Go outside

>Go outside
>See a nigger

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Stop saying the n-word please.

Why do whites make this face?

Literally me.

where u b cuh?

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what I don't like about being around blacks and other minorities in public vs being in a very white area is that they assume I'm racist if I don't act sociable or make eye contact, when in reality I just don't want to be around anyone.

I am watching this

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this tbeeqh desunayy

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Why do whites make this face?


Why do niggers hate this face?

This, but unironically.

contempt for niggers like you


short answer: niggers

long answer: because niggers

we tend to make this face to other whites signifying there is a non-superior race in the vicinity

How is this Yea Forums related? May as well abolish this board and move on to /pol/.

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Gonna cry?
Gonna piss your pants, maybe?
Maybe SHIT and CUM?

i've seen black people make that face, some people just have bad teeth

Kill your self racist scum

So you never make this face then because every race is superior to whites people.

I hate it when that happens.


Seething mud spotted

simmer down hot head