>still no big budget movies about the fall of Constantinople, the greatest tragedy of the Christian world
The empire was already long dead by the time the city fell
It was a liberation to Tawheed
Yeah you're better off doing a movie about the Battle of Manzikert if you really wanna mark the end of the Byzantines
and Rome was a dump long before the 470s, it was still a massive deal in cultural terms. In the following century way more was written about Constantinople than the discovery of America
>muh Constantinpole
>muh christian world
Reminder that the empire was basically dead after CATHOLIC crusaders sacked it 1204 and weakened it beyond recovery. In fact if the Ottomans hadnt taken it over and made it the capital of their empire which lasted over 400 years, no one would think of it as being that relevant.
In cultural terms it was irrelevant, The Empire at the time was reduced to Constantinople itself and a few islands with the rest of the surrounding area having been taken over by the Ottomans. Western Rome on the other hand still controlled large swaths of land when it was sacked
Also not much was written about the Discovery of America simply because not that much had been discovered. No trade routes to India or China established and no gold found other than a few slaves brought back
Fuck the Gre*ks. 1182 never forget.
no you mean konstaniyye
Interesting that having "God" on your side didn't stop them from failing. Hmmmmmmmmmm...
>Western Rome on the other hand still controlled large swaths of land
Gauls controlled those lands and Rome itself for decades before the final sack. Hell, a bunch of high ranking "Roman" generals were Gauls
as opposed to the fourth crusade
The way things are now, we're not getting any awesome historical battle movies anytime soon. People would rather couch their battle porn in capeshit or other such fantastical fiction so that fewer people complain about things like "historical accuracy" and "shoehorning minorities and women into the story". It's so much easier for screenwriters to just write some bullshit and go "here" and not have to do a lick of research besides maybe reading a few Wikipedia articles.
Me personally, I just want a 10-movie series about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, is that so much to ask?
Even Constantinople was a shithole at the time of the fall.
It's Istanbul
Hollywood remake. Ottomans are progressive liberators.
Not Constantinople?
t. buttmad turk
>In cultural terms it was irrelevant
It was massive. Both culturally, but mostly symbolically for every christian in the eastern mediterranean. It put a definitive stop to the christian east who had been dying a slow death. Losing the seat of the patriarch of constantinople to muslims can't be underestimated.
>No trade routes to India or China established and no gold found other than a few slaves brought back
Slaves and gold was irrelevant in a European context. Coffee, sugar, potatoes and most importantly silver was the big deal. Insane amounts of silver. It basically financed Spain to the point that it ended up imploding the economy.
>No Fourth Crusade dark comedy with based Dandello fucking with everyone.