enough are interesting because they both try a similar twist and they both make the same mistake. In TWINE the Bond girl turns out to be the villian and in TND the Bond girl dies. Problem is that neither follow through on those ideas and introduce a second girl half way through, taking away from the whole impact. TND especially had a script that needed the relationship between Bond and Teri Hatcher's character to be special, yet she's forgotten in five minutes in favor of a Chinese agent.


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The series is full of write off Bond girls that last 5 minutes.

Will it ever be topped?

>But who was the best Bond henchman Mr Wint?
>Why, I believe it was us Mr. Kidd

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Sure. But you have a problem when you base a movie around this not being the case, then backpedal you have a problem.

could this scene be done today?
how long before it gets edited out of tv broadcasts?


one of the few games we had for all our consoles

sean connery bond is insanely rapey in general.

having only ever seen craigs bond, would going back to the very first film and watching every one in order be good fun?

it's not rape if they want it

Yeah, you should.

Funbut you might get burnt out.

You should. None of them are artistic masterpieces, but none of them are bad enough not to deserve a watch either. If anything it's an interesting look at film history.

Craig's movies never played out like bond films, they always seemed more like Jason Bourne flicks, and I honestly think the success of Kingsman can largely be attributed to the Daniel Craig films not having that spy/infiltration/gadget aspect.

Yeah that's true that they are somewhat different. I wonder how the new movie will turn out.

Many Bond movies have been a reflection of the popular action movies of the time. One of the reasons the Bourne movies were a success was because they were a more gritty down to earth spy movie as oppossed to the over the top flick DAD was. The whole point of the Craig series was to reboot it in the same vein as Bourne.

In an Alternate Bond film Universe, this is a film chronology we could've gotten.

Dr. No (Sean Connery)
From Russia with Love
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
You Only Live Twice

Diamonds Are Forever (Roger Moore)
Live and Let Die
The Man with the Golden Gun
The Spy Who Loved Me

For Your Eyes Only (Timothy Dalton)
A View to a Kill
The Living Daylights
Licence to Kill
Property of a Lady

Tomorrow Never Dies (Pierce Brosnan)
The World is Not Enough
Everything or Nothing
The Hildebrand Rarity

Casino Royale (Daniel Craig)
Blood Stone
Double or Die

Tom Hardy or Idris Elba is announced as the next James Bond/007


It's Oddjob.

For me, it's Moore

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dalton is far better

Didn't Elba turn down the role because he didn't want to be known as the "Black Bond"?

to be honest i don't think i would really mind a "black" Bond with Idris for example.

Yes, he felt it would be forced and didn't want to deal with the backlash. I wasn't crazy about the idea at first, but I didn't realize how much I wanted Idris as Bond/007 until Lashana Lynch was announced.

Best Canadian character

Ya maybe it will feel forced and all that, but whom other than Idris could fit as a Bond if we were to get a black actor?

I love A View To A Kill.
People hate it but...

>Corny California Girls was perfectly off, not even being the classic version.
>British flag on shag-marine iceberg boat was perfectly Austin Powers
>Butterfly kill was weird.
>Paris chase a cool, quick thing which is underrated.
>Team up with other famous spy actor in not-half-bad horse breeding French chateau sequence with the excellent Christopher Walken.
>Sex scene with Grace Jones was perfectly cringey, just past the edge of cringe to be ironic and funny.

>Northern Cali setting was unique.
>Love shack hotel with Russian girl spy fake out was funny.
>Fire truck scene was cool.

>Psycho Walken scene at the end followed by blimp fight on Golden Gate bridge... PERFECTION

And the theme song was KICKASS.

Plus the last bond film before it went 80s action with Dalton.
Which makes A View To A Kill the only authentically "80s" Bond film that wasn't an 80's action film, if we treat the Connery/Moore era as its own genre.

There shouldn't be a black Bond in the first place, but half the problem is the state of Hollywood where there's only a small handful of white actors that could fit the bill but macho has become out of fashion.

also he's not much younger than craig

Would statham fit at all?

How would you react?

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He could fit in a bond movie as a 00 agent, but not james bond.

That's a good post.

best bond girl coming through

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Statham looks more like he'd be the perfect Bond villain.
Colon Salmon, but he's even older unfortunately.

Oh, yeah that guy. Hmm yeah he could maybe fit! Maybe you got a point about Statham, though he certainly would fit in a bond movie.


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Brosnan was initially cast before Dalton but then the show Brosnan was on got picked back up so he had to drop out of Bond, so Dalton was pretty much there for filler

must be one of those Mandela effect things

if thats one of the best then I won't even bother watching the rest


yup, i agree.
loved it as a kid, im watching it now.
space shuttles, hot ladies. wrist dart. boat chase. great soundtrack especially in space.
the only bit that needed more thought was the gondola sequence. who the fuck wrote that?

very based

Looking forward to when i get to the movie in my re-watch.


saw it twice at the cinema.
fun movie once they get away from all the horses.
the massacre in the mine always struck me as pretty brutal with great water stunts

Casino Royale is the only truly Kino bond film.
Prove me wrong. Protip you can't.

Goldeneye is one of the best Bond movies though, he had a great start and he made a great Bond. It was unfortunate that he got stuck with shitty scripts.

License To Kill is fucking amazing. It feels like a Kurosawa film in the fact that Bond essentially turns Franz's cartel on each other really works well. Dalton as Bond will always be my bond.

its alright