Cast her for the inevitable netflix adaption
Cast her for the inevitable netflix adaption
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Idris Elba.
Some unknown brown chick
Was Samus ever ginger at some point? Because if she was, we have our greenlight to cast the darkest Nubian daughter of Africa we can find.
Charlize Theron has enough woke points to land the lead.
Brianne wants to play her
>Was Samus ever ginger at some point? Because if she was, we have our greenlight to cast the darkest Nubian daughter of Africa we can find.
Nope, green hair in the original, blonde after that.
Idris is too old. John Boyega is the new colored man to cast.
The perfect actress should play her
Her seriousness would kind of fit the role but i doubt she wants to
Jessica Biel
>lanky giraffe with no curves
She's pretty hot as far as tall women go, but Samus' height was never an issue.
the only choice
god i want to be her sex slave
Debicki or Gwendoline
Briefags can fuck off
I hate her, but the little I've seen of her maybe she could pull it off.
A bit short maybe, but not queen of womanlets at least so it's workable.
Nice try John
>Was Samus ever ginger at some point?
Usually blond, but brownish red at the end here
good choice, Debicki is a Goddess
>no curves
She's curvy enough for Samus.
The suit is 6'3"
>Karl Urban Judge Dredd esque Metroid movie
>Gender of Samus not clear throughout the movie
>until the end whens he takes off her helmet
Someone post the Debicki ass shot from that red carpet event
So many years
>The suit
If Robert Downey Jr can look like he's 6' 5" in a CGI suit, they can do it for some average height actress.
>if they cast something poorly, than so can they
hair can easily be dyed so as long as this criteria is met, it can be anyone
>younger looking than older, I'd say late 20's or early 30's
>thiccc as fuck, cannot stress this enough
>also /fit/ as fuck
>tall for a girl, preferably over 6ft
>must have at least C cups, preferably D's
>thiccc as fuck, cannot stress this enough
nope, not essential
She'd fit perfectly
this, please
Post the nudity
I want to lick that sweat off of her
Anya Taylor-joy if we aren't picky about the source material.
Wtf, I'm sexually attracted to Brie Larson now.
But sir, that's a male.