>Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie
Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie
Based, Episode III is unironically great even if you hate the other prequels
stupid fucking hick
also fuck battle creek. I was in the jail there as an ICE detainee.
The food is fucking shit
Better than Return of the Jedi.
I'll take forced epiphanies over a reworked script and muppets any day of the week.
Kill yourself spic. You don't belong
I'm an european. Fuck shit spics. They never fucking showered and smelled like shit
More like Revenge of the Shit amirite!
I'll let myself out.
Don't be a that guy.
Return of the Jedi is the best one.
I remember every time I tried to watch my dvd for this I'd get up to the anakin vs obiwan battle and then my little sister would come in and start crying because she found it scary.
And that's that.
So does this guy have some sort of weird Andy Milonakis syndrome going on or is he just fat?
lmao europoor btfo
Revenge of the Sith is my favourite Star Wars movie. For every time I watch the entire saga, I probably watch RotS 3-4 times.
>Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars movie
>Disney ruined Star Wars
>I only watch Star Wars for the fights
>Autistic and obese
>Lives in a flyover shithole
This guy is Yea Forums incarnate.
>Xena warrior princess is the best show ever made right user?
How do you reply Yea Forums?
This is now a Joh Yowza thread
I remember a baby cried in the theater when palpatine fucks up his face
Saw a dude with a vanity plate on his car that read "SITH LRD". At first glance, I legit thought it said "SHIT LRD", and I lol'd.
This is Preston, my favorite cat. As you can see she has only one eye and she wears a pink dress, her favorite food is ice cream.
Is she on a leash outside?
I tried that with my cat once and it was like when Frodo and Sam are dragging along Golum.
This "documentary" was unironically entertaining. Good on the content cop guy, he should make more.
He's like a chaotic evil Louis Theroux.