Your favorite movie

>your favorite movie
>your favorite drink

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Other urls found in this thread:


>jurassic park

Big Trouble in Little China
Scotch or beer.

what do you mean? What brand, just as it is or on the rocks, with tonic...?

Lost in Translation
pic related

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Cobra Verde

>Lost in translation

The World's End

No Country for Old Men
Don't drink

The rumps is a dangerous beast my friend

>Lager from a cold tall can

The Last Emperor
black coffee

Freddy Got Fingered

The replacements


Anything that will get me there

>Donnie Darko
>Nigger blood

Mon Oncle (1958)
Fernet and coke

>Lars and the real girl

in bruges

Black Tee, with milk
Lord of the Rings trilogy

Choc Choc milk
Star wars

The Thing

trash tier

so white tea then?

The Bridge on the River Kwai
Mulled Wine

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Gotten me fired from many a job and 86d from countless bars. But that's usually when I upgrade to Dead Nazis or the Iron Cross. And a lot of cocaine

Pulp Fiction
Three fingers of tequila with a splash of soda water and two limes


Alcohol lowers your IQ and only brainless morons continue to drink it after knowing this fact

Cold vodka

The Patriot

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Like 99% of the shit we do is bad for us.

If you want a healthy life, first thing you should do is get the fuck of Yea Forums and social media.

>dont have one

>Apocalypse Now!
>booze: white claw alchy seltzers
>non-booze: iced green tea

>lowers iq
gee, maybe you should tell that to my seven figure salary here in california, babygirl

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Blade Runner 2049
Whiskey and zero sugar monster

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Blade Runner (1982)
Corpse Reviver #2
It's delicious af:

Do you beat your wife

The Jerk


YOU can halt the progress of your own retardation. Stop drinking the liquid jew and SAVE YOUR LIFE.

Can't beat your wife if you dont have one.

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The ultimate cuck

Orange juice

Drinking like 15 small cups of wine a year won't do anything to you user, you probably lose more braincells in a week just walking down stairs.

don't reply to me westacuck

>Planet of the apes

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i'm an alcoholic so you're right. clean for 6 days now though :)


YOU are harming your liver. When you put your liver in poor health, your brain is deprived of oxygen and nutrients.

Which will not matter in the slightest.

You've done it, user! You've solved Alcoholism!

Paris Texas

I can’t chose between Pinocchio, Sideways, and Barry Lyndon
Either Sazerac rye or Wild Turkey 101 w cherry coke

>Cherry Coke
Dirty fucking bum.

I mean that or mexican coke. Regular coke is for barcucks

Why not just drink spirits neat?

>pulp fiction

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Lemon tea

I do that too, I just can’t deny there’s a magic w whiskey n some sodas
If I’m gonna go super hipster, it’s Sazerac rye w Swamp Pop brand ginger ale

>Cherry Coke
Cuck detected

>Captain Marvel
>Pregnant Mare Piss

>Can't choose
>Pepsi Max

Link to studies?

>The Godfucker

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