>it's a ja/ck/ episode
It's a ja/ck/ episode
Other urls found in this thread:
absolute madman
How do I learn to cook like ja/ck/? What is his secret?
what's the red stuff?
His bbq sauce was actually pretty decent.
This guy should get a meat thermometer
although i imagine he'd stick it too far from the center and still mess it up
i hate that he thinks he is a real chef
Has he had another stroke yet?
Someone in these threads mentioned he has a son. Does he force him to eat his cooking?
This dude has to have actual mental disabilities
two weren't enough to kill king salmonella
Imagine how much raw meat is floating around in his bbq sauce jars from just dipping directly into them
is...is that jelly?
Ahaha oh god what the fuck is he doing
yeah, he choked him for smoking weed.
also how the fuck can someone ruin that
The fucking cheese hasn't even melted
Jack has mastered the arts that let him reduce every cooking time by half.
so im not the only one who does this
> quarter inch cut steak
>still manages to make it rare
salmon that size is stupidly expensive anywhere
If you want it so bad but bad at cooking just get frozen cuts until you get good
it _looks_ absolutely putrid...
Why do so many of the fruit/vegetable ingredients come out of a cans or jars?
Does... what? Exactly?
funny how his channel gets more and more subs yet he can barely get 5k views a video
Jack is too busy perfecting his cooking process to bother getting fresh produce.
That's like a $20 fillet user where the fuck do you live, Africa?
The goddamn pan was barely hot enough to melt the butter. The surface of that steak is just fucking grey, there isn't even a hint of browning, let alone crust.
He also tests kitchen gadgets
The fucking sticker still on.
other then too much butter in the pan this is the most normal ja/ck/ video I've seen.
I might be missing something tho because I don't eat fish.
What the fuck is that oily black shit even supposed to be?
What gets me the most about these is this fucker never takes off his ring most of the time.
I feel like retching watching this
That fucking fat tongue coming out first
Do you think his channel is just some big elaborate joke or he is actually like this?
>he didn't even take off the sticker
>two strokes and one functioning arm later and he's still at it
His constitution is truly amazing. He could probably eat uranium and come off fine.
holy shit lmao
yes we know he's not human either
what's that supposed to be?
such a great filename
I'll end on my favorite, Jack's famous party cheese salad.
You're shitting me.
I fucked up a chicken this way a lot of times and I just don't eat around the bones but still got a bit of blood. Am I gonna die soon tv?
this fat tacky golden ring (ofc Jack being Jack, the ring is tacky AF) has to be covered by a thin layer of germs & bacterias, a whole ecosystem
you are in a good place if you can think you can fuck up a £16 fillet for a laugh
Essential Jackcore
just keep cooking it for less and less time and soon you'll be immune to the salmonella like Jack.
Just a reminder: the jack spamming retard is one guy who only posts jack on other boards when he gets banned from /ck/ for spamming jack.
I can't imagine anyone eating all that shit for a gag.
just a reminder: no one cares because ja/ck/ is entertaining on any board
jack posting is kino
Thanks user. Now I feel like having a salad.
Get a job faggot I'm working my first year of an entry level job $20 isn't shit I'm going to spend twice that on drinks tonight at least
I'm not OP and I enjoy contributing to ja/ck/ posting everywhere.
I don't care. I just wish he would post new Jack material. I've seen them all.
I am not from the us
but steak for a dollar is a good deal
Its probably an off cut and if you trip it you could make other meals
Ja/ck/ posting is kino, fuck off tranny.
Having multiple strokes is some serious dedication to a joke.
only tastelets don't like medium rare chicken
Kay is a close runner up for kino cooking, her entire youtube channel is gold. Here is her bacon and egg sandwich.
some of us are happily married, you little punk
rare pepe
nice try but I have my own jack folder
Good god, it's like something straight out of a horror film
For some reason i can feel my breath getting heavy when i watch her.
This is actually outrageous
Kay unironically taught me how to bake a cake by showing me what not to do.
I had no idea you could just add water to powdered sugar and get icing. We don't call it "frosting sugar" over here and I never heard that term other then her.
This is gold
so you don't take it off to work?
have fun losing your finger retard
you into thicc girls?
lol you don't have a family in your 20s
She also makes a mean meatball.
he has to be a troll.
I don't know man that ginger's have souls kid still hasn't broken character years afterward, but yeah it's probably more likely that he is just a retard.
yeah I'm not a nigger
Christ alive
I swear Jack is like watching a toddler, who has never used utensils before, trying to use the kitchen. It's kinda cute in the same way watching monkeys at the zoo is
you are not anything
just floating becuase you can't differentiate between reality and tv
theres nothing about you
loled with that filename
Hey, remember the time Jack talked about choking out his son?
>comments disabled for this video
>on every video
yep, it's a troll
>cook worse than britbongs
>he has even an italian surname
>that episode where he puts his phone on a raw chicken, and eggs his entire bbq on his weird tinfoil contraption
IIRC he said a while back in a video "it's just metal/a ring", since people kept emailing him about it
That salmon looks good
how is he still alive?
a lot of his older vids you can comment on, he just disabled entirely cus he couldn't handle people in the comment section
>We don't call it "frosting sugar"
neither do bongs, we call it icing sugar, kay is just a retard
he can't handle this shitty food apparently, since he's had two strokes?
2 strokes yep
I forgot to post this one, thought it had already been posted
What the fuck is this
Don't forget getting salmonella poisoning four times.
I need an answer to the ja/ck/ question
I hope somebody archived his vids cause he took down his channel
still up
>drops the steak in
>not even away from him to prevent potentially hot oil splashing him
>consumes a meat glue steak probably laced with the most diarrhea-inducing bacteria
>consumes it rare
wait really? I remember it being taken down. What changed?
dont think it's ever been down.
Well he has had like 2 strokes now and can't move one of his arms
You came from an alternative universe.
You've been Mandela'd, my dude. See you on /x/ in a bit
honestly the greatest thing hes ever done. the way it seems to flow while remaining rock hard is literally magical.
that's a southern thing.
it tastes pretty good btw.
Literally vomit
This is how I'm convinced it's trolling. He still has the fucking GODDAMN STICKER ON
>4 hours
what the fuck is this
Great filename my fellow scientist
Why so much grease and butter? Salmon doesn't need more fat...
i guarentee this guy has had some parasites inside his body
uh this is actually Aunt Myrna's Party Cheese Salad
> not buying a gallon of bbq sauce from Jack's website
How else is he going to support his son's pot habits?
Needs a pink eye desu
Who's up for some juicy tacos?
I hate the way he unfurls his fat arms and pulls that stupid face as he takes the first bite and starts chewing. It's as if he's mocking us and asking us what the problem is despite ingesting such revolting garbage.
come on, cut the potato in half and then put the flat side down...he is trolling
>the way it seems to flow while remaining rock hard is literally magical.
He put too much corn starch in, causing it to turn into a dilatant material. Essentially, the more you try to move it around, the thicker it gets. It thins out if you let it settle.
>He should've finished him off, but as we all know from his cooking, he always stops when it's half-done.
holy fuck
It's an off-topic thread made by a fucking Yea Forumseddit tourist
you really REALLY feel the thickness
she's gonna put that in the oven you fucker won't post the result?
He uses an IR meat thermometer
Really bad for your joint to hold your index finger on top of the blade like that.
God post more please.
lol cry more, faggot
The stroke came much later
>dude you can afford a $20 salmon fillet in your 20s your nothing!
He's not fucking trolling.
>the way she eats that canned wiener
Looks ok.
to anyone who thinks he's trolling, you get a really good idea of who Jack is by watching his appearance on West Texas Investors Club. hint: he's a delusional narcissist. at least that explains why he thinks it's OK to show other people his "cooking" on YouTube.
You see Jack is probably Nergal Chaos God of Disease.
kill yourself /ck/ mod, you are the most pathetic mod on this site
you fat useless flyover boomer fuck
Sounds based to me, fuck off.
>Into Cold oil
Always fuckin gets me
why does he keep calling hot dogs "sausage"? is this a retard "norf" thing?
That's how my mom cooks everything too and everyone says I'm picky when I don't want to eat +1000 calories of grease with my chicken
no he's just a retarded boomer
no he's a boomer who got his feelings hurt by the comments even though he calls other people snowflakes lol
yup, it's gonna be yikers from me mateys.
unironically based and redpilled comment
he's like 6 hours too early
What kind of fag was looking for a way to turn a fucking egg into a cock shaped food
he's just literally that dumb, friend
anyone got the "the house that ja/ck/" built image?
Literally just threw up in my own ass.
Hot dogs are sausages you dumb American
Mmm, sehr lecker!
Not really, hot dogs and sausages are different things.
I've never seen the result posted, ever. I don't think it exists
I've scoured the internet for it and found nothing but a few other unrelated clips from the same show
>The hot dog[2][3] (also spelled hotdog) or dog is a grilled or steamed link-sausage sandwich where the sausage is served in the slit of a partially sliced bun.[4] It can also refer to the sausage itself. The sausage used is the wiener (Vienna sausage) or frankfurter (also frank).
Well, I can never eat again and my dick is now an innie. Thanks, Yea Forums.
Because laziness and he actually has no knives or the ability to chop fresh produce with out sacrificing a finger or four.
>seasons it in the pan
I'd have slapped him in the face had I the reach or the inclination to get grease all over my palm.
I like how his solution is just to switch to new, successively bigger knives instead of just sharpening the one he's using.
Oobleck is a lot of fun.
I had a similar problem, when I was a kid everyone called me a "picky eater" because I didn't want to eat boiled vegetables with no seasoning. Once I got older I realized they just don't have a fucking clue how to cook. I'm still very bitter about it.
>bone apple teet
oh my dog
the top isn't even cooked
Dump everything left in your pantry into a pot and call it stew, rather than just go shopping.
i love this one
>the max fill line on the blender cup
>the cold oil
>the nearly overflowing pan
>the abject failure reveal of the turned dog
How is Jack alive?
Probability dictates a heart attack or several cases of salmonella should have done him in by now.
oh my fuck
third world education everyone
Hell fucking naw
the actual video was already posted you retard
Funfact, the government recognizes that ring as a sentient life form, and it has the honorary right to vote in local elections.
What's the problem? It's just a rare pancake.
Most likely, in between choke slamming him and putting him in head locks..
It's funny to watch his incompetence and laziness.
WHY the FUCK does he stick his tongue out when he takes a bite?!
>boiling a crushed egg in a pan
im only a few post into this thread and i regret already jesus fucking christ
It is in fact a retarded American thing to refer to sausages as hot dogs.
you can eat raw beef and not die
Breh I'm no Master chef by any means but OH MY FUCKING GOD this madman is going to synthesize a killer airborne salmonella strain with his cooking or create the fucking T virus or some shit. He needs to be stopped.
He's gonna stop himself man, the guy has had 2 strokes already.
Big guy's bite
Honestly the most upsetting thing in this thread for me somehow.
sausages are entrails in an animal casing
hot dogs are congealed leftover meat
not that I expect someone with a British palette to understand the difference
This blade will NOT keel.
God damn it Americans get your cooking together.
What kind of closet fag wont eat food because it is tube shaped?
He's such a troll
>sausages are entrails in an animal casing
>hot dogs are congealed leftover meat
Neither of these things is true.
>not that I expect someone with a British palette to understand the difference
a) I'm not British
b) this is a question concerning definitions, not flavour
c) the word you're looking for is palate.
jack here
How can the FDA allow this to continue
They should have issued an arrest warrant for Jack years ago Jesus Christ almighty
how can you fuck up EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of this? down to covering the dog in corn starch so the batter doesn't stick. you couldn't have written this to be more wrong
You all are like little children.
that reminds me of a time i went to fry's electronics while high out of my mind on mushrooms
That is a video from a probably legitimately retarded English woman and she's definitely not a troll.
He's made mortar
The webm's specifically say the dishes are American, don't try and pin this on based bongs.
>first ingredient: entire can of sweetened condensed milk
Serious concern
>second ingredient: a cup of sugar
>The cold oil
Every fucking time I know it's coming and I still crack a smile
what the fuck
Jack has the daily calorific intake of an olympic athlete
you can hear the heavy breathing
No you are the little child, behold the true hero of internet cooking.
I like how these threads were banned from /ck/ so now they’re here.
And the caloric expenditure of a comatose patient.
Well the FDA can't tell you what to do in your own home, you can eat raw meat all you want. Maybe it's in the public interest to take him down since he is encouraging others to eat this shit
Please, don't make fun of the mentally retarded.
Fuck that he's a genuine public health hazard. I'm pretty sure jacks """""cooking""""" can give someone salmonella via the internet.
Sorry, I didn't know one was here. Maybe you'll feel better after dilating.
>Sorry, I didn't know one was here
You should buy a mirror.
oh fuck off that's in every other jack thread
jack is kino because he often attempts normal dishes and fails immensely at basic things like cook temperatures and cookware sizes and stirring devices and identifying cooked food
that lady is just a disgusting gastropod. jack is an artist at kitchen idiocy
You should too, then you can become part of the 40% who realize they'll never pass.
this one made me feel extremely fucking nauseous
New word for me. I like it.
an oldie but a goodie
who the fuck hasn't seen this tho?
jack is more of a gastro terrorist
I was almost convinced that this guy wasn't a troll, until I saw this. So fucking fake and lame. Still kind of funny though.
Has anybody posted this gem yet?
>competes in his local church chili cook-off using year old freezer-burnt brisket
>gets asshurt when he loses and accuses others of cheating
This. Jack is better than other bad cooking channels because he genuinely cannot cook to a degree that even children can understand. He can't even fucking cook an egg for Christ sake
Jack is an artist, even if he doesn't realize it.
Imagine being the poor judge that has to eat jacks cooking. That's more than enough to shake the faith of any believer.
This guy is not fucking trolling, just watch his videos
before a tranny janny comes along let it be known that these are my favorite threads on Yea Forums
lmao @ his confidence before entering. this man is delusional
why the fuck am i laughing at when he almost failed to turn the salmon? it wasn't even a big mistake but i guess that looking at him fucking up literally everything even if it's just a harmless little
>Oh jesus christ I can't do this...
>post modern pancakes
jack is just an intellectual
What a fat fucking retard, feeding people his putrid shit.
>church chili
church of who/what? God doesn't want this shit
>cooking a steak as a young teen
>in a rush to get back to vidya, likely WoW or some shit
>too much oil in the pan
>steak still cold because I didn't let it warm up to room temp
>drop that big fucker in and get a nice facial of searing hot oil
Damn near blinded me. I'm amazed my face wasn't scarred from it at all. The looks people gave me while it was healing was as if they were looking at a freak. I learned my lesson at least.
Has anyone got the jar sealing one? Its unlisted
Church of Ja/ck/, he made it for us.
>that godawful soundbite intro
My stomach hurts, it really fucking hurts. How can an american make such disgusting food, don't you have self control?
This hurts so fucking much.
rockin the cross outside the shirt
imagine being a master of cooking, godliness, and subtlety all at once
The memesphere strikes again.
I just got food poisoning from watching all the webms ITT
sounds like a man id give my firstborn daughter to, i dont see the problem
This woman obviously has an eating disorder and is in desperate need of institutionalization.
Convinced Jack is a Nurgle worshiper
At least he cooked the meat in this one
>IPA beer
>la gweentahs
>trying to contract a salmonella infection as a joke
i don't think so
what's going on in this thread
>no seasoning
do he do it all off-screen?