Star Wars

>Star Wars
>Star Trek
>Lord of the Rings
>Game of Thrones
>Breaking Bad
>The Wire
>Doctor Who
>Black Mirror
>Stranger Things
>Rick and Morty
>Bojack Horseman
>Mad Men
>True Detective
>The Office
>Avatar: The Last Airbender
>Paul Thomas Anderson
>Wes Anderson
>Del Toro
>Spike Lee
>Coen Bros

Attached: 46355300_1864608303666276_8215805656524692601_n.jpg (734x769, 72K)

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>Yea Forums

Why is hitchcock and miyazaki on this? they make good films

What the fuck are you even talking about? No basedboy is going to read Dune.


Podpeople -NPC hate kaijukino because they think its "silly" except Pacific Rim 2.


They dont read books except shillarys biography or some shit

>Lord of the Rings

They hate LoTR. Ist just tribes of different white people fighting ugly goblinshitskins, so LITERALLY HITLER


True NPC-Basedboys hate Anime because the japs are a "xenophobic"

Who hurt you ?

>True NPC-Basedboys hate Anime because the japs are a "xenophobic"
Miyazaki is an exception because he is a feminist hippie

So, if I wanna be a cool boy I can only watch the Kardashians and James Cameron movies?

Do you actually like anything?

>no Alita

>#17. Dune

soi chugging redditors love Dune.

Why isn't the list plugged with every anime.

Here's your (You), well done.

Worse yet, why would LOTR be there when its 100% white thus no no for the sóy crowd?

Lol thats litterally me

Dune, lotr and breaking bad don't belong on this list, faggot.

Anyone notice how popular dune is among high iq people? It seems like every genius loves the book. Makes me think.

imagine the neverending autism to actually type all that out

>everything I don’t like is bad and for man children!

Godzilla: King of the Monsters was awesome, man

yes, those are popular things

this is your brain on /pol/

>no House MD

I bet 95% of the people who voted haven’t read it.