Is he the least successful jew in Hollywood?
Is he the least successful jew in Hollywood?
Albert fish
His performance in Dirty Man 2 was good though
I read My Seinfeld Year some years ago. They actually hired him as a writer. I had no idea.
Where do you get your ideas, user?
He fucked Kathy Griffin tho
You know, the obituaries are getting very concerning, because now people are dying in alphabetical order.
This is the topical section?
>I'm wet
Many comedians are also writers, and either sell jokes to other comedians or get hired on to TV shows. Not all of them, but it's pretty normal. If a stand up comedian disappears off the map then they either got out of the game entirely or got a writing gig.
he's part of the funniest Norm episode, so that's something
What's it like having shit taste?
Maybe the worst gimmick a comic ever had.
>Where do you get your ideas, user?
Sandler's reaction to that was killer.
>You know, the obituaries are getting very concerning, because now people are dying in alphabetical order.
I'm Gen X and Stoller has for some reason been a part of my life for decades. He just exists, somehow.
Woody Allen called.
He wanted his nebbish shlemiel bit back.
He’s the manager of the comedy club now
He is the only one who didn't ruin the Albert Fish joke and he got it
I bet it's those two twins
>Feller by the name of Adolf Hitler
call me a retard but this part was my favourite joke i've ever heard
Hey isn't that the guy that sucks off other homeless guys under the queensboro bridge?