was it kino?
The Boys
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Just Homelander was.
Based lander btfo normies
>leaves everybody on the plane to die
I don't even know if his excuses lined up with the laws of physics, but Homelander was pure kino.
and The Deep. rest was trash
He couldn't save everyone. It had to go either perfect or it wouldn't go at all, and there were too many problems to take care of. It was less his excuses and more his sociopathy.
Thinking about it I don't think he could've lifted the plane.
While he is capable to produce astounding amounts of acceleration in an instant, would that have been enough force to lift it?
yes he was
In reality he definitely would've just slammed through the hull for sure, that Superman shit doesn't actually work
I just watched all the cool scenes on youtube and skipped watching any actual episodes.
He's retardedly powerful, he could've done it. Can't completely recall, but I think that in the comic (where he's a very different character; way more retarded and almost completely without self-control) he fucks shit up real bad and decides to bail, but then turns around to try and help but ends up instead tearing the plane in half by flying into it. Or maybe that was another plane? He has enough power to stop a plane anyway. He's just not smart enough to use it properly.
At least in the comics.
enough force to lift the plane concentrated on the surface area of 2 hands will just make a hole in the plane rather than lift it up, he fucked up when he lasered the control panel
this and only this
Did the Frenchfag really just forget about her girlfriend for the mute Nip pussy?
It seems so yellow fever is a hell of a drug
this He would have just ripped it apart. Imagine holding wet tissue paper in your fingertips out the window of a moving car. I think what they could have done is gently angled the altitude rudder on both wings down to create upwards momentum but Maeve can't fly in the series so that would be another shit show.
The line was kino, don't be a bitch.
You're just mad The Boys does a cooler Superman than DC does.
Because, no matter what, Superman is still supposed to be the best humanity can raise a boy to be. The Homelander was literally made to be a superweapon that would end WW2..
He basically said what would happen that happens in the comic, if he decided to take action. TV Homelander is more intelligent than the comic version. He realized there was no point in fucking around with it.
But I still don't buy that he couldn't have glided the plane by holding it underneath and just more or less soft-landing into the water.
>love Karl Urban
>don't care about capeshit
>hear about this show
>read up on it
>sounds like utterly brainless edgelord bait
>put the first ep on because Karl Urban
>it's pure fucking kino fun
Seriously, I don't give the slightest fuck about capeshit, but I watched 4 episodes in a row last night.
The Boys is anti-capeshit disguised in capeshit. It's the reason why most of Yea Forums fucking hate it.
Makes sense, my comicfag buddy said he didn't bother finishing it because it was "basically pornographic." Based on what he told me about it, they toned the edginess down a bit for the show, and it seems to have worked. Also, I don't think I've ever heard Karl Urban use his natural straya accent, so it's got that going for it too.
>Yea Forums fucking hate it.
But that's a good thing.
Why would take anyone serious who jizzes over calarts trash?
Nothing about Ennis' loathing of super heroes is "disguised".
lol I forgot about her too now that you mentioned it
your buddy sounds like a retard even by comicfaggotry standards
he would have used his super speed to tie everyones coats together then have them all grab it and hold on as he flies them to the ocean
Tell us again how little you care about capeshit
Anyone got dolphin webm?
i don't even know this show
a few plot holes: letting a train live when they broke his leg? wasnt getting revenge on him one of their main objectives? and it took way too long to kill translucent. why not poison him? or drown him? or gas him?
What bothered me the most was that they didn't buy at least a pack of flower and then caked him with it to be able to see him. Or forced him to wear something.
>Because, no matter what, Superman is still supposed to be the best humanity can raise a boy to be.
And that's why he keeps failing at the box office. Nobody wants to see that version of him anymore. Superman sucks!
The Boys is what the Justice League should be. Imperfect perfection, interesting, charismatic... flawed. DC will always fail because their characters are outdated and lame.
>and it took way too long to kill translucent. why not poison him? or drown him? or gas him?
They talked about how drowning him didn't work, that had been tried.
I did think they were gonna poison him though, I thought Hughie actually poisoned him with the water he gave him at first.
He keeps failing at the box office because that's not the version of him they show. We're just getting beaten over the head with snyder's confused jesus obsession combined with a solid dose of faux-bayhem.
Yea Forumsfags do despise this show, which means it's Yea Forums approved
I thought it was because it diverges so much from the books (nerds hate change), but I think ur right on the money
Bro, I'm just yanking your chain. Feeding ya a little bait. I don't really give a shit about Superman, nobody does, and certainly don't want to talk about it. You win! Goodbye. Back to Yea Forums you go.
I was really wary at first because most television shows about superheroes are usually cheaply made with bad CGI, terrible actors, and non existent editing (besides Daredevil ofc).
But Amazon busted out the big bucks and made actual fucking kino.
>shilling a show that I pirated and amazon got 0 cents from me
I can hook you up with a magnetlink my dude
Helps it was only 8 eps, I guess.
I loved the comic so im glad the show is apparently good too
Will get comfy later and watch it
no u
Reminder that Iron Man was in the same exact situation, but managed to get everyone out of the plane safe and sound.
By the way the guy that wrote the comic is called Garth Ennis, a really good writer
I recommend Crossed, it acts as sort of a mockery of the typical "glorious post apocalypse" story where heroes fight back against the monsters in the same way The Boys is to most superhero stories
You cannot compare Marvel characters to deformed DC characters. Marvel heroes are God-Tier.
In fairness, when Superman saves the plane in Returns, he doesn't just lift it, he first has to get rid of the wings, then slowly decelerate it over what looks like a lengthy descent. You see the ripples going through the fuselage etc.
It still couldn't be done in real life, but they didn't just have him lift it lengthways.
Name three "glorious post apocalypse" stories.
>Garth Ennis, a really good writer
These words do not have any business being in a sentence.
genre only matters for things that suck
Lmao he didnt even purposely pull the wings off. He clearly tried to guide it with one of the wings and it just broke off. Watch that scene again
You, user. YOU are the real hero ;)
The Boys isn't DC, dumb dumb.
Silly, the Flash is black on this show. That's not DC.
Oh hey its Namor
>Really good writer
Garth Ennis' edgey murderporn is not good writing
If thats your opinion it just means that you're a pleb that can't look past the surface of anything
but this is Yea Forums so that much was already obvious
With less than a 1/4 of the passengers. Tony also wanted to save the people Homelander thought it was too much work.
>I don't think I've ever heard Karl Urban use his natural straya accent
(a) I thought he was a kiwi
(b) pic related is the last time I can recall (and that shit's old af)
>123 people
>middle of the Atlantic ocean
>has to take them one or two at a time, got to fly them all the way to the coast or nearby land, then come back
>assuming they don't just die of the wind shear, unless he flies slow enough that it isn't an issue, but if he does that then it'll take exponentially longer
Tony couldn't have pulled that off either.
There might be a very outside chance that Homelander could have gotten some life rafts going and tried to save a few people that way (shorter distance, just down to the raft and then back up again), but you're still talking about a bare handful of people. The majority of the passengers on that plane would still be dead.
>Garth Ennis, a really good writer
>they expect all of you in the wreckage brothers and sisters
Truly a big guy for me.
Goku could have done it.
they're just as much marvel as dc, faggot
hopefully s2 will bring that more to light
No one anywhere regards Garth Ennis' writing as good.
Hahaa! The fact you referred to A-Train as the "Flash" and say it's not a spoof of DC is fucking hilarious. Moments like these is why I am actually glad DCfags exist.
started watching the first episode now and im disappointed they changed Hughie from a ginger bloke to some pretty boy bitch
>A-train bursting Robin
>the deeps sea friends getting killed off
I dunno but something about casual, almost comical treatment of really gory deaths of good people really does it for me when watching something, it really makes me feel the gore instead of just seeing some fake guts.
>imagine taking such obvious bait
You /dc/fags truly are hysterical hahaha
First volume is just fine.
And you'd be a retard to deny the webcomic with the nun wasn't anything less than great.
Karl Urban is a kiwi and I think he is doing a particularly bad attempt at a cockney accent in The Boys.
After the talk between Frenchie and Hughie about drugs I was expecting them to drug Translucent and overdose him.
t. didn't read the comic. Ennis' contempt for capeshit is universal you equivalent of a console warring twerp.
It doesn't become edgy murder porn until after the initial run of the original group. Then other writers take over and just go overboard.
With the way certain wealthy powerful people behave, and how starstruck normies worship the ground they walk on despite being genuine assholes, I find it eerily realistic too.
They wrote themselves into a corner with A-Train living. They just needed a reason to get Hughie to escape but conveniently forgot about the reason theyre even doing that so they could still have A-Train for season 2
But A Train doesnt live...
>implying we didn't all torrent it
Whoever contributes to the success of any sort of that pig-devil - Seth Rogan is not my friend.
He can easily be written to be on a coma for now.
Why is Homelander so kino? Every scene he is in becomes a hundred times better.
It lost a bit of steam in the last half. Some kinda half assed plot lines and characters that feel oddly glossed over. Still really fucking good though.
I would have liked to know why they couldn't gas or suffocate Translucent as well. Can he hold his breath forever or what.
Instant transmission is OP as fuck, Homelander isn't that powerful
that wouldn't give them the scene they wanted so it wouldn't work
>Final scene of the show was the best character getting cucked
God damn it Seth Rogan you fat fuck
>find a power transformer somewhere in the area
>hook up the cage to it
>blast him with a full cities worth of electricity
So the baby got killed by the C4 right?
Disposable SJW nonsense
Fuck yourself if you like this show
Yeah I don't think they could've kept up that quality for another 5 episodes.
Have sex
whys there no webm of the dolphin getting catapulted out the window
White women really do age like trash
>the nigger is the fast one and is addicted to drugs and follows the orders of the white man(homelander)
I dunno, it seemed pretty radical centrist to me.
Agreed. But TWO more episodes... throw in more sad Deep scenes, some Starlighter nudity, and baby, you got a stew goin!
meanwhile in the Yea Forumsmic version
>homelader has sex with a man
Why do faggots pretend show is SJW when it clearly is more redpilled than source material?
He probably could have but didn't care to. Keep in mind that his intention was to bring down the plane and use it to advance his position in the military. When he lasered mommy he could keep it from piercing her skull, he didn't have to laser through the controls either.
This was such a good scene, why did they turn hugh into a little pussywhipped bitch?
Made me actually care for shitheads like Homelander, Deep, and A-Train who I couldn't have cared less about in the comic. Whole comic is really just counting down the minutes Butcher and the gang gives them their come uppence. Wasn't terrible. Somewhat more competent than Rogen's Preacher.
>5 versions of supes over the years
>reeee Snyder
sounds like you're obsessed buddy, get out and go on a jog or something
The best scene for me
As a show its kino but as an adaptation its utter SHIT.
>Stillwell gets COMPLETELY ruined as a character and then unceremoniously killed off
>All of Stillwell's kino scenes from the comics will never happen now
>Butcher is a super cuck now so his character and main motivation get completely ruined
>Mother's Milk motivation and nickname get presumably ruined
>Hughie is whitewashed
>None of the Boys wear trench coats except Butcher
>None of the Boys are powered by Compound V
>Butcher isn't the ass kicking mastermind he was in the comic, in this show he constantly gets outsmarted and asskicked
>Starlight's rape scene gets COMPLETELY butchered and watered down
>You can bet your ass they whitewashed tje Deep because a black man raping a white girl is problematic
>Hughie finds out about Starlight way too early
>9/11 plane scene is completely watered down because they didn't have the balls to make it about 9/11
>No Terror except for a throwaway flashback scene
>No Jack from Jupiter
>Meaning we won't see the kino scene where Butcher kills Jack for killing Terror
>We also wont see the kino scene where Jack gets gangbanged by trans women
>The Boys will probably not fight the Gmen because itd be too dark to adapt
>Butcher doesn't hatefuck the CIA director because the us goverment wouldnt like it
>The Legend doesn't show up because Stan Lee died
>No Monkey and his kino wheelchair fetish
>Surprisingly no Dakota Bob or Vic the Veep reference considering its popular to mock trump these days
>genderswapped Mallory mean we now won't see her kino military flashback where Vought first wanted supers in the military for Vietnam
>The Black Noir kino twist will probably not happen judging from the last scene in the final episode where Butcher is revealed to be a GIGANTIC cuck
All of this shit add ups and makes this show suck balls. Fuck Amazon, fuck Seth Rogen, and fuck YOU in particular if you liked this mediocre, substandard adaptation of an excellent comic.
>season 2 is 8 episodes of homelander being the family man while butcher the cuck watches
Comic was really bad, I read it after. It just felt like an excuse to draw superheroes having sexual intercourse.
>letting a train live when they broke his leg?
Hughie got over his panic-attack inducing emotional turbulence with A-Train when he was able to move on from Robin for Starlight. He doesn't care about A-Train any more.
Had a feeling the plane scene wouldn't be in the show and if it was it wouldn't be exactly like the book. I feel robbed we didn't get Homelander yelling nigger to Mohammed Atta's face
>this whole post
Where did you blow in from?
the writers didn't get the point of the comic and just came up with their own oc because it's easier to use something established than take a chance to make something new
>>has to take them one or two at a time, got to fly them all the way to the coast or nearby land, then come back
Well they have vests, right? So he could drop them in water and bring a boat or some shit. Might fail, might work. He didn't try. Lazey boomer fuck.
Not even him but every faithful adaptation of Superman did well at the box office, hell even some of the unfaithful ones did. It's that he isn't written well for the screen. For some reason everyone that gets a hold of the character in Hollywood fucks it up. He's had much better stories told in comic books than on film.
It's like if you think Goku as a whole is a shit character solely based on the american live action adaptation.
God I wish that was me.
Anons these day just seeing a woman or a nigger are already crying sjw
Iron Man used bullshit science to freeze all their muscles to form a human chain
>all the anti-Billy posting ITT
>it's a "Yea Forums nu-males don't like an alpha male character" episode
Fuck off, pussies.
fuck off autist, the comic is absolute pile of shitm the more they cut the better.
>comic about normal humans taking down super heroes
back to Yea Forums with your shit writing nigger
honestly the whole restaurant scene i was thinking 'just spray him with a chemical fire extinguisher so you can see him. you're in a restaurant, there's gotta be 3 or 4 around in the kitchen at least'
>The Black Noir kino twist will probably not happen
What is that?
Why did the guy hesitate? It's a super kid, it's probably bulletproof.
>gee i wonder who is behind this post
The stuff that makes Billy alpha is theoretically achievable. Lazy fucks on Yea Forums want to keep telling themselves that TRUE alpha status is what capeshit characters have. So they root for le ebin homelander. Ergo so they don't have to change the way they are living their lives.
tbf, goku is kind of shit in manga too. constantly dodges any real responsibility to train instead, leaves the kids to be raised by someone else, hell the villains turned heroes are more interesting
He didn't think that far ahead. He lasered the terrorist, accidentally destroyed the control panel, then realized that the situation was FUBAR.
He is just a cuck who wasted his life for a woman who doesn't love him.
Stillwell is probably just going to be replaced by Giancarlo Esposito's character desu.
is the old jew that thought of the heroes in this adaptation?
In the comics black noir is a clone of homelander
You got it right, it's the same plane in the comics. He tries to level the plane out by flying into the tail but just ends up shearing it off
If he'd just punched the terrorist's head off, he wouldn't have had the problem.
Homelander seems to be very careless in general with his eye lasers. He doesn't need to bother actually hitting somebody when he can just laser them to death, so he's gotten complacent.
It's an interesting contrast to comics Superman, who usually avoids the heat vision unless he really has to, it's his nuclear option.
>>Hughie is whitewashed
what even the fuck nigger?
>>Hughie finds out about Starlight way too early
the Starlight / Hughie shit was one of the most tiresome things to read in the comic with how long they danced around each other not knowing their roles. The series speeds this unnecessarily boring shit along. Also
>Annie spends the length of an entire volume apologizing to Hughie for getting raped
real fucking classy, Ennis
>episode 5
He's a regular human taking on the Justice League, dude.
honestly the absolute biggest fuck-up is changing the story of Butcher's wife. i absolutely understand a tv adaptation not being fully faithful and even changing a lot of stuff, and there's certainly some good new shit here, but WHY OH WHY did they have to change Butcher's backstory? Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker is among Garth Ennis' best work.
>If he'd just punched the terrorist's head off, he wouldn't have had the problem.
Thank you, Captain Hindsight.
was it rape?
Do Hughie and Starlight not help him? Is it confirmed he died?
he's an unhinged retard manipulated by some random cia woman (or whatever she was)
it's not really kino, but it fits in line with a meta commentary on comic book solutions to comic book problems in a real world situation
if it's a pile of shit, then why bother adapting it? from what I'm seeing here, the boys don't factor in AT ALL at points and seem to get by on blind luck rather than being smart, using dirty tactics, intel gathering, and numerous connections and blackmail. like really, what's the point of calling it the boys if they're not even central to the advertising, I just saw a commercial and I've seen more of the seven than I ever did of the boys. to a normie, they'd probably think the seven were the boys the way it was presented
Any webms of the Deep shaving his head?
nice pasta
tl; dr and it's shit
i figured Yea Forumsfags hated it because it is by garth ennis. not that they hate garth ennis (maybe they do, idk) but because of how anti-capeshit he usually writes and since this is also so anti-capeshit that they would hate it because of that
It's more a comment on Homelander seeming complacent about his abilities in general than a "he should have done this instead" comment, but okay.
He has the same laser vision complacency when he wipes out that building the SEAL (Delta? SOG?) team were approaching. Just walks in and lasers them all one or two at a time. Doesn't fly, doesn't move at superspeed (he could superspeed-laser them all if he wanted), doesn't throw punches.
Yep, that's me.
this actually ties in to EVERYTHING about the boys and why he helped form them to begin with, I mean if he doesn't have a dead brother, he doesn't try to fix up Hughie as his moral tether, same thing with Terror being absent, the dude doesn't have much sanity left, this isn't even including his situation with the wife
>supes are shown to be utter pieces of shit
>along comes a regular guy who can kill them
>"b-b-but he's not a badass alpha male, some woman is giving him orders!"
my boy deep makes it kino.
He doesn't like to get his hands/costume dirty. He's pretty miffed after punching a shooter through the chest.
>This is Sandusky! Not a shithole like Akron.
Truer words have never been spoken
We see Homelander use his heat vision juuuust enough to kill Stillwell without burning through her head and wrecking the house.
He intentionally used his heat vision to fuck up the controls, leaving a 0% chance of landing the plane so that it'd crash and the tragedy would make people vote for him into the military.
Homelander is a player of 4D, maybe even 5D chess. Dude was playing it so well, he removed Butcher's blackmail before he even took her hostage.
Was pretty good, not sure why Frenchie's gf fucked off and we never hear from again but aside from a few plotholes, it was decent. Anything that makes Yea Forums cringe and whine is ok in my books, get fucked Yea Forums !!!
Black Noir is a more powerful clone of Homelander whose entire purpose for being is to kill Homelander if he gets out of line. Has to live and work with Homelander for years and years, makes him go crazy, so he frames Homelander - taking pictures of himself killing people, eating babies, skullfucking people, etc. Noir also raped and killed Butcher's wife and lots of other things. Noir sends the pics to The Boys hoping they'll just leak it all and he will finally be told to kill Homelander. When Homelander sees the pictures of shit that "he" had done and can't remember it, he gets sick and eventually concludes he's doomed anyway and he's clearly a psychopath, so he might as well just start doing whatever he feels like doing as nobody can stop him and leads a rebellion to take over the country with Supes.
I'm pretty sure he destroyed the controls because he was being careless
is frenchie actually into the asian girl or are the boys just joking around
why would he if his gf looked like this
nuh uh he was playing 4d chess just like president trump
You can breathe and make Yea Forums whine, it's not that hard. Plus they've got bigger problems, like the impending implosion in the industry
that chick was criminally underutilized
Dude, that ending, my God, poor Billy.
Naw, he CAN control his heat vision.
He didn't even need to heat vision the dude. He wanted that plane to go down. He could've very easily snapped the terrorist in half before he got a shot off. Homelander just didn't want to.
>He intentionally used his heat vision to fuck up the controls
I doubt it, he seemed at least mildly surprised. It doesn't really matter in the end though to him. If he doesn't laser the controls, then they can fly the plane to landing and play on saving a plane. If he does, let everybody die and play on the tragedy that they "couldn't get there" to his advantage. Either way, he wins.
Homelander fucked up because this is the first time he is actually handling a sensitive situation where he needs more than his powers, but because he is more Kardashian than Superhero his first instinct is to blow the guy away because that is what he does 99% of the time in situations where he is dealing with petty crime and not one where he would actually need some sort of military training and professionalism. Note that he thinks he "saved" the situation by giving the speech. To Homelander his job as a hero is not to save people, but to look good for the camera
Yeah, she looks better, but I would rather be with someone like Kimiko myself.
Based Homielander knew that they'd expect people in the wreckage.
I have a softspot for his lowbrow shit but let's not kid ourselves. Ennis outside of comics about war or Frank is garbage.
But Homelander is the one who cucks.
For the most part you're right, but Hitman is protocapekino.
Why didn't homelander just fly the passengers to the ocean one by one
everyone would have survived, people can swim AND they have floating jackets in planes
He can fly fast but not at supersonic speeds. he wouldn't have enough time to save everyone which would make him look bad and he can't have that
>He could've very easily snapped the terrorist in half before he got a shot off. Homelander just didn't want to.
>He wanted that plane to go down.
If they managed to land the plane the net effect would have been the same.
Superhero's did what the military couldn't.
>Hughie is whitewashed
Thank god for that, I needed a loser dweeb lanklet to project myself onto
Seeing all those mudmen die turned Homelanders pp into the Big PP
He's really only solid when writing Frank Castle
He tries to hard to be edgy and suffers for it, Preacher is the same way
Oh yeah, I'm ashamed I forgot about that one.
Shes doesnt get raped in the comics
He mentions that he sleeps with different girl every night. I don't think he and that chick were exclusive
>and The Deep
Still surprised to this day he managed to survive.
Griffith Gang
as long as there are no feelings involved she's probably fine with it, but with kimiko there seems to be feelings from frenchie
In the comic Hughie is modeled after Simon Pegg so I don't see the whitewashing
There was a throwaway line that it has been tried by people before
What was up with those random flies that kept appearing in scenes? I counted three of them that randomly buzzed into shot
There's a lot of flies during Toronto summers and they didn't bother dealing with them
I thought it meant something but apparently there was just a lot of flies at the time
Why not just glide it down slowly? Have it slowly land in the water might not work but you could still blame the terrorists if it didn’t work
no it was television
I have to ask something, did they do Butcher justice? Was he the shitbag with nothing to lose and no one left to hold him back?
The fact that butcher didnt snap the kid's neck because it was a supe kinda ruins his character. Hes all about killing all supes but won't kill a baby thats already killed multiple people.
we're still pretending this show makes any kind of sense?
So I realized in this discussion between "Homelander did it on purpose" and "Homelander did it by accident" that we're doing exactly what the writers want- trying to discern his motives.
And that I think is exactly why he is such a good character.
The main character kid annoys the shit out of me. And him saving A-train was down right annoying and stupid.
>tfw the totally off the wall comic is more well thought out then the show
In the comics he only holds back against literal retards (and that's because Wee Hughie reminds him that they're retards) or when he can actually make a bigger kill by letting one live for now.
In the comics he punts his head off when A-Train doesn't even realize why he's mad at him and then immediately regrets it.
>lanklet, pencildick being able to bring a super to orgasm
Comicfags seriously need to make a thread on Yea Forums if they want to go off topic, fucking retards.
Like he tells Maeve. There's nothing for him to push against, and messing with a plane moving at that speed risks sending it end over end.
oops, for
Look, mom! An incel!
>incel mutts self-insert as edgy aryan superman
what a surprise
You were born without a penis
Those are all boys aren't they
Imagine how horrifying it might be to think you're saved and a few moments later he goes all psycho rage and leave you to crash and die.
He fucked up big time by lasering the sandnigger in the cockpit, he could have just broke his neck or something, then figure something else to land the plane but no he had to lasering fucking everything
Homelander is a mommyfag, that's based
While Karl Urban is based, they fucked up Butcher's character
superman did it just fine though. Why can't he?
For the last time: the Homelander actor from Banshee is too good to waste on the book’s one-dimensional version of the character. They are mixing up the Billy/Becca/Homelander dynamic to give Antony a meatier part. If it bothers you that this means you may not get a panel-for-panel remake of your favorite issue you are an infant
They made it better
Comic book Butcher was Ennis's power fantasy self insert character
TV Butcher exposes the facade of the "badass antihero who don't take no shit" troupe and exposes him as a sad lonely drunk with no self control and is a cuck
top-tip, this is a lie.
every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
The fact he moves through the air at all as he does means he doesn't need a solid object to push off of.
Homelander knew before they even left to respond to the situation he was going to let those people die, he had his speech planned out well in advance in order to put pressure on the government to let supes into the military.
There are clues to this, such as how Homeland outright says he needs help with his speeches. He can't just be that off-the-cuff, he knew exactly what he was going to do.,
He was also incredibly casual walking through that plane even though he could hear the heartbeats of the terrorists at the front of the plane.
He was also the one that ruined the flight controls even though his lasers have pin-point precision.
you have a good eye, pat yourself on the back for that one.
Because Superman was written as a cartoon for children where actual physics don't matter
And don't bring up the "Superman has a magical biostasis field" after the fact excuse that nerds made up to explain the fantastical bullshit
Thank you.
>people still don't realize that homelander probably is lying and actually raped butcher's wife
Imagine being this smoothbrained
i think you're the one being infantile here
Based >100 IQ anons
Has there ever been a cooler depiction of laser beam eyes?
Because Superman is bullshit. That's kinda Garth's point with Homelander. You've got a man sized object attempting to slow something the size of a plane moving at hundreds of miles per hour. Homelander would punch through it.
Yes it was.
While I agree with you, they just killed his motivation and in the comics at least he knew wtf is going on and was well informed on the supes
In the TV show he's outsmarted all the time, doesn't seem to know shit about them while being on their tail for almost what? A decade ?and based Homelander could've killed him
>not realizing that the entire show is going on inside Homelander's head as he's dying on a doctor's bed in vietnam
Literally kill every single one of your coworkers you faggot shill
Cuckoldry is a literary motif.
have sex incel
found that hot and cute
More like they show is forcing the character to reevaluate his motivation
In the comic the only arc he has is that he learns he should have hated Black Noir instead (who is just an identical clone of Homelander)
Homelander could have literally dug into the plane and manually controlled it from the inside.
In case you didn't realize, he damaged the controls on purpose.
He was never going to save those people.
Superman's flight has become some kind of gravity manipulation that he can extend to other objects. If you look closely in newer adaptations, when he flies small objects float around him
What about him and Maeve pulling on the rudders to keep the plane from nose diving and landing it in the water.
The rudders are no stronger than the rest of the plane. They'd rip them off.
All correct.
This is unironically the first TV series I've actually watched in years that wasn't a documentary series
Did you even watch the episode
He terrorist shot the pilot and his immediate instinct is to blast the guy with his lasers because that is what he is used to doing all the time
Making Black Noir a Homelander clone wouldn't even make sense at this point (not that it made sense before).
I'm not the one you wanna fuck with.
And you're gonna find out in the next thread comicfag...
>The opening to episode 8
I want a game like this
>Yea Forums in charge of interpreting basic physics
Shit. Glad none of you have superpowers.
You're all dumber than Homelander.
He has absolute precision blasts and could have just as easily fisted the guy through the chest.
>"wow such a shame I dragged my laser eyes all the way to the right conveniently over the flight controls and no further
He knew what he was doing 100%, he knew he could "flip it" before the plane had even gone down.
homelander is a genius though
Way to be condescending while saying nothing all at the same time.
>he damaged the controls on purpose.
Nigga what, the whole point of the mission way to try and show how effective Supes could be if they were allowed to work internationally. Saving that plane would have done wonders for them but he fucked it up royally and bailed because that would make them look awful and ruin any chance of the bill passing.
Did anyone find the shot where black noir starts playing the piano kind of weird?
He couldn't, but there was probably other ways to save everyone. Maybe move everyone to the back, cut the plane in half, and carry the side with people
>dun maeg fun ob meh!
What was that, little retard? Couldn't quite make that out.
He flips it with ease because that is what he does
He does use precision blast but is so accustomed to dealing with petty criminals and has no real training so his first instinct when startled is to blast the guy uncontrollably
Homelander is smart, just not smart at saving people
Because he's the only really interesting character.
Also a zero substance comment.
Now I want a scene of special forces supes that are all tacticool and do quick lasers and stuff.
Doubt it, this version of Homelander lets women dominate him in bed
This. When he takes out the drug den in the middle east he does the same shit. Drags his laser beams in wild directions without precision.
Unless he has time he doesn't give two shits about accuracy.
Really rude to be honest.
It's called mommydom
Most submissive guys aren't immediately submissive. They typically play the part of a dom until they sense that the woman is into that shit
Having some people live and some people die is bad for business. In fact some of the survivors wou,d probabky have sued him for damages if they were injured during the landing. It was a lose lose after he blew up the controls.
I didn't know you maggots were allowed to watch programs not aired on Fox News.
>he whole point of the mission way to try and show how effective Supes could be if they were allowed to work internationally.
no, that's what Vought wanted the mission to be.
Homelander got sick of that shit and wanted to speed things up.
Don't you think it's odd that a man so convicted to super military that he gave a terrorist compound-v was simultaneously so casual about whether or not the rescue mission succeeded?
He planned the flip from the moment he knew those people were in trouble.
We know he's not actually that good of a PR guy, he needs help with his speeches and marketing and yet he already had the perfect speech ready for the news following the crash, one he had crafted all on his own.
It was pre-meditated.
During the 7 minutes it took him to fly there he figured out if he fails it looks like the military's fault but if he succeeds it's just another day where Homelander succeeds.
every episode was great except the one that note for note felt like it was written by a middleschool atheist.
even in a satirical show it missed the mark. not edgy, absurd, or meaningful enough to be anything but exhausting. just fake deep tangents taken from the diary of an angsty child and put to use as a script.
as a whole - 8.5/10
god bad episode - 3/10
Given how we see homelander flying, I'm fairly confident that he could have saved the entire plane.
>go beneath front of plane 1/3 from the back or so depending on weight distribution
>match plane's velocity vectory
>slowly start accelerating upward and forward maybe at a 20-30 degree angle
>keep his arms slightly loose so as to absorb any turbulence
t. Physicist
kind of like the comic. what else did you expect from Seth Rogenstein
I'm thinking the kid is actually butchers but he got super powers from being sprayed with super jizz in the womb.
>his laser beams don't have any precision guys!
So at first I was weirded out by no mention of Supes outside of America but as I get further in I get it, but it raises more questions. Wouldn't there be a giant question as to why they are only in America? Or in the comics are there others outside of America before the villians appear?
what happened to lamplighter bros? I assume he was killed by butcher and co or someone else but i want to see some grandkid burner kino
He looked at shit and laser beamed it. He wasn't thinking about consequences when he killed that terrorist. He fucked up, plain and simple. He fucked up and he knew he fucked up.
Nobody said they dont have precision. But Homelander has been shown on multiple occasions to also not give a fuck and just blast away in the general vicinity of his targets.
The whole not giving a fuck about bystander causalities is a pretty big theme of the show.
He was aiming at one spot, not sweeping
missed the point of
Did anyone notice how Vaught basically had the capacity to predict most crimes? That's pretty dark if you think about it, they allow things to happen enough to send in the supes to pose.
you smoothbrains really don't want to admit when you're wrong do you?
If he "fucked up" he would have reacted to fucking up.
He didn't, he didn't even hesitate to decide the plane was going down and they couldn't do anything about it.
In both situations, a hostage was at gunpoint.
On the street Homelander can melt specifically at the gun, but on a plane where damage would be an issue suddenly he decides to sweep and just conveniently onto the control panel?
Homelander decided the plane was going down before he even stepped on board.
>pick a shitty neighborhood with a high crime rate
>just have a supe waiting around to show up, solve an inevitable crime and be around with cameras
You can do the same thing with a ghetto tracker app
>If he "fucked up" he would have reacted to fucking up.
He didn't react to fucking up because he is a cavalier asshole who is incapable of empathy. You are an idiot.
Honestly is this Karl's best performance not as Dredd? I really think so
He reacted, what are you talking about? His reaction was out of proportion, granted, like he dropped a piece of food on the floor, but that's still a reaction
imagine a show giving you all the evidence, having someone else point it out to you, and still denying it.
I'm convinced you're just doubling down because you feel embarrassed for not paying attention.
Is he ugly or good looking? I honestly can't tell
Far as I know it's just an "America, fuck yeah!" type of hivemind were people just think "yeah, of course only Murrica would have superheroes. Cause we're.. you know... Murrica!"
>Or in the comics are there others outside of America before the villians appear?
There are foreign heroes in the comics. Love Sausage being prime among them.
There aren't really many "villain" supes because the majority of them know it would be far more profitable to play by Vought's rules instead of acting alone.
all he would need to do is fly below the plane at the same speed and little by little change the trajectory until the plane is flying vertically, wait for gravity to stop the plane and before it starts falling again grab it and safely take it to the ground
>he doesn't know about love sausage
given how much was changed, I don't know if he'll show up though. probably make him black, which would make ZERO sense
>The whole not giving a fuck about bystander causalities is a pretty big theme of the show.
That meeting Butcher brough Hughie to made for a very cool and unsettling scene.
that would mean the entire weight of the plane would be borne on a tiny area, not to mention that he couldnt actually balance the plane properly because its so big compared to him. Also we don't know how much lift he can generate and also the fact that he likely meant for the plane to go down with no survivors from the beginning.
Yes. And Homelander was doublekino.
He's handsome
The thing that took me out of the show most was the implication that Vaught somehow had the capacity to genetically engineer babies on that level in like the 1980s
He's very good looking. Hunk.
>that smirk
God, i'd choke on his dick and i'm not even gay
Wouldn't be gay at all to choke on his dick tbqh.
>genetically engineer
they use a super serum on babies, nothing to do with genetics
You're the one who thinks that lasering a terrorist and destroying a control panel DIRECTLY BEHIND said terrorist, is some impossible coincidence. Sad!
>literally the first scene of the show is him lasering past a hostage and onto a gun without going through it
eeh not that guy but Homelander just needed to laser his forehead, instead he did a diagonal sweep spanning like 3 feet and damaging the control panel
>lazer eyes in 2019 scientific
>lazer eyes in 1980 unscientific
you are the dumbest person i've ever talked to on Yea Forums
He didn't fucking care. He did not think that far ahead.
I'm saying that the technology required to manipulate an organism on such a level is far more unlikely to be possible in the 1980s. You are projecting
you cant make skin harder than steel bro no matter what year it is, ask your physics teacher about how atoms work
You are astonishingly dumb
>Crew got to see her in the suit for hours
Not fair
>that fake ass padding
its shit they want to sell it like its sexualised but its nowhere close
Fake padding makes total sense in universe
Is the whole
premise even true for this show? Homelander and A-Train are the only obvious psychopaths, the rest seem to be just decent people who got corrupted and jaded due to the main villain, corporation
>Starlight is a straight up goody two shoes
>Maeve is jaded and broken, but actually saves people when she can, doesn't do anything awful
>Black Noir is doing his thing, whatever the fuck it is
>Deep is a bro-ey idiot, but outside of sexual coertion doesn't do anything awful to regular people, actually wants to help
Guys, rewatch the scene again. The plane hits turbulence in the middle of him lasering the jihadi which diverts his aim. Plus, he did in the spur of the moment and instinctively, so he didn't have time to laser the terrorisy in a perfect manner
even in the ass?
I mean it is for homelander, but it's also deeper than that as your posts shows. They try to make you care for Deep even after what he did. A lot of shows would never do that.
It's actually great. The show isn't just super heroes being assholes.
Yes? The whole point of the costume is sex appeal so they'd pad her ass for marketing stuff
supes are literally the good guys, all of them
the bad guys are sticking bombs up people's asses and murdering people over literal accidents
>Homelander and A-Train are the only obvious psychopaths
They're trying to make A-Train sympathetic in the show as well. Season 2 will have to pick it up with Stormfront and, hopefully, the G-Men if they really want to sell the "supes = high on power psychos" angle. Granted, at the end of the comic the only one of the Seven to go through with the coup plan is Homelander. Everyone else bails.
>They're trying to make A-Train sympathetic in the show
When did they do this? Hes nearly as self absorbed as Homelander and completely delusional.
>implying Homelander didn't use his turbulence powers to make the plane shake