How can we make Disney die?

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Fuck right off. Literally can’t imagine being so invested in a children’s film series as an adult

We kill it. Once and for all.

you take an autism pill, and hope your brain develops into an adults.

By calling for women and people of color to direct their franchises.

Fuck off. They make billions a year off your children by feeding them lies after milking old dying franchises.

Every adult should care about this treachery.

PS. The toys they sell multiple times more profitable than the movies.

This, but unironically.

They are literally a part of the us government. This company will be around for your great grandchildren to complain about

What in the actual genuine fuck are you talking about schizo?

>part of the us government

Keep being in the dark normie, while disney milks off all your money via your kids while feeding them nonsense.

..Mr "Serious adult".

would the world have been a better place if fleischer studios was the top american animation company?

Do you not know how a business works or are you genuinely mentally ill? I’m gonna go with both based on how you type

It does make some unironic sense, but realistically, it doesn't seem that fast.

The first rehash of the franchise made 2 billion dollars. It was just a soft-reboot.

The second which was total nonsense and worse than reboot,... 1.3 billion.

I mean, you may need 10+20 years+ for them to truly die that way.

Shut it. You offer zero arguments other than your hate.
Disney is a killer of old franchises so fuck off.
Fucking Disney apologist.

Good, I hope Disney goes for it.

This seems more like a Rian Johmsom problem than a Disney one. This dude wormed his way into Star Wars and then came out of the closet: "surprise! I'm a libcuck white male hating race traitor!"

You literally don’t even know what you’re talking about and jump around from insult to insult. How does Disney ‘milk money’ through ‘my kids’ differently than any other business?

Of course he does, now that he knows he will never direct SW again, he can virtue signal

We wait.

They aren't actually part of the govt, but I think what that user meant is this

I bet this guy went to see TLJ.

It's not like TFA was stellar either, just a soft-reboot, almost a remake of the original. That conglomerate is incapable to do originality. The only thing they are good at is to make soft-reboots of very old stories.

If you truly want originality, let Disney die a horrible death. They're only good at taking an ancient story and making a comfy children's movie, they never did anything else well in their entire life.

marvel chairman isaac perlmutter is a personal friend of trump and is a part of veterans affairs.

I'm thinking that a lot of that success comes from just being American based. It's similar with AMD, Intel and NVIDIA on the PC market. Everyone knows they are basically a cartel that fixes the prices and patent hog, but the US does nothing because they're all American.

If Disney was Chinese Trump would be screeching to destroy them yesterday.

>crashes the franchise with no survivors before handing it off to the lesser creatures

No, TFA made a lot of money because of nostalgia, the return of the old cast, the promise of going back to the same look as the OT, more practical, less CGI. they really pandered as much as possible in the promo, the movie was different but it's tool ate when you bought a ticket. The hype was insane. The movie would have made $3B if it was actually good, it would have made money in China as well instead of flopping hard. TLJ was the promise of answering all the msytery boes and most importantly the return of Luke Skywalker who was used for a cliffhanger in TFA.
Now there is absolutely nothing to look for in IX, and Ranger Solo proved that SW can bomb.

He’s talking about Perlmutter

Why is Rian such a fag bros

I suspect Abrams will try to rewrite back the total nonsense of Rian (especially that he rewrote Luke and Leia to be practically assholes that gave up on their nephew and son which makes them practically not a "Resistance" or a "light side" since the entire point of the original was that even Anakin was redeemed).

But, I doubt that can be done. It's pretty clear TLJ shit all over the original saga. Even if they try to do master level acrobatics to twist that "Luke and Leia and the Resistance are still the light side guys and not totally secluded grumpy assholes", I doubt they can convince me TLJ wasn't exactly what it said it was.

They hired JJ back because he's a happy merchant, it's all about selling the movie with false advertisement. But the movie is doomed, even it was made by a good director. You got JJ, so it's definitely trash

Don't you have a rat's cock to suck?

>low iq browns and roasties will be in charge
They're doing it themselves.

>make a shitheap of a movie installment
>call for only shittier filmmakers to follow up on you so you look better in comparison
Umm, based?

JJ is the perfect fit for Disney. The only thing that conglomerate can do well is to make comfy soft-reboots of very old stories. Sure, they are never inspired or original so run away if you want originality but if you want confines from a rehash he is the man. In fact, that's where TFA boils down to. Almost every critical reviewer that found something good in it said "at least it felt like A New Hope a little".

Hell, Disney did that even in their golden days. Notice that almost all of their iconic movies are extremely old stories soft-rebooted to something comfy.

In general, let that conglomerate die a horrible death if you want originality. They can only do rehashes and if they try something new, they make monstrosities (TLJ).

What he did in TFA is a disgrace. you don't reboot a movie that is a sequel, especially when the ancient characters are all back!

Do "people of color" ever see this as racist and demeaning as it really is?

You literally need your white handlers to help you achieve anything lol.

Couldn’t think of anything huh bud?

I like how people who spout this shit always make themselves the exception.

It probably is a disgrace, but that's the only thing Disney is consistently not totally horrible at. Take an old story, soft-reboot it with hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to at least be a little comfy since it's uninspired.

In reality, SW should either die after the original creator abandoned it or at least get more indie producers. Disney doesn't do originality, and when they try (TLJ) it's usually destructive and annoying.

If you think about it, Disney is shit like that with Marvel too. For the last ~10 years (when they acquired them), I feel like I'm watching the same movie with very slight variations.

he supports white genocide

Disney is dumb, this was extremely stupid, they could have milked the franchise for 10 years easily but theywanted that fembux so bad they went completely degenerate and now the fans don't want anything to do with this zombie franchise

by spamming memes on Yea Forums and twitter

I understand Disney from the perspective of their size: They are fucking gigantic. They currently own the majority of popular sci-fi and fantasy franchises. They have their own library, they have the entire Marvel catalog (including X-Men from this year), the entire Lucasfilm and recently they got the entirety of Fox too.

tl;dr: they are so gigantic that can't afford to fail. Their decisions are all the most extremely safe, uninspired bet you can imagine. That's why 90%+ of their financial successes are rehashes and soft-reboots.

Hell, sometimes you think it's original but it's not even then. e.g. movies that we think are new but it's really an old children's book or a reboot of a movie from more than 20-30 years ago etc.

Safe bet galore: the conglomerate.

If you want originality run off.

this. there's a reason they got to monopolize, the cia even uses their movies for mk ultra shit, ie alice in wonderland. this is all documented, Disney is a powerful American propaganda tool

before you say tinfoil hat, the cia docs are declassified and readily available

You don’t need a tinfoil hat to see that captain marvel was a recruitment ad for the airforce

exactly, that's just one of the more blatant examples