Based chad making women taste their own medicine.
sexual assault
this , she should be ostracized from the Hollywood community.
serves you right you good looking motherfucker lol
She's basically pic related but gender swapped
>sexual assault
>"Pitt, who stars as stuntman Cliff Booth in the Quentin Tarantino pic, doesn't even appear to make eye contact with the "Girls" creator."
What a cunt. She knows there are no repercussions for what she did so she goes ahead and does it.
its not like it matters, feminists understand the double standards, thats how they manipulate every situation in their favor. they think its "funny"..
I need to see this.
Can you imagine if some slobby fat jew tried kissing an a-list female star? He would be in jail right now.
>>man gets sexually assault
>>it's just awkward bro, calm down
year, current
didnt some sort of similar creature tried to do the same with seinfeld?
yes men are starting to wise up. They should be pressing charges.
>surprise kiss
So rape is surprise sex?
What if Brad Pitt elbowed that fat cunt right in the jaw? Would that be considered self-defense in Burgerland or would he get arrested?
Wtf I thought she was lesbo
Why is it always kikes?
Fat ugly feminist wants a piece of chad pitt
Post the video
Why do 2/10s think they can compete with 10/10 chads?
>that picture
If you have enough money and the right lawyer you can get away with anything
explain yourself coward
seconds before his death
RIP Brad ;_;
this is funny and lena dunham is based
stop pretending to be outraged
He’d get fucked, Lena would then claim he sexually assaulted her at some point during filming, burger would cry for blood, she’d go after someone else, repeat
HAHAHA, I unironically wish
This but unironically
it's funny watching all you femcells defend this fat ugly cunt.
>Would that be considered self-defense
no it would be considered a misogynistic , anti-Semitic "hate crime".
he is a male... he is already guilty by default and agravated for "doesn't even appear to make eye contact".
these fucking bitches with their #metoo shit need to be hanged for wrecking the entire courtship dynamic in the west. all their feminist bullshit goes out the window the moment they lay eyes on a good looking man. Islam had the right fucking idea all along.
She genuinely looks like she’s gonna burp something foul from the deepest pits of her stomach directly into that poor man’s olfactory receptors.
that’s what twitter would claim but what would the courts do?
why is it funny? doesn't she have an STD?
>Islam had the right fucking idea all along.
it is sad that MeToo proved all those old ideas about women being irresponsible children needing protection were right.
Controversial opinion:
I actually blame the judicial system and the weak men that let this happen. If crimes were punished proportionally, if accusers and perpetrators in rape cases were anonymous until a judgment, then this would never have happened
Jokes aside, it must be really fucking frustrating to be a woman with agency, autonomy and common sense watching as all this shit keeps happening
Not existing is quite the struggle.
>replying to yourself
where’s mahdiposter
what you are describing is a result of the culture. culture is the root of the problem. the other user is right, islamic cultures would never allow this to happen
>cultures not infected with the jewish disease would never allow this to happen
Haven't seen the movie yet, did Lena's character get brutally killed by Leo or Brad ? I might watch it if that's the case
When did Yea Forums become infested with a bunch of weird incels? You guys sound like a bunch of fucking faggots.
She also flashed him
based lena
Apatow didn't get enough shit for making her career a thing. Granted he did back far the fuck away the minute she started spewing her bullshit though.
>When did Yea Forums become infested with a bunch of weird incels?
been here a lot longer than you mr. moid apologist. Did reddit send you niggers over or some shit? Been noticing a lot of ugly fat cunt defenders this evening
I'm going to be sick
calm down Lena
post more of this pig being a pig
please no..
>sexual assault
there's nothing sexual about lena
Yea Forums did not used to be filled with this many woman hating incels. It's like an /r9k/ raid but all the time.
>Islam had the right fucking idea all along.
I still can't believe people haven't figured out Islam is the most Chad religion:
>don't eat disgusting pork
>make thots cover up, stone their shit if they fuck around
>worship the black cube with your bros
>fuck up your enemies, THEY apologize to you lmaooo
There's nothing sexual about Harvey Weinstien either.
>Lena no, it's Brad Pitt, not Pita bread
>Women can't sexually assault men
oh the irony lmao
>sleeping with the producer to get roles is sexual assault
i mean can you blame her? he's a total qt3.14
Too bad I'm gay, otherwise I'd love Islam
Fucking Pablo un there has me in stiches
At least you acknowledge your failings
Fucking this. Someone should arrest Brad Pitt before he strikes again
Why couldnt he cast mew again instead of this nasty bitch?
>Islam had the right fucking idea all along
Thus but unironically
Maybe some slobby fat goy
god she is so fucking disgusting
how did she even get into movies? she can't act and she's ugly as hell
I keep seeing this shit and I'm like "Why? Why would you do this? Why do you need to be a fucking cunt about everything you do?". People's lives get ruined because of it, there's a real getting created right now and just making relationships worse.
he should press charges desu
To me, lena Dunham is the poster child for "Obama-era Moderm Feminist," if that person was now washed up and raving in a dive bar about how they used to be somebody.
So feminism is just a ploy because shes lumpy instead of curvy. The funny part is I've met fat chicks with a better personality than Dunham, more like done ham.
Id rather eat hairy man ass
>More like done ham
I love how Pitt just lies in wait for just the right moment to knock jumped-up graspers down into the dirt. He did it with Jonah Hill and now Lena.
More like this, pls. Reverse rape is my fetish. But there's so little good content, or I just don't know where to find it.
friendly reminder
Meanwhile Leo...
should of knocked the ham beast out
Since when is a simple kiss to the cheek awkward these days? Celebrities have literally been doing it for years at awards or events when they greet each other. People who're making this big deal are either SJW feminists who wish they were in Dunham's position or seething incel faggots.
is this not the greatest impromptu acting performance of all time?
Lol that's literal sexual assault
she’s clearly not going for his cheek. and she’s a disgusting fat pig, if the roles were reversed you wouldn't hear the end of it from woke twitter feminists
good luck I guess. I don't have discord installed so there's no way I could talk you into seeing a shrink or even just calming down and evaluating your life and how you could move forward. I hope you find peace in death. life's never over until you let it be.
In this case it's awkward because you can see that Brad didn't want nothing to do with that hambeast kike.
Is this the woman from Dredd and Game of Thrones (saw bits of episodes)? I thought she looked fine in those.
Hold on there chap, we are still arguing whether Dunham qualifies as a woman before we begin hating here.
As australia-user stated here
he believes this cunt to be a man worthy of a prized wrestling move.
Harvey isn't in jail.
>brad pitt is 55
Nah shes one of the cultist tho
how the fuck did you confuse cersei/mama with that hambeast?
spent time tapping this shit post out bravo , You need to go back
4/10 would fuck and have ugly kids with
like father like son
What's her name?
Lena Headey
Got that mixed up. Thank goodness.
she had her ovaries removed, not because she had cancer, she lied about having "pain" but the real reason she did it, was to make some grand statement about child birth, and how unimportant it is. ill elaborate more when someone pays me.
Yeah I agree, instead of rejecting liberal faggotry we shoulduse it ourselves. fully embrace and expand it! What could go wrong
but its le funny when le women do it shes so random hahah i love her
i like this.
Is a message to all more stupid women that removing itself from the gene pool is a good thing. And leave room from the superior latina women.
jesus christ she’s fucking disgusting
Uh... that's rape, sweety. I'm so SICK of you fucking MISANDRISTS trying to sugar coat LITERAL RAPE!
>she's not going to shit out kike children
Thank fuck for that.
Courtship was ruined long before metoo. That shit only effects successful people anyway, so you don't have to worry.
>he hasn't taken the acceleration pill
What happened bros? She used to be 6/10, now shes 4/10.
Based Leonardo DiMuro
That poor, poor man
This fat pig will never feel anything but pure joy at this memory. She's done what millions of better females have wanted to do for years.
She just looks like a genuinely gross woman.
Even Amy Schumer I can see the appeal in, but this bitch looks like a lumpy potato.
Bro, She is 1/10.
in awe of the size of this lad
Gross, dude
Kys yourslef
Apatow didn't. It was her parents who where heavily involved in media. They had opeds running saying she is " the voice of a generation". This was before she'd done anything.
Where's that cunt from the other thread that said there's nothing wrong with nepotism.
This, , is what you get with nepotism.
How does this bitch keep getting away with her sexual crimes? She fucking admitted to abusing her sister and no one even bothered to investigate
>Islam had the right fucking idea all along.
Inshallah, Anonbibi...Inshallah
You should see the other cringe photos.
>dat brutal kitty
bloody hell. where do i get one like that?
This, BP needs to bring this cow to court.
She looks like she smells cigarettes and sour cat pee
It is by the new standards. Seeing her trying to be a woman for once is fucking hilarious too.
I see Lena Dunham as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.
That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.
I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Lena Dunham is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.
I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.
Yeah. I reckon Lena Dunham does it for me.
That’s how you know he thinks she’s an unfuckable pig. It says a thousand words.
She’s Jewish so Brad would be the one sued.
no thanks max, you need to get your shit straight first. i liked the orc cop movie with chris tucker in it though
This thread unironically killed my apitite
try going into jazz generals when wanting to loose some weight.
>ah there's my home boy leo! Hey, leo, hey!
>excuse me miss, would you just get...come on, let me pass, no don't, come on get out of the wayHEY LEO! miss no please get out of the way
I would have unironically killed myself by now if I were her. She keeps doing and saying stupid shit and getting dragged for it but won't back down. Kinda admirable I guess.
Cumbrains detected
to be fair most of the metoo accused have not been indicted because lack of evidence, so the judicial system is working as intended
problem is the social network bypasses the judicial system and decides whether you're guilty before you can ever see a court
My response to this is Bill Cosby. Literally tried in the court of public opinion.
>I'd rather live in a society where 99 guilty men go free than one in which a single innocent person is locked up
Suck in roasties
>He did it with Jonah Hill
There's the exact thread on reddit
Holy shit, even chrischan is hotter
...and also in a court of law.
When it happened to Brenden Fraser, he all but lost his career because of how he was treated, this type of things is not ok, watch as she gets away with it
she's always had that gross gas station clerk face
>There's the exact thread on reddit
lol faggot
Incidentally, we were covering women up way before Islam and were still doing it in parts of Europe until the mid-20th century.
Cheek kissing is awkward and (should be seen as) weird, I never understood this society meme
yeah I'm just gonna put my mouth on your face even though you're only an acquaintance of mine
so weird
watona culia
Imagine all the sex they get from midnight crackheads in exchange for some semi-fresh donuts?
Hot take:
We fucked up the moment we let the jews in
Baste Bradley.
what a repelling, disgusting swine
Cheek kissing and hugging have both seemed weird to me. What makes it worse is that you're only supposed to greet women this way, not men. But it's the socially-awkward people that don't do this. Or the creeps that do do this.
So you either have to be naturally good at it, or else you're one of the above.
It took me way too long to understand he had a beard and white upper face and not a mask and brown lower face
now i can't unsee your version, thanks user
She tried to infect him with gay
You wish you were kissed by a girl.
H A V E S E X, pathetic incel.
he’s lucky she didn’t finger him
Jewish supremacy is directly correlated with their pathological levels of sexual assault and pedophilia.
>“I’ve learned that you cannot predict who will satisfyingly dominate you and who will leave you feeling like a Thanksgiving turkey in a Forever 21 bralette, gnawed on then left at the table while everybody naps. I ask for what I want,” Dunham wrote in Vogue. “I listen to books and magazines that tell me ‘taking control is sexy! It’s what adult women do!’ But, like a petulant Jewish mother would say to a daughter who married a goy, ‘I shouldn’t have to ask. I want to be told; that’s part of my thing. That’s, like, my whole thing,” she said.
What did she mean by this?
i’m having sex right now
She means guys she hooks up with aren't very assertive. Probably because they have trouble even keeping it up.
>Celebrities have literally been doing it for years
Bro it's not just celebrities that greet with a kiss you fucking virgin.
I doubt she hooks up with anyone these days. Charlize Theron can't even get a man. What chance does Lena have?
Probably doesn't even know about being a big guy.
God I wish that were me
sexual assault
Everything Dunham does should be considered sexual assault
You are right user, I suck dicks
Alcoholism is a helluva drug
>it wont procreate
Based and redpilled
what's the lore with Jonah Hill?
>jewish "women"
FUCK YOU for subjecting this to me
I would. Don't even care anymore. I'm just so fucking lonely.
Women are so much weaker than men kek, they can never sexually assault men
gross, but cant blame her. brad is a fuckin icon man
if it was victoria justice, I'd be creepy too probably
iF tHe RolES WerE RevERseD
happens all the time
dois mio...
This but unironically
Hopefully she loses her career for trying to rape him
Brad Pitt's sought after lips are forever tainted. So sad.
There is nothing coincidental about this picture. Nope, It's two white people just like OP's picture.
>putting a jew in prison
Do you want them to cry another shoah?
Find a different comment for once.
she's a rapist
this but unironically
hello lena you useless slob
Second season of #MeToo is gonna be off the chain. Even Lena Dunham isn't safe.
needs to be posted more/retweeted to wake up all women.
imagine the smell
fucks sake now i cant finish lunch
sounds fucking stupid
>removed herself from the genepool for "woke"
she already is for defending some rapey writer guy who got #metoo'd
lord almighty
You can see the suffering in his eyes.
I'm christian but I'm thinking of seriously joining a Muslim terrorist cell and take up the sword against Jews and women with you bros.
just like she assaulted her sister.
So she wanted to start a family at 50+...
Just fuck her shit up
The thing is, men are better at brushing it off and moving on with their day
Oh shit, this is my favorite new meme face
basado y chilenopastillado
Remember when she finger banged her
Technically, this puts her in the running for a Darwin Award.
Shut the fuck up with this tough talk, you live in a soft noguns nanny shithole
Think about all the poor Muppets that died to make that abomination.
Reminder that she molested her younger sister and shoved rocks in her sister's vagina.
>tfw greet my main nigga with a solid two arm hug between the two of us
>his awkward friend who I've known since high school only ever does a one arm hug and looks in the dire opposite direction when saying hi to friends
protip: people pick up on that shit
Stop trying to be French. Also, drinking cosmopolitans does not make you cosmopolitan.
Is Brad Pitt the most powerful man in hollywood?
The gall for her to think she can approach someone far above her in any general capacity should be a felony charge of assault all together.
When a hot guy doms you it is hot, when a average guy does you it is awkward. She can’t tell the difference why
volcel if you wouldn't
Jonah deserved it for attempting to force a compliment from Pitt.
Me in the center.
bless this user
Imagine getting herpes from an unwanted kiss.
Imagine if Jonah Hill at his heaviest 300+ lbs or however much he was, going up and trying to kiss our frogfu on the lips. She'd probably push him away and be treated as wholly in the right.
Reminder that Luna Dunham is literally, LITERALLY A CHILD RAPIST. To expect her not to sexually assault people is silly.
>subjecting this to me
What's he listening to, bros?
Kek. user is a dumb doody head.
She admitted to molesting her younger sister as she slept and no one cared, why would they care about a relatively harmless kiss?
She's just so adorkable!
Depends on how powerful the Jew is. Harvey got away with groping women in public
Reminder that if the roles were reversed she'd cry rape and people would agree with her
Reminder that she wrote about sexually abusing her younger sister in her own fucking memoir
Look up the Duluth Model. He'd be guilty by merely having a penis. The only way a man can ever hope to avoid legal trouble touching a woman is if she poses a serious threat to him: I'm talking life or death. Not to mention his reputation would be forever tarnished as a woman beater.
Just goes to show you how dead Pitts career is that she wasn't shot by security for coming so close to him.
Can we just admit that men dont give a shit because theyre actually cool and start start shit like women do
The courtship dynamic waz wrecked the moment fathers were removed from the equation. Women are glorified children in adult bodies, and it's absurd to allow women to decide who they get together with.
>love me
she has some serious issues.
roasties btfo yet again
she's a fat jewess who does not have the sex she wants and hate goyim for everything; more news at the news
either frank ocean or bon iver
thinking about lena doneham coming up and putting her putrid black dick herpies riddled mouth around mine makes me want to vomit
she probably has cat feces in her vagina
You'd give a shit if that abomination tried to kiss you.
This is a self defense situation.
He is like gearbox, when he hits 25 he shifts.
>you will never be sexually asaulted by a 4/10 femcel on the red carpet, simply because you are so unbelievably handsome and charismatic
why even live bros
lol, kill yourself tranny
fuck you bro, I'm not joining a religion where you can't eat bacon.
Day 3 of nofap. I wouldn't mind hate-fucking tbqh. If she had a really hairy pussy that would sweeten the deal somewhat
>he doesnt know whats make up
shes disgusting, and so are you
here, let me make it even more confusing.
lmfao fifty
in that image of yours she's already hiding plenty of chub, terrible posture (no neck), a weirdly large, deformed face and showing her weird teeth. she was never more than a 4/10. at this point she's a 2 which means there are still plenty of women out there who you would prefer her over if you HAD to fuck one of them or her. those women are 1s, women you couldn't even make the call any more if you had to pick one of them. you'd just stare in horror and freeze up, not knowing what to do.
That dog has human eyeballs.
imagine the smell...
>if only you knew how bad things really are
Cursed image
Oh no, Brad did you have to fuck her? That look...
Why does she keep revealing herself like she has the body to justify it?
fuck it i would and you would too
Based fiddy
*pause, deep breath *
I hope she offs herself
Pure pottery
The nu-males raised on James Cameron flicks have been duped into believe that women are as strong as men. Separate facts from fiction.
what are the chances of this occurring?
Someone please edit this into the pic
>He quietly whispers as he pulls away, "me too".
1 in 1000 or exactly 0.1%