Just found out my wife is cheating on me and I don't know what to fucking do. All those years together for this
Just found out my wife is cheating on me and I don't know what to fucking do. All those years together for this
is he black? he must be black
Honour killing her is the only way to go friend.
You wife can't cheat on you if you don't have a wife. Or ever had one.
You deserve desu
According to the Sharia, the penalty for adultery is death.
You know what to do, user.
>getting married
>in year two thousand and nineteen
Holy cringeroly
Serves you right for falling for the marriage meme.
you gave her the go-ahead as soon as you got married
lesson learned
Yes, kill yourself
Its shit but you have to just fucking end it bro. No second chances shit. She was literally making you a cuckold.
Suicide is haraam.
post nudes of her to spite her
Literally divorce her. If she’s truly cheating you won’t owe her a dime and she’ll be left on the curb with nothing.
Imagine paying all the bills and taking her out on all those dates, buying her gifts and letting her drive your car for “errands” just for her to suck some niggers cock
Rape her and then dump her
Kill them, OP. Kill them all.
If you don't get into the cuckold fantasy she wins.
Never trust women
>he fell for the 3dpd meme
When will you normies ever learn?
>:In the States of Wisconsin, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Nebraska, Montana, Missouri, Minnesota, Michigan, Kentucky, Kansas, Iowa, Indiana, Hawaii, Florida, Colorado and California, a person seeking a divorce is not permitted to allege a fault-based ground (e.g. adultery, abandonment or cruelty).
Kinda depends what state you live in
Sorry to hear that OP
Your wife doesn't exist you LARPing reddit9k wojack posting faggot. Take your bait blogposting thread back to the subhuman board you came from you smelly fat neckbearded acne crusted greasy balding haired subhuman faggot and kill yourself immediately.
You lost nothing. She is trash.
It will hurt a lot.
But at last you have gotten rid of something thats worth nothing.