Why do boomers think this is the scariest movie of all time? It's so boring

Why do boomers think this is the scariest movie of all time? It's so boring.

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I'm a boomer at heart, but I never thought the Exorcist was scary. Quite comical actually.

i unironically burst out into laughter when she started cussing
Beetlejuice (1988) made jokes about The Exorcist being funnier than it is scary

My boomer dad loves this shit but finds The Shining whatever.

check out the spider walk scene, scared me so much that i havent watched it in almost 20 years

Did they? Wasn't it more just "hey, come look at this kid saying exploitative stuff, how novel!".

Whoever thought this was scary regardless of the generation is a pussy. It's a complete Comedy.

3 was better

Its not scary by today's standards. But its still a well made and fun horror movie.

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>It's so boring.

What? not enough explosions and quips for ya?
Go back to capeshit you piece of human trash

Reagan twisting her neck with that grin and crawling on the stairs like a spider scare the fuck out of me still
Doesn't help that the scary maze game has poisoned my mind since I was a kid

Why is it so hard for zoomers to understand The Exorcist? Is it because they're all godless degens who want to cut off their genitals, so it's not even that shocking? Or they hate their parents or something?

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22 year old boomer here it’s still the scariest movie i’ve ever seen.
Come on tell me a scarier one, project blair witch? Lmaaooooo this shit was cringeworthy

>Its not scary by today's standards.
>Saw it for the first time a few months ago.
>Scary af m8.
>No movie made this century even remotely scared me
Kys yourself

Who are you quoting?

It was scary for its time and is still pretty unsettling today. The great atmosphere contributed to that.
I genuinely can not understand people who find the movie boring unless they just weren't paying attention. Watched it in a cinema a few years back and had a really good time. It's just an all-around solid movie.

watched it when i was 8, and it haunted me for years. it's pretty scary when you're an unironic christian.

>22 year old boomer


Your cunt mother

Nothing really scares me about it except for that crab walk down the stairs. Terrifies me Everytime tbqh.

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