Has The Rock finally surpassed Arnold?

Has The Rock finally surpassed Arnold?

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Surpassed in what?

Arnold is overrated


closeted homosexuality

He surpassed Arnold in non memorable roles. I don't think anyone can beat The Rock in that category.

The Rock peaked in 1998/1999 when he was the Corporate Champion

Babyface Hollywood Rock sucks

What has The Rock done to top Terminator 2, Predator, Commando, True Lies, Total Recall, and The Last Action Hero?

Arnold has done a lot and can't really be topped. Rock has maximum 5 good movies that aren't part of fast and furious.

The Rock has still yet to have “his” character. Everything he’s in is just a remake of some other shit


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Yeah, predator, terminator, commando, conan.. etc.

Get Lity somewhere else, Dwayne. You made a fortune and your grandkids will want for nothing, good job.

Also he was the Governor of California.

>all that kino
>dont even have to mention Conan to kick Dwaynes ass.
based as fuck

Youtube stars are more popular than The Rock

>End of Days
>God Tier

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yes The Rock has won the baldlet war, congratulations are in order.

Spotted the zoomer

Name one, ONE movie the Rock has made as emblematic as Terminator.

I'll wait.

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Arnie has banged a thousand chicks, The Rock has sucked a thousand cocks, its a tie.

The Rock won't have made it until he's in an Expendables movie.

I forgot how camel punching good Conan is.

Arnie didn't make his movies. Neither does Rock, they only star in them.

Arnie was very lucky to work with 2 of the greatest action directors of all time in Cameron and Mctiernan. Take away tgeir movies and Arnie's filmography is pretty medicore and hasn't aged too well.

MCUck spotted^

>Take away tgeir movies and Arnie's filmography is pretty medicore and hasn't aged too well.

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Revisionist history has been kind to Arnie.

Most of his movies either bombed at the box office or were critical failures at the time.

>Most of his movies either bombed at the box office or were critical failures at the time.
Thats just untrue

The guy was in at least three genre defining classics which is more than most actors can say though so it is not really revisionist

>Critical failures
Lmao. Fag.

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Has anyone actually gone back and watched Total Recall, Running Man, Conan or Commando? They're okay but they don't hold up too well. I feel like people haven't watched them for years and are scared of re-watching them cause they know they won't be as good as they remember.

Side note, Rock's Hercules was much better than Arnie's Conan, imo.

Don't forget Conan user which, lord of the rings aside, is the best fantasy film

>Has anyone actually gone back and watched Total Recall, Running Man, Conan or Commando? They're okay but they don't hold up too well
Just incorrect
>Side note, Rock's Hercules was much better than Arnie's Conan, imo.
Serious zoomer alert

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I catch those movies on cable all the time and they all still hold up.

The tooth fairy

>Side note, Rock's Hercules was much better than Arnie's Conan, imo.
Please kill yourself.


>>Has anyone actually gone back and watched Total Recall, Running Man, Conan or Commando? They're okay but they don't hold up too well

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Jesus fucking Christ give me one rock scene that even comes close to this one

>Arnie didn't make his movies. Neither does Rock, they only star in them.
Way to deflect the question

Running Man flopped and has 62%, not exactly a huge hit.
Conan was a hit but critics hated it when it came out. Revisionist history.
Raw Deal, flopped at both.
Twins was a hit but critics weren't too kind.
Last Action Hero flopped at both.

Movies like Commando and Predator were modest hits.

His only real big hits were Terminator 1 and 2, and Total Recall.

decent bait

Terminator movies were hits cause of Cameron, not Arnold. And I say that as a big Arnold fan.

>Running Man flopped and has 62%, not exactly a huge hit.
>Le rotten tomate score
I dont even need to read any further

I can quote multiple Arnold films. I can't quote any The Rock films.

>Terminator movies were hits cause of Cameron, not Arnold
T2 was all Arnold you brainlet

Meh boring. Had more fun watching Rock's Hercules.

This is the new dumbest thing in this thread

Lol if you actually believe that. And Aliens was all Weaver and not Cameron? Fuck.

The Rock will never be close to Arnold. Arnold is an original. The rock is a try hard copycat.

Arnie was the biggest star on planet earth when T2 came out

How? Replace Arnold with any other jacked actor and the movies are the same, especially the first.

People giving Arnold credit for Terminator. Kek at the highest order.

Was not even thinking of terminator. More about Predator, Conan, and Total recall which Arnold is essential in all three and are all genre classics. The terminators are cherries on top and yes Cameron is the most important piece but I can not think of anyone that would have done the role better than Arnold at that time

Arnold is in the WWE Hall of Fame, Dwayne isn't.

Checkmate atheists.

I took your bait. Good job user here is your (you)

>all those forgettably mediocre new woke movies.

True but that only helps the box office, not the movie's quality, since thats what I thought this thread was about?

>How? Replace Arnold with any other jacked actor and the movies are the same

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Do you know what movie stars are?

You claimed that the films were only hits because of Cameron, move the goa lpost harder you turbo zoomer faggot

they're better than almost any action movie coming out these days

Holy shit did your parents drop you repeatedly when you were an infant?

Arnie's a legend and starred in some classics but I see where these anons are coming from. He came at a tkme where the actor was the selling point, where people paid tickets to see the actor, and that allowed these big megastars to star in hit after hit, and make classics.

Dwayne's come about at a time where pretty much only franchises make bank, and the biggesr movies year after year are either Disney or a franchise. Its a lot harder for him to make these R rated classics when they wouldnt make much money these days (there are rare exceptions). So to star in a lot of good solid movies and to be one of the rare actors that can sell a movie based on a name, you gotta give it to him.

this has to be one of the butt fucking dumbest opinions I’ve ever read on Yea Forums over the last 12 years

>How? Replace Arnold with any other jacked actor and the movies are the same
Oh, so OJ Simpson would've helped make the movie a classic all the same?

Fucking retard

Hercules was actually quite good, remember watching it on Netflix a while back and wasn't half bad. Would watch again if bored and saw it on. No classic but pretty entertaining.

In terms of appearing and starring in films probably. In terms of acting chops no which is pathetic for the Rock because Arnold is a pretty low bar.

It was comedy kino


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I mean Arnold didn't add much to T1, quality wise its the same with or without him, probably added a bit to box office.

T2 made big bank cause of him, and cause Jim Cameron made one of the best action flicks ever.

Critic opinion doesn't mean shit you know that right?
Especially before the era of the internet

>I mean Arnold didn't add much to T1

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my dad said he'd kick my ass if i didnt watch conan and i really liked it. thanks dad

Rock's acting in Pain and Gain is better than anything Arnold did.


I know devs modeled Wesker after Ahnuld, but how is it that Wesker's so much more attractive?

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Just shut the fuck up already, it's sad now.

No, and no one ever will.

The go-to name to reference Action movies is Arnold. Even The Rock was influenced by him.

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Stallone was always better. And he actually made his own movies so I respect him a lot for that.

good list but not exhaustive

why yes it still holds up

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yes they're all great with the exception of running man which only has great moments but is overall pretty shit


Have apples finally surpassed oranges?


Which one? Only Raw Deal, Commando, his sword and sorcerer movies (both Conans and Red Sonja) and Junior were panned by critics, every other movie he did prior to the 2000s and post Conan were praised by critics and if not, they were at least box office hits. Not one Arnie movie in his prime flopped. They had a similar crowd like the mcu in terms of guaranteed commercial success, which is why Arnold could pick any movie he wanted.

I want to say no but I'm stuck in my past

The Rock hasn't even surpassed Jean-Claude Van Damme let alone Arnold.

Not even close to being close. Dwayne has mostly starred in forgettable trash. The Rundown is STILL his best movie. Arnold starred in a good percentage of the best action movies ever made.

Meh bait. Have a (you) though.

No one will ever defend 'The Rock' as vehemently and passionately as Arnie fans defend Arnie.
The Rock is mellow jellow. Arnie is the real deal.

maybe in your life. only action/fighting movies i went for were van damme's.

Stallone is a great actor there is no doubt about that (except if you are that Razzie fag who seriously wanted to give him a Razzie for Creed, dunno what happened between them, I guess Sly fucked his wife), but Arnold is a great star.

You would pay to watch Arni sitting down and smoking a cigar since he has giant charisma, you wouldn't watch Sly doing the same.

This. The Rock hasn't had one movie which is so encapsulating from his performance that is can be a "Rock movie" like you'd call something like Predator an "Arnie movie".

>His only real big hits were Terminator 1 and 2, and Total Recall.

What no, Twins, Total Recall and True Lies were all huge hits that made close if not more then 500million worldwide if you take into account inflation.

You can't just look at box office mojo and be like ah shit his movie only made 98million dollars in 1987, what a bomb.

The Rock in 99/00 was the most electrifying man in entertainment today if you smeelllllllalalalalallawwwwww what the Rock is cooking

I think Kindergarten Cop also was a hit.

Rocky should never have left the ring. His acting in wrestling does not translate well into film.

If I recall correctly, Arnold considers Twins to be one of his best successes, because he opted not to take a salary for the job but for a percentage of the money the movie made, just so they could get the film greenlit. And naturally he made millions more through that move than he would've.

Jingle all the way is unironically top 5 Arnold kino

I think it could. I think he needs the right script. Like Batista did.

Bet he also had a contract saying he could fuck Kelly Preston in the face in between takes.

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>I think Kindergarten Cop also was a hit.

Kindergarten Cop made around 200 million dollars domestic adjusted for inflation. Plus it's overseas box office made more then it's domestic.

Which means Kindergarten Cop is a 400+ million dollar comedy.

Alright faggots, let's do this

Stay Hungry
Pumping Iron
Raw Deal
Total Recall
Kindergarten Cop
Terminator 2
Last Action Hero
True Lies
End of Days

>Ironic kino
Hercules in New York
The Running Man
Jingle All the Way
Batman & Robin

>Not bad
Conan the Destroyer
Red Heat
The 6th Day
Collateral Damage
Terminator 3
Expendables 1-3
The Last Stand
Escape Plan

The Villain
Red Sonja
Terminator Genisys
Killing Gunther


Don’t forget that Verhoeven also cast him

not until he stars in a james cameron action flic

the running man should 100% be in that kino list. what the fuck are you doing.

No way. His delivery of one-liners is stuff of legends.

>You want to fuck with me? You're a fucking choir boy compared to me! A CHOIR BOY!

That alone made it god tier.

The Ironic kino bracket doesn't cut it. You need more brackets. Otherwise, pretty good.

you need to stop making these threads Dwayne

I do. All the time.

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Came here to post this. The older i get, the more i like it

It's good. Not in my top Arnold movies, but definitely an underrated Christmas movie.

the rock made a career out of starring in reboots, sequels and already established franchises
fast n the furious

arnold was in original projects and created classic moments and characters

He needs memorable film roles first. And he only starred in shit so far. Not a single memorable movie. The only half-watchable thing he did, was the extended cut of Hercules and even that's a stretch.

All the rocks movies are trash. Even tho he’s charming as fuck in them.

It's all about franchise's now though. A lot harder to do that than back then.

He should have done a few Scorpion King sequels back in the day.

>the greatest american is german
really makes you think

What did he mean by this?

>End of Days

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Arnold is great, but he's not even top 50 in greatest Americans who weren't actually born in America.

Hollywood is 99% reboots, sequels and franchises today though.

If Arnie came about today he'd do the same. Stupid comparison.

If you seriously think every single movie he's done is trash, then you either have really high standards or haven't watched them all.

Talk about a fucking hyperbole.

And the greatest german is from Austria

Underrated DJ movie.

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Arnold has the fucking Terminator and Predator under his belt.

What the fuck does the Rock have? The Jumanji reboot?

thats stupid because it implies anyone else could have played t1000 and made it work because of cameron
who else do you think could have played arnolds part?

>Jingle All the Way
fuck off

Has Rock being lucky enough to work with two of the best action directors of all time?

Name Dwayne Kino pls. I liked Pain and Gain.

Which two are you referring to here?

I feel like this kinda thread gets made every other day and replies are always the same. Jesus.

Cameron and John Mctiernan.

Good lad. Feel McTiernan doesn't get the recognition he deserves.

I personally enjoyed:
>Mummy Returns/Scorpion King
>Doom (I thought it was fun)
>Gridiron Gang
>Get Smart
>Journey 2
>Pain and Gain (so underrated)
>Central Intelligence
>Moana (one of his best)
>Fast and Furious movies.

Plus while not great, I didn't even mind Faster, San Andreas, Baywatch and I suppose Fighting with my Family.

I get why people think he isn't dropping 5 star classics, but for people to think "all his films are shit" is hyperbole on steroids, ironically.

Wish he'd come back for more kino.

zoomer core as fuck

True Lies is shit, LAH too. Running man on the other hand is true Arnold Cinema.

>True Lies is shit, LAH too
how can one post be so wrong

>Is a zoomer
>Likes movies aimed for zoomers

Wow crazy that. Just how old are some of ya'll?

Please kill yourself

Pretty sure he was blacklisted

Has James Cameron actually made anything original? Like he's one of the goat's imo but I mean Terminator ripped off an Outer Limits episode, Aliens was a sequel, True Lies was a remake, Titanic was just Romeo and Juliet on a boat, and Avatar was just Dances with Wolves/Pocahontas in space.

Like I enjoy his movies but damn he's not creatively the most original.

If you don't talk like that in real life, which I doubt you do, that means your living a double life online and that isn't healthy, and most likely you'll be the one to actually do that.

Poor guy.


The rock was supposed to be the next Arnold. He is just a clown and it's too bad.

Not until The Rock can workout his jaw to become stronger than Arnie's.

This is why he cant be topped by The Rock


Fuck you, Eraser is great.

I would love a Commando reboot, old Arnie killing thousand of minions while trying to save his daughter.

>one of, if not the best bodybuilder in the world
>renowned actor who starred in some of the best action movies ever

The Rock
>used to be a WWE (fake as fuck) wrestler
>stars in nothing but mediocre summer blockbuster flicks

I unironically liked his performance in Batman & Robin. I'm not going to say it was a great movie though.

Total Recall is still amazing. Its a Paul Verhoeven movie with a Philip K. Dick plotline. Add in Arnie, spectacular FX, and its instant Kino.

>Hobbs & Shaw

Arnold did it first and is the figurehead pf bodybuilding and action heroes. He can’t be topped.

This, fuckin Christmas kino

does that magazine say "Famry Computing"?

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Would love for that to make money than Fast 9 just to piss of Vin and Tyrese.

Based bill said it best.

Not entirely correct. The Rock has been trying to pull off some sort "Look at me, I star and PRODUCE my own films". He is often investing on his own movies, so he does his movies.

Arnold is unsurpassable

Amazing. Every word you just said is wrong.

Name one Rock movie that is better than one of these guys movies.

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What an utter crock of shit.. and that POS Hercules better than Conan - get the fuck out of here with that BS - the soundtrack ALONE on Conan pisses all over that Hercules.. Disney's Hercules was better than 'The Rock' version too.

Rundown was what got me into 'The Rock'. I wish he would've continued along that path.

everyone knows he's the best there is

The Rocks movies keep being bad though

literally retarded

NOBODY can make an action schlock like Arnold and sell it with his wholeheartedly sincere performance

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>implying Arnold needs a contract for that

>True Lies is shit
how can you be so pleb?? it has aged like wine


He has had more box office hits, but he will never be in something as iconic and influential as Terminator.

Closest I can think of is the Scorpion King, but he never really rose above that Ithink.

He's probably too goofy and friendly looking for him to be a truly badass action actor.


Where is Hercules in New York? Absolute kino.

The rock is overrated retard

>Last Action Hero
>Total Recall

The Rock
>Southland Tales
>Pain and Gain