Ok. Who was in the wrong in this scene?

Ok. Who was in the wrong in this scene?


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Ducks are assholes.
Cats are also assholes.

Duckling - dumb for aggravating kitten
Kitten - lacking only a tiny bit of strength to go for the kill

There was no affection in that scene.

kot: in the wrong
ducke: all gucci

It's called playing. They're not fighting.

The ducky, he started the fight for no reason, also kino fighting.

Practicing for big game hunting. Good kitty.

Did you even get the supposed primary joke about this thread

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Watch the video. The cat was so pissed off, he tried to snap the duck's neck.

What the fuck was the crow's problem?


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Incorrect, retard; the cat was playing.

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all birds are assholes but crows are turbo assholes


what a good doggo

Cats are 1000 times cuter than any dog imo


I don't understand why geese are so agressive, almost every form of life can kill them, they should have learned through evolution to stay under the radar.


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The only dog I like for looks are the ones that look like wolves, but apparently huskies are annoying as shit

Blue heelers are based

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crows can detect assholes and warn other crows and they will warn later generations of crows. I hate to think what you would have done to get blacklisted by these smart birds.


>I don't understand why geese are so agressive, almost every form of life can kill them, they should have learned through evolution to stay under the radar.
Most predators' brains are wired to "chase/attack thing that runs away", so when the goose charges at a predator flapping and honking, it often startles the predator into fleeing.

It's like how if a bear approaches you, you're supposed to start clapping and shouting to drive it off, rather than run (which triggers the chase instinct) or curl up in a ball (which triggers its curiosity)

Because the only people who own them are betas to their dogs

gud dog

He started getting heated though you can tell.

>blacks ganging up together

>huskies are annoying as shit

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jesus i had no idea how that was going to play out. it was right on that borderline between friendly juvenile horseplay and an actual fight. at any second the kot could've turned on instant kill mode and ended that duck.

Yes of course I got it I always get it I am very smart thank you

why these cunts so vocal

I don't like their eyes

>the duck has no arms

How is this a "fair" fight?

Attached: Cat Escape.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

>curl up in a ball
topkek, that's the worst idea I could think of.

He's a sleddog. He's supposed to live with fucking penguins. Not some dumb white bitch in Arizona. He wants to cool himself off in the tub.

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hate to be bald in that neighborhood.

Crows have a vested interest they are smart as fucking shit. It's probably smack dab in the middle of a park where some old guy probably gives them peanuts and they're not going to let anything jeopardize that.

I'm actually 100% serious this is probably the case.

t. found out peanuts make you crow gang homies for life.

Humans can have the same condition. My old English teacher had it. Shit was really unnerving when he was starring at you, I've read up on it and there's even a scientific explanation for two different eye colors being very unsettling to look at for many people.

Only other ones I have ever seen where from a friend's girlfriend. She was alright though, nothing like my teacher.

> That slow stroke and looking at the crowd.

Power play.


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Duck ran to his crew like a darkie when things got too real.

Depends how hungry the bear is.


Apparently it's somewhat common, what the fuck

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Why'd the black cat go crazy?