How come in the first season of Doctor Who the main girl having a black boyfriend wasn't something you would really notice but now it would be?
How come in the first season of Doctor Who the main girl having a black boyfriend wasn't something you would really...
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Because you were younger then and the internet hadn't fried your brain.
Also Mickey was based
>he dont remember that the girl that is more famous than this its an fucking ginger
Because it wasn't forced? And Mickey was based.
Interracial couples weren't associated with the European migrant crisis and the genocide of whites at that point
Now they are 100% associated in everyone's minds
Why is it always BMWF though
Damn, I don't remember Billie Piper being this cute.
It didn't really matter because she dumped him in the first episode
>cool working-class black guy character wearing a t-shirt with a nes gamepad on it
Was gaming already normie in 2005??
Because Mickey was a beta black boi. Rose deserved a true bull like Idris Elba. God only knows a Big Black Cock could do justice to her nice rear bumper.
Rose was the exact sort of character you would expect to lay black guys for no reason other than they are black
Because identity politics wasn't a thing yet and there weren't legions of sexually frustrated teenagers complaining online everytime they were triggered
Why do you say that? She was always nice
What makes it forced or not?
Because it wasn't quite as massively overdone as it is now.
Isn't the first season of Doctor Who from like 1960?
Remember when we had a black girl helper that wasn't a bad and shitty attempt to appeal?
Yes it was
Oh god, THIS
Like most fog breathing slags the attractiveness goes flying out the window the minute she starts to talk.
it's set in london so it's in character
Retro Atari shirts were a thing in the late 90s/early 00s and retro Nintendo and other retro gaming shirts were a thing in 2002 or 2003. I remember Hot Topic would sell them. Guess the UK had them too.
>What makes it forced or not?
The actor's race is chosen before the character writeup is finalized.
Because you weren't mentally ill from Yea Forums use back then
Because Mickey was actually a great character
Daily reminder for all jews and people of color ITT
NES didn't have any real presence there and they stuck to their shitty 8-bit computers though so it has that going for it as well.
Why does Yea Forums think Mickey is so based? I don't remember him much.
Because being black use to not be a big deal the Obama happend
True, I heard they didn't care for NES in the UK back then. At the same time, maybe Nintendo fans went back to discover the NES well after it was discontinued.
He was a weird little pussy for a while but really maned up when the end of the world came about i.e. he is a self insert for everyone on Yea Forums and every Doctor Who fan
All diversity is forced. In the west it's actually forced by law.
I think it lucked out in some weird corner of the map there but I'm not too well versed. Anons have told me that the only way you played games there as a youth was by convincing parents they were for schoolwork and cassette tape game piracy was rampant.
Because you were ten. People noticed.
People wrote it off as a british TV thing.
Also its some low level proof that all this false outrage of gender in tv and movies is fabricated by this boards never ending quest to prevent people from talking about movies like free thinking adults.
I was sixteen when I first watched it
That argument doesn't make sense for America. Even if you do have a racial identity here, it isn't tied to THIS country, and so it has no bearing on being able to fight for it or not.
Unless your racial identity is native American, of course.
How do you know they didn't do that for Mickey? Or vice versa for other prominent non-white characters in DW?
She was bad though. Not for social justice reasons, but she was a shit character.
Welp, this is it Yea Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>just lost 4k in stocks
>family wants to stab and murder and kill me until im dead
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
stream URL + quick rundown:
See you all soon, lads
Because Mickey was cucked by Doctor
but it does make sense for the entirety of europe
Delete this, Marta was a cutie.
dont do it, the nogs are still there ya know
Society hates black women, so even when they want to do interracial couples they think people won't accept WMBF. Even when they do do it the black woman is always very light skinned.
>black boyfriend
>is a cuck
>finally finds happiness with a giant-toothed negress
Based BBC making the term BBC great again
Because he was also directing and starring in based kidulthood and adulthood
I hope you fuck up and only blow your face off.
Because you're picking 2 seasons and ignoring the one that came next where the whole thing was BWWM
She could have been really good, the problem was after the first episode they seemed to forget they wanted her to be an intellectual equal to the Doctor and just had her become a cookie cutter companion running around being bewildered by things. I still think some of that seasons scripts were old ones and they just changed Rose to Martha in the script.
One time he saved the universe with a big yellow bus
this tbqhwyfam
Ask your mum/sister/girlfriend.
thats not any better
why not BMBW?
why is always some white on black shit?
Probably because she was only medical smart, and when it was needed she was able to help
i noticed it back then thats why i stopped watching
What the fuck are you talking about. Every kid had either a Sega or Nintendo growing up, usually both. This was in the late 80s early 90s, right up until the ps1 came out.
For the past 10 years at least the retro console market has been popular in the UK, I can get a good price on eBay for a mint condition SNES for example.
Genysis and Dreamcast never took off here though
Yes of course Donna is my favorite companion how did you know?
Because it was pretty obvious there wasn't some sort of agenda behind the decision.
Yes, but in a clever bit of subversion the black boyfriend got cucked by a Caucasian space alien.
/pol/ hadn't rotted your tiny little brain yet
>/pol/ hadn't rotted your tiny little brain yet
>Now they are 100% associated in my mind
Because it wasn't EVERY SINGLE TIME yet. And because Micky went through some serious work to earn his status as relatable. (Unlike Rose, actually.)
>That argument doesn't make sense
You should have stopped there, user.
because it was so ridiculous and unlikely to happen in the real world that it became part of the suspension of disbelief, not the white genocide we see today
Was referring more to the state of things when Mattel was marketing it there 35+ years ago and not so much the last ten years but I don't have a dog in this race.
The important thing is any good 8bit pc game that were worth playing we got for Amiga and C64.
What do you mean by white genocide? It's not like anyone's going around masskilling whites
You've been hanging out on this site too long, OP. It's time for a break.
What's the name of the show/film?
>What is South Africa?
And then there's the countless rape epidemics in Europe.
>caring about South Africa
>repeating eurorape memes
What's wrong with repeating memes that are based on real life
Or Chinese
Because then it was both fairly unusual and non-threatening because Mickey was a subordinate character.
Rose's bodyfriend being black told you that Rose was from a poor part of London, made questionable choises and her Mum probably worried about / for her.
Then add in that the white Doctor is so obviously more interesting and capable and exciting than Mickey and Rose is clearly going to be interested in him for the adventure he can show her even if she doesn't think he's hot, and Mickey is just, well...the dog.
Now black man white woman is very common to the point of having degraded any meaning or metaphor (Get Out absolutely destroyed it having any artistic credibility for any other project) and is tiresome because it's unoriginal and lazy.
The BBC is scrutinised on whether it is representing every group in British society and they have the royal charter renewal every 10 years(?) Someone correct me if I'm wrong. They still get shit on for not representing people of each region since it's either, London, Manchester, Scotland or Wales but they make up for it by shoving in black people whenever they can and now it's the LGBT community they force into every series they have lately. Even when a gay man was running Doctor Who, the worst you'd get for something forced is Mickey being a black actor which is perfectly fine because being black isn't a huge part of his identity and Jack was a gay actor playing an omnisexual future man which can be read as how the liberal heads of BBC actually view the future of society, where everybody will identify as omnisexual and it doesn't matter or whatever, but yeah it's always been a thing, but this board focuses on it now because only in recent years /pol/ has been leaking into other boards because of GG and 2016 US elections. At least that's my theory. In the end though, like I said, they weren't really bothered about forcing in dumb shit that didn't exist at the time like #BLM and LGBT crap and whatever.
Mickey was based, he had such a great character arc.
It was a British show. They aren’t obsessed with racism like USA is.
>based on
That's a low bar for accuracy. Christianity is based on the bible but is a million miles away from Jesus' teachings.
>At least that's my theory
But she was. She was the perfect sassy straightman to all the sillyness of the show
Because we aren't naive anymore
>believes everything /pol/ says
>not naive
Rickey, Rose, Jack and 9 being in the tardis will forever bee the best crew, don't @me
Because the Doctor cucked him immediately.
Mickey was portrayed as a pathetic loser compared to the awesome and very white Doctor
That looks more like season 27
Based RTD
Reminder of who nu-who fans are
God I wish I was a girl. Life would be really easier
>Fearful of being Jewish playthings
>Longs for being a wind up toysoldier puppeteered and easily manipulated like a child by grug tribal nationalism to go die like animals for state political goals
You cannot fucking make this up.
>lalalalala you're racist and bigot lalalalala
Oh it definitely applies. A good job was done at one point in trying to unify different backgrounds under the idea of being American but that's all going down the toilet where you have politicians that will openly pander to black or Hispanic tribalism.
>jews are genetically inferior to white men
>jews are secretly in control of everything
Make up your fucking mind, retard.