26 seasons set across all of time and space

Where do I start?

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Pertwee and Baker
If you like those, go back to Hartnell/Troughton and then watch the rest

Honestly start with Mighty Morphin, it's one of the best.
My favorite is Time Force though, but S.P.D. is has a god-tier theme.

Watch 2005 season to see if you like Modern
Watch Genesis of the Daleks to see if you like classic

Don't watch the reboot series unless you want a migraine

Skip to the end

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I've seen the reboot. It's precisely the shitty direction it's taken that's led me to seek my fix in the classics. If I don't like the direction a season's taking there I don't have to wait 2 years for the next one and hope it's better, I can just jump around.

Depends what you like.
If you like 1960s cheap Sci-Fi, then start at the beginning with Hartnell. Quality is up and down and at times it doesn't even feel like what Doctor Who would become, but there is some gold in there.

Like 60s that's really B-movie-ish and really feels like Doctor Who? Start with Troughton. Though, most of his stuff is missing, so, fuck.

Prefer more earth based invasion type stories... that are also in colour? Start with Pertwee. We get the Doctor, bombing around Earth dealing with shit as well as a small cast of regulars, like the Brigadier.

Want to start with what most iconic era? Start with Tom Baker.
He's the iconic Doctor and had the longest run by far. He also has some truly classic episodes. This era defined Doctor Who.

Peter Davidson and Colin Baker are... different. Honestly they're on a bit of a downswing in quality terms. They both have great episodes, but general quality is low.

McCoy is interesting, his first season isn't great, but there's a massive up-tick in quality after that. I wouldn't start there, but it's worth checking out.

McGann was just in the movie. It doesn't effect much.

If you need modern sensibilities, then start from 2005 with Christopher Eccleston. It was a fresh start after a long hiatus so it was designed with the idea that this would be people's first exposure to Doctor Who and is a very good starting off spot.

There has been no reboots. Each series maintains continuity with the previous.

People have called 1996, 2005, 2010 and 2018 reboots.
What one do you mean (and you're wrong either way)?

>Doctor Who
The Brigadier retired from UNIT before he worked for UNIT
Morbius Doctors
The seventh Doctor is 450, the third is thousands of years old, the seventh is 953

That's not what continuity means in this context, dipshit.

What? No, not the mind probe!

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Tom Baker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the other actors that played the Doctor.

Tom Baker wasn't acting.

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I have seen shows with all the various doctors. I always remember Tom Baker's name. I just sat here for ten minutes and couldn't for the life of me remember the name of one of the others actors. They are all forgettable. Tom Baker had all the hottie assistants too. His episodes are always kino.

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I wouldn't call them forgettable at all. They were all pretty great in their own time.

The idea that any of the Doctors are forgettable only tells me that you haven't really watched much of the others.

I'm having a hard time watching the ancient episodes. There's this harsh contrast between outside locations that were shot on film, and the indoor scenes that apparently were shot on video and look like ass. Why did they do that?


Just how they did it back then. The BBC was really anal about using video for indoors shit.

Interestingly, the 3rd Doctor's first story was entirely shot of film for some behind-the-scenes reason and looks great throughout.

and is a good story too

*deafening kazoos*

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Season 1. Continue in order. Stop at Time of the Doctor and pretend he died and that stupid shit about extra lives never happened.

Shit, almost choked on my food.

Nah, get to The Doctor Falls and pretend he dies there. Seeing the old Cybermen back was pretty great.
Plus, we all know that after that is when the show actually died.

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Doctor Who has top qts. Old and New.



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No, he is correct. There's no way to watch all of classic Who and think the Doctors aren't all memorable in their own.


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*strips off for no reason*

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There was a lot of random stripping off in Five's time.

You can straight up see her nipples clear through her dress through that whole serial. Nice puffies.


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Just start with the moderns, life is too short to watch every dr who unless you look like pic related.
You will get all the culture references and the first several seasons of the 2000s era are very good

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Five had good ladies

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