The cancer killing Yea Forums

The cancer killing Yea Forums

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sneed and the mask is killing tv. and any other psuedo-memes intending to derail the board.

more like the cancer that killed Yea Forums years ago

this site is cancer

Yea Forums has been dead for ten years.

>Yea Forums and Yea Forums
what happened did other boards raid Yea Forums ?

no, but Yea Forums Yea Forums and Yea Forums are reddit colonies

You forgot youtube.

I notice that a certain board isn't on that image.

you're welcome. I gave you a reason to stop posting and change your life.

That's spammed by Yea Forums

/pol/ and Yea Forums are the biggest rèddit colonies on this site.. 2016 fucked this website beyond repair

>nazis and people spamming dick pics is reddit
seething Yea Forumsirgin

Redditors are all liberal, they’re the ones spamming incel, have sex, and get triggered by the culture here


Cunnychads are the only thing saving Yea Forums right now

Are you aware how many tourists came to /pol/ because of the_donald alone?

Yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that the majority of redditors that come here are all liberals. They’re the ones that whine about even the most casual racial banter

Yea Forums right now is literally Yea Forums circa 2011

I miss it so much bros

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>The cancer killing Yea Forums
this guy

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Yea Forums is literally the first search result in google when you type 4 into the searchbar, this site is dead and every single board is reddit

>calls others reddit
>doesn't even understand the concept of trolling

This place did a fine job of killing itself

>Yea Forums is literally the first search result in google when you type 4 into the searchbar
No it's not silly

Do you know how many reddit tourists came here through bane, tbbt comics, game of thrones and star war 7 spoilers? or are you part of that flood so it doesnt count


type Yea Forums into google and its the first autosuggestion, even if you have cookies disabled so it has no way of knowing youve ever visited it

Those people left after they got what they wanted though. t_d stayed because they thought the entire website was just like their subreddit.

The /pol/ graphic is missing

>racial banter

get a load of this cuck

There are literally leftist shills from cooperations and websites(such as vice) that post on here

behold, your average Yea Forums user post 2016

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>Using Google

Get the fuck outta here redditor

Le go dilate tranny discord gay pedophile

>muh secret club

No they didnt
If they all left then threads would still be 404ing after 2 hours 30 minutes not fucking 30 minutes during even the so called dead hours

>Glow in the dark pol nigger

>muh secret club
Easiest way to spot newfaggot is when people say this. Yea Forums was much better when it wasn’t mainstream and filled with faggots from other sites. You have to go back pal

I've been posting here since 2007, people were complaining about posters from Gaia online long before reddit was ever a thing.

Yea Forums is a reddit colony yes but a majority of T_D migrated to /ptg/ and the sheer amount of shilling and autism keeps most redditors away from /pol/ and they instead flooded into Yea Forums

Population of /r/the_donald is not native to reddit and rarely post on other subreddits. Like boers on africa.

Reddit has a lot of subs to submit dick pics, you rarely see a dick pick here, for every dick pick there are 10 masks and 50 sneeds. Also reddit is much more closer to nazism (collectivism, socialism, eugenics) than Yea Forums.


What's killing all Yea Forums is the incel/chad vs numales/women drama.

If someone came to Yea Forums specifically to talk about Game of Thrones, they're not making threads about Sneed now.

>delete waifu threads on sight
>permaban users and ip range bans for the tamest posts
>board becomes infested with conservative soccer moms screeching "muh degeneracy" at everything
Who would have thought

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yea dude just take screenshot of facebook and it's automatically golden with lots of replies

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/pol/ is very much t_d
/pol/ is not really even as racist as it used to be and they're probably the biggest moralfags of the whole site

>Yea Forums would be good if...
Lol. This is bullshit. Yea Forums is shit because of Yea Forums

It's been well established that they never stuck to their general once the show was over. And for years which means I'm right about how new you actually are

Almost all of that is false flagging. You are just way too dumb to realize.

>he doesn't use Discord
I'll be honest, how do people do it? At this point, it's like saying that you don't use Whatsapp. You refuse contact with all your friends out of principle. I get it, most of you people pretend to not have any friends, but we all know that you're full of shit that there are at least 2-3 people you've met on the internet who you talk to on a frequent basis.

Used discord for some shitty arg on /x/. That's about it. Seriously I might only know one friend who uses that


>killing Yea Forums
My friend I hate to tell you but tv has been infested with cancerous nigger tier zoomers for at least 3 years and it was still dead years before that

Tell us how many please revisionist redditard. reddit is 98% left wing website, most people coming here from reddit are greasy left wing teenagers who unironically want to discuss capeshit and e-celeb garbage

Replace twitter by facebook and I'm fine.

"my bad"

Yeah its totally not resetera.
No sir.

>how do people do it?

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/g/ glowing the dark here, I just enjoy saying NIGGER CATTLE and triggering the fuck outta other boards til I'm banned. I don't fucking care, just install Gentoo you fucking faggots.

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That's Yea Forums

>you people pretend to not have any friends

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have sex incel

how do we stop them bros
even 2014 Yea Forums with all the redditors spamming bane every minute wasn't as bad as current Yea Forums

>kills your board with unironic feminism disguised as edginess
Pssssssssssh, nothing personnel you misogynistic incels who don’t respect all women

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Yea Forums as well as all of Yea Forums has always been cancer. Thats why we come here, because we need a place to be cancerous. Its the point of Yea Forums

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