What is the greatest fantasy film ever made?

What is the greatest fantasy film ever made?

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Conan, or Heavy Metal if you count sci-fantasy.

Is that movie even good? i was feeling like watching ww1 or 2 movie recently.


It's pretty shit 2bh. Meant to make le holocaust seem horrifying but it just seems boring and mundane to me. They didn't even show the masturbation machines and the electrified treadmill.

Conan or LotR.

First half is ok. Second part is just eternal suffering of innocent jews. Basically porn for jews.

Is the american, sanitized, poilitically correct version of the holocaust, including a not so subtle anti smoke message and some kind of half assed "happy ending".

"The Pianist" is a much, much bertter movie. And "Shoah" is the best.

>it just seems boring and mundane to me
that's the point you dumb /pol/ brainwash victim, the horror is it was just the bureaucracy and blindly following your boring given task of modern 20th century life but applied to war crimes

The killings were entertaining that’s it

Nice try, false flagging bigot. Everyone knows the holocaust was full of deathtraps that would make a James Bond villain shake his head in disbelief. The NAZIS had a cage with an eagle and a bear in it, into which they would throw helpless screaming victims. But I guess that little "detail" doesn't fit your narrative, does it Drumpftard?

Commit kys monkeys

>dumb /pol/ brainwash victim

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Your dehumanizing language gives you away, Drumpflet. Go on, reveal yourself. I dare you to deny the FACTS about the holocaust I've posted itt.

I hate kikes so much bros

very low effort b8 my main man nigger

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What genre is this again?

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Back to /pol/, monster. That is NOT your word to #appropriate.

What about the lampshades or soap made from human skin/fat?

>the horror is it was just the bureaucracy
The horror is that Hitler FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL decided to send a completely random group of people to work camps where approximately 200,000 Jews died of typhus

I wish they’d make a proper film about Chiune Sugihara instead. His life was perfect to adapt into a movie

Which word? Nigger?

ironic comedic fantasy

I'm going to have to ask you to provide evidence of African ancestry before I can address your question, user.

>This actually happened

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it's tearjerking shit that won't do anything for you if you know everything presented is lies

There were various similar things here and there usually anthropodermic but I'm not sure. I know a little more about the soap because I know the school. Yeah it was one place as far as I'm concerned and I don't even know if Spanner conducted his experiments on his own or was he ordered to do so but probably the former. There is a controversy surrounding the bodies because one photographed has the sailor tattoo with the name of a Polish submarine but we'll never know. I don't know why you'd be so interested with tiny, nearly personal stories not the bigger picture

The most pro-Zionist president in US history literally controlled by the Jewish mafia around Charles Kushner and Kushner, Inc.
>somehow related to National Socialism
Liberals are so fucking dumb, it beggers believe

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>Heavy Metal
My absolute nigga.

And then everybody clapped

They made Schindler into more of a nice guy and ignored non-Jewish people completely except when someone was against them for some reason but besides that it's just a WWII movie. But yeah The Pianist is better.

god i wish that were me

Why would you ask a site full of deranged bigots if this is a good movie. Don't you already know the answer you'll get?

>The Pianist
Someone post the webm of the kike in the wheelchair getting BTFO by the SS

It’s good

Oh, which part of obscure WWII history triggered you the most, /pol/ burger? If that's what scares you so much what you're gonna do when you learn about actual government policies or even God forbid what people were doing during the war in extreme circumstances. You better shield yourself from this European history might be too drastic for you.

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I wish this site would stop arguing and shit for one day


It's just /po/ bait thread a bunch of people who only pretend to care about the subject they know nothing about vs. the reaction from people who care. Every time. And the mod is too slow every time.

>electric death floor that literally zaps you to ash
>hurr durr the real horror is fucking paperwork
Kill yourself, denier.

I'd also rather live in a country that was free from any serious war.

That's a false-flagging /pol/tard, you utter brainlet.

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>electric death floor that literally zaps you to ash
>unironically believing Prince of Persia the genocide memes

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He looks like a Jew to me Is the current state of /pol/ a result of sabotage to make them look as ignorant and clueless about topics they pretend to care about as possible?

That sounds awful, everyone would forget what it means to be part of nature and just buy garbage to entertain themselves, jack off and get fat.

Why people who don't know the subject they're so passionate about keep talking about some weird ass tales from nowhere that don't exist in WWII historigraphy? Do they know how this debunking business works? What you should focus on etc?

>look as ignorant and clueless about topics they pretend to care about as possible

>What you should focus on etc?
How about the Jewish involvement in Bolshevism and the Holodomor?

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princess mononoke and labyrinth

Easy to be confused with so many totalitarian regimes but the topic was about the hypothetical defense of not bolsheviks but the guys who made it so easy for them to march through Europe and keep half of the continent under control. I hate them both fuck these failures.

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>“In this small room there was a slot in the wall, approximately 50 centimeters in length. The prisoner of war stood with the back of his head against the slot and a sniper shot at him from behind the slot. In practice this arrangement did not prove satisfactory, since the sniper often missed the prisoner. After 8 days a new arrangement was made. The prisoner, as before, was placed against the wall; an iron plate was then slowly lowered onto his head. The prisoner was under the impression that he was being measured for height. The iron plate contained a ramrod which shot out suddenly and poleaxed the prisoner with a blow on the back of the head. He dropped dead. The iron plate was operated by a foot lever in a corner of the room. The personnel working in the room belonged to the above-mentioned Sonderkommando."

That is real testimony from Nuremburg. Don't you dare deny it, Nazi!

The electric floor of Belzec is described in the Black Book of Polish Jewry, published by the World Jewish Congress and sponsored by Eleanor Roosevelt. Do not spread your lies here, fascist scum.

>the "Holodomor"


Jews were initially overrepresented in bolshevism because Jews tended to occupy middle class positions and tended to be literate, which allowed wealthy, high-IQ Jews to join trendy political movements which promised their liberation. within a few decades their role was marginalized. furthermore, the holodomor never happened

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If Bolshevism is Jewish (which it is) then they deserved what they got, regardless of whether or not anything actually happened to them (it didn't).

Would you say Jews have a higher IQ on average than whites?

Make good use of it communigger

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Jesus Christ this sounds downright anti-semitic


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some data indicates that ashkenazi jews have the highest average IQ of any identifiable ethnic group

not an argument

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>"The methods applied in this mass extermination are, apart from executions, firing squads, electrocution and lethal gas-chambers. An electrocution station is installed at Belzec camp. Transports of settlers arrive at a siding, on the spot where the execution is to take place. The camp is policed by Ukrainians, The victims are ordered to strip naked ostensibly to have a bath and are then led to a barracks with a metal plate for floor. The door is then locked, electric current passes through the victims and their death is almost instantaneous. The bodies are loaded on the wagons and taken to a mass grave some distance from the camp. A large digging machine has been installed recently at Treblinka. It works ceaselessly, digging ditches, mass graves for Jews who are to meet their death there. The Ukrainian guards, witnesses of the mass murders, are allowed to keep the money stolen from the victims.
>These bestial murders sometimes take place in the presence of the local non-Jewish Polish population, who are helpless and overcome with horror with the sight of such inhuman violence."

The absolute state of your shilling

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That's a Bolshevik conspiracy meant to delegitimize the pain and suffering of the 6,000,000 innocent Slavs