Any kinos about wiping out insect hordes? i've already seen starship troopers

any kinos about wiping out insect hordes? i've already seen starship troopers.

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full metal jacket

>that bee dragging her wounded comrade away from the fighting

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That was a kino scene

>yfw bees have more humanity than chinks

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>The bee dragging his homie to safety

F for bee bro

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Do american really have to rig a sausage to an old computer monitor to get rid of a few wasps?
I mean for £5 i could buy a bug spray and go on with my life.

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bee =/= wasp

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>tfw wasp entered my room once
>scared as fuk from the buzzing
>decide to btfo it with some raid spray
>it just makes the warp buzz even louder and get super quick trying to come at me
>empty that can until it drowns

Pretty sure that company is American. But based boomers come up with all sorts of gadgets to eliminate the hornet menace.

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Those don't fucking work and will turn your yard into an environmental disaster.


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Watch the webm idiot

>tfw seen this happen IRL
Fucking hornets taking our nice bees as slave labour/food. Fuck them.

Those on the left are honey bees.

>using raid in your bed room
>where you sleep
enjoy your mega cancer dude

Probably to repurpose the protein for the hive.

In the middle of a battle?


starship troopers 3: direct to video

it's not a battle. it's a fucking annihilation

dude just grab some tissue and grab it they're super easy to deal with. I just catch them in a cup and put them outside

I loved the fact that the spiders in this movie were just normal size. None of this CGI bullshit.

Is that the one where the bugs sleep with everyone?

I try not to harm insects, even those considered house pests. After being stung twice with no provocation, I make an exception for wasps. And centipedes, cause ew.


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Infected, pretty fun scifi b movie.

Um bees are all girls sweety

>releasing those fuckers in the wild
the fuck is wrong with you?

why are boomers like this

If insects were human size we'd be fucked

Did those bees casevac the injured/ded one? I thought insects wouldn't give a shit if one of their number died.

>slave labour/food

Isn't that same humans do with them?

t. wasp
all of you fuckers deserve the gas chambers

No, because they would be much slower. A hornet can fuck you up pretty badly as it is, and the terrifying part is that they are nimble and hard to catch. A 5 feet tall hornet, though? Run it over, shoot it with a shotgun, whatever. Plus it won't be able to fit through your window, so there's absolutely nothing to fear.

If you catch them from either side with your hands while they're in the air, like you're clapping, you can kill or stun them pretty easily. Once they're stunned and fall to the floor you can finish them off.

Works a lot better than raid.

agreed. they should unionize.

you'd need a mostly oxygen atmosphere for that


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Millipedes two metres long have existed on Earth in the past, and dragonflies the size of crows.

Don't worry, I did the same thing and unloaded a can of brake cleaner on the fucking thing....It worked, but it also ate through my drywall, and now i owe the landlord $1000 in repairs.

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Retard alert

Jesus fucking christ

what movie this?

Thanks now I won't be able to sleep tonight

The Last Samurai

there no tanks in last samurai ;p

they'd only need to be maybe the size of mice and we'd be done

I just vacuum them up

human sized insects would be useless, the square cube law ruins everything cool

'My Way', it's Korean.

Hornets really should be wiped out. Those niggers dont do anything fucking useful and actively destroy the hives of bees.

user if insects are human sized humanity will probably never went past the stone age.

But why would Korea portrait the japanese as heroic?

>Getting slaughtered en masse by Soviet tankers


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Don't be so sure, we went past bear-sized tigers and giant Emus and we made it out just fine.

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Those don't have hives populated by thousands though. But I do see your point, jesus fuck those birds look scary.

If they were bigger they wouldn't be in the thousands, that's his point.

why isnt there any terror bird kino made yet? imagine 2 and 5 chasing people, catches a man and breaks his head like a nutcracker

He never mentioned that.

I use that on spiders.

He mentioned they'd be slower, one of the reason they can be so numberous is becasue they're smaller. If you size them up they'd be slower and they wouldn't be able to reproduce as fast

It's just daddy long legs. They're harmless

Sadly, this.
Mothra, you're still real in my dreams

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depending on how the oxygen levels change on earth they might once again be massive terrifying fucking things, but humans would also be bigger