ITT Edgelord shit that's no longer edgy

ITT Edgelord shit that's no longer edgy.
Shitting on religion and god, etc.
Freddy Got Fingered had some joke along the lines of "Fuck you god" or something. I forget.
Around 2008, they started really going hard on the atheism shit in Hollywood.
The simpons had an episode where Flanders is refuted on evolution.
Ricky Gervais and the Invention of Lying (a movie about how god is a lie to make people feel good. it literally ends with Zack Galifinakis or some guy like that drinking himself to death so he can just go to heaven and skip this life on earth.)
Paul is a movie about an alien and two nerds who meet a backwards evangelical christian who doesn't believe in evolution, but Paul (who's an alien) uses instant space magic to heal her wounds and says "That's evolution baby."
Some one says, "God bless you." to the alien before he leaves, and he says "whatever." in a really snarky way.
Obviously Youtube had a big atheism scene, and if you watch TAA's recent video on Fat People Acceptance, he said "everyone believes in something. Even atheists" for a while he said that atheism is kind of a dull topic to dwell on. he just happened to snag the title "The Amazing Atheist."

Attached: The amazing atheist - 1970s - maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Eh eh, this guy he's bananas!

>Freddy Got Fingered had some joke along the lines of "Fuck you god" or something. I forget.
When? I rewatched it a few weeks ago, and I don't remember that

>2009 SONG: I fucked my cat and I liked it (parody of "I kissed a girl and I liked it"
>Why it was edgy.
Made in 2009, around the turn of the then-controversial gay rights movement.
>Why it's no longer edgy.
Canada legalized bestiality and most normal people are less offended by beastiality than they are of drag kids, and furries are being openly promoted by Walmart and Zootopia

Attached: Walmart openly advertising to Furries - 181018walmart1.jpg (620x320, 43K)

if they want to be edgy they should shit on muslims not christians



>Shitting on religion isn't edgy anymore
Try shitting on Islam and see how far you get

Suddenly the hipster is shocked and disgusted

You can get away with some light criticisms of Islam. Try mocking Judaism.

Richard Mortimer did that.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Atheism was a big thing from about 2006-2011. I have to admit it is now pretty banal and normalized.

its only boring because religious people are not coming up with any new arguments

I think the funniest thing about this trend is how the modern SJW movement tore apart the previously more unified leftoids.

Back in the late 2000's people on YouTube like that ThunderF00t guy literally made a series called "Why People Laugh at Creationists" and leftcucks ate that shit up as you would expect.
Then in the 2010's he started doing "Why People Laugh at Feminists", and suddenly it was "controversial" and that same guy was labeled "alt-right" and "regressive" and "sexist" and all those other popular buzzwords.

Leftists are 100% about their Sacred Cows. They can dish it out so long as they're talking about other peoples' beliefs, but the SECOND the same is done against THEIR beliefs they scream like little bitches getting their brown cherry popped.

"No bad tactics, only bad targets" and all that.

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massallah america will kike islam

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Religious humor isn't funny. Never was.


Nothing is more edgy on Yea Forums than mocking Christians
See how many (You)s you get if you call Christianity a fairy tale or call God a sky daddy

anyone have the pics of him shoving a banana up his ass while pouring hot oil on his balls?

>stop making fun of me for being a christcuck it's not funny anymore

ok boss

Muslims are subject to routine aerial bombardment from western powers for almost two decades whereas Christians have been subjected to gay marriage for the last four years. Hos about cutting the Muslims a little slack for once?

>this is something I want to see.
Okay bud >>/r/

Being a neo right-wing populist on Youtube.

It's easily drawing the biggest crowd. Just film yourself shitting on libs and Disney for five minutes a day and you get a million subscribers within a week.

>Shit on Judaism
>Blacklisted by Hollywood/TV, thousands of hit-piece articles machined-out about you by every publication, sued for "Defamation", etc.

>Shit on Islam
>Get sent literal mail-bombs

>Shit on Christianity
>The Leftist masses eat it up, get given job-offers by Jewish producers, maybe get an angry letter/e-mail or two

It makes sense.
Good to know at least that standards are equal, right?

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Friendly reminder Islam is already on its way to being full westernized and poisoned by liberalism just like Christianity. Most young Muslims don’t uphold any Islamic values whatsoever, girls don’t even wear the hijab. Western society and its culture destroys religion

>western powers
you mean USA?

>"everyone believes in something. Even atheists"
this bumper sticker is so retarded. no one worships the big bang or prays to it when something bad happens. it reduces religion down to nothing more than an opinion, on par with saying pineapple belongs on pizza or crunchy peanut butter is better than smooth

>See how many (You)s you get

If you're measuring "edgyness" in the number of (You)s you get then mocking Atheists on Yea Forums is way edgier by far.

You also have to take larping and falseflagging into consideration
Sometimes I get into shitposting so deep that I forget what side i'm on

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Odd how they're fleeing in terror towards us though.

>Shit on Jews and Sandpeople
>edgy Zoomers throw thousands of Patreon bux at you

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>Most young Muslims don’t uphold any Islamic values whatsoever

Second Generation Muslims are literally statistically more extremist than their First Generation Immigrant parents.

saudi royal family are juden the game is rigged for islam as much as it is for catholocism

>no one worships the big bang or prays to it when something bad happens.

Could have fooled me. Atheists treat their shit like religion all the time.

Depends on whether the board you're posting at is a /pol/ colony or not.

Well yes happens to everyone in the us. Try this in Saudi.

>Shit on Jews and Sandpeople
>edgy Zoomers throw thousands of Patreon bux at you

Did you not get the memo? That's the fastest way to get kicked off the platform.
Patreon only allows people with the """"""correct"""""" opinion to utilize their platform. Naturally leftoids applaud this naked censorship, like they always do.

>Most young Muslims don’t uphold any Islamic values whatsoever, girls don’t even wear the hijab.

That's a good thing you fucking retard.

Meanwhile on Yea Forums
>shit on judaism
>“dude you’re so fucking based and redpilled, kikes run the world and ruin everything”
>shit on Islam
>“based and redpilled, sandnigger towelheads are destroying western society because they’re raping our wahmahn”
>shit on Christianity

Saudi just gave women the legal right to drive.
They may be slower than us, but they're on the same path.

weird how they got more extremist in europe probably still too close to the dessert

>anyone with an opinion I don't like is /pol/

Or maybe that board just has people that disagree with you on it?

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>shit on judaism
>"OMG GO BACK TO /POL/!!!!!!!!!! WHY WON'T /POL/ LEAVE?!?!?!"

Fixed that for you, faggot.

in your headcanon maybe this shit goes both ways from all sides
>shitting on yids
as is tradition

Way to miss the point.

>Hos about cutting the Muslims a little slack for once?
sure when they stop blowing themselves up & raping kids

Lmao you fucking wish. Pop over to /his/ any time and see how wrong you are

>anyone with an opinion I don't like is /pol/
I didn't say that you retard. That's the opposite of what I said, which is that boards are different (no they're not all /pol/) lrn2 read.

>they didn't ban one guy, therefore they're not censoring people

I mean I can't force you to acknowledge reality so whatever.

>wow the counter culture website is counter culture! Wtf

That man is riding the line harder than Carrie Fisher did

Literally never fucking happens. Maybe if you mock niggers or women

So which matters more: The way things our in the whole of society we are all forced to live in? Or the way things are on some Imageboard with a couple hundred people on it at any given time?

>wow we’re no better than the people we criticized

Why do christians get mad when people point out christianity is not a european/white religion.

>explodes in popularity twice

>tfw someone says something you actually agree with, but you shit on thier post anyway because you're bored or felt like supporting the opposite viewpoint

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sure showed user wrong. now go perform the equivalent taboo on a mainstream platform and report back to us

The former matters more but hypocrisy is still insufferable.

>Literally never fucking happens.

Life must be easy if you can just edit your memory/perception like that. Very Orwellian.

Posts whining about /pol/ literally outnumber "/pol/ posts", however nebulously you crybabies define them.

stop being retarded

>Posts whining about /pol/ literally outnumber "/pol/ posts", however nebulously you crybabies define them.
True, but its not about kikes. That’s perfectly acceptable on here. You’ll be told to go back to /pol/ if you mock niggers or women.

You apparently forgot to add
>shit on Atheism

>Patreon only allows

You're the one who made the absolute statement, I only needed 1 example to contradict you.

It's so edgy even edgelords on Yea Forums makes threads to cry about it

>is danytranny
no surprises here

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anyone followed the drama of drunken peasants? apperantly the cohost fiddled with minors?

You really showed me. Thats why your post will get many (You)s defending “atheism,” totally unlike my post which definitely has no faggots desperately bending over backwards trying to defend Christianity.

I haven't seen anyone unironically defending fedoras in at least 8 years.

Where are these guys? r9k?

>Muslims are subject to routine aerial bombardment from western powers for almost two decades whereas Christians have been subjected to gay marriage for the last four years.

Globally Christians are the single most persecuted religion in the world, so if you're going to play the "YOU CAN'T MAKE FUN OF THEM! THEY'RE PERSECUTED!!!"-card, you picked the wrong fucking time.

> Depends on whether the board you're posting at is a /pol/ colony or not.
>Anonymous 08/01/19(Thu)13:13:26 No.118937169▶
> Well yes happens to everyone in the us. Try this in Saudi.
>Anonymous 08/01/19(Thu)13:14:06 No.11893
reminder that shatner ruined reddit and he's probably ruining Yea Forums behind the scenes.

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That anons head
He has schizophrenia, ignore him

"God is dead" - Nietzsche, The Gay Sciences, 1882
America slow to the punch.

How about going a little easier on the soi for once?

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The internet is not real life

>different people have different reactions to different things
>wow this is clearly a double standard!

Is there something wrong with your brain?

no. Do tell.
Greentext nigga.



the redditors do it for free here

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>all caps strawman

Typical veddit tourist.

>>same people have different reactions to the same thing
>>wow this is clearly a double standard!
that's right yes

Why do Pagan dirt-worshipers get mad when people point out their dead religions are degenerate wank that died for a reason and is only being resurrected by edgy neo-nazi teens that are mad mom made them go to church?

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Can we get back on track?? OP said that in Freddy Got Fingered, there's a joke where someone says "Fuck you god" or something. Where is this in the film? OP is lying just to make Freddy Got Fingered look bad

Nobody on Yea Forums does that. Want proof? Here’s a 200 post thread on /his/ crying about atheists and white knighting for Christianity.
They have several a day.

Pagans don’t exist

That post DID get more (You) defending atheism.
Way to prove me right, faggot.

Y’all niggas know “edgy” is just eating around the “edges” of what is socially acceptable to those of mainstream sensibilities, right? The internet blew the lid off that box by putting everyone one click away from abject insanity, gore, and depictions of every sex act, both possible and impossible.


>one post disagreeing with you and the disagreement is that no one defends atheists, not someone actually defending atheists
Are you braindead fuckface?

>I haven't seen anyone unironically defending fedoras in at least 8 years.

ITT selective blindness.

>showing a tourist a link to anywhere but Yea Forums, Yea Forums or /pol/
Stop spreading the plague for fuck's sake

>Muslims are Jews and Christians

So that’s a “yes” to there being something wrong with your brain.

look for atheism thread i aint posting all that shit
but the short is
>masked dude does projared tier stuff with fans
>gets uncovered
>tj bails but the property of the show is owned by that maskedfag
>drunken peasants still exist with just that maskedfag
he's entering lolcow dom depending on your standards

>Can we get back on track?? OP said that in Freddy Got Fingered, there's a joke where someone says "Fuck you god" or something. Where is this in the film? OP is lying just to make Freddy Got Fingered look bad
I vaguely remember a scene where he's spazzing out and something breaks through his window.
I never watched the whole movie, but I saw the RLM review of it. I still felt like my soul was getting sucked out.

Maybe I remembered it wrong, but I think he's praying to god and then he gets pissed at god. I forget. It's hardly the reason why that movie sucked shit. The whole movie is aggressively mind numbing in a way that nothing else is. Not even Yea Forums or sam hyde.

Can you link to /pol/ anymore since the coco chanel split?

that thread is clearly divided between whiteknighting for christianity and shitting on christianity
this is retarded, even this thread is divided the same way. Yea Forums isn't a monolith brainlet

Reminder that no one on this site is actually Christian. No real follower would be posting on a site like this and people’s views here are incompatible with Christianity. Honestly being a half baked "Christian" that simply supports certain things from the Bible is better than being a full on Jesus worshipper.

>"Everything is EQUAL! We believe in EQUALITY!!!!"
>"BTW, you can shit on THIS belief, but not THIS belief."

How fucking stupid are you?
Literally the only thing that is different between those examples is the religion in question.
You're literally defending double-standards and hypocrisy.

Do you mean this scene?
Nothing about god in it

Pagan is apparently the new fedora

A lot of stuff is still edgy, even on the internet. Like criticizing the cult of equality. One might even say especially on the internet, as the mainstream increasingly gobbles it up and tech keeps advancing to the point where it becomes easier to automatically control shit online than manually control it IRL.
Even euphemisms will eventually be defeated by the algorithm.

you got issues my man

I think it was at night.

Nowadays its edgier to be christian which is why every newfag is suddenly larping as a christfag here as well. It was almost surreal watching the flip happen.

TAA was only good for getting rid of some idiots from youtube in the earlier days (like venomfangx). Actually, back then, for its time, he had some good content. Some. Then there was the time he picked a fight with HowTheWorldWorks, an empty-eyed robotic lawyer who hit back pretty hard. Those back and forth videos were some good entertainment. Hard to pick a side because though TAA was sort of losing, you could almost sympathize with him somehow and HTWW was basically an insufferable douche. From what i know, HTWW faded into obscurity and TAA just never produced anything worth seeing since then, and of course, he went bananas.

Fedoras were everywhere 10 years ago. Then everyone got sick of their shit and started dabbing on them. They're still around but at least they're quieter.

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We won a one way ticket to hell the day we started posting here

>some tourist thread

And that thread even has people shitting on Christianity in it.

Holy shit you're retarded. Not only are you incorrect about your "proof", but even if you were it still wouldn't be "proof" of anything.

Did you mother drink while being pregnant or something?

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>that movie sucked shit
>The whole movie is aggressively mind numbing
>I never watched the whole movie

>shitting on Christianity is a "different thing" to Islam

OK, so you're admitting that you practice double-standards?
I thought you cucks couldn't shut up about "equality"?

Why do american pr*testants worship Israel so much

This, guarantee every “Christian” on here has never read the Bible or gone to Church and masturbates everyday

Reminded me of these old blink-182 songs joking about incest, while now it's everyone's fetish and on the main page of every porn site.

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>based and christpilled
>read the Bible! (Even though I haven’t)
>see you in Hell, because I’m totally going to Heaven!
>shut up redditor, you’re a pseudo (even though I think I’m so much smarter for pretending to be Christian)!
>Yea Forums is a Christian website

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while protestants where busy nobling kikes, spain was still busy doing it's inquisition

>Blink 182 predicts what fetishes go mainstream


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I watched like half of it.
Also why if I realize I hate a movie half way through, why should I finish it? It's not like someone who got bored halfway through a work of art before all the plottwists kick in and accused the writer of promoting ideologies he's actaully attacking.

I just thought the movie and it's tone was shity and that nothing about it was satisfying. RLM said this is the point and it's supposed to be a Fuck You to the audience. I don't know or care if they're right, but I'm willing to grand Tom Green this artistic win, if true.

So Muslims = Christians = Jews? Jews send mailbombs to people and suicide bomb? Christians control the media? Jews build mega churches?

>No real follower would be posting on a site like this and people’s views here are incompatible with Christianity.

ITT fedora-tippers once again proving they know jack shit about actual Christianity, instead relying on ignorant stereotypes and blatant lies they consider true.

Did you ever consider the fact that Christians actually routinely interact with non-Christians? Just like in real-life?
It's true. Christians aren't Muslims. They're not the ones demanding everything that doesn't conform to their beliefs be destroyed.

Even on porn sites it’s always step brother, mother, sister, and father

aww it's mad

Yeah but only because they can't say it's the real thing or something.

>you’re a pseudo

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I’m having trouble understanding how you can think Muslims and Christians are the same group of people.

I remember seeing a porn site where its all "NOT brother bangs NOT sister" etc. I think they had an auto-insert the word "NOT" for some reason.

Why do European Catholics worship beads and statues and shit like a bunch of fucking Africans, instead of practicing real Christianity as described in the Bible?

>aww it's mad

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>too pussy to reply

The holy trinity of söy


Fucking mutts

Porn laws are all state by state. In some states it’s illegal to depict incest. In other states you can make two 80 year olds fucking into child pornography by having one/both of them say “I’m only 15!”

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>>too pussy to reply

>The holy trinity of söy

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Slavic hands typed this.

there's literally nothing wrong with whataboutism

>Yeah but only because they can't say it's the real thing or something.

Fucking what?
What planet are you on? Why would a porn-site be about to host videos of midget scat-porn but not be "allowed" to reference incest?

"whataboutism" is a term you westacucks invented to smear slavs with when they point out your hypocrisy

Holy shit, you're not real smart are you?

The statement is that shitting on Christianity and shitting on Islam should be treated the same.
Not that "Christianity IS LITERALLY the same religion as Islam". Why would anyone argue that? Are you retarded? Are you just being obtuse to waste peoples' time?

Because laws are stupid like that. I blame the state.

Wow. I never listened to Blink 182, I assumed they were just like a 90's emo band like Green Day.

Imagine being upset when people insult your faith

Lol who cares

Yes, I do not understand your point and I’m asking you to explain it. I keep getting hung up on how you seem to think Jews = Christians = Muslims, and how you claim doing different things to different people having different results is a double standard.

>Christians routinely interact with non-Christians
That’s fucking unavoidable in today’s society. What part of "do not get yoked with unbelievers" do you not understand? Also, most western Christians are phonies and only call themselves Christians for cultural reasons



>make a point
>get given a counter-point


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cheeki breeki pay back your debts already.

Why should doing different things to different groups of people have the same results though?

Kill yourself retard

no way

Neither of those are arguments to the question in point.

>Why should doing different things to different groups

But that's not what the argument is about.
It's about doing the SAME THING to different groups and getting different reactions.
Again, why is shitting on Christianity OK but not shitting on Islam? Unless you're an Islamic Supremacist there's no way to defend that double-standard.

By their fourth album they became more emo, but their early stuff was pure pop punk fun. Enema of the State and Take Off Your Pants and Jacket are their best albums imo.

It’s not about religion it’s about race. Most Muslims in the west are brown, so liberals automatically defend them. Most Christians in the west are white therefore they hate them.

>What part of "do not get yoked with unbelievers" do you not understand?
The part where you think that Christians go live in communes or on in monasteries on the top of mountains like a bunch of Zen Masters or something. That's not how Christianity works. Christianity doesn't preach communal segregation.

>Also, most western Christians are phonies and only call themselves Christians for cultural reasons
Baseless projection.

>"God is dead" - Nietzsche, The Gay Sciences, 1882
Anyone else reading Zarathustra right now? Pretty dope.

A criticism of Islam won’t apply to Christians/Jews though. Christians/jews don’t chimp out over pictures of Mohammed.

So criticizing Judaism won’t be the same thing as criticizing Pentecostals.

Why are Eurotrash so triggered by the mention of Judaism that the obsess about Israel 24/7 and condemn any sort of alliance with them as "worship"?

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>A criticism of Islam won’t apply to Christians/Jews though.

Nobody is saying it will.
Again, let me repeat it:
Why is shitting on Christianity OK but not shitting on Islam?

It's a simple question.

Because Christians won't suicide bomb you for shitting on their religion

I’m confused because you answered your own questions at . Different groups of people react differently to different things.

9/11 was caused by south park’s superbestfriends episode. Jewish response to Moses being depicted as the antagonist from TRON years before was light chuckles.


It’s says in the Bible many times that happiness and goodness are only achieved through Jesus, non-believers are evil and follow Satan. It also says that you should not spend time with those that will shy you off the path aka those that don’t believe. Why would fully devoted Christians involve themselves with people like that when it goes against the Bible. Christianity is dead in the West. You think some teen that goes to church or some religious school actually gives a fuck about religion

Is this real?

>It’s says in the Bible many times that happiness and goodness are only achieved through Jesus
I'm sure you can quote those passages then, right?
>It also says that you should not spend time with those that will shy you off the path aka those that don’t believe
No, people in need of saving are the ones you should be spending time with. Nigger, don't come here and tell people how to be Christian when you don't even know the type of people Christ hung around. Educate yourself you miserable faggot.

Holy shit, you literally know nothing about the Bible.

>the type of people Christ hung around
Yeah, he spent time with the Pharisees, prostitutes, and tax collectors. He was trying to save them, but you think your average insta whore, God hating redditor, and sex addicted drug users want to hear your preaching. They would cut of all contact with someone like that. No one wants to be with someone who forces their views on others

>but you think your average insta whore, God hating redditor, and sex addicted drug users want to hear your preaching
Nobody ever said that. You claimed that the Bible says you shouldn't live around non-believers, and now you're backpedaling because you were exposed as an uneducated retard. Go fuck yourself and don't tell Christians how to be Christian when you're just making Biblical rules up.

>Back in the late 2000's people on YouTube like that ThunderF00t guy literally made a series called "Why People Laugh at Creationists" and leftcucks ate that shit up as you would expect.
>Then in the 2010's he started doing "Why People Laugh at Feminists", and suddenly it was "controversial" and that same guy was labeled "alt-right" and "regressive" and "sexist" and all those other popular buzzwords.


So I just got done watching DS9 What we left behind Documentary and I think I saw Bashirfaggot in it from one of the conventions where they set up a booth for fans to express their opinions in and be recorded. GJ bashirfaggot. What is everyones opinion on the new DS9 episode the writers were pitching?

>Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

>Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.

Well that ended the thread pretty quick.

>A creator? Heh, don't be fucking stupid. If a creator created the universe, what created him, huh? He can't just magically appear you retard.
>A random explosion of nothingness suddenly creating everything from nothing? Well of course, all our respected pries- I mean, scientists say it's true. You'd have to be retarded not to believe what they say! They're your betters, after all.

God I miss atheist and christian wars on youtube.

For Yea Forums true edge is actually being genuine. Whether aetheist or religious I'll take either over some contrarian clown larping as a medieval knight

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Those are some menacing rocks.

Nobody can identify sincerity on 4channel.

You're absolutely right. Apart from the vast majority of the world where criticising religion is still edgy of course.

The Big Bang happened because the last sentient beings in the universe will invent time travel as a last bid attempt to escape the big crunch, but their attempt was always destined to fail because you can't time travel to a place with matter. The only destination possible is that which existed before the big bang, thus kickstarting the universe with the infusion of future matter, forever stuck in a stable time loop.

Time paradoxes aren't stable.

stable time loops are stable. It's right there in the name.

>implying there is anything wrong with mocking niggers or women
get back in the kitchen LMAO *dabs*

All time is simultaneous